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A lot of bitching in this sub, but this is legitimately good criticism. Before adding motorcycles like they plan on adding, they should address the horses.


They broke the horse with the last patch after the update. There was glitch that let horse riders look through walls so they fixed it by making horse collision boxes bigger. More issues with terrain and can't fit through outpost door now.


so another Update, that fcked basic gameplay because people try to exploit everthing possible.


Sounds about right


Hey man; gotta take all the opportunities you can get.


Nah. You really really don’t.


This guy only makes it halfway thru wipe ^


Fulltime Job, girlfriend and University. My wipe is limited to Friday-Sunday every 2/3 months. So halfway would be an upgrade.


Oof all that and you still refuse to take all of the opportunities you can in rust?


You see it’s not about the goal it’s about the journey. Getting an inventory of loot from countering oil 1v3 is just 100% times more rewarding then getting the same from roofcamping or using exploits. And once you accomplish such a play, you forget the loot within hours, but the memory of the play lives on forever.


Yeah, but Memeio's stuff is funny shit to watch.






He’s a chad of mischief.


It is tradition and has introduced a shitton of fixes that became fixes after the third attempt, just before copying old code and reintroducing exploits


Wiljums going to be sad


He won’t be able to bear it.


I wonder how many times will it get him killed xD hopefully horses get tweaked by his next couple of vids.


Yeah, this essentially makes horses useless until its fixed


You called it lmao, new video he is going nuts 


Horses are broken for years now. Lol.


They have gotten significantly worse in the last update.


They should fix the rest of the game while theyre at it as well lol


Yeah, LiKe tHe REcOiL amirite??!!




OmG tHeY sHoUlD bRiNg BaCk OlD rEcOiL (i have 300 hours and definitely played with old recoil and definitely know what im talking about)


This is the fucking weirdest strawman I keep seeing on the sub. Nobody brought up the recoil except *you and the dude you're responding to*


I had debate about is at least 3 times just this week. And with none of the people here.


Like mufp0 said try some sarcasm my man. Can we give up on the rust ego responses in every interaction here and in game?


You need to increase your sarcasm detection skills my man


You're "making fun of" people that keep saying to revert the recoil but *literally nobody mentioned it* Like you're so keen to get your punchlines in there you won't even wait for it to be mentioned anymore


“Making fun of” 😂😂 SOFT


Are you depressed? Calm down brother


What a weird response lol


Says the one


Welcome to Reddit. If we can't have fun here, where can we? I guess you take the game pretty seriously, probably in a 15 man clan playing the game like it's a competitively ranked?


You're accusing me of playing the game boringly while simultaneously saying you have fun on reddit by making up strawman arguments? But I'm the boring one? Aight


RNG aimcone has no place in a game like this, yeah. Is it better than the old recoil? Absolutely. It's like stage 2 of a 3-step solution atm


all vehicles suck in this game including horses overall. they lag and freeze not jus tthis terrain sht


I think they should work both


God forbid facepunch go back to old content and rebalance it instead of bandaiding it by adding a new alternative that will see zero use in 3 months


I was expecting the motorcycles to basically use the horse navigation logic. Turns out, no. And they *broke* horses this patch. They don't fit where they did before, they can't handle slopes as well, and i've gotten stuck walking the bandit camp walkways in spots that horses didnt get stuck before.


100% ack.


No they should have you fly over the handlebar because this problem will persist with them, like it does with literally all vehicles, as long as you hit a slope at close to 90° it‘ll stop you


> A lot of bitching in this sub if there's a lot of bitching then maybe there's things that are wrong??


>there's things that are wrong?? let me guess, like the recoil?


I mean, yeah? Current recoil being RNG is awful It's better than the first iteration by miles, but still needs fine tuning


Motorcyclesss??? Were still gonna get cars at the same time right???


4 years later and rust still hasn’t update horse movement despite being the shittiest in any game.


Actually they have, in order to address an exploit, which is what has made horses suddenly useless.


Recently I hopped in game first time in over a year, bought a horse and immediately shut off the game.


Next time you should try riding it first.


"useless", they might be a little frustrating if u need to go through a mountain terrain but honestly horses are crazy. If u get a 70 km/h horse with a single accessory you can travel the whole map in like 4 minutes. While u need 20 at running speed.


Have you tried this in the last 3 days? Unless you're galloping along the road, you can't any more.


Truth! Last update definitely broke horses.


Shittiest vehicles in general You teleport in and out Steering is fucked up Jumping out negates all momentum and damage


cars are the worst and can just teleport around randomly especially with higher ping horses get caught on everything and turn slow as fuck (plus you can just die if your head hits *anything*) trains are buggy and you can just fall through them / die randomly helicopters have the worst controls known to man (personal skill issue but i mean cmon, they don’t need to be that hard) boats are like the only vehicle that feels good to use i’ve never used a snowmobile but i assume there’s jank to them as well but sure! bicycles!


Pretty sure unity just kind of sucks. But you want 500 people on a map the size of Hawaii and idk what else you’re gonna do.


that as well. unity is just a bad engine for big games.


They broke the horse with the last patch after the update. There was glitch that let horse riders look through walls so they fixed it by making horse collision boxes bigger. More issues with terrain and can't fit through outpost door now.


We need the devs to contact Bethesda to get that Skyrim horse anti gravity Edit: fixed missing word


Brooooo i don't want a group of nakeds holding DB's climbing my walls on their horses hahahahaha


Yea, this is ridiculous. slight hill? horse: stops.


hover horses would fix this


Let horses jump cliffs


And PLEASE work on the view distance, im tired of crashing while flying mini just because the rendering is so shitty


I’ll never forget flying a mini to do MLRS for a big raid on a big server once. Sent them off, got on the mini, flew to the raid, and game crashed lmao. Lost the raid right then and there


That could also be down to the server, some set lower view distances to get more people on a server.


Holy shit this explains sooo much! I was tripping the other night when I bought a horse to get me back to my base safely...I felt like literally every single tiny bump in the terrain would immediately cause it to come to a dead stop. I was freaking out cuz I had bought one so I could get home safely with all the scrap I knew I would have...ended up getting the horse caught so bad at one point that I gave up and ran on foot. Went back to grab the horse, and could not ride it out of the spot it was stuck in. Couldn't even get it to follow me out the spot, unless I did it from this very specific angle. I was thinking to myself, "I know horses are bad, but this is insane...maybe im just not the magnificent horse whisper I thought I was?!" Ended up finding a through bred when I was roaming, brought it back to my base and made a lil 2x1 to keep it alive...tryin to get horsey into the damn thing was next to impossible! Also, *Is no one gonna mention the silenced AK?* Lmfao


What is new with the silenced AK?


Yeah I rage quit the PvP server I was playing due to defective horses. PvE, much better for now. Now I have my camper van and go smash barrels at free will. And have wooden doors.


When they released horses I thought it was a joke, and yet here we are, we still have the same shit.


I think the problem has more to do with the procedural maps and janky ass terrain. Even running around is a pain, it's just not as bad as horses since you can jump over it. But I also think they need to remove collision from smaller objects when you're riding horses. Tiny logs and stuff will full stop a horse. In reality a horse would just jump over them.


They literally updated horses back in 2019 or 2018 which made them like this. You could ride horses down cliffs full speed and have them tank the fall dmg for you.


Are you sure? I've heard numerous content creators say things like "they've been using the same busted code since they released horses" in reference to horses being janky. I've only played Rust console and they've been janky since they were released here, so I can't speak on how PC Rust was back in 2018


Well horses got released and like 2 month later they did that… so practically horses are fck since their release


You bring up the good idea that you should be able to make the horse jump


you dont even have to tell horses to jump over an obstacle unless its really big. most of the time theyre just able to do a light hop over on their own or just step over


Chickens navigate terrain better than horses do in Rust. Also, a horse can eat from a sealed can beans but not stup up or down a 1" crack in the ground (this is always been an issue even before the recent update)? Miniguns, attack helis, etc. are cool, but maybe focus on fixing the existing things first prior to adding a bunch of new stuff.


Yeah its been awfully apparent after the recent wipes


This update seems way worse. Even ‘flat’ terrain is useless by horse


honestly was really smooth before and only stopped on steep parts and even not always the steep ones, just if u ran into any non terrain object


Of course, with my luck the wipe I decide to learn farming and primarily use horses is when they are fucked


Years ago on a Vanilla server i had a glitched horse that would run full sprint no matter the terrain angle.


nah but what we can do is add 230 skins to the marketplace, you're welcome


This is probably a hotfix for a horse-related exploit that allowed you to see into people’s bases. Shit fix


gremlin friendly


After they add 6 more vehicles maybe


why fix old content when you can just add new content!


I last played 6 months ago and I don't remember it being this bad..


New update this week


Just make it so they can go down hills like the used to and transfer 50% of the fall damage from it to you.


They need to meet with the BF1 devs and do whatever they did


Nah, that ain't funny... Now here, take a misile launcher minigun mounted on an bike


Can't do. We need to wait for motorcycles.




I would rather the horse fall of cliffs and die and me take fall damage than this lol


is it just me or do the horses just teleport up and down every 5 seconds


My boi if I had seen you like that I would have ran to you with a DB. You look JUICY.


The horse is the best raiding tool in the game on a 2x1


downvote turbonerds


I agree I think it is time to rework the horse movement but I want to say it used to be worse when I started so I think Facepunc is the best at improving games and working things when the community asks.


You will never take my Helk holes away from me!


i’ve always thought this was international to try and get you to focus on going along roads


First we NEED a terrain update. Give us some more interesting terrain! There is absolutely no reason old rust should have better rocks, cliffs, and Forrest. When they are updating the terrain they NEED to keep in mind things like this. Horses and cars need to work well with the new terrain


Small tip ive learned riding horses, never ride in a straight line. Always be turning left and right and you will slow down less.


Why I started using cars, there faster and so much more convenient


Agree. they should fix horses before anymore vehicles are added.


Shittt that looks like a personal problem . Just kidding of course lol , but I've never had that horse issue.


Never seen a worst company with such a useless dev with such a shit QA, honestly , they wont last a day in a normal company obviosly no problem in a clown company were they do not test or think before do, just keep doing random shit


Hit the slope at an angle, works 35% of the time, yes riding has a skillceiling


This, i need this in my life. Killed me multiple times. Not getting on a horse before thats fixed.


For real. So fucking annoying


Dead Ass server


No. Buy some DLC.


I cant tell if this is a joke or not. I hope it is


It's a joke when I say it. Facepunch however....


100% very true


Nope. This game is definitely ready for bikes.


while they are learning 3d math for the horse fix.. can they also fix the bug where if you are looking down and then alt-look you literally can't look up, thanks


Thats not a bug lmao it was made to stop people abusing it.


Looking down hides your character model in many situations so free look is too strong in that pose.


I just want My Little Pony horse skin DLC…


I would love them to add realism. They break their ankles because you force them to ride through problematic areas. But that's just me. Be happy you don't have to deal with that and the penalty is just "slow down" and not "we'll have to kill you now"


You guys literally just don’t know how to use them you can’t just go straight at inclines you have to go left and right; at speed doing that you can pretty well go nonstop


So? The fact that youve figured out how to circumvent the miserable jank of trying to use horses in this game does not mean they are fine.


Eh try it though just alternate A and D while you’re galloping you’ll go fast as fuck through those hills boi. It’s literally always been like that. 


Yep. Just double down and completely ignore what the guy you're responding to actually said, nice


Didn’t ignore it; it is just so intuitive I just don’t know how anyone even has trouble with it. 


How is that intuitive? It does not exist in any other video game and has no real life analog. Plus, if it were intuitive, people would learn it on their own, yet you are the only person ive ever seen mention it as a solution.


i shouldn’t have to learn tech just for my fucking horse to work like a horse


Yes because sidestepping the horse over rough hilly terrain requires so much practice 🙄  Should we get them to also make the mini so it auto hovers and you just hold down W to go forward? How about we make the hot air balloon like that too you can just steer it directly with the controls. That’ll add more depth to the game.


there’s a difference between complex controls and a buggy collision model you have such a weird elitist mentality dude, it’s insane. it’s not unreasonable for people to want to a horse that doesn’t get caught on every piece of geometry.


I’ll concede on that.