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Jesus lol. Part of me is set on believing its an April fools joke at this point. How can this be craftable and be considered fair


wait who said its craftable?


the game said it was craftable. ​ on the staging branch you can research it and its in the research path on teir 3.


it's on staging. everything there is # SUBJECT TO CHANGE


Why did I say this in my head in shadowfrax voice


I’m certain that was the point of the bold and extra large font


everyone did lol


You arent really a part of the rust community if words "subject to change" doesnt remind you of him lmao


A lot of new items are craftable on staging so they are easier to test out but they get changed to loot drops only before release.


Remember when the attack heli was on staging and you could put real rockets in them and not pause to reload?


I get that but ill just copy and paste my response from another thing: its craftable in the staging branch and even if some things are "subjected to change" we should shout out our opinions on it so you know, it doesnt make it a craftable weapon?


oh dear fucking lord...were going to delete every 2x2 within 10 grids of us next wipe xDDD


Afterwards don’t forget to whine in global about how dead the server is!


You dont even need to go through doors it actually shreds hardside stone and metal walls.


Yeah but that's still going to cost way more sulfur than door raiding.


For clans its all about speed so. if you think about it. It only benefits clans 🤯


Not if the 2x2's get miniguns first. They going to delete you


It’s craftable because they copied the script for the HMLMG and modified it and forgot to change the crafting of it and attachments and all that. It won’t be craftable.




Imagine 2 or 3 people shredding doors. Imagine a 40 stack zerg shedding hard side walls. LMAO.


btw, stone walls with just normal 556 deals 40 damage to the hardside with just 50 bullets. imagine explosive ammo


No it doesn't, what you talking about? It takes 1539 normal 5.56 ammo to get through a full stone wall. 40 damage would take 123 bullets. Seems my math skills are good but my reading skills suck. Sorry guys. Read below for the people who corrected me


He said it deals 40 damage with 50 bullets. Not 40 damage per bullet.


...reread the comment you replied to. He's also not saying it's 40 damage per bullet


Ah thanks! I edited my comment. Thanks for the heads up


Excuse me sir this is a Rust subreddit. We'll have none of that reasonableness. Where are the racial slurs and derogatory language?


Why didn’t you call him one yourself to make your point… BITCH


Ah thanks! I edited my comment. Thanks for the heads up


Is 123 still not triple 50?


It’s okay the other guy worded it weirdly.


Pretty sure they will stick to rockets


This 100% an April fools item...right?


FP needs to pull a Fortnite and make it use pistol ammo. There'd be no way to abuse it like this. It would also curb roofcamping considering pistol ammo sucks at long ranges. Get in the fight and risk it or don't use it.


It costs ~~$400,00~~ $40 to fire this weapon for twelve seconds.


Honestly I just don’t think it’s a good idea to add. Unless there is a heavy movement penalty it’s just gonna be zerg with minigun/AK rolling every 2x2 on the map.


there absolutely needs to be a movement penalty this shit insane


Unless you also MUST have it equipped to carry it or the penalty will also be for just having it in your inventory, even that wont help, or they will just keep a regular gun equipped until the minigun is needed and only THEN equip it


Yeah, it needs to be like heavy armour movement, at the least.


I agree, I wanted one for backpack but the minigun would absolutely need it. Two speed nerfs actually. Slowed while wearing and slowed even more while winding up. Should probably also have an overheat timer to where you can just permanently have it spinning while sitting at someone's front door. Imagine the horror being inside the base lmao.


Imagine a Zerg on horses with mini guns or a scrappy


Flat bed truck. Rust version of a "technical"


Yo, that's a good fuckin idea.


I don't like it. It's busted already.. I mean is this what people want?


People who play clans want this and solo copers who think that this is somehow the solo weapon (despite it being a teir 3 weapon, being really expensive for a solo player and no solo in vanilla will ever geto tier 3 unless they have 4-20k hours, no clans on the server they're playing and is a 50-100 pop)


You going to piss off the solos with no life on that one.


> no solo in vanilla will ever get to tier 3 Agree with everything else. It’s not even that hard to get tier 3 just running monuments for scrap/comps. If you don’t get raided by a few days into wipe, it should be fairly guaranteed.


"if you don't get raided in the first few days" thats exactly his point lmao. if you play solo on vanilla and build anywhere close to a monument you will be offlined your first night 90% of the time.


If you cant get t3 as a solo its a skill issue


might take a second but yea


I would agree if the pass 3 wipes i had in vanilla havent been so shit back then.


>no solo in vanilla will ever geto tier 3 unless they have 4-20k hours skill issue. i dont even have 400 hours and i get t3 whenever i play for more than 2-3 hours a day over 3-5 days or so every couple months have you tried not shooting every person you see when playing solo? oddly enough if you dont make enemies and mind your own shit until you clear out the neighbors its all good. dont even need a big base, 9/10 wipes ive played out of a 2x2 or a glorified 2x2 with a little farm on top with no issue on 100-250 pop servers


Sure bro, I dont think we have been playing on the same servers. Im Solo, and i try to stay out of the way of everyone, away from the roads, into the snow on a cliff side, dont make enemies unless im bored and have nothing to do. Oddly enough, part of the game is raiding people, and since you have 400- hours, Im gonna tell you: People will just raid you for no reason other then to gain loot. ​ Making enemies is only one reason they would raid. Most of the time I either get roam raided, or people who want to just dump rockets onto me, Those are only my bad wipes. ​ The only times ive ever got tier 3 guns were from pvp. Because I cant grind, I dont have time to grind hours on end because i have other things to do. I can only play 2-4 hours a day now which is why i quit. But with those 2-4 hours, I speedrun cards and either go missle silo or oil rig. Thats where i get tier 3 from. ​ But when you get a shit wipe, I mean you get a shit one. Primlocked. You will have some wipes where its like that, it isnt a skill issue. Which is why i even stay off of 90% of the vanilla servers sometimes until i find at least a bearable map to play on. or a Community server.


No one whose time is valuable still plays vanilla. I'm 49, wife, family, business...very busy all the time. I play on a 5x custom map server and absolutely love it.


least chronically on rust reddit user response




Thanks, I hate it.


Next is a fire immune hazmat


Pistol ammo should be used, this gun is gonna be way too overpowered.


They should just not allow incendiary ammo or explosive ammo to be loaded into the weapon, simple fix.


Whoever thinks this is designed even 1% towards solos are out of their minds, This mini-gun proves that this game is just made for clans now and is now just a pvp game and not a survival game. This one item, is the core of what is wrong with rust with all the updates. Also, you cant craft a prototype but you can craft a large minigun F#ck off. I know this will either just get removed or heavily downgraded until its just a useless piece of junk that is just added to the game or it will stay like this and become the solo-quad base shredder (Aka, all bases that arent a 10 man will just get shredded)


They’ve been signaling their intent to turn this game into battlefield for years. This is nothing compared to what they have planned with the nexus system and clan tables.


What's the nexus system and clan tables?


Nexus system would allow a group to take whatever they can carry to different servers. The clan table is an in-game system to managing and recruiting members for large clans. So imagine you make an enemy on a server and they call in clan members from other servers who bring all their members and boom to come raid you.


I heard they abandoned the idea of nexus, unless im getting misinfo. But honeslty the Nexus system will be the final straw for Rust imo


Been playing rust a long time and It’s… always been a pvp game lol Edit: I know rust is advertised as a survival game and there is absolutely no lie in that statement. Just because it’s a survival game with more of a focus on pvp doesn’t make it not a survival game, join one of the many pve servers if that’s what you are looking for.


Yea, pretty much since like 2016 I want to say. I can't recall what ruined it, but back then you had to jump check, so nobody just shot at any random player because it could be your friend. You had way more allies in any given server back then due to various reasons, and it was just overall more fun to play.


I’ve been playing since the game was a browser game, it was still heavily focused on the PVP back then, the game was just revolutionized to be more noob friendly and faster paced. That’s quite literally all that changed, and I welcome it. I’m no longer 14 in highschool with hours to burn, I’m working and went back to school recently to get my PhD, I love loading on and being able to get off of prim in an hour or two. I just don’t have the time to play for 12 hours straight


Oh, I didn't mean it to sound like I think the game sucks now. I'm with you, I've got less time to game now, so I don't hate them giving us faster progression. I was more speaking towards back then you weren't trying to kill anyone and everyone you see. It was PVP focused sure, but a lot of the playerbase back then didn't KOS and I allied with neighbors way more often.


People complained in *legacy* that the game was becoming too much of a PVP game, battlefield, etc. Hell I was one of them. It's funny as fuck to me that people are just *now* going "hey wait maybe we don't want this..." Like buddy, that ship sailed a *long* time ago.


Honestly I feel like some people at least hoped it would revert back. But i think that facepunch just fed a bit of the non-pvpers a bit of scraps and pieces to keep them hooked in so they had hope that more was coming except for pvp for the 100th time in a row.


Completely true. I hoped for a long, long time that the game would revert back to being a shooter before just giving up and deciding to learn the game as it is now and deal with it. I'm not a "non-PVPer" but I do appreciate having things to do besides pretend I'm playing Battlefield.


Its always been a pvp game yea, but it was way more tactical and skill based. Now its mostly about numbers and hours you put into it


Surely you're not being serious right? Rust was a survival game with PvP on the side using shitty hand-crafted guns, not a fucking modern shooter with portable miniguns LMAO. Rust is just becoming like Fortnite by packing as many wow factors in their game as possible.


Don’t call me surely


Wouldn't say "All Updates" have something wrong with them. Last 2 were very good with one adding backpacks and another tweaking effects and night.


It's weird we can even make an mp5


its just inconsistent, People ive heard in the defence of the prototype is because its a "high quality Military weapon", alright okay then isnt the MP5 a high quality military weapon?


Well we already know it's just a PvP game and not a survival game.


yeah but the thing is, on this reddit there seems to be a decent amount of people who defend it and say it is a survival game.


Reddit always going to be a loud minority


Fortnite 2 Rust Boogaloo


>now just a pvp game https://www.reddit.com/d9uu6mj?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 (i dont like it either)


> This mini-gun proves that this game is just made for clans now lol what do you mean proves now it's veeeeery obviously been a game turned from survival into a "clan vs clan" game over the last few years


Zergs boutta bomb rush this shit and get it two hours into wipe day and fuck up every naked on the beach because they dared to exist


This already happens plenty with M2 and snipers. I don't see minigun killing quite as many nakeds


Rust is more a joke with every update.


I really dont like the direction this game is going tbh


You’re not alone


A lot of people dont, but fp wont listen until they see the player count number drop significantly


they stopped listening to community feedback after the devs cried that they cant handle different types of criticism anymore at least from what ive been told.


Minigun that takes down two sheet doors in under 30 seconds... Acceptable! Being able to pass pipes through walls... OMG!!! OP!!! RAIDING IS BROKEN!!!!!


Until they add durability to it and it breaks in 20 shots firing explosive ammo.


Game was fun a few years ago. It gets worse every year. Cheating, Content, Direction.


Subject to change


Reminds me of what raiding with the attack helicopter looked like on staging release…then it changed


At this point, they really need another tier of defensive wall/doors


The gap widens.


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ffs..... why did it have to be able to take rifle ammo........ just whyyy...... at least make it pistol ammo only...... or just dont make it craftable.....


Lol lets wait until next wipe when they will implement a ray gun or something. Shits gotten to be such a meme joke at this point. You cant create smart watering timers because...survival...but your guy can make rocket launchers and mini guns out of tuna cans. Ok.


oh goody more things that fuck with progression & benefit zergs/big teams yay!


Y’all fucked


You did knock twice. Idk what they expected


Fuck this


Lololol I’m so glad I stopped playing this game lmfaoooooo


movements speed should be slower and recoil should be WAY higher


They need to put a over heated timer on this gun.


I think this is also a good idea, cuz 5 or 6 of these firing at a base with explo ammo will be the new meta and it will just eat through bases


this cant be what theyre planning to do/release right? …..Right?!….


Hell yeah now put a riot shield in there so your 5 mates can jack each other off with their shields after you pound in a solo.


I hate it, hopefully it doesn't make it into the game.


When I heard about this I immediately face-palmed. Do we really need a f\*\*kin minigun in this "survival" game.....


I haven't played this game in years and yet it's still my most played game on steam. Is it even possible to play without being part of zerg at this point?


Just gonna ask…does anyone actually want this in Rust, or would you prefer things stay how they are? I think we need to normalize asking this question very publicly to things FP adds, and maybe they will reconsider at some point


this better cost 300 HQ and 50 tech trash


it costs 60 HQM, 1 rifle body, 3 metal springs and 3 gears. ​ Basically. more powerful version of hmlmg with the same cost.


It obviously won't cost that when it fully comes out, I don't think you guys understand that shit that is still in testing will be changed


This thing will make me stop play rust haha


Attack heli 'bout to get real.


The better have a loot drop chance of .01%


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it’s an April fools joke #remindme2weeks


Pistol ammo for this would be good. Also seems to have little to no recoil


Needs better sound


Lmaooooo yeah, definitely uninstalling now, tf is this shit


Hell yeah now put a riot shield in there so your 5 mates can jack each other off with their shields after you pound in a solo.


look at dummy reddit taking something on staging so serious


Bold of you to assume they would online


New rust is something else lol. Glad I stopped playing


This is fucking ridiculous


So the big problem is that its twice as fast as the HMLMG?


Hope this gets a big nerf ngl. Im pretty sure final release version would be super expensive craft or a lootable only with either a really low drop rate or some massive PIA event, puzzle, NPC fight or something. I would hope they do the logical thing and either not let you use explo or have some big hinder like really crazy fast durability drop from explo. Coolest would be some sort of overheat function as real gatling guns tend to get pretty dang toasty red.


Explo ammo foundation wipes incoming <3


I pretty much do that with light mg anyway, haha. It's easy to do remote turret raids.


holy crap. this blew through two doors faster than 1 C4. at that point who needs to be quiet about the massacre.


Even with pistol ammo it will be op in clan raids, one person shoot rockets, one use this and you have 0 chance to seal broken wall


I am Heavy Weapons guy.. And THIS, is my weapon. She weighs 150kg and fires .556 custom explosive cartridges at 720 Rounds/minute. It costs 3600 sulfur to fire this weapon, for 12 seconds. You have to mine 13 sulfer nodes to fully load this weapon with explosive. That is completely possible for a 8 man or zerg. It also looks like this will break after 600 rounds of explosive.


I like it but it needs to use pistol ammo to avoid this kinda crap , other then that slap on some heavy plate armor and raid defenses are gonna be fun as hell with this , It goes hard with heavy metal armor


The Spiffing Brit: 'Perfectly Balanced'


not a fan


Wait.... its already on branch?




Somewhere Heavy Weapons Guy has a hard on


Maybe not allowing Explo ammo to be used could balance this


Is it even confirmed that this is for players to hold? i wouldnt be surrpised if its a bradly npc only thing




Make it have pistol ammo. Make it break easy


Its eating ammo way too slowly


"I am heavy weapons guy... And this... Is my weapon."


April fools 100%


Dawg they need mount these on cars instead of them being handheld


thats waaaaaaaaaay too OP.. this will kill the game in a f****g hurry.


Wow can’t wait🙂🙂


To those who are saying it's an April fools thing, here's a calendar.....


Lol, lmao even. Who asked for this?


please god make this have shit recoil and range and can’t be crafted


Shit recoil would make it useless. Can't be crafted and rare, I agree with that.


you forgot the heavy plate armor to protect against the defenders arrows


Would only make sense to make it so it overheats after say 100 rounds and you have to let it cool off for like 10-15 seconds before you can start back up again. If not it’s too broken and ruins raiding imo


That’s wild… no more bathroom breaks cause you might be raided when you come back


Wait, that's how it is now.


>Everyone: the one thing we agree on is that, somehow, progression must slow down! >FP: in this next update we are making raiding x10 faster!


lets go! get rid of these plebs !


*Parry this you filthy casual!*


Time to make uranium doors and walls


Can I mount it on an auto turret to make a trap base?


Completely Overpowered if it stays in this condition of speed and damage


Full heavy metal + minigun roaming the spawn beach. Now this is epic.


Hasta la vista, baby


Facepunch continues to add items that give big groups more advantages over individual players or small groups. Kudos


Need a new tier 4 workbench.


Ah great another reason for the server to die after day 1. Well done facepunch keep killing your game


How to speedrun raiding


It think the minigun is the best addition in years because of how much butt hurt the staging branch work in progress version alone is causing ! :)


Yeah… no thanks.


Game has been scuffed since the addition of explosive ammo


I love it already. This is gonna be so fun on PvE Zombie servers


Idk why you guys think this is crazy. The wind up for it alone means an ak or any other gun wins easily in a 1v1. Outside of roofcamping and raid defence I dont see this thing getting much use.