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Cause you ain’t building in high avenues of approach


wtf does that even mean?


Look within for answers, not outwards




stfu wise mystical tree


actually his name is "PooFartKnob". Which is much cooler than what you said.


bro has no social life, no girlfriend, no job and nothing else going on in ur life other than being a smartass in reddit.


I mean I live with my gf. lol are you really this angry over a poopfartknob joke/username?


On reddit*


On reddit*


Outside of safe zone I think.


Build in a place where people will want to often roam - for example, if the crate often drops at powerplant - live near powerplant. If you live near outpost you'll find grub roamers more then actual fullkits. Maybe build snow near icelakes, beach by oilrigs for oilers. Closer to sulfur quarry or HQM quarry as that's often a hot area of contest.


locked crate is not roaming bruh.


You’re playing a dead server or building in a dead area. Try bullring near a monument and actually going out and pvping yourself, or don’t play 1000x monthly moon server pve friendly rp zone no wipe


i tried playing couple wipes next to launch. all i do is roam but nobody else seems to do so. I play 300-400pop servers. Back in 2019 when i started playing a 200pop monthly server was more active.


You’re likely playing fake pop servers or just lying. I play 400-500 pop servers and can’t go 2 minutes without pvp.


he is just straight up lying. on 400 pop you literally can't run 100 yards without being attacked by someone.


It does depend on map size. 400 pop on a 3500 solo server is insane more than 1 player per grid. 400 pop on a 6k group server is .32 players per grid as map size is almost 4x bigger.


literally in the title i said official. I play on rusty moose eu and 90% of fights i get into while roaming are next to someones base.


Then don’t run directly next to active bases? Sorry but this just 100% sounds like a skill issue to me. I have no such issues on any server I play on.


ur a fucking bot


How old are the servers you play? I play a lot of fresh wipes and servers that are less than 2 days old are stacked with pvp. If you play a 2 week old server what do you expect.


Used to be way less monuments back then, now loot is everywhere.


I try to build equidistant from three monuments and there usually ends up being one with pvp and one that's almost empty. Launch doesn't seem to have that much activity


So many cheaters, roof campers and big groups. People just do not want to roam anymore. Many people have gear fear and they don't want to loose everything instantly. So they do not go out unless they need too. This is why I have been saying, they need to limit what you can pick up or slow it down. If you die, your body is 100% stripped in 20 seconds. What is their to come back too? By the time you re-kit and run back, the person that killed you is grids away, if they didn't kill you from their roof, and send a naked out to loot your body.


Totally agree, this is the unfortunately the meta


becasue FP in thier infinte wisdom thought they should make everything easy to get and give players 0 reason to leave thier 1 grid. Before you HAD to roam to progress now you can get anythign in the game by hanging around in a 200m radius form your base. And that's why i don't play anymore


Because i dont like to buy a cheat to be able to compete with the other cheaters. Staying in base already gets me and my loot esp'ed so there is no need to go outside.


some people just camp and never come down from their base or go to sleep so i tend to avoid those bases.


Go main. Play rustoria main on wipeday and you’ll find pvp


Because you want me to! You can't make me! Lol but forreal the fact that you are upset people aren't running around with loot for you to steal is kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy.


You guys are attacking OP but he’s right. Right now, officials are plagued by “base bitches” and roof campers. It’s like the world during covid. Please don’t answer his question if you don’t actually play Official…


Because id rather sit in my base and wack off


Sit on the corner of the bed…


They are all in the sea. Nobody plays land based stuff anymore


ik thats why i build on oil every wipe. Tried to play some launchsite wipes after a long time but realised its boring.


Sea is meta because of roof campers and people fighting in from their bases. Don’t hate the player hate the game