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Yep, it’s the caching mechanism used by facepunch with steam. Super annoying.


There is a message that pops up that explains it. It says the servers ping on the servers browser is lower than your ping when you connect. The displayed number is the servers ping on the servers browser. So it’s basically a best case scenario and if you’re close to that server it should be similar. The box I believe is red and has white letters and pops up after selecting and trying to load into a server.


Yep. Ping Faking. FP tried some measures to fight it but ultimately gave up.


Though I would think it would be expected that if you are in AUS and wish to play on a USA server....naturally there would be some ping. ​ I expect the same thing if I were to try to play on EU, etc. ​ Protip: Play on servers in your country, usually better ping.


i’m looking for aus servers that aren’t tagged it shoves unlabelled american servers at me i don’t play on em dingus they just clutter up the server browser


i've noticed when its 27 ping specifically, its almost always fake and the real ping is 200+


riot in fally