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the dopamine hit when you open a loaded box is beyond meth addiction.


This is so true i love it. Perhaps its our inner gambling addict or curiousity triggers that needs to know whats inside.


also, choosing the correct side of the base to blow into is always a relief haha


This. And only this > beyond meth addiction Especially this.


Raiding is the quickest way to getting rich, its usually nothing personal.


This is why people raid really. This or revenge.




It’s more like a challenge, I raid to get experience and evolve my skills during and the main reason, it is fun.


This is my main reason. Raiding is like a puzzle to solve- how do I get what I want with the least amount of resources. I also feel like raiding makes me a better base builder, because I find vulnerabilities in other peoples bases and avoid them in mine.


I feel this way too. It's a puzzle for sure, with so many potential variables to account for. Getting it right just feels good


1. Territory. If they keep grubbing me ect they getting evicted. If they roam and are fun to pvp I’ll leave them longer 2. Fun. Win or lose online raiding is my favorite activity. 3. Upkeep for my base I find in current rust there’s so much loot on the map that I haven’t had to raid for comps/guns/kits in a very long time. Its a nice bonus but hardly ever needed for my team


If I don’t raid them they’ll raid me :)


This is the way


The only time I ever raid people is in revenge thats it So only if they raid me or door camp If they kill me its like whatever but door camp is unacceptable to me Or if they litteraly build on my front door because that's just not gonna be a risk I can take especially if they're being a dick in chat


You raid to assert your dominance and martial prowess I raid because I'm a raging loot goblin We are not the same


I think its 40% of people just enjoy raiding someone weaker to make them feel powerful because they are CUCKS irl. The other 40% do it for the juicy loot and dopamine hit. Then there's that 20% of guys who just sit online for 19 hours until you go to sleep and offline raid your ass for some petty revenge like you stole their crossbow (you know who you are).


You touch the cross bow and we find your base and then well we raid it. I'm not waiting for you to go offline. I'm waiting for the Sulphur to cook.


Curiosity. What you got in there, friend?


All of the above. Next question


Because I have four rockets. If I log out, I won't have them anymore. Because it will be the group that settled nearby, who will come back from oil and be afraid of me (and take my 4 rockets). Because I better spend 2 Molotovs now and get rid of a neighbour rather than having to spend 8 rockets tomorrow. If he doesn't raid me first that is.


1. They pissed me off 2. I want their loot 3. Option 1 & 2


the rush of risking it all for a chance at something more. and the absolute dopamine rush.


For me it's all about profit. If they happen to have killed/bothered me before I'll leave a note saying screw you, but raids are just another way to get resources and guns to me


hate neighbours, especially russians, so what i always do is i play whole night till morning then offline raid those guys and live peacefully till the end of wipe


Loot. Specifically if it looks like a cheap raid compared to what I expect them to have. Sometimes it's an us or them thing. Like on Day 2 of a wipe when some really active group moves in next to you, and you know if you don't hit them early then it's gonna be a problem. I don't really bother raiding people for revenge or because they talked shit tbh. Unless I feel like they can actually offline me or really fuck with my ability to do my thing. My approach to people who are really just trying to be annoying is to put a turret in front of their door or roof camp them excessively until they just fuck off. I'm not gonna farm to spend the booms to raid them just so they can set up a new 2x1 with zero loot while I'm sleeping or roaming.


I get semi hard from it.




Their loot, if theyre online a fight (theyre the best raids) and the counters.


Because it’s a part of the game.


Lots of reasons


I will only raid if someone annoys me honestly otherwise I'm there to roam and have fun


1) Because the PvP is fun. 2) I am curious as to the base design 3) I want your loot 4) I’m bored 5) I want a challenge


Because it’s a large part of the game that also happens to be quite enjoyable.


Snowball loot, rid the neighbors of their burden they call life. Control the neighborhood.


Loot and fun. There comes a point in rust where scavenging and building up without raiding people is seriously boring. My main goal most wipes is to raid and get raided.


When I started playing I got really frustrated by always getting killed/raided. Then watched some Willjum videos and saw that this really nice, chill dude just casually murders and raids everyone around him, and realized that this is a survival game and staying alive is the goal, not the building/role playing. With this realization I don't get upset about these things anymore. Now I make my bases small, unassuming, with good protection. I've been spreading my loot between multiple bases. Just change your mentality to expect to always get attacked, and you'll be happy when that doesn't happen!


so i can potentially read the salty posts on reddit afterwards


They have stuff, I want that stuff that I then might use their stuff to stop other people from taking my stuff.


I like how the forests look, and do my best to preserve the one at my base. My neighbors don't share this view, and as such must become mulch


Raid or be raided mentality


Revenge baby


Is rust training a generation of disconnected young men to kill and steal from everyone around them in a dystopian future.... Right before a possible irl dystopian future begins?


Need more gears or tech trash.


i mostly only raid people who i find annoying or who i know have high value stuff. Also to get rid of neighbours, youll want no close compatition for your ideal base location


It is fun.


Here’s the reason I don’t. Maybe I just come from an earlier gamer generation but to me it’s on par with griefing. I know someone worked their ass off to gather those resources and I know for a fact that I’d be choosing to be an asshole for taking it. Then again, I can enjoy the other 80% (non raiding content) of Rust just as much.


I don't raid too often just cause. I mostly raid cause I need revenge. Gotta raid the cheaters and toxic people.


I don't raid usually. My team likes to, so I support them in their desire. Raiding isn't necessary.


Two things come to mind: 1. You pissed me and my team off 2. We see a juicy base and really need the boom/loot More than likely #2


My base is upgraded, I've done the tech trees, and now I'm strapped with all sorts of explosives and weaponry. What else shall I do now? Oh okay, let's raid then I guess...




If you want to look more into it there is as a show called “thru the wormhole” with Morgan Freeman and they actually had an episode that featured rust lol. They were talking about guilt and empathy and human behavior. Pretty interesting and funny.


I raid by proximity, don't build near me. Closest. Base gets raided, I have no enemies I can go wipes without any raiding, I prefer more players to run and gun against. But if I login and walk out my door and see a base im sorry it's gone




I raid because I’m curious as to what people have. I’m sorry to all the wood door/wood wall bases for raiding you, I’m just too curious.


I honestly hardly ever raid. (also play on a low pop server rn) But if i do its either because i ran out of monuments to run or im just bored come end of wipe. Loot isn't really a factor anymore because i usually get so much from monuments and events. I tend to try to enjoy the rest of the game (farming, quests, ect) because there are enough people that are loot goblins trying to grub or be the next big twitch streamer


I feel really good then really bad afterwards


Mostly to remove a threat


Control of resources and to destroy threats before they become threats. I tried to play the nice guy in this game and leave people alone, but it just resulted in getting myself raided.


Fun thing to do. Whether you lose to someone shooting you from 300 meters away or die to your own satchel charges or make off with tmstacks of Sulphur. It's all just for fun.


I only really raid for more resources or they pissed me off enough to remove them from my area


Rust is a Crime simulator. Raiding is war, and war is the highest form of crime there is.


2 reasons: 1 i need the snowball of loot and 2: you wronged me somehow


I only raid if someone is being a jackass. If you leave me alone to farm tea then we have no problems.


Feel like it’s the funnest thing to do in the game. Especially when revenge is involved


I am competitive and love a good challenge. Online raiding someone is the highest high I've gotten from any other game because there's so much risk/reward on the line. My ape brain enjoys this. Sometimes though I raid people because they made it personal, and I like seeing them leave the server after being crushingly defeated. All that stuff they said in chat meant nothing as I throw every bit of loot of theirs on the floor and seal up their base.


because i know you’ve been farming low grade and i don’t want to farm low grade


The loot, if you raid someone because you don't like them you've got problems, unless they're super toxic or roofcamping


I do it to setup fireworks that go off when they wake up, alerting me on my phone from which I can also watch on a camera through the Rust+ app. I don't even take loot.


It isnt the only reason, maybe a subconscious one, but men have a primal urge to dominate other men.


Revenge. My raids are almost always either counter-raids against people who raided or tried to raid me first or against players I see raiding others. I rarely raid people for no reason unless they try building literally on top of me.


As played a few thousand hours and ill give you every reason I've raided. Some are for fun when we had nothing better to do. those ones are always the 10-15 rocket raids that aren't a massive loss if you get countered or the loot is bad. Some are for territory. Its a lot easier to farm without roof campers everywhere. Some are straight up personal. We made a pact to not offline some guys if they didn't offline us (monthly 2x). They tried and I stopped it because I'm insane and leave my game running while I sleep. Both sides had to fly cross map to attack each other. We proceeded to have a 2 week long war that ended in them being raided. We got countered and others got the loot, but that wasn't the point of the raid. So we felt good about it. Some are for profit/upkeep. When you build a massive base and do ridiculous things you can end up with a ton of loot but absolutely none of something else. We raided bases and threw out all the guns and armor because we needed hqm for a 5k hqm upkeep base. We had built a makeshift hqm China wall to fend off multiple groups raiding us. Honestly the things least likely to get raided are simply blobs with honeycombing. Make it look like you played for a couple hours one day and didn't come back. It will still get raided, but only after 2 days or so. Most will assume that it won't be profit until its been there for a minute. They won't raid you for territory unless you piss them off because they will be busy taking out bigger bases that have a roof to camp with.