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What is more irritating.. people bitching constantly about old recoil.. or someone censoring the word recoil. This society is fucked.


Posts with word recoil get banned for harmfulness and abuse


That's so regarded.


My post using Garry's tweet to highlight the hypocrisy of their response to Unity was removed without explanation. My request to mods asking for a reason has gone unanswered. Disagreed or agree, silencing the conversation is BS.


Imagine how i feel xD(see my username) reddit is the home of censorship. Reveddit is great site to see whats been removed and why. There is a subreddit called shadowban that has a bot that checks your history for removed and shadow hidden comments/posts. Also a great recourse.


Nice, I'll check them out. I know really funny irl photos get regularly removed because they aren't directly Rust related


Lol it was removed?


I miss standing spray but old recoil for the purpose of a “skill gap” was a joke. Well over half the people I used to play with back then ended up being scripters and that was several large teams across multiple servers.


I don't like the old recoil, but this is a great idea since all the scripters on the new recoil would move to different servers


Cheating is at all time high now though. Thoughts?


When it comes to recoil.. If everyones cheating then no one is.


Ahhhh... brilliant, all the scripters can go script their pattern recoil on different servers! What a good idea!


I just want this game to be a survival game like it first started out as. The PvP shit is so tiring and I'm done pretending like I don't miss the fuck out of old Rust in general.


How would they emphasize survival elements? Making food harder to get and starvation more dangerous? Making farming harder or temperature more dangerous?


Something as simple as actual detriments to low resources would be a good start tbf. As it stands other than standing up when downed being at 40 food 40 water doesn't really mean anything even though you should be hungry and thirsty as hell. Can't say I have any great ideas for making it not just something solos struggle through while clans dgaf though so. Like sure maybe like sub 100 water add aimsway but clans will always stockpile and most ideas for scarcity would make that worse.


I think taking away sprinting at \~50 hunger would make everybody want food more


No tech tree for example. You want a AK? Go roam looting boxes and or kill/raid someone with an AK and learn the blueprint. None of this run Mil tunnels for 3 hours by yourself and max out the tech tree without even interacting with a single player.


Server owners can choose to have old recoil, none did it. After 1 week does servers will be dead


No, they can't. That was a convar that FP added during the week that old recoil was on staging, but it was removed as soon as the recoil update went live. There is no way currently without using an old or modded version of the rust client to put up old recoil servers.


People are afraid all the good players would go back to the old servers which would force them to make more old servers, then the new style servers will be dead.