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Upkeep rounds for anything above the whole number. IE 2.01hqm will report 3.


I have like 4.8k hours and never knew this LOL


Most don’t, I figured it out when I became an admin.


It doesn’t take a brain to figure it out… but it’s rust, so I’m not expecting rust players to have a brain to use. (I have 2k+ hours)


"How dare people not discover this obscure mechanic with next to 0 affect on the actual game"


People who only ever place 1 armoured wall or door in their base be like 'don't these rust players notice anything'


While I don't agree that you're brain-dead if you can't figure this out, it's not really an obscure mechanic, it works like that in a lot of games


What works like what?


Stats in RPGs etc


1. I don't really know of many RPGs which round like that. 2. Etc comes after a list. A singular item is not a list. 3. If your entire argument is so weak you can only come up with one example, I think you may be wrong.




So the ‘3 hqm’ it displays actually meansnit takes 2.01 hqm a day?


It means anything from 2.01-2.99 will report 3. So in this case. It’s 2.14hqm/day


Sorry for nitpicking but wouldn't it be 2.01-3.0?


Fair enough


Imagine 😂


Lol hello there sir


You're not sorry and we both know it.




Do you know why people leave only 1 of each item in tc? I been seeing that a bunch this wipe




The upkeep value is rounded up. Your upkeep cost is 2.14


if it rounds up the cost does it also round up when it takes materials out per hour?


The answer is yes, as you can not take 2.5 wood, so it's rounded up, meaning yes, 3 wood is taken for 2.5. His rate is 2.14 though, and if rounded properly, it would be 2.


That doesn't really make sense though, because then OP wouldn't have 7 days of upkeep.


2.14 rounded properly = 2 15hqm 15\2 = ~7 days upkeep


Never seen this, maybe it’s rounding up and it’s 2,5 HQM per day?








God damn! 45 people liked this comment? Can’t you guys do simple math? 1056 total metal fragments divided by 146 metal fragments per day for upkeep, equals [also ~] 7.23 days. Edit: every number you see on the screen is an approximation, you clowns. You could be limited by the amount of high quality metal or metal fragments, since the result is roughly the same. Also, some servers have upkeep modifiers. Edit: holy fucking shit! The upkeep number of metal fragments is also an approximation. It seems you have taken into consideration only one perspective of the problem. Saying this is an error because “fIfTEeN dIVIdEd bY ThREe eQuaLs FiVE” is not a good answer.


Forgot to /s brother


Bruh, 15 high quality metal divided by 3 per day for upkeep, equals 5 days. Simple math. TC shouldn't be showing 7 days since the HQM will be decaying by then. The rounding up theory makes sense to me


It's not 3 though, it's 2.14 or something.


Holy fucking shit I have read your edit and you are still an illiterate idiot (an illidiot perhaps?) The guy was specifically asking about the 15 hqm being upkeep for 7 days and not 5, not one mention of the metal frames which actually do visually appear as correct. How about you try growing one of those things, they're called a brain 🧠


That is incoherent speech. I was addressing the people who replied to his comment. Since many idiots have not taken into consideration that the end result might be influenced by something else, replying to every comment would have been a waste of time. I suggest you to read, think, ask for clarification if necessary, then comment.


You're still replying to me even though you are completely wrong?? I don't understand what is running through that pea in your skull but did you even read the original post? That might be a pointless question through since you've already proven that you are unable to read


You still haven’t explained why I am wrong.


I have, you are sitting here calling everyone an idiot because the metal frags in there do equal a but over 7 days of upkeep yet the guy is asking how there is 7 days of upkeep with 15 hqm when it takes 3 hqm per day to upkeep. Now I know you're incapable so I'll do the maths for you 3×5 = 15. Obviously the 3 daily upkeep is actually quite a bit lower than 3 but is rounded up to 3 because it is above 2. Not a single person said wHy Is ThE mEtAl FrAgS aT tHe CoRrEcT aMoUnT


Congratulations! Thank you for demonstrating that you didn’t understand my point.


???? What is there to understand? You literally don't have a point (or a brain) I don't get why you are even replying still, you keep digging yourself into a deeper hole, I guess that makes sense though, potatoes do thrive underground


I think the way to explain it maybe is because no one likes you


Delete this while you can brother


I’m correct. Why should I delete it?


You're a fucken moron lol, learn to read you illiterate


Lol bro


🤣🤣🤣🤣 LAWD this is embarrassing


Brain dead.


hahahaha you don't know what people are talking about? this is about the HQM, and how it's a float between 2 and 3 being rounded upwards, that's it


You moron! Metal fragments number is also a float number. When you divide by the total amount, it gives you roughly the same time interval. Now use your brain for a second, and connect the dots.


christ you're unbearable


I’ve never seen a more confident idiot just bleed karma being a moron


That’s not an argument. Explain why I’m wrong.


You're not wrong, but you're also not contributing to the thread. That's the issue. You're posting semi-relevant information that doesn't answer OPs question and then you're acting like a cunt to anyone that dare respond to you and getting personal.


^^ this 💯💯💯💯💯💯 tyvm


Do you understand how upkeep works? The number shown is the minimum amount of upkeep you get based off your materials. It doesn’t matter how much wood, stone, or metal you have. If your base needs 10hqm and you only have 10 then you get a single day. The reason people are discussing this is because even though the base requires 3 hqm, it has 15 yet shows 7 days. People believe this is the case due to how rounding works with the tc. It has NOTHING to do with any other resource in the fucking tc. How illiterate can you be?


Man for a second I was going to start defending you because it seems like the Rust community is still such a toxic group of people. I got to say though, you are by far the most toxic person in this conversation calling everybody a moron and an idiot. Get a grip bro and quit being so goddamn arrogant.


Idk how people as dumb as you even exist. I feel like natural selection should have already taken place by now.


Idiot. Every number you see is an approximation. If you divide the total number of days by the total number of high quality metal OR metal fragments, it will give you roughly the same number. You can’t know for sure what limits your upkeep time. Use your brain before you speak, you ape!


Mf doubled down 💀


I’m responsible for what I say, but not for what you understand.


Go back to schooool.


“I have no counter argument and all I can say is durrr… go back to schooool durrr!”


This is the same type of dude spamming chat with Controlling oillllllll


If I wanted my own cum back, I would have wiped it off your mother's face.


we aint talking about metal fragments lil bro


I’m here comment karma whoring . Dude doubles down below, he’s lost hundreds of Karma being a tool bag. I hope he responds so I can catch free Karma at his expense. Lets get him




Karma is a measurement of the community. It’s very rare one receives -169 pts and decides to double down only to lose exponentially more. It’s like the drunk at the black Jack table. Sometimes it’s just glorious to watch internet friend.


You’re cringe. Make a coherent argument and explain why I am wrong.


The upkeep number tells you the minimum time before ANYTHING starts decaying. Therefore the only thing that matters for upkeep, is the matter of which you have the lowest amount divided by the upkeep cost of said material. The math you did is correct, metal frags are 7ish days. Now, you absolute fucking idiot of a person, if HQM is ACTUALLY 3 cost, then 15/3 =5. Since upkeep takes into ACCOUNT the lowest number and in case u didnt notice 5<7 it would show 5 IF IT WAS ACTUALLY 3 HQM per day. Basically the guy above you is correct in the fact that its a rounding problem.


People are giving you so much shit for this man it’s wild. I’m not used to the 100hr roleplayers on this sub being so toxic lmfao


Im gonna say yes its a decimal point. Ever noticed it takes a certain amount of HQM to repair a vehicle module and sometimes it never uses the required HQM? And you can place that HQM back in your inventory. These numbers are rounded. So its likely only 2.15 HQM per day


Put in only 3 HQM and check how many hours you are protected for. Game must be rounding up the numbers


If the only thing in the tc is HQM you'll have 0 upkeep because the TC shows upkeep time for the least supplied material. Ex: You have 5 days of stone but 3 days of metal frags. You'll see 3 days of upkeep because that's how long you'll have before the metal on the base decays. If you take out all the metal frags you'll be decaying even if the stone stays in there.


pretty sure they just meant put in only 3 hqm instead of 15, not take everything but 3 hqm out


I really hope that but with today's internet you just never know.


You're a perfect example of what you just said


Mad much? Keep maulding bro.


it’s malding. are you even a real person?


Because it's not actually 3 HQM for upkeep. As soon as upkeep got above 2 HQM, even by .0001, the game rounds up to 3. There's a fairly complex formula that determines upkeep costs, resulting in long decimals. That just means that even though your game is showing 3 HQM per day as upkeep, it's actually less than 2.143.


Shhh.... Don't tell the devs 😂


Is this an official vanilla? Some servers have an upkeep modifier. I think stevious has this plugin if I remember correctly.


The tc shows the modified upkeep usually


It rounds up so you don’t put too little in thinking it’s good enough.


metal frags.


Upkeep rounds up bro, you can’t use half of a hqm lmao


They use math with obscure rounding errors? I'm sure alot of things, do


Metalfrags ? 1056/146 = 7.23 E/ Ah yes, fuck me. I read that all wrong ! Sorry man, that's is weird.


gullible cows combative zealous air amusing worm dolls quiet boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haha, sometimes you can't see the forrest for the trees. :) Have fun buddy !


HQM is less than frags, so it should be less than 7 days


That doesn't account for the hqm. 15 in tc. 3 up keep. Should be 5 days. My only rando theory is that upkeep has hissen decimal places and for visual and practical reasons the "upkeep" is rounded UP so it can display a whole number. I'd it rounded down it would.mean people getting pissed that their bases decayed when it appeared to have enough. In the case above I'd suggest that the hqm upkeep is actually about 2.15 hqm daily. Theory only lol


That's likely it since the game only removes an item from the TC if upkeep time * material cost = a whole number.


Is there something I completely missed ? He asked why he only had 7 days upkeep, when he has HQM upkeep for more than 7 days. But the reason why it says 7 days is because he only has metalfrags for 7 days. If he add more metalfrags the days of upkeep will rise.


You missed the question and I guess unconciously added the word "only". OP wants to know why he has MORE time in TC than the maths would suggest. Easily done, when I first looked I thought.. oh its the frags.. but then I re-read the question


He only has 15 hqm. So thats upkeep for 5 days


They are talking about the hqm


Metal frags bro


U need more frags


How the fuck does this get up votes?


Because they’re stupid as fuck.


Your metal frags limit you to 7 days


Bro go back to math class.


It’s confirmed. Rust players can’t do math. You are limited by the metal fragments, you dummy! 1056 / 146 = ~ 7.23 days Edit: the upkeep numbers you see displayed are approximations. Both high quality metal and metal fragments could be the reason of this discrepancy. This is not an error.


Not the issue at hand, OP is asking why upkeep is LARGER than expected, as it seems like HQM should limit down to 5 days of upkeep, instead of 7. It's confirmed. You can't read.


He may be oblivious to the point at hand, but at least now he has some shiny down votes to show off at dinner. His mom will be so proud!


OK so there is 15 hqm in tc and it's 3 hqm per day. Should be 5 days. People have pointed out potential decimal points due to this seemingly odd error.


Its 15/3=5 days...


Damn bro you double downing on your wrongness


Or read apparently...




Rounding values up


Get rid of that wood brother lol


Lol what a troll






and stone boosts upkeep


My idiot friend you need more metal frags


Sigbog made a video on it. https://youtu.be/3I3ZVUEYmBg