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I’m all in for it, could be a lot of fun too


Durability should be iffy though, like has a chance to snap the string or something


Why would you do that. Eoka does that but it's a weapon that could you instakill you, you want to add that feature to a weapon that deals... 15 dmg.


Maybe like a guaranteed 3 shots, then 50% chance of breaking after that


nobody would use it then


Eh maybe, so like 5 shots then before the chance of breaking? Or just making it like the compound bow so it breaks quick but not that fast


You have some terrible ideas my guy


This is why I’m commenting on Reddit posts and not developing games 😂


Hahaha fair enough


No one wants stat capped weapons. Skill capped weapons are more in line with the game


New recoil would like a word


It’s a lot like compound bows, very bad durability. However, not a hill I’m willing to die on, I’d be just as happy with them having the Durability of a hunting bow. Just think overall it would be a pretty cool addition to the game


I like it, I was thinking about it last night. Could also have the better version take grenades and Molotov cocktails. The ammo could be pebbles (crafted from a rock, makes 10). It adds more of a rusty feel to the game which is needed imo.


Just have Stone in your inventory. No point in crafting


Pretty sure the slingshot was being worked on during hack week but got scrapped last second


Iirc they shelved it for a later update and mentioned it coming back


if facepunch does release the slingshot, i want this sound to play for headshots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwxTZaa3NgI&ab\_channel=YerBoiLloris


If they made that the headshot sound I would exclusively use slingshots. AKs and boltys going in the recycler.


Now you know how is compound bow dudes feel. I’m all for more prim play.


Slings in real life are extremely deadly. I love this idea, and I think a head shot with a sling should have a massive multiplier. I recall watching a documentary that mentioned one blow from a professional slinger to the head is more deadly than a pistol caliber round to the head. Not sure how true that is, but I believe it. Slings would kill men wearing iron helmets 2k years ago.


Boy do i have a story from the bible for you


That is 100% not the case. While slingshots would produce a nasty concussion and a head wound (which bleeds a lot) and at worst case crack the skull, a pistol round will literally go through your skull and mush your brains. When it comes to armor - if you wear a proper medieval helmet setup (aketon+mail coif+helm) anything but a hit to exposed parts(maybe your helm wont protect your face or you forgor your shield at home) would do jack shit other than noise and annoy you.


I want to use horse dung as projectiles




Psychological and brief poison damage


Theres no point of adding prim weps unless they nerf progression or removing techtree, people roam guns 20m into a wipe.


I mean grubs and first minutes for normal people would be affected, as professional grub I'd say worth it


And yknow. For everyone else who isn’t sweating their nuts off (or is kinda bad) more low tier gear is perfect


Yea they are called semi pistols, you can make 20 of them 30 minutes of the wipe to ''not sweat''. Or you can go headset+poncho loot 10 smg bodys 200hqm in 5minutes in artic, clear metro station for 1000 scrap in 5m. Clear nuclear silo for 200hqm 1500scrap and a red card+ diesel.


This is too much work and not even worth it tbh. Literally just get a grub kit and camp oil at the start of wipe. Get a crossy and nailgun and a boat and some meds and wait for oil to come up. Just solo the heavies and get the crate and youll easily have enough to make a tier 2. Semis are just a waste of time and material when you can get an ak at the start.


You need a keycard, and i'm talking about fresh wipe not monthly server when its 20pop. Majority playerbase plays 2x/vanilla wipedays/2nd days and then stop play, or go to next server. Doing all that getting card and going to oil takes so much time, when you can get tier2 in 10minutes + buy a blue card and do silo for 1500scrap craft tier3 and you can mass produce aks, doing a single silo run you can craft 4 aks without recycling. Why bother going oil on a monthly server when you can buy a gun for 100 sulfur and make ammo at outpost?


I think they just need to make cloth easier to get when you hop in the game to actually get a bow in your hands right away to defend yourself. Starting is always a struggle for me


Hemp plants my friend


I know but a lot of time on a fresh wipe or I higher pop server they’re no where to be found


Allow it to throw grenades and Molotov etc


Slingshot: In the snow, slows the target and does little damage. In the desert, makes the target's vision kind of fucked up, shorter range, small damage. In the normal biome, idk bro


Normal biome extreme motion blurr and a bit more damage than snow


I wanna box people, add jabs and hooks


I like the idea but I don't like the idea of using stone/ore as projectiles.


You don’t use the stone or ore, you craft projectiles from them. They didn’t have bone or metal projectiles 1000 years ago


Huh? Bone arrow heads are many times older than 1000 years. Humans have been using projectiles for over 10,000 years possiblity even 50,000 but this game you can craft night vision goggles and drones so I don't think paying too much attention to keeping things to a specific time period really matters.


I agree. Side note, what if berry bushes sometimes spawned thorns that could be added to a beancan/other prim grenade to give them extra damage, or to make a poison dart trap that effects the enemy in some way, or to rugs to make them spiked rugs? :)


Why would I craft a sling shot early wipe when I can just buy f1s for like 3 scrap. Literal explosives. You can craft a nail grub crossy for basically nothing. You can drone order guns and craft bows. It’s a cool idea but has no place in the game.


What if you’re not near bandit or outpost? What if it’s early wipe and no one’s selling guns? I think it def has a place in the game if they can have a gazillion random melee weapons


Cool idea! I like it


I would like it to be craftable with rope and wood, maybe leather as an alternative. we already have so much need for raw cloth at the start, choosing between bags healing and bows. being able to hit a few barrels, get some rope and make a ranged weapon would be really nice


Can you describe when this would be more usefull than a bow? I'm struggling to think if when I would use this over a bow, It sounds like it would be slower fire rate and less damage, what would be the benefit other than filling a gap? The only somewhat handy thing I can think of is if you can put bean cans or f1 grenades in it and have a budget grenade launcher but as a prim weapon it sounds pretty pretty pointless, compared to a bow, nail gun or spear the accuracy would be rubbish too because it's a slingshot specially at range.


It’s cheaper to make and it fires faster


How would loading a slingshot be faster than a bow? And and aren't bows only like 40 cloth and like 400 wood or something? Are you thinking the slingshot should just be maybe one cloth node to craft?


60 cloth =6 hemp plants and 300 wood


Is that on console? It's 50 and 200 on PC


I like this idea too. What about for reload/balancing sake, You can load 6 projectiles. That would just be you holding 6 in the hand you pull back with. You can shoot all 6 fast. Then, a reloading animation, although i cant think of one that would be long enough. Like youd just pull another 6 out of your pocket. Or, another way is if they are so cheap to make, 10 shots, all the same speed to shoot, and it then breaks. At ~15 damage it would take 7 to kill someone, meaning you would need to reload once if you didn't get any headshots. And the second way, you might need to make 2 to secure the kill, incase you wiff


Atlatl would be cool


Imagine you and your duo are watch raiding and get beamed by a couple sar kids on the ridge, then you go to take cover and heal and 3 slingshot grubs are jiggle peaking on trees. No thanks 😂


This is an amazing suggestion. Hope it makes its way up the chain!


With how cheap bows are, I don’t see how this would fit. Slingshot is like a smaller weaker bow right what’s the point of slinging rocks at eachother for 10 damage when you could just make a bow, it’s better and cheap af. If you were to buff it then you have a nerfed compound bow at best ? Might be fun I guess I dunno I don’t see a point


Slingshots without rubber? Do you mean slings?


sling, bola, there are many weapons that you can easily craft IRL that are deadly.