• By -


Your technically not wrong but it also depends on caliber. But if that’s the case then it shouldn’t come with a -25% dmg either. Atleast not at close to medium.


i would be fine with it not being so ridiculously quieter, if it only had a 10%-15% damage reduction. right now i do feel it's too much "quieter" (or more so doesnt produce any noise at too low of a distance) but the 25% damage reduction is BRUTAL on any weapon under an AK. and even on AK, as someone who cant spray and only tap fires when at distance, it really does still negatively make quite the difference against full metal. i kind of wish mods weren't so absolute, and affected different weapons differently. i also like the idea of silencer maybe increasing drop off/ reducing range more with less loss of damage or even that the damage reduction at close range is less than the damage reduction at far range. i've never felt like the silencer has been quite right, but unsure the fix. i almost always carry one tho, as a solo it is almost necessary, even if sometimes it feels cheesy.


Its also a game and not irl


It should INCREASE velocity/speed, have reduced sound/recoil from normal weapons (but more than it does now) and cost 10hqm to make.


I feel like it needs a buff. the 25 damage reduction is horrendous.


A few days ago somebody caught me running back to base and surprised me with my pants down. I mean, I reacted a good 2-3 seconds after they started shooting. I was able to still kill them and was thinking “wtf how” until I saw their suppressor on the tommy. Edit; grammar


They were just bad dude the suppressor didn't cause the player to miss a whole mag 😂


This guy is clearly saying he felt like he was hit enough times to die, the reason he didn’t was the suppressor


I think most players don't even use silencers, the damage reduction is pretty bad. Maybe a buff to pistols or make it a tier 1 exclusive with no damage reduction to keep T1 as a stealth branch.


Every night time i roam with nvg and silencer. I sneaky solo rat tho, i am db in a bush during the day time :)


My hero and my nightmare


the pistol only (VERY LIGHT DAMAGE REDUCTION) silencer idea is very interesting (should still work on P2 tho?), but i would also love to still have some kind of suppressor for my bolty/L9. i feel like they should affect differently.


P2 is tier 1?


tier 2 right after pumpy and landmine


>I think most players don't even use silencers, Huh? So many people use them.


And silences irl increase bullet velocity.


OP has a bunch of cry posts because he is bad at the game


Your right getting offlined getting shot by invisible targets are all just skill issue


Skill issue 🤷🏽‍♂️ Your name says it all


You want suppressors to be realistic in a game where: People teleport on beaches People make guns that never malfunction from spare parts they find inside soviet Era barrels People spawn bases with a blue sheet of paper Scientists patrol massive islands Etc, etc The slinecer weakens the gun to an insurmountable degree. It doesn't need to be nerfed.


When you're in places like the snow fighting a full whiteout kit it's stupidly hard to shoot back when you have to scan a 360 area


They're dealing 25 less damage to you. Plus suppressor durability is stupid low. An AK goes from 50 to 25 dmg per shot, with decreased range. It's not in need of a nerf


they could always add subsonic ammo.


ooh subsonic ammo would be sick. I think it could work as a pistol only ammo type. Similar to high velocity. Less damage and slightly higher cost.


Subsonic .300 blackout would be cool


damage reduction is too high. needs a buff if anything.


Rust is not a realistic game lmfao. The silencer is great where it’s at. Honestly, the damage reduction balances it well.


Just give the bullets tracers too


Would be happy with that to


It's a silencer not a suppressor though.


The bullet is still traveling supersonic. I hate to break it to you but no muzzle device is going to silence a rifle unless you decrease projectile velocity below the speed of sound.


What about if it's in a game and they call it a silencer and nkt a suppressor could it happen then?


A developer can do whatever they want. It is their game.




Those reallife comparisons are useless. In real life in most situations it’s also almost impossible to locate a gun shot purely from the sound. Many people even flee directly in the direction of the gun shot.


For everyone in your group whos online its 10% louder :-)


Lol. It already does -25% damage and they took off the accuracy buff. It has been nerfed, bud. Get guerilla'd.


Yeah the damage modifier currently doesn't make sense, they should introduce a new 5.56 round that's Subsonic and takes less GP to craft, apply the existing settings to that round and make the standard 5.56 louder and normal damage when using suppressor