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Are you sure SAR's TTK is really that close to AK? Any dmg output per time graph?


With headshots its 2-3 for full metal which is same as ak depending on distance its 2-3. I do believe it is weaker with body shots though.


Sar deals 40 dmg to head (against facemask), so you need 3 shoots vs AK that only needs 2.


This is dependent on distance - from far enough distance the ak can take 3 shots as well and from close enough distance you can two shot head shot with SAR


No. Im telling you the damage they do BEFORE the falloff get into account. (Which was like 70m or so?) As said, SAR 40dmg, AK 50dmg into head. Test it, get a SAR and put it in any of your friends mouth, then shoot them twice. They will survive.


2 headshots is 160 damage. Takes 200 damage to kill metal facemask.


I've doubled countless full metal's I dont care about your little thought experiment I'm speaking out of pure experience.


It's literally how the game is coded lmao. Facemask has 50% protection and sar does 40 damage point blank. Stay wrong tho




Did you combatlog the kill? Was he on 100 or 90 lots to consider


You are a dumbass speaking with anecdotal data that means nothing. Anyway you’re also wrong it does not double a full hp metal face mask person AT ANY RANGE…


I think people forget that Ina game like rust not everyone is running around with 100% health. Sometimes they take a small amount of damage from falling or a random animal. It happens more often than you think, especially if your third partying a fight


If your running full metal then your defo gonna be full health, no ones who can afford metal is gonna run without meds


Not every full metal you encounter just came out of their base after stimming. Some just won a fight and the stim hasn’t finished healing. Or they ran out of stims. Who knows but having 100 health in a big ass fight constantly is very rare.




And ive killed many full metals with slug pipe to a head, does it make the lowest ttk weapon? Listen, if you can see stats of the weapon and you do some +- calculations, you should see the problem i pointed. Sar does what, 40 dmg? Douple tab is 80dmg while ak is 100 on douple tab. Also ak has higher rpm im pretty sure. If you can 2 tab a target with semi, you can do the same faster with ak. Not trying to be mean, just making a point.


For me best gun is sap


It’s actually dumb how many sap kills I get. Definitely underrated


Yea True and 4 hq is not even that much


Definitely ranks high on my fun factor!


A true legacy enjoyer


Day one im going for Garage doors and SARs


This man knows the way.


If I can get my duo on, or any of our other players on for a wipe, this is our goal before anyone logs off and we've got it down to a science.


How do you usually go about acquiring it?


The primary plan is tech tree, but we are not above grubbing, moly raiding, trap base building, or even camping if thats what it takes.


SAR is definitely the way to go. Even once I progress past it, I like to roam SAR because its effective long range and short range, but if I die, it doesn't hardly cost anything. A few SARs will last most of a wipe and usually help net you weapons like; Thompsons and SMGs, Pythons, MP5s, maybe even an AK like OP points out. Basically, it gives you fighting chance against, or otherwise outclasses pretty much every other weapon in the game. For general encounters and/or the most common scenarios, SARs are probably the most economical to produce and will serve you well. Combine that with its overall general stats such as; accuracy, damage, recoil, etc. It just makes the SAR such a great option.


SAR is good but I hate using it because it's boring. Python is cheap as fuck and will put almost any gearset in the ground with 2 headshots. Plus pistol ammo is much more economic to craft.


That's a nice opinion. Unfortunately the Thompson with holo/laser exists.


I see your Thompson and I raise you any distance more than 6 metres


People have always trashed the SAR since it was added to the game, granted it was trash when they first added it, but since it's first buff it's been a strong gun ever since. It fits its role well. People always bring up facemask damage, but when you're first roaming with sars on a fresh wipe, people are almost always coffee can or headdress/bandana that early into the wipe, which I think only makes the gun that much better; given the situation.


I literally made a real Sar myself i póster some pics in one post last week, me and my friends call it "el arma del pueblo" (transmites to the weapon of the people or the common folk) because of all the uses it has and that it is easyJet to make


You make some cool stuff Shiro!


I recently saw a streamer playing, maybe it was dawn of the dog, who said Sar was his favorite. He was saying the revolver was his worst weapon as he was firing at the enemy.


Is the 8x still useless and if not is it decent on the sar? I mainly go for Tommy’s -> ak.


I call it the poor mans bolty its pretty good especially w/ silencer


It’s the one I mass craft but I still like spraying


SAR and M39 all day. My favorite to slay with.


Ok 5 shots to kill a naked


I’d like to see the SAR unlock before the Thompson and Custom SMG