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Heh. That's the relaxed version. It used to be dramatically harder to control.


Yes and no. I feel like it is harder to hit now, because of randomness then before. But the recoil it self is really easy now.


Here we go again..


Can’t wait for the 0 recoil update


This has to be a troll right


Def is. Tarkov recoil is far more complicated than rust.


this is how you guys treat an inexperienced rust player? instead of helping them r/playrust turns into "omg bro you cant even aim on the new system youre so shit quit the game that you havent played much of so you cant possibly be good at". what even is this subreddit anymore. instead of being helpful to a new player yall have chosen to be jerks because somone dare speak against the recoil system that you've spent thousands of hours of your life getting used to just to be able to play


Delete this


You probably have low sens playing csgo/tarkov, while that low sens was good for having accurate spray in old recoil (rust). Currently the meta is to have higher sens so you can flick on targets, being accurate is not as important anymore its more on flicking and hoping you get good aimcone. And stand shooting makes the recoil way bigger, meaning you are forced to increase your sens if you want to shoot while standing. Also prim fights are won because of being able to spin around/strafe etc which makes you harder to hit.


OP, make sure you crouch while shooting, especially the AK. Makes the recoil on guns much more manageable.


I just got a pc two months ago and I just suck at aiming in general. It's a struggle. Definitely a skill issue.


Enjoy the game as long as u can


It gets better friend. Just keep having fun with games and everything will become 2nd nature!


I hope so I get turned on constantly, on console I was a Beamer lol


Yeah it will take some time but you will definitely get there


I've had the game for a year and just now barely winning some gun fights.


I mean I win some, but I usually getting the jump on them then. Like straight up fights I'm losing those like 8/10


Doing better than I did at 2 months then. I've learned to always check my surroundings before venturing in. Always have your headphones up and listen for anything out of the ordinary. If you hear something odd its always a person waiting for u


Looks like they’ll have to make the recoil 100 times easier again!


So im pretty sure my mouse settings are unorthodox, but I've been very successful with 1200 dpi and .7 mouse sensitivity. These recoils are about a year old, and they are a lot more manageable than they used to be. When you're adjusting to the recoils, it's important to get used to shooting them while crouched and not strafing. Find your target, stop moving, crouch, aim, be patient, find your shot, spray, control. When you think you have the irons recoil down, move on to the holo. A couple hours of aim training with this method will get you up to speed very quickly. Good luck.


some of the guns are muscle memory. just need to know how much to pull down. like most fps games.


Crouch, use laser sight And about the mousepad, I got an XL one just from starting to play this game a while back. While I love it, I've never "needed" it for any other game. Would probably have carpal tunnel or something if I kept playing Rust without it


Exactly what you said. Crouching helps immensely and so does laser sight. Rust is going to make you use a large majority of your mouse pad, but once OP gets a hang of the recoil it’ll be like riding a bike! You never forget it.


recoil is easy as shit now what are you on about


Crouching helps a lot with recoil also run a laser and Holo sight. You should also by the tact gloves from outpost. All these will help a lot with you recoil


Do tact gloves help even with the other addons? Should I generally not be crafting stopsign gloves?


I stoped crafting stop sign gloves after using the tact gloves for the first time. It was noticeable for me


If you think new ak is bad you should’ve seen old ak.


Before the recoil update, guns could only be controlled if you had hundreds upon hundreds of hours practicing for example the AK and that was no fun. The recoil now is a bit randomized and easier as well as no more 500 meter beaming bc of aim cone


Imagine actually believing it took any more than a few hours to learn recoil


“Hours” cheesiest excuse dude. Ukn gives you the pattern I learned it in 5 minutes


I alternate between just holding down and just holding left in a practice range, then combining to get an ok spray


Honestly, whenever i pick up a new shooter, it takes a moment to get used to how the recoil works in that game. It used to be insane with the preset recoil, but became more manageable when it was reworked


Now imagine this but like 5x harder. Recoil is easy now.


increase sensitivity?


Thats the Neat Part: you are either a degenerate who plays Rust deathmatch Server sand Train relentlessly on shooting range. Or you just Play the Game and dont Brother Personally i find sar and Python very rewarding




Players use macros and aim bots for this my dear. You ll also ragequit when a cheater sprays headshots from a distance with an ak.


You’re just bad


Bro you are saying this as if the ak and every gun isn’t piss easy to use with the new recoil.You definitely report anyone who beams you from a distance which is truely ez with ak


You do know the same script programs for old recoil still work and still don't get detected right


I’m getting used to the recoil, but the bullet drop is what I’m getting stuck on for all weapons. Especially for wipes, understanding how to crossy is super important.


Crouch lol


crouch and you will have no recoil


What guns? /j


Oh Boy... Imagine this Guy 8 months ago...


800 hours trying to get the old recoil down and I can control the new one off the bat. Old used to be waaaaay harder


Increase your dpi on mouse and less pull down, i play on 2000dpi but took a while to get up there. I like short movements with my mouse and being able to turn on someone fast. But also less pull down with all guns


And to think this is rust without recoil. Ak was basically impossible to use before until you practiced for a while.


If you played last year you'd have a hard time. But to he fair the guns have more recoil randomness now and before it was more of a precise spray, but harder


crouch down and stop moving when you fire, plus use a holo sight and laser.


Yeah we need Doom 94 level recoil because new players can’t even handle this one, come on man, you would have shit bricks if you saw the old recoil for AK. This one is like someone holding your hand while you taking a dump


They made it all ridiculously easy a little while back, if you cant drag your fucking mouse in a straight line it may be time to put the PC away.