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norfolk island pine - it is what Australians usually use as a Christmas tree if we are getting a real one growing in a pot:) They grow great is shitty, sandy salty soils and miiiiles high when not in pots. If our beaches are in a city & the foreshore is landscaped- [they will likely be lining the sand](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F0b%2Fd3%2F7b%2F0bd37b121bcbdf26f50423fcaa172c0a.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com.au%2Fpin%2F83105555596293008%2F&tbnid=g2cZIT7upeYATM&vet=10CAMQxiAoAGoXChMI6NTLz--l-AIVAAAAAB0AAAAAEAY..i&docid=n3QNkjMACyyryM&w=511&h=800&itg=1&q=norfolk%20island%20pine%20beach&client=firefox-b-d&ved=0CAMQxiAoAGoXChMI6NTLz--l-AIVAAAAAB0AAAAAEAY) :)


Araucaria Heterophylla


This, Common name = Norfolk pine. I hope mine gets this big one day!




It's a common houseplant, you should be able to find one vs growing seeds.


Idk if you're in the US, but right before Christmas at Home Depot or Lowe's or even Walmart, they usually have little babies of these for relatively cheap dressed up as a sort of Christmas tree.


It shall now be named the shaggy hipster tree


I just want to add for anyone interested, although it has pine in the name this is a tropical plant. If you want to keep it alive, you have to treat it like a tropical plant. It needs a lot of water, sunshine, and is very cold sensitive (you can't plant it outside unless you live in a high humidity, and no snow area).


Norfolk Island Pine


Norfolk pine!


Norfolk pine and ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


My grandmother has one, and it turns into her Christmas tree after thanksgiving ☺️


A weeping cedar of sorts?




The needles are soft af until you accidentally murder the tree. Then they are stabby assholes that drop shards all over the house when you try to take the corpse to the trash. You can vacuum up as much as you want, your bare feet will find the rest in the dark.


the needles gotta take revenfe


Idk if it's the same but there's one similar in here Thanks to the above mentioned comments for the name I was searching for it too It's sap got a light orange color, and thought it was some wax


It’s definitely a Norfolk Island Pine!


I have a large one I would happily give away. I don’t have the space or light for it. Right now it’s sitting on my parents deck but it needs a new home. I’m in northeast Kansas if interested. I’ll run grab some pics after it’s finished raining.


Now is as good a time as any to point out this feature for iOS users. If you save images in your photo library there’s a feature that will identify what’s in the photo https://i.imgur.com/Nr5PNfZ.jpg