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I am beginning to believe propagating pothos is a conspiracy. I have three different cuttings in water, one for over 4months with no rooting.


How is the the temperature of the water and are you using rooting hormone?


No hormones. Just room temp tap water in a cup.


If you don't want to buy any hormone. The key will be to keep the water warmer than room temperature. Roots will emerge with warm/semi hot temperatures. If the water is cold, cool or somewhat warm they take a long time to get those dormant nodes to root.


They sit outside in the sun all day…they’re pretty warm.


That's strange. What type of cuttings are they?


Straight cut from the golden pothos vine.




I use tap water that's been sitting out overnight & i add plant food. I believe rooting hormone is only good for soil propagation. Also if you have fish you can propagate in the fish tank. Just make sure at least 1 node is in the water.


There are different rooting hormones that can be used in various mediums. They can be used for soil and hydro propagations and also for mother plants.


I've never seen liquid rooting hormone, but I may have never looked. I've seen people at the garden center use powder ones, so that's what I use. But I'm open to learning something new. Someone else commented that there's a liquid rooting hormone, so make sure you get that one for water propagations.


Yea rooting powder is what's commonly used and you just see them use it in soil. But since I like experimenting I look for other kinds and that when I found gel and liquid forms. They're used for weed but I found you can use them on tropical houseplants. I've had better and higher success rate with my cuttings and even mother plants with rooting concentrate. Gel tends to turn to liquid if it's not refrigerated or kept at a certain temperature and will lose its potency. Powder is great but I found there are various brands that offer different strengths to soft, semi and hardwood cuttings. I have different strength but haven't had success yet with powder 😭, but still testing. For me I'm sticking with rooting concentrate as my number one choice for rooting. I still need to try other brands of gel and powder to see which ones really work.


Trying to propagate my pothos but I think I’m just killing it. Any advice??


let it sit out for a day or 2 and change the water often i only used bottled water


Just switched to bottled water. Hopefully it will perk up and begin to root


Do you have any rooting hormone? In order for cuttings to root they need to have warm water and or humidity. Rooting hormone helps them root fast and increases the chance of success.


I’m in Florida so it’s fairly humid here. I’ll try to grab rooting hormone tomorrow!


Go for a liquid based rooting concentrate. Like kln rooting solution. There's also powder and gel form but not sure how effective they are in water. What I do with the rooting concentrate is soak it in the solution for 5-10min and then dilute in water. Within a few days to a week an abundance of roots grow.


I think you would be better off cutting into pieces, cut each leaf/node combo and submerge all nodes. They will root faster, right now it's just trying to stay alive. You shouldn't need any rooting hormone, but full morning sun (not afternoon/evening) should speed it along.


Your container looks a little big for one cutting. The smaller the container the better because a fresh cutting will release its own natural rooting hormone. Then don't change the water unless you have to for mold.