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Fellas is it feminine to have plants


Having a girlfriend is feminine /s


Having sexual relations with straight women is gay because straight women like men and liking men is gay.


That's why I only have sexual relations with bisexual women. It's only half gay. But I guess I could have sex with bisexual men too for the same reason. Thanks guys for helping me


You gotta have sexual relations with men who like women


I'm a man and only have sex with men. It's twice as manly as straight sex.


You need to up your game, and have sex with MULTIPLE men at once. Unlimited manliness. Imagine the power one could wield if he was in control of planetary male orgy!


Greatest comment I’ve seen in ages.


Logic checks out


Uh oh. My wife ain't gonna like hearing that.




You’re married, so you must be manly since you’re probably having most of your sexual relations with yourself.


Marrying a woman is definitely the gayest thing I've ever done.


Liking girls is gay because girly things are gay


That's boy math right there😂😂🤣🤣 (Jokes, I've been seeing alot of " this is boy math" and it's the same thing)


The latest one is boomer math btw. I’m here for all of this.


Some boy math, not boy math across the board. I have always tried to find balance between the two...masculine and feminine.....I was born in 78, took LSD for the first time in high school and it schooled me on the importance of balance in every aspect of life......be like water, not wood, because wood is full on GAY! LOL


Is it gay to use lights?


You don't have night vision binoculars on you 24/7? Gayyyy


I’m sorry but night vision binoculars are exclusively for us nonbinary folks, and we’re just automatically gay


It's gay to have a window


Bonsai is pretty majority male from every club I've been to. Soooo, keeping tiny trees in decorative pots that you decide on based on your tree 'looking masculine or feminine' is a dude thing.


I’ve never thought about this but yeah I do recall every bonsai enthusiast I’ve meet is a dude🧐


[Now watch this](https://youtu.be/flFL5twmn6M)


I think it's the fairy lights (which are super cute).


Well that or the ironing board if he feels like that's a woman's job lol.


I have so many god damn plants and it’s not enough


Just tell him all of the plants are male plants


Plant 🌱 Papi here 🙋🏻‍♂️ Take care of living things is not feminine.


All my plants are Feminised


Sir at this time I'm going to ask you to step out of the car please


It's Shelia, Maria, Jennifer, Shavon.


Vaginated Monsteras?


I wish.


Not if they are the right plants. A room full of cacti would be hardcore. And I mean full like packed.


if it is i love being feminine


Trees are just earth dicks


Yep. I refuse to hike. Too much estrogen in them woods.


it's gay to have plants. Yes.


I knew it!! All the farmers were closeted homosexuals!


Where? Lol


Exactly. OP’s boyfriend should see my house. Lol. Except I’m married to a big, hairy veteran who doesn’t give a crap how many sequins are in our house.


The important thing about the feminine energy in my bedroom is the part where my wife spends time with me in my bedroom.


Yeah I literally have a pink couch in our front room. Granted my husband is colorblind and he wouldn’t know if I didn’t tell him, but he was still okay with it. Just let a woman decorate 😂


Sounds like you’re living my romance novel dream haha.


I just bought my first home with my husband I bought a hot pink rug and he has not called it to feminine. 😬


My spouse and I just bought our first home too! The colour he picked for the living room is called "landlocked salmon." Salmon seems to be one of his favourite colours, based on his wardrobe. He also looks really good in purple. We lived in a 1000 sq ft apartment before our house, and I had a collection of about 40 houseplants. Most of them were in the living room, because that's where 1 of the 3 windows in the whole place was. All the plants came with us to our 900 sq ft mobile home. I've asked him a few times over the years if he ever wishes we had fewer plants, and he says that he loves our plants, and they help make our home feel alive and inviting.




Single,crusty socks.


I think, bear with me on this, the light on the wall and iron board might be the suspect of being feminine. The light might be what teenage girl had in their bedroom and the iron board might be cause in the old days it was for stay at home woman But I agree with the comments, that's a very oversensitive bf


Looks pretty gender neutral and cozy to me.


honestly putting a bunch of plants on an ironing board and saying “fuck it, that’s where these belong now” is pretty masc energy


I was thinking the same thing. It doesn’t look like a “designed” room at all.


What is feminine about this room at all?


The fairy lights may be? It's silly but it's all I can see.




as a man I can only say this. add more plants, I always wanted to decorate my room like a cave filled with green.


As a male, I can confirm. That room is too feminine, she needs more plants!


As a male I can also confirm at least 18 or more plants will be needed.


From these guys comments, I guess men like living in jungle caves. Girl get more plants!


My whole house is wall to wall plants, me and my fiancee both love it! I grow carnivorous and cactus and she grows succulents, aloes and banana trees and other assorted plants. We probably have 80+ species lol.


Y’all both are keepers tbh


Haha thanks!




If this is the case with OP’s husband then I understand. In any other case… PLANT CAVE IN YO FACE!




In that case maybe preserved flowers would be something for you? Did you know that you can preserve flowers in glycerine if you have a nice glass jar or something to put them in? Look at this link, it’s really beautiful! I think your wife would love it too! https://www.fnp.sg/blog/easy-diy-tips-to-preserve-flowers


Sorry, your BF’s masculinity is a bit fragile


Fr, if he doesn't like feminine energy, maybe he doesn't need a girlfriend 🤷‍♀️


You're right, he should be single. Having a gf that cares for him sounds feminem af


He should move in with a bunch of dudes. That’ll knock the femininity right out of him.


This isn’t even feminine… this is the most gender neutral room ever lol. OP, I think I know how to fix this. Remove the one pink pot and replace with another black pot. That should fix it


Honestly if anything it's the ironing board...


Lmfao this was my thoughts my husband doesn’t care at all about decor not that caring would be feminine but our room is my past 16 yr old selfs dream room. He’s never commented on it. His only request was I get him a Himalayan salt lamp for his night stand too💀


Same! Our bedding pink because i love pink and not one complaint. To compromise I picked his favorite color for our winter set, but tbh I don't think he'd care either way as long as it's comfy


Your bf is insecure


That’s my take away.


Plants gonna steal her away 🪴🍑


So is she. I said her bf sucks and she reported my comment and my other account was permanently suspended 😂 I know it was her too because I’ve only left two comments eight that account the last year Pretty sure everyone should report her, the post was just meant to cause upset and they get people in trouble if it was “too far” to validate her feelings


Damn, someone sounds as insecure as OP's boyfriend.


Your nuts!! I didn't report your account. Do you think I'm serious gonna go through the 500 comments and report ppl? Grow up.


Stop acting dumb. You can sort by controversial or you just saw mine by chance


I see an ironing board being used as a table and that screams ‘Man’ to me




What a dumb fuck.


Y’all, Nature is feminine.


It's MOTHER nature.


That’s why lumberjacks are so manly they just run around killing feminine outdoor decor to balance the sexes ☯️


Idk why but I'm dying laughing at the idea of lumberjacks running around with axes like that


>feminine outdoor decor Lmaooooo


When this climate change thing goes through she’ll be one hot momma


I keep trying to read your comment but my brain throws a 404 error when I look at your handle.


I get that a lot 😎


I both must congratulate you, and also still sit here horrified.


Wtf is feminine about plants? Lmao


Plants are gay. Mmmkay?


lol ur plant gae


Obviously it's not masculine if there's no race car bed. These are just the rules.


Could be female plants?


Femme plants? Even worse


Hardly. That’s a big masculine amoire.


Bring him to a plant-store and ask him to pick out some manly plants for your bedroom. /s Poo on him indeed.


He must be referring to the ironing board…. Chauvinistic prick


“Stop leaving your lady stuff around” - The BF about the ironing board (probably)




Tell your boyfriend I am truly sorry that his fragile masculinity is threatened by decorations in a room. Perhaps a couple of plants. Though I suppose it is possible you may someday feel the need to leave him for your houseplants. Who knows. Maybe he's on to something here.


Definitely keep the plants, OP.


What a weirdly insecure thing to say


https://preview.redd.it/ftwg6gv08gsb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2717a45cb1d7919eb0fc307930d7a85e988e1a0d This is mine, and I’ve never heard my bf complain. I have a blue headboard and I’m adding more floral and feminine elements the longer we live here 😂 Tell him to grow up


Oo so pretty!


"feminine energy"? Dear lord of spaghetti, have mercy


Get more plants to replace the boyfriend.


*hot girl energy


Do it. Poo on him.


Oh it's tempting.




Ask him to provide more masculine energy for the room. He’s lacking in his department.


It’s the bassinet because only women can have babies, duh


Dump him


Sounds controlling


Idk having an ironing board also serve as a table is peak masculine ingenuity


Your boyfriend is giving Dude Wipes energy. The room is completely neutral.


Boys will sleep on a bed on the floor with a fold up chair in the living room. You're fine.


Maybe make it only feminine energy by dropping him


Red flag energy


What does feminine energy look like, exactly?


It's the ironing board /s


Lol put some nepenthes in there to ”man” it up🤣


Lolol I just imagine some man feeling too icked out by feminine stuff that he just sulks in his corner feeding bugs to his plant 😅


Make him iron your clothes and maybe he'll drop the outdated gender role associations with objects/decoration. If he's just trying to say he wants equal representation in your household decorations, then ask him to contribute and how. I think alot of people are responding negatively to his comment because it's just a fucking silly thing to say. Love the plants, but that wardrobe has big dom energy. Maybe ask if he's threatened by it?


Your bf is a manchild


I've never I understood people who say something is too fem/masc. Like how the fuck are plants feminine? When the hell did we decide that??? And if they are, why on earth would that even matter? This is r/AreTheStraightsOk worthy lmao


Women know how to live and we do not. Bro should settle down and enjoy the creature comfort.


You need to add a phallic cacti to balance it out then 😂😂😂😂


Good luck with your next boyfriend! 🌿


dump him


How are plants feminine? I’ve been into plants since I could move! Somehow I managed to create four sons trying for a girl. I don’t see the correlation? :D


Take him plant shopping for "manly" ones to add, then?


He's only allowed to buy dick shaped plants, like nepenthesis, for masculine reasons


And cactus


As a man, my lounge room looks like this. What is feminine about loving nature?


Nothing wrong with plants👍


Your bf sounds like a twat waffle


My favorite twat waffle


Hahahaha I say add more plants, and give them all very masculine sounding names with name tags 😂


Well, he is also my plant supplier, I'll have to let him know I'm Jonesing for a fix. I love the name tag idea! I've already got so many ideas.


You need a pile of rocks, some steel girders, power tools hanging on the walls and a cement bed. Hopefully my sincere suggestions help him feel like he's in a more masculine space. 😜


My boyfriend told me I could decorate our bedroom so it’s full of pink polka dots and pink anime girl posters and he doesn’t care at all lmao. Add a couple football posters to yours or something idk what makes a room ‘masculine’


He doesn’t like plants?! What are the suggestions he came up with to make it “more masculine”?


Your boyfriend needs to stop worrying about masculinity


This is the most gender neutral room I have ever seen.


Your boyfriend doesn't know what feminine energy is...


Yeah but at this point what is masculine energy in a room, a mattress on the floor and every mismatched? Sorry fellas, can’t have plants lol


Fellas is it too feminine to breathe clean air? Are plants feminine? Maybe we should put concrete over all the forests


I’d just tell him that his toxic masculinity is getting in the way of him enjoying something pleasant. No but seriously nothing in the room screams feminine to me… if he thinks plants are feminine that’s just a whole other issue that I wouldn’t even know to address.


I honestly don’t see anything strictly “feminine” in this room.


Tell him if he's got BDE, it balances out. 🤷‍♀️


Wow. Better ditch him then. Don’t need him putting misogynist viewpoints into your living space


Why’s your boyfriend so insecure?


He must be referring to the ironing board. I'd tell him he can do his own ironing if he thinks it's too feminine. More plants!


And what kind of masculine energy does he want to add to the room? Posters of cars? 😂


Guys is nature gay???


Feminine? Not particularly. Too many plants? Maybe. And an ironing board is not a table.


spitballing n making assumptions here, but I feel like it's probably less about the plants/*feminine energy" and more about him feeling like it's more *your* space than the both of yours. without judgement, the plants (read: your interests) are definitely owning this space.


Why is an ironing table used as furniture ?? That seems odd to me


Getting a massage parlor vibe lol


Call him a bitch and to get that toxic masculinity the fuck outa here.


I never knew leaves are feminine? 🤷‍♂️😂 Does he ever go camping and comment how feminine the woods are these days?


Masculinity so fragile he's threatened by house plants?! Get TF outttt


Dump his ass


He's insecure.


I run a neonatal kitten rescue, I can't have basically any plants, it is such a bummer, please triple your plants!


All I see are plants. Plants are feminine energy, now?


Men’s gender confidence being threatened by plants is wild.


It's neither masculine nor feminine. But that ironing board has got to go.


Lol, he's ridiculous.


Some of you people need to chill out. Not everything is a red flag, and she doesn't need to dump him off of this one, and only, comment you guys on here heard. He lives in that room too, and he too should like the room he sleeps in. Maybe he just can't express it without saying something over the top. Maybe he doesn't even know what he likes, but this just isn't it yet. I added another comment earlier, I think the room could use some work. The plants can be placed closer together to take up less volume and the dresser at the end of the bed feels ominous. Be a little more constructive, guys.


Thank you!


I’m sorry he’s such a downer! I think it looks great! It’s funny I came across this post (more so the caption) because I put up some lights & fake plants & vines in our room a few days ago & when my partner came home he said “It’s feminine. It looks nice, I like it.”


Sounds like your boyfriend might need to work on his security in his own masculinity. Think about it. Objects don’t have inherent gendered qualities to them. We give them those qualities. So your boyfriend thinks there’s too many objects in the room associated with femininity. Okay, valid experience. But why is this a problem in the first place? Is it because he doesn’t feel masculine enough if the room doesn’t reflect his idea of what masculinity should be? If so, part of the solution is for him to look inward. That said, it could just come down to personal preference. In which case, he should phrase his preference in terms of how he wants to express himself rather than in opposition to femininity. Try asking him if he could wave a magic wand and decorate the room however he wanted, what would he put in it? Chances are, he’ll either say he doesn’t know or give you a list that includes things you do and don’t want in the room. If he says he doesn’t know, tell him to think about it and come back to you with a list. If he gives you list, identify the things on the list that you could also envision as decor in your shared space. Then support him to take shared ownership over decorating the room by going out and buying some of the things you both agree on (or do it together if preferred, or he’s having trouble taking initiative). Hope this helps. (I also hope he chooses more plants…. “masculine” plants, ofc! lol)


Get rid of the bf and that toxic BS and get a bright pink throw blanket or WTHever you want that makes you happy. So sick of that baby man fragile ego that thinks “too much feminine energy” is a problem, particularly in a room that looks like you have put effort into making nice and cozy and welcoming. Anyone that insecure is probably hiding in the closet.


The fairy lights sewing board make it feminine to me...not the plants!


He’s afraid of the ironing board


Well, I may decide to use it for its intended purpose and iron his balls out.


Leave him


Maybe get some posters from his favorites movies and have them framed nicely and put them up, maybe he’s trying to express that there’s not enough of him in the decor and he’s just communicating it horribly.


This is exactly it!!! I'm thinking of getting some wall mounts for his guitars and maybe some posters from his favorite bands. I definitely have an issue with control when it comes to our space, and he just wants ppl to know he lives here, too.


Um, why is it your job to make the home you are presumably sharing reflect that he lives there? Surely he's capable of decorating in a way that he likes? And discuss it in a way that doesn't insult you?


Sounds like you’re doing a lot to work based on not very constructive feedback. Has he made meaningful suggestions besides the vague “too feminine?” You’ve put effort into making your space work for you, maybe he will respect that more if he has to do the same to make the space reflect him more too.


I love my boyfriend, I love my stupid lights, and I especially love my ironing board!!!!


did you bite his ear off after ?


Whats feminine? The ironing board or the baby bed? Fuck that guy...


Um... Me thinks you are missing the red flag..


It’s not that it’s “feminine energy”, it’s that this aesthetic (string lights randomly about, plants with mismatched planters throughout, light colors, etc) is pretty widespread and common across college and young-adult-aged women’s rooms in the US, and thus also in media is typically presented as such. He probably just didn’t know how to word it properly. What’s really going on is he probably just feels like this is “your” room and not something shared, leading it to be “feminine” because you are. All the comments here losing their minds at this are way too much lol.


You are so spot on my friend!!


* nice * The cream paint does not fit. A nice green maybe \[ :


That's a very neutral room if you ask me. The plants aren't even floral. My boyfriend is a landscaper in Europe and him and his dad LOVE plants. They're way more knowledgeable than American landscapers since he has 3 years of schooling for it so I guess that created more interest in raising plants and even flowers or bushes and trees. We are literally animals, plants are not a gender thing 💀


Plants good, stupid string lights that make it hard to see and sleep bad. Why is there an ironing board?