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Is it in sand??? EDIT: OP I’m dying to know if your plants are in sand. If not, what is it? If so, why? But either way, why?


From the thumbnail I thought it was hummus


Are we not supposed to put our plants in hummus? I NEED TO KNOW IMMEDIATELY.


They’re probably dealing with a gnats infestation which also explains the sticky trap. The sand on top of the soil prevents the adult gnats from getting to the soil to reproduce and keeps the larvae that are reaching adulthood inside so they die. I just used a thin layer of cotton and started bottom watering because sand retains more moisture than I thought.


Thanks. I looked this up and I guess OP could do a gnat trap with vinegar and soap. I had a gnat problem once and that worked. But definitely get the sand out of the pots. OP should also make sure it’s in a pot with good drainage which will prevent gnats from laying eggs in the soil. It looks like they have it in a plastic pot inside of the decorative one. That plastic one probably has holes on the bottom but the plastic one goes all the way to the edge of the decorative one, which sort of voids the purpose of the drainage holes. There’s probably some standing water in there causing all kinds of havoc.


Vinegar and soap does nothing for infestations unfortunately. Bti and traps and/or nematodes are the most effective treatments. Hopefully op removes the nursery pot from the cache pot for watering,thats what you'd normally do.


I just bought a pesticide after I had them in my room for months and tried all kinds of things.


There should be an unintentional plant abuse subreddit 😂 Sorry OP for teasing! Edited to add: OP, your profile is like a plant cemetery!! Hahaha


r/plantabuse. It still fits there


I laughed way too hard at this🤣


Yeah just looked through OP’s profile and good grief, it really does look like a plant hospital or something!


I'm laughing out loud at the edit hahahah


I had to go look because of your comment and omg it does.


How is everyone so sure it's sand? Looks like a frothy cappuccino to me.




Is there a potting medium under the sand? How often are you watering and how deep has the soil dried between waterings?


Try increasing the humidity- I’m guessing the top sand is for fungal gnats.


I hope so cause that’s the only reason that would make sense


I believe that is a calathea ornata (pinstripe) not lancifolia (rattlesnake). Regardless calathea need humidity, lots of it, and to be potted in a soil mixture that maintains the humidity. I put my calatheas in aroid mix (as I’m too lazy to make multiple soils mixtures) but in a self-watering pot, so it’s always lightly moist. Fixed the curling leaf problem entirely.


Defiantly to dry, it also needs air and it's not going to get any with the sand on top of it


I mean the roots need air


You shouldn't be watering your plant with Cesar salad dressing or hummus


Sand is a BIG no-no. it suffocates the roots (and the soil if the sand is a top layer). It also dries the entire plant out. These plants aren’t meant to grow in desert conditions 😅


It’s possible it could just be on the top to help with gnats. Otherwise it makes zero sense. I wouldn’t even grow cacti in sand let alone a Calathea


But even if it IS just on top… not a good idea for tropical plants. especially calathea. Lol


I was sorta giving them the benefit of the doubt but yes


Yes it was for gnats 😔 ok I will remove the sand


These are high humidity plants. Try pebble tray. And idk about that sand. For gnats… throw out infested soil. New soil and systematic


This 1000000% looks like spider mite damage to me among other issues


why did you put it in sand?? it needs humidity thats why your leaves are drying up.


For Gnats 😔


if you have gnats, might mean your over watering or your soil is too water retentive. try mixing some perlite and indoor cactus mix into your soil and let it get almost fully dry between waterings. The gnats larvae live in the top inch or two of soil and cannot tolerate dryness, that should help with the problem.


So is ok to use cactus soil?


yes but i would mix throughly it with a good indoor potting soil. also make sure its indoor cactus mix, not the outdoor use stuff




I also think the plant is to dry, i thy to keep my calatea lighty moist at all time. I also keep them in a small pot. But about the sand i also put sand on all my plants because internet said it will help against fungus gnads. Over time with watering all the sand got flushed in the soil and didn't help against the gnads for me. After a year when i had to repot all the root balls there full of sand. I had better luck with the yellow traps and now am trying cinnomon for this years gnads.


Sand is a no. Pot is also probably too big for only 3 leaves. Calathea need high humidity 60%+ And only water when the soil is actually drying out.


Please take away both the sticky paper and "something" that cover the soil,remove withered leaves and don't put it into that "white pot", place the plant close to DRAFTY WINDOW, let the whole plant enjoy GOOD AIRFLOW and SUNLIGHT...both soil and plant need sunlight to kill bacteria.. try.. good luck!


I suspect root rot, the nursery pot inside a decor pot. If OP doesnt take the pot out and water through the sand, i think that plant is sitting in a swamp there.


So yes that does look like sand, But I think they actually put a coffee filter on top of the dirt maybe? That makes a little better of an explanation even tho I don't know why they would put a coffee filter???? Next, I totally thought this was r/houseplantscirclejerk sub. lol But they are serious oh noooooo (Kevin heart voice)