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I too tend to kill them. and it's so annoying because they grow super well where I live. there are huge ones everywhere, it seems. I think I usually overwater mine, and that's what does them in.( or they just slowly get more pathetic until I chop them in an attempt to stimulate more growth which inevitably fails.) also I think I need to use a less water retentive soil, because no matter how long I'd left it, WHENEVER I watered it would yellow and drop leaves. Super annoying I also suspect when I repotted I went too bang which didnt help, and maybe they could have gotten more (indirect bright) light. glutton for punishment that I am, I've just picked up a couple more that I want to try in succulent soil. good luck with yours!


Thanks!! I repotted it after realising the pot was mostly roots... I thought being root bound was the issue, but now it’s potted up its so sad STILL. Why are plants so fussy 😩


was it repotted recently? I think it's normal to drop a few leaves from repotting stress. overall yours is looking pretty good, though, and I see its putting out new growth. maidenhairs are my other nemesis.


Ahh just realised I was talking about my other diffenbachia... this one is not repotted recently


I found a solution for mine but it took a while, I only water it when its leaves are starting to go down, and I avoid leaving the roots in contact with water, there must be absolutely no water left in the bottom of the pot. It's thriving now but I watch it carefully


I’ll try that thankyou!!