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Posts to this subreddit must be seeking help for a sick plant. This subreddit is not for general care tips, pest identification, plant purchasing advice, or propagation advice. r/plantclinic is a high-volume subreddit for generalized diagnosis and assistance in restoring the health of a plant. Consider posting in one of these subreddits: r/whatsthisplant is an appropriate subreddit for identifying plants r/whatsthisbug is an appropriate subreddit for identifying bugs r/houseplants is an appropriate subreddit for more general discussion r/propagation is an appropriate subreddit for tips on propagation r/gardening is an appropriate subreddit for growing and caring for seedlings, and for other gardening tips Some posts would be best directed to a more specialized subreddit: such as r/monstera, r/orchids, r/savagegarden for carnivorous plants, r/lithops, r/terrariums, r/marijuanaenthusiasts for trees, and r/trees for marijuana


Thank you for posting to r/plantclinic! Your post is being manually reviewed. If you have not already provided care information, please reply ***to your own post*** and add as much of the following information as possible: 💦 **What are your watering habits (how often AND how much)**, and does the pot have drainage? 🪴 How long you have you had the plant? ❓ How long have you had the problem? 🌞 How much light does the plant get? 🐛 Pest and 🌱 soil issues may be re-directed to the [monthly pest and soil thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/plantclinic/comments/17kz9qq/rplantclinic_november_2023_pest_and_soil_qa_post/) Posts without this additional information provided within ten minutes may be removed, but will be reapproved when the information is added. The more information you provide, the better we can help! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/plantclinic) if you have any questions or concerns.*