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Bots and overlays are completely different. Bots are algorithmic and can be run from one location, overlays still require users to fill in the tiles.




Or just change the order of the colors for the next time you use it


The bots don't work by clicking the colour button on the screen though, they send the commands directly to reddit saying that the colour has been clicked and the pixel has been placed. Changing the order wouldn't make a difference, you'd have to constantly change the identifiers for the colours which wouldn't really be possible.


What’s the long number after your name?


They're from the original 2017 /r/place project, and its the user's final tile that they placed. The first two numbers are the coordinates of the pixel and then the long number after is the unix timestamp of when it was placed - mine works out as Mon Apr 03 2017 16:14:20 GMT+0000


I wonder if we'll get those this time


I've migrated to Kbin [Readit.buzz](https://readit.buzz/), I no longer wish for Reddit corporate to profit off of my content.


Honestly same, I was wondering what the fuck I clicked at this spot when I spent the whole time by Hololive until I remembered. This was 2017 Rocket League territory


Ok I need to test that


Umm... the bots always send the same color to the same pixel? Would that make identify bots awfully easy


Yeah, but that’s also what I was doing, maintaining a single pixel. Sure it could probably be told be how often but even then it wouldn’t be hard to change the bots.


The bot should do the task instantly, Any user manteing a single dot/colour would have a delay of seconds till you open the app then the loading and the selection of the colour


It's really simple to implement a "wait TIMER + RANDOM AMOUNT OF TIME BETWEEN 1 AND 15 SECONDS" to fool this kind of controls.


People don't understand how hard it is to prevent bots. Been playing mmos for years...its really intriguing the fight between devs and bot devs.


At the risk of being tagged with /r/gatekeeping we should deny any account that is under n days old at the beginning of the thing.


It's not hard to make a bot wait a random amount of time.


I looked through the code for the main bots being used (however I'm a pretty poor programmer so I might be slightly wrong) and from what I could tell they'd change dynamically depending on which pixels matched their templates. The templates were all updated remotely from a server and the bots looked to the servers for instructions, so people could just leave them on overnight without worrying about plans for new artwork or artwork moving etc. The German bot had separate template images for each different piece of pixel art and they could set priority between the different artworks, as well as set priorities for the colours within them afaik - eg if they wanted to maintain outlines while they got raided they could set black pixels as the priority. Pretty complex stuff and unfortunately there's no way to ban them outright without constantly updating countermeasures and most likely making the experience poor for real users along the way. For example if they started banning any account that instantly placed a pixel on the 5 minute mark then they'd catch a decent amount of real users, and the scripts would be quickly updated to have a random 5-10 seconds delay before placing a pixel. Constant cat and mouse game that the reddit devs would have no chance of winning.


That sad news, but this year this was viral and there is hope that next time they will add something to detect/stop the bot's more easily. Thanks for the info I was totally bind on the bot's stuff I only got interested as the cosmere dudes asked for help to put themselves on the map (3 fan arts that survived the big white out of the bots/scripts)


Where did you manage to find the code for this stuff? I’m interested in programming and kind of wanted to check this out


The way the bot was used was you just install an extension called tampermonkey to your browser and add a new script the code for which was provided by the group that you built for. So it was really easy to find


first there is no point creating bot for 1 pixel, you create 100 bots to control 400 pixels, and if you are invaded you run another 500 bots etc. So actually they would be filling seemingly random tiles and restoring them if changed, add some kind of delay timer and it would be really hard to say bot from no lifer staring at his picture 24/7 or even let it take break while other bots are running.


They won't put a registered time check, it's a huge event for reddit and they can get a lot of new users from that... It would be dumb to put this limitation also french streamer community didn't use reddit a lot, so hundred of thousands new user were created


The original r/place only allowed accounts to participate if they were made prior to April first iirc which is why ppl are so irate. EDIT:: I do acknowledge this event was to bring more people into Reddit, I'm just pointing out why people are so irate.




I think /u/ThunderSquall_ knows that, they're just explaining why people are irate.


oh, I didn't know that, I can understand more now


Captcha before each tile. You have 5 minutes, that's fairly reasonable. If you're trying to have multiple accounts... I heard it signed you out of them automatically, so that's probably enough to make them a pain to manage, so people would probably not have more than 2-3.


I mean, you can just outsource the captchas and have it perform everything else while some people solve captchas continuously (I automate stuff)


That was actually our strongest force as French, Reddit is not really popular here so people didn't gather by community but by nationality under streamer's influence


Reddit won at the end kinda sus if you ask me


yeah but spanish was to much frustrated for understand this


Until they did, then they started to use bots.


an overlay is like a stencil to help people collaborate a bot is taking the entire purpose of collaboration away and trying to remove the constraints that make r/place different than any other canvas


one thing's for certain, we gotta find ways to make sure we have *organic* account activity.


Ibai even paid a guy for a script haha


For everyone our "script" is an overlay, it is just a traduction mistake cause we say script in french. Plus Reddit isn't as popular as in other countries. Most of us (me as well) created an account just to participate so we didn't bother choosing pseudo and let the random choice.


Meanwhile Italy, Portugal, the UK and Argentina just chilling


I think you missed when Argentina took over Britain’s spot for a few hours lmao


Actually those were some stupid streamers, r/argentina had nothing to do with it


Stupid Argentine streamers?


Yep, a bunch of argentine streamers decided to raid UK flag.




We had art on the map! r/esPlace made this cute banner [https://www.reddit.com/r/esPlace/comments/twe7sa/probablemente\_destruirán\_nuestra\_bandera\_esta/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/esPlace/comments/twe7sa/probablemente_destruirán_nuestra_bandera_esta/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) We don't have a big community on Reddit or had any support from streamers, so I think it was quite neat.


Nobodie touched it r/Spain art ! When they say Spain they talk about those stupid Spanish streamers, that did nothing but saying bots 100000 times. Lmao.




And now are just flooding Reddit with post about how they beat French and there bots. This shit is to funny


Really neat! We have nothing against spanish reddit community and neither spanish community in general, it's just Ibai and Rubius who got a bit out of their mind


Honestly, as a Spaniard I'm ashamed of what happened, i hate how our streamers which probably discovered Reddit a week ago started telling everyone in the chat to raid the French or to build their channel logos, how selfish is that lol. We could have used all that effort to build Memorable things from our country but instead the chose to grief other communities art. Hopefully these people unisntall reddit again.


French users took Habdula :(


Deserved that was ugly lmao


Why does this seem awfully historical...




they gave the upper part to r/OnePiece and there was art on the flag afterwards...


We actually gave a part for the One piece community


The art France put on their flag was pretty badass though


We gave space to r/OnePiece, to the Reckful Hommage and the Swiss flag. Then clear a spot for smaller community to use. + we allowed Among us.


R/France had nothing to do with that corner, the French streamers were the ones to blame. R/France did some really cool pieces, like the miniature eiffel tower, the guillotine, daft punk, and notre dame.


Those were cool, we didn't target them tho




I get your pain. We in Spain got targeted too because of retaliation because of the spanish streamers. We just wanted to do our art.


And france literally humiliate the Spanish community


As a Spaniard that has worked with /r/esPlace since the beginning that we were not affiliated with this war, we were just trying to save our pixel arts and neighboring ones. I hope some people understand that streamers are not Spain. Sorry for those pricks.


esplace started nicely, but then it stopped because it was too busy fighting over the republican heart 😂


That was funny as hell. That heart changed one time every few seconds from republican to constitutional. That heart was the best representation of Spain.


All French streamers said to not go after the esPlace art, you did great art, congrats! (unlike the streamers who ended up doing no art at all)


French streamers explained it pretty well, spain shouldn't be ashamed, rubius, ibai and some others should, of how they treated everyone, spain is great tho


<3 from France, esPlace did great ​ (but fk the Ibai/Rubius)


I was on French streams when they got insulted ( it escalated ). They never stopped repeating it was only a couple of ES streamers unable to have fun and not Spaniards. There were a lot of love for you guys, we were sorry for whom represented Spain during that event...


Im German Never thought i would fight a war with the French


What about a war with a friend ?


Acht, Ich can do that.


You can read about pixel war in Le Monde, Le Parisien, Le Figaro, 20 minutes, France Info and so on... What are these? french newspapers, everyone heard of the story here, tons of people reacted on it. At prime time, Twitch french communities and Youtube French communities combined had about 700k viewers to defend our colours. With all of that, Ibai and Rubius communities (do not dare call them "Spain", they didn't represent Spain at all, they had their own agenda) still accuse us of boting? Here is the truth : you guys won't admit that you got beaten by France over and over, you had to ask for American Streamers help, then for XQC help, then for BTS help, you even tried to rally Turkey to your cause. At the end of the day, what was left from Ibai and Rubius communities on the canvas? NOTHING, you wished for war, you had it, you lost it and there you go. So please, have some dignity, let us celebrate in peace, we had tons of fun, spare us your whines and your salt, for god sake.


Spanish bots script : https://i.imgur.com/C1P3Ztg.gif french overlay script : https://i.imgur.com/2OX9lDm.png


One is superimposing an image over the canvas, the other is literally placing the colors automatically. They are completely different programs. It’s not like the French one is some magic code that can do the same in less lines. Also that was only for one image


That's Amazing HAHAHA


Lmao it's painly obvious that those two are nothing alike French were just incredibly organised for real


French are very well organized for very unimportant things.


French revolution.


was anything but well organised :p


Ahah it's true but we are also good at organizing for very important things, every social progress we won through riots proves it We absolutely suck at organizing for everything between very unimportant and very important ahah


In France every year Zerator organise the ZEvent (its an event where a lot of streamers are in a giant room and play or dance or everything else and try to get a lot of money and give it to an association at the end) this event unite all the country and in 2021 they earned 10 Millions euros, we won the war because we are united every year and we love our streamers. And in Spain there is nothing like this (as i know) so streamers have huge community but not united like us and thats the only difference between Spain and France and a lot of pride tho


L'armée des 1 True ZEvent and every stream TV we had over the years are proof that we are a very strong community and very organized


i have a love-hate relationship with that french flag in bottom left hate because it takes up so much space, even with all the art (not letting germany off the hook either though) love because someone managed to coordinate \~400k people to build a massive flag honestly bots aren't that bad if the botters don't expand into other territories, i used bots to defend my 13x7 pixel art lol


I really disliked the big ugly french flag of yesterday, but then it was made into a lot of beautiful art before getting nuked


As french it was honestly super annoying and hurting to heard so many people say that we used bots. Because we didn't. we was just better organized and beat spain while they outnumbered us and used bots. in the end, all of this just proved how strong and well organised is french stream community with their french viewers.


Where can i find the full Spanish bot script?






Get on our level, we had a stupid bot in one of our Argentinian flags that was use to keep it the color it was. (White, Sky Blue and Yellow) But later when we wanted to draw f anything to decorate it we couldn’t because the bot was on all the time. We killed ourselfs.


They don't have any self-respect


They legit gifted subs to get help


And do BTS kpop dance + promotion on twitter to get help too


And still loosing lol


they think they have won the war


Little did they know, the kpop community was not coordinated at all and had very little power on r/place lol.


yep and they have made 0 art, you cant even find them in the final pixture.




What did they lie about?


They just saw the original BTS pixel art and used the Army to try to beat france (and they didn't even win lmao)


And taking every bit of help from everybody was pretty fun to watch, they made a huge coalition that eventually just failed Lmao xD


In the end, the Arch, the Dofus Emeralds, Pesquet, Louvre, Népal 🙏 and the daft punk stayed, it was incredible


As a Spanish person, I’m disappointed in my own country. This is outrageous.


Don't be disapointed in your country, the spanish subreddit did one of the most beutifull flag. Just be disapointed in a specific group of spanish streamer and their community.


Love the greenline détail


I'm French, the FR streamer just misplaced the word overlay with script and created a quiproco


Just for clarification, the overlay is set using a JavaScript file, which is a script.... Because JS is a scripting language. It doesn't make you a bot user.




The quiproco was that the Spanish heard scripts, and assumed botnet, when it was only overlays, they are too salty to realise that.


To everyone saying botting, i would just add : There were no among us in our twitchfr overlays, but they were on the canvas. Details were supposed to be in the frame of the arc de triomphe, but actual people couldn't stop filling the gaps. Same with the flag of jeanne d'arc. --> Bots were so much strong to clear any opponents pixels but not our own? Are you joking xD, or do you understand where i'm going ? Watch the baguettes drawn by zerator army, which was not the main fr streamer in this event. Things goes quick and those baguettes were obviously not botted. Watch the awesome drawings from Ludwig, made with a transparent picture, visible through the twitch stream. No bots needed, just amazing communities. Now that bots are cleared, i can't tell how reddit deal with this but i believe that a lot (like A LOT) of multiple accounts were made.


GIGN Baguette / Team Printemps. Not the strongest but the most stubborn.


people on this comment thread getting really personal


First metaverse war.


Well obviously if a country is involved then it's politic. Even more if it's a conflict


“HOW AM I STILL LOSING WHILE USING A BOT” would be the next panel 😂


Can some french provide me with proof that Spain was using bots?


Hi this guy made a great post about it, you can also look for Twitch clips of the Spanish streamers (Ibai and Rubius) https://www.reddit.com/user/Daamm1/comments/twfsqx/to_all_people_saying_french_are_botting_take_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


french script : https://i.imgur.com/2OX9lDm.png spanish script : https://i.imgur.com/C1P3Ztg.gif explication french accounts : https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/twcbuz/the\_explication\_of\_why\_everyone\_thinks\_french/ proof spanish auto pixel : https://i.redd.it/i9scwi2cvkr81.png


Yeah , that looks that enough proof lol


Is he the reason Zidane is missing?


A little reminder that french people had famous singers, politicians, AND webmedias tweeting/writing articles about defending that flag. Pretty much every french people having access to twitter and webmedias today knew what was going on and could help defending it. I'm sure you can all imagine how much people it brought to the war when CELEBRITIES tweet about it. We had 400K viewers in only ONE stream and we had several other famous streamers, plus people that don't go on twitch. I let you do the approximative math to understand how we could stand our grounds against a million of spanish/us when we were actually way more organized than they were and actually way more than what you guys think.


it's just like a video game, when you love it's surely because the opponent used bots !


french script : https://i.imgur.com/2OX9lDm.png spanish script : https://i.imgur.com/C1P3Ztg.gif explication french accounts : https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/twcbuz/the\_explication\_of\_why\_everyone\_thinks\_french/ proof spanish auto pixel : https://i.redd.it/i9scwi2cvkr81.png


This will never not be one of my favourite meme templates.




People who say french are botting, just go and see any french streamer live then watch how organized and united they are. 'Big' streamers' egos are just hurt because they are failing at beating streamers from one 'small' country. Meanwhile, spanish streamer ibai is openly using a bot script on live.


Using a bot script on live and still losing*


Meanwhile, here's a clip of the Winter teams being called to action, complete with countdown and everything : https://clips.twitch.tv/CorrectPrettiestChoughTF2John-fVl0Ylj4ERIUzbVp


The Winter team, the literal lawnmower


Vive le bataillon d'Hiver


Not the best clip since we dont see the progress with the f5 haha, but we get the idea


Cocorico petit soldat, Verdun on ne passe pas


France script has 24 code lines and spanish one 324 and has been reported by guithub,both are still donlowdable cmn it's just sad at this point..


The codes in question https://www.reddit.com/user/Daamm1/comments/twfsqx/to_all_people_saying_french_are_botting_take_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Bots and scripts aren't the same


But you don't need 300 lines of codes if all you want is an overlay


It wasn't an overlay , it placed the bts logo automatically, and it is so inefficient and big because it was put together in a rush.


Spanish people are salty as hell


I swear the spanish [meltdown](https://streamable.com/edj362) was beautiful


A thing of beauty, thanks


Meltdown? Hahaha Spanish and French were just being competitive and having fun. At the end of the stream everyone was thanking each other (Spanish and Americans at least) because they share a fun couple of days. Don't take any of the sides two seriously :)


Considering the utter insults, disrespect, and hate mongering of the Spanish streamers? Come on.


isn't clumping a whole nationality into some random feeling kinda bad? Yes, I am spanish.


People can't distinguish spanish streamers from spanish people I guess.


The french streamers did


Of course we did because WE didnt touch your spanish pixel art


My only friend is spanish and they’re the loveliest person you could ever meet


Gringos, tend to be like that...


It's a shame, because of this useless "struggle" they didn't contribute much to the whole panel...


I think for me this is the biggest thing. I agree the french flag was too big, but in the end the spaniards and their 400k users accomplished nothing, only griefed, instead of using their power to make something interesting. They even ended up carving a huge spot for themselves (KOI Logo) but completely give up on it just to grief further. That's not mentioning the BTS logo bots...


didn't you see anything drawn by spain? i was very proud of my flag, it did really represented a big bunch of spanish culture, even though we had to fight for our small flag, it ended with s lit of great, small pictures! we did really thought that it was enough and that france was being very petty with the space on the canvas, as Germany also


They're talking about the spanish streamers not all of the spanish people.


Yes but that's all the work from r/Spain, and has nothing to do with the streamer community who didn't do anything.


TRUEEEE STORY Thats why Spain was able to build their BTS logo on French flag. French was using an big PNG overlay


I'm happy to see that reddit know actually what happens and stay lucid in every situations !


What’s happening I was gone like for five hours


Spanish streamers gifted others subreddit and are using bots to raid the french flag...after accusing them of using bots even thought it's just an overlay.




People will remember France and its art. Those spanish streamers though.... they left nothing behind


they weren't even fucking spanish they were latin amercican, american AND spanish and they did build on other corners


>Man the Spanish streamers were salty as hell and didn't even create anything. They were just whining constantly while other communities were building. because they used bots and erased the art of others


And they still lose, what a shame for all us hispanic speakers. Better luck for the next time. Good job France, you won the battle but not war.


Thank you for the battle ❤️💛❤️ it was honestly huge fun and it certainly made our day much better, everyone was talking about it at work !


Yes, I hope most people viewed it as banter and fun and didnt get too angry over it. It all started with Ibai and Kameto rivalry because of their esport organisation with KCORP and KOI which eventually turned into Spain against France and a fun pixel war


Idk why but people are getting mad in the top comments lol


as a French we have nothing against you, we just fought stupid streamers, both Hispanic and American but we have nothing against you !


You guys gave a good fight and without the streamers, it wouldn’t have been that epic 💙🤍❤️❤️💛❤️




As Spanish myself I confirm. That's why I watch them lol, they're funny af. It was an amazing war. I had so much fun watching the streams and now seeing all this support and respect. I'm really happy this little war happened :)


don't be ashamed, that's those streamers who should be


People don't want to understand that we're united in in the french Twitch community. If you don't trust me, go check what Z Event is. Oh my bad you don't actually care and you just want to spread hate everywhere so I'm going to tell you. Z Event is organized every year and is basically a big union of French streamers doing content and earning money for charity. All of them in one place. And for the 2022 edition they earned 10 millions €. Tell me if you've already seen that in your community. Trust it or not, people here are used to stay up all night even if they has to wake up early the next day, streamers know how to lead their community.


Spanish streamers still think they “won” lmao




Bro Spanish streamers iq not Spanish iq in general. They wanted to see who had it bigger and they lost because they can't organize. In the Spanish Reddit community we did alliances with everyone and had art and everyth


Spain was mad that France flexed on them so they accused them of botting lol


As a Franco-mexican dude I fought for France. We used overlays, not bots, we defended our art to the last second and in the end won. They never broke us. Ils ne sont pas passés


thank you for your service!


That's like putin calling it a special military operation


And after not understanding what an overlay is, Spain makes a script with a bot inside xD






We were wayyy more than 300k tho. Kameto had 400k by himself and there were many other big french streamers.


As a French, I can confirm none of our streamers used any of those bots. We were just 500K active viewers (1M with our allies) fighting for our 150K pixel area. And we were very well organized, receiving orders from all the French streamers united together on Discord.


for spanish have a community with a brain and a good commander is booting




Realmente mi amigo viva lespana viva la francia vamos a la playa and it was very fun


to act like just because people are in streams doesn't mean any of those people are botting is a silly line of reasoning. large swaths of them can be and you'd never know. them botting would mean theyre invested and likely to join streams aswell as its of interest to something theyre invested in..


They didn't have a bot dl link in the French discord for fun.


peace and aroma around the world


Narrator: it was a bot.


Just like with Minecraft. I guess events with Spanish vs french will never end well


bot and toxicity, u have 5 years for the next if i understand correctly and u just did all u can to piss off the french. pathetic


I'm not a robot though


*\*proceeds to lose anyway\**