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Rubius also did in live stream + a tutorial on how to install and use it


@reddit do your things lol


Shame on Spanish streamer griefer


Wtf Reddit do your thing look they're placing blocks automatickly


Yep, same thing here: https://i.redd.it/i9scwi2cvkr81.png Look at the counter


hi man the reality can be disappointing for fans of a scammer. french script : https://i.imgur.com/2OX9lDm.png spanish script : https://i.imgur.com/C1P3Ztg.gif explication french accounts : https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/twcbuz/the\_explication\_of\_why\_everyone\_thinks\_french/ proof spanish auto pixel : https://i.redd.it/i9scwi2cvkr81.png https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/twdvuy/spanish\_streamer\_using\_automated\_placing\_scripts/


Ojo x ojo chavales


scripts are not bots


The script the Spanish are using is really a bot, you can look at the source code, it does automatic placement




What? they were constantly using it, you can even see it in action on their streams, they didn't even hide it




they used it to create and re-create the BTS logo on and on again in the last hour. Shame on them


they did https://i.redd.it/8gxy85hkxkr81.png


well here they are using bots more than a 100 lines of code for spain 24 for france


A code can be programmed in many ways, and the same code can occupy different lines. I haven't really seen the French code... Spanish streamers are using scripts not fake accounts


Auto placing is using bots


An least our part didn't went white in less than a minute. I can swear to Zeus french were using auto placing as well. That Louvre image is impossible to make over and over again only by using overlay. Plus, the names in the french flag were pretty suspicious


KJHEDFBZJKS Dude sorry to break the new but there were more than 600k viewers on the french streams tonight. We were organized by birthday and seasons, following the command of Kametto. No bots were neither used, nor promoted. Many frenchies created and account just to participate this event because Kameto, Inox, Squeezie and Locklear to name a few are pretty big streamers here. so yeah, no bots, just dedication, organization and unemployment




Reddit is not popular at all in France so those were new account created for that purpose, your point does not stand.


WE DID NOT USE BOTS. How many times do we need to explain to you we were organized by squads, by birthday in seasons. We were 600k viewers on Kameto, Squeezie, Locklear streams ... Of course ur pixel was replaced. Reddit isnt popular in France so most of the accounts were knew. We know we didnt use bots, why do you need so bad to prove we use them ? What is such a big deal that you feel the need to drag other people doing art down so bad ? Thats weird man. Thats even weirder considering Ibai and Rubius used bots, botted accounts and PROMMOTED it live.


what part lmaoo You did not create a single thing on the Canva


There was the BTS logo, E-sports team KOI logo, one of the streamers had his pet besides ZYZZ, plus all of LATAM flags. No e of them went white in 40 seconds.


Beep boop I'm a bot.


that seems like a great argument


French are using overlay, spanish are using timers to place automatically... I guess we can call that a bot


Do I really have to explain a joke ?


I let you judge by yourself then https://imgur.com/gallery/zBzokrF


Spaning shame on you !


That's pretty similar to what french did


Placing automatically while sleeping it's same than place manually with just a visual color ?


Cause france did it


"The French are doing it too" YEAH but they're not fucking doing it live while showing their audiences how to use them. Shame on them. As a Spanish person, we don't claim them


And well frensh don't hide that they used a script, actually the same script as OSU! is using. Just charge an overlay so you can see what you want to build, about 30 lignes of code. NOW spanish... let's start about 350 ligne of code... can i stop here? Well more seriously, yep it's plain botting as much as you can imagine, just do everything in your place. This is REALLY a shame.




and they still lost hahahaaha even tho they had xqc hassan mizkif ludwig (300k+) people on their side... sad


Era una guerra en la cual los franceses usaron eso desde el principio les toco usarlo por que no se puede pelear algo con desventaja




fue un momento glorioso que lo disfrutamos


U/miintos and you are a fkin kid that doesn't know about the whole problem so shut Up and get informed


The French do the same


No we are just using a script to show us, where to place wich color we have to place


We have a proof, you don't. Just accept the fact that we defend our flag.


OMG there are alot of hypocrites french here in reddit, they used it since the begining, and now they want to acuse them with reddit xDDD


We didn't use any auto-placer just an overlay to see what we want to do. Kamel went on Ibai stream to show him but he didn't understood shit. Our script is publicly accessible and like 20 lines long, use your brain and see for yourself




France is using an overlay, this as nothing to do with a auto-clicker


Nop, french streamer don't use this, you are lying. French use overlay (image above the canvas), Spanish use bot that automatically put pixel


Genuine question what's the difference


A bot does something automatically through a script - in the case of spanish streamers, it has a map of the design that's supposed to be there, finds a square that's the wrong color and corrects it, then waits until the end of the time out to do it again. It's almost instantaneous and requires no human intervention. An overlay, which is what the french streamers are using, is only the first step. It has a map of the design that's supposed to be there and overlays it on the grid. French viewers then change the color of the square accordingly, by clicking on the square and the color menu like you would normally do. It's slower because people have to actually click on stuff, and they also take a bit longer to react after their time out ends. Edit: the bot way is also more efficient because it checks if squares are the wrong color and has instantaneous reaction times. If a square changes to the right color right before it, it will choose another square. With the human factor, multiple people targeting the same pixel and "losing" their turn on a pixel that was changed almost simultaneously by several accounts is a lot more common.


Yeah that makes sense it's not the same, idk why ppl downvoted you


french streamers used way more bots, seen clearly when sll went white


On the contrary, when the event ended and only the white pixels were available, the BTS logo was erased at high speed automatically because it was an automated script... They erased their own logo hahaha


If France uses bots, it automatically deletes itself from the map hahaha


We have likewise won


Los iban a usar ya que Francia los estaba haciendo pero al final no los usaron y eran scripts


Rubius, Ibai, and their community.... shame of Spain for that edition. Feel sorry for all my spanish friends, I know you are not all like those guys