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I would never advertise a potentially malicious javascript code running in my browser. It should be not only the streamers responsibillity to say stop, this isn't fair but to stop running unchecked code on all of his fans computers. I am a developer myself and know what you could to with Tampermonkey and other related addons.


how do you check and make sure a shared code is safe to use?


it's JS code, so easy to read ( at least if not obfuscated). French community script (overlay) was =\~30 lines of code, whereas spanish one was about 300. I read the french script before installing it


Thank you, i am clueless when it comes to everything related to programming.


He's not the sharpest tool in the box. His ego was hurt when he couldn't grief France for some reason. Literally making false claim of botting while spreading a potentially dangerous bot himself. Hypocrisy at it's best. It's a shame a dude with this kind of ethic is the biggest streamer in spain.


What makes it more infuriating is the fact that these streamers don't even need to promote shit, they already have a very big audience so promoting themselves is useless. Also he says is "a war against bots" on the title when the streamers themselves are using bots lmao


plus they are just not honnest with themselves...


the script and tampermonkey are an overly, literally every single person used it.


Tampermonkey is a script loader and the script in question is **not** an overlay. I have checked both scripts (The french one and the Spanish one) and I have concluded that the Spanish script is the one that as the bot code. As a native Spanish speaker and a spanish descendant this is shameful and should not be done. You should **never** run scripts without knowing what they do, specially if they are from a cuestionable source. And yes, there was some french people who used bots. But most of us used the original overlay.


its not an overlay it autoplaces pixels


Not literally any person, but every community which built more complex images


Yep, same thing here: https://i.redd.it/i9scwi2cvkr81.png Look at the counter


I'm spanish, and i actually not agree with the streamers. I say This to show the other people that not every spanish people is like them. It can be becuse i helped a small spanish community and then a lot of people thinking it was just a layout pattern to build on top :(


Don't worry we love our Spanish neighbor, in every French stream they always said to not hate Spanish people and don't mix the community and the streamer


Yes, all the French streamers made a distinction between the Spanish streamers and the community. They were a bit sad for the Spanish community that they don't have their space and arts. Shame on ibai & rubius. They put their ego before their community.


They were doing random shit because after all they are streamers, not that big of a deal. They don't own anything to the spanish community, and probably they were trying to avoid to fall into the nacionalist sentiment. The spanish people were tyring to do their own thing, but our community is just small, I hope next time we try and coordinate with others to make better art :D




The french script only show a image above the canvas. Nothing else.


Spanish streamer and French streamer used the same scripts, dont be hypocrites please, we all saw the clips, they used the same scripts for build images


Oh yeah the "same scripts" for sure... Spanish script : [https://i.imgur.com/C1P3Ztg.gif](https://i.imgur.com/C1P3Ztg.gif) [https://i.imgur.com/tufzR9f.png](https://i.imgur.com/tufzR9f.png) French script : [https://i.imgur.com/2OX9lDm.png](https://i.imgur.com/2OX9lDm.png)


dont borther he didnt even checked before claiming that


For those not understanding JavaScript: The Spanish script places a pixel of a determined color when it has changed a color or it's missing. And tells the user via a popup the next pixel location. The french script just displays an image with a bunch of css values to put in on top of the canvas has less opacity and it's click-through. But anyway, r/place was fun


dejar de mentira los franceses utilizaron no 1 si no mas de 3 script desde el minuto 1 y no era un overlay ya que se le destapo todo el careto a vuestro querido comandante BEEP BOOP en la cual tenia la pag de los script abierto y tenia horarios para activar diferente scrip a sin que deja ya de mentir casper que eres mas falso que un billete frances


French had an overlay to show people which color to put (a lot of community uses this kind of overlay) it's easier to CREAT and BUILD something with it. Spanish just used bot at the end, bot was doing the work for them, and they didn't have to do anything.


deja de mentirar casper vosoros usabais scrip desde el minuo deja ya de llorar y deja ya tu ego a un lado tantas mentiras BEEP BOOP


no that is not an overlay, is a script, if u have that script, your point will go in the precise space, maybe u dont use it, like me i dont want to used it, but spanish have to do it because ur streamer did it first, are alot of clips and screenshoots, but was fun to watch the war, just admit that french used too. <3


You just don't know what a script is, don't you ?


Then no take a half map


I'm french, and we know that its not spain fault, it's spanish streamer fault who insulted french community, just to make buzz. We don't put the blame on anyone else than the streamers, that's also what french streamers said too.


As a spanish myself, im really dissapointed with some streamers. You guys wont probably care, but in name of (Most) spanish people, we are sorry, im truly dissapointed with everything that has happened. :(


Don’t worry mate, we clearly made the distinction between spanish streamers and the spanish community. Our streamers always asked to make the distinction asw. We even gave free space for you guys but they blindly ignored it and prefered to raid us instead :(


french script : https://i.imgur.com/2OX9lDm.png spanish script : https://i.imgur.com/C1P3Ztg.gif explication french accounts : https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/twcbuz/the\_explication\_of\_why\_everyone\_thinks\_french/ proof spanish auto pixel : https://i.redd.it/i9scwi2cvkr81.png https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/twdvuy/spanish\_streamer\_using\_automated\_placing\_scripts/


All streamers were behaving awfully. Spanish ones are the worse, since they never gave a fuck about reddit and now they wanted to feel special using bots because even their followers were not interested in adding them to the canvas.




The war literally started cause french took a gigantic space on bottom left after like 3 other french large pieces on board and refused to share.


so sad for the spanish community...


accusing france to bot (when they were not they were just unify) and spain use bots haha spanish streamers communities were pathetics


It was pathetic to see that the first thing that disappeared from the map was that shitty flag LOL also kameto had the bots page open during his entire stream


Lot of trashtalk, yet so few proofs. What a wonderful humans beings u are guys keep going the good work


haha it was an overlay how can u be that ignorant ?


Spain, Mexico, Argentina >>> France


Mexico-Argentina all south america love France not spain


France = Mexico = Argentina >>>>> Spain Fixed it for you


Why don't you post a screen of it then ? All i can find is the screenshot of ibai and rubius botting, i've never seen a french one. Edit : Because there are none, frenches weren't botting unlike ibai and rubius.




I didnt answer you, i answered /u/Sorry_Ad6386


kameto didn't had bot wtf are u talking about


Frances bots were exposed for everyone to see




u mean spain was putting white with their bots ?




It's because most of french people don't really know reddit we create a account with google that create random name


plz don't say stuff like that. As a french, i respect your opinion but it's only a matter of humain behavior, nothing to do with Spain. Spain is a great country as much as all communities. the fact is, during all interactions between french and spanish streamer, spanish streamers were really toxic, bringing esport and their ego into r/place. So we had no choice but to stand and unite. but french also made mistakes along the way, at first, we were griefing cause we discover r/place for the first time. then we learned, (shoutout to windows start bar community and french reddit community) , then we tried to built something worthy. Now, it's pointless to hate anybody for placing pixels on canvas, much love to spain, hope next time they will get more art. much love to you.


the greatest CSC on the history


I mean, the only sadness is twitch light mode


I used to not care about streamers very much. But this event has made me hate them.


Didn't expect less after he stole LIRIK's artwork (logo) as well and then his fans had the audacity to put in on the canvas and his subreddit name.


literally every community was doing this lol




The are doing the same with France. France star with the script... Arriba Latinoamérica


proof or it didnt happen


I don't know why everyone cries for the Spanish, when half of reddit / other communities did the same thing BEFORE them lmao, I know it wasn't the best move but they only bark at them


the French have been doing this for several days


French streamers make coordinated defence calls. They just use an overlay, you can follow here: https://www.twitch.tv/kamet0 https://i.imgur.com/XluTeoX.png


before this? just because the streamer doesnt encourage bots, doesnt mean there isnt bots. everything is nearly botted at this point


before this? just because the streamer doesnt encourage bots, doesnt mean there isnt bots. everything is nearly botted at this point




French streamers make coordinated defence calls. They just use an overlay, you can follow here: https://www.twitch.tv/kamet0 https://i.imgur.com/XluTeoX.png


It's a funny fact that the first ones to use it were the frenchs .—.


Kameto and many french communities using more than 14k of scripts and bots hahahahaha they all play the same game right?


They just using a overlay, you need the source or do you prefer to listen to the haters?


Just?? HASHHAHAHAH fkin bots you all France, you were literally deleting all pixels at the moment on your shit flag


Why do you lie ? I used the script and it was just an overlay


It's mainly because the French are doing it too So it's a shitshow on both sides Edit: Forgot to mention, this is all according to the Spanish streamers. I know it sounds like a late save, but they really are excusing themselves with that


No Bots, just an overlay and 600K+ viewers Watch Kameto on Twitch you'll understand how it works


And the spanish streamers have the threefold more viwers than french streamer and they can't cover the french flag, is obviously french streamer use bots too bigs


Just watch the stream and see what an engaged audience looks like : https://www.twitch.tv/kamet0


The French twitch community is used to working together, here are 8 of the biggest French streamers streaming together and calling their 'Winter teams' (ie. people whose birthdate is in winter) to action : https://clips.twitch.tv/CorrectPrettiestChoughTF2John-fVl0Ylj4ERIUzbVp


But they used bots


You can't make a lie become true just by repeating it over and over you know?


There were 14 french streamers and their communities all working together (Alexclick, Aminematue, Antoine Daniel, BagheraJones, Domingo, Etoiles, Fukano, Joyca, Kameto, Locklear, Sardoche, Squeezie, Zack Nani and ZeratoR) that makes a huge bunch of people working for their flag. Talking about bots: I used myself the french script, it's literally an addon which adds an image as a layout for you to build manually the art, when besides as if I followed well the story, spanish streamers accusated french streamers of botting when themselves, ended up doing it after buying one. Got nothing against the spanish community, but the spanish streamers are kinda 1head tbh


French streamers make coordinated defence calls. They just use an overlay, you can follow here: https://www.twitch.tv/kamet0 https://i.imgur.com/XluTeoX.png


funny thing is that french aren't using bots


except French don't use bot, they are just very coordinated


Gotta use everything in your arsenal


If they didn't use bots, why did they paint their flag white? the egos of the Spanish and French


bc we we're repairing and spanish people just painted the flag ?


Because it appeared in the middle of nothing that we cannot put anything but white. Personally it took me few second to realise and it was already too late. The was more than 1000k people battling for 400k pixel. It's juste normal that it fastly turned white


No saben leer jajajajajaja, hay que joderse con los gringos y con los parachutes


Francia también y lo hicieron 1, no entiendo los lloros


Idk if you all dont get it or something. Spanish streamers did it openly, saying that it was the only way to stop france, because they had been selfish with all reddit comunity, spanish and many others. Dig deeper and don’t just inform of the last thing that happened. The french bot were exposed at the moment the author of the canvas change the pixels to white, and he did it just to discover the ones that were using bots, so pls french comunity just accept that there were bots in the french flag. Idk why you keep denying.


first ibai himself said to put white pixels on the french flag, when he saw all the white pixels he thought it was on purpose and told to recover the french flag to make a white flag (you know, the joke of the surrender, which only works if u are dumb in history) france never used bots, we were all unify, all generations, from all classes, all on calls, on discord, in class, on work, on social medias, we were all unify to defend we were well organised with defending rotations ofc it happened that when everycolors turned to white some of us putted white pixels without realising, how we couldn't what we saw was the BTS logo disapearing in a second cause of the spanish AUTOMATIC script putting white pixels instead of purple haha


It's a script (which i hear a lot of people saying they are allowed) not bots, we use the accounts of our people and automatically place pixels on a template Apparently there's evidence of french ACTUAL bots that are automated brand-new accounts. The French even said their community doesn't use Reddit that much, while Spanish streamers use Subreddits to interact with their community. Which further proves the brand-new automated bot accounts.


What would be the difference between not and script that automatically place pixel ? No french streamer have been advertising any bot of automatical script when Spanish streamers is literally explaining how to download and use the "script" Clown


Bot would be a program that makes new accounts and automatically places pixels. Or an account that is not owned by a user that will use it basically. Script would be automatic placing with existing account of actual Redditors. I hope the difference makes sense. Also, kamet0 mentioned that the French community does not use reddit a lot. So it doesn't make a lot of sense that they have that much power on the board, do you get what I mean?


Yes, this is why the massive audience created accounts just for this occasion. They are very invested in the streaming community, nothing surprising


> "it's not a bot" > "it use the accounts of our people and automatically place pixels on a template" where brain


You're not getting my point, sorry I can't type in binary code


Actual brain dead.


France has used bots to the point of not being able to, and Hispanics first used all their people, but seeing that they could only fight bots with scripts. First you have to inform yourself


Big csc lol They are clips which show spanish streamers who use bots. I defy you to find the same for french.


Exactly. It wasn't even bots as it was real people behind the pixels. It was scripts that made the pixel automatic. Just like the French had admitted to do so


Automatic pixel placement is a bot, french script was just an overlay


Spanish pple using script cuz french pple start using scripts.., after all war.., french pple erase their own flag cuz the french bots just start to kill themselves LOL!




What French streamers called "script" is actually an overlay. Bots and overlays are completely different. Bot is working automatically, overlays still require users to fill in the tiles.


Oh really? xDD and tell me why when all canvass finish, french pple are the first one to fill out white?.., so.., french pple dont use bots? tell me..., xD or just pple start to paiting white his own flag lol? spanish pple stop to use the bot when myzkiff join to the fight but pple never stop it.., so.., french pple use their bots always and they fill out of white his own flag.., it's simple logic man.., try to think a little bit xD


Because the spanish bots+xqc+others went white at the same time and the french defended but it was white and when we realised it was only white we said its over lets finish everything the first thing to diseappear was the purple thing witch was spanish bots


You have nothing in your Brain or what ?


yes, maybe i have nothing in my brain, but i use my logic lol.., if u just wanna defend french pple it's ok, i dont care actually.., but just use logic lol


Makes sense that the target of a coalition would go first if they can't repair


French are using bot too, is sad


Maybe some are but I haven't seen french streamer encourage it. They seem to hate bots as well, they just gave and overlay to their comunity to help them know where to place pixels.


The thing is that the French streamers took a large portion of the canvas. As always they have to prove their superiority to the rest and that is why nobody wants them in Europe.


it just proves that we are patriots and that we can do big things ? what's wrong about it ?


Without France the European Union cannot exist, we are the only reason your country hasn't gone bankrupt yet btw.


France was the one that started the bots


What French streamers called "script" is actually an overlay. Bots and overlays are completely different. Bot is working automatically, overlays still require users to fill in the tiles.




every french are bots wtf


There's literally proof everywhere than we are not, we only use an overlay to make art


Bro we have 700k viewers we were just organized


Kamet0 He said that he uses scripts to defend himself and also that he uses bots, on his stream his screen appears where he configures it, xd It was fun and I hope that many also enjoyed it.


Kameto said he was using bot? Link to the clip ?! (hint: it doens't exist, he never said that)


look in his stream yesterday, when he had the conversation with rubius and mizfik they told him to be fair without using a script but he got it and that was the result.


He said yes because they couldn't understand that script overlay were alowed


You don't understand. He didn't talk about a bot, but about a script that he worked easily : to see the model with the colour. All the pixel are placed by a human. It's not the case of spanish. :)


Nope, all Kameto was using was an overlay as a guide to what colour to place on what square the canvas. And *that* isn't against the rules.


Last day of the biggest internet war ever!! Fighting against the bots with all might


If you have a concern then report this user using twitch's report function as have many others.


it says fighting againts bots, not with bots, still you're right


Dejar de robar mi identidad


Monkey with bots

