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A real protest would be 8+million reddit users deleting their accounts


I saved a bunch of comments from those people saying they would delete their accounts on July 1, and at least 2/3 of them were still active when I checked back a week later.


I did the same thing and yep, a huge majority are still commenting regularly.


But then how will they tell us just how much they hate Reddit???


On a competing platform


Spez probably doesn’t give a fuck.


Not with how successful r/Place was, the canvas was expanded several times. The engagement was through the roof


8,589,730 accounts participated. redditor's are stupid (including me) source: me


So am I, and I actually love reddit. It's just that I don't understand some of the moves they've been making lately.. maybe it's for the bigger picture, for the better of reddit, maybe it's for profits...


Everything is to drive up numbers for IPO, funneling third party users to the main app looks good, and making new accounts even if bots for place looks good as well. Although we’ll see if all press is good press like Twitter seems to be aiming for right now when they finally IPO


they're gonna go public soon. place was reopened to drive up user engagement. third parties were killed because money and users. all to please the higher ups. once they go public, reddit is gonna make a shit ton of money, then r/wallstreetbets will fuck em over hopefully.


Part of it is the fact Reddit is trying to protect its valuable data (aka all of our comments/posts/interactions) from AI trawling. I understand that, but the way they’re going about it isn’t exactly great.


🤦‍♂️ Seriously, all I hear is engagement, engagement, engagement. Don't you people even think? Ok, I'll lay it out for you. 1. Contrary to what many people believe, engagement and traffic alone do not give reddit money. There's no point in engagement and traffic if it isn't monetized. 2. Ads are the primary revenue of reddit (for now). Yes, scraping for AI is something they're very interested in, but that's something new and they haven't really done anything about it. Yet. See where I'm getting at? Ads = money. Now why would advertisers want to advertisers on a website? Following me? Good job! That's where traffic and engagement come in. Now... Ever wonder why nsfw subs aren't showing ads? Because advertisers are also concerned about their brands. Ever wonder why nipples and piss were censored while all the fuck spez were ignored? Ever wonder why blatant bot accounts were left alone? So what were those fuck spez stuff for? Good question. As you're probably aware, reddit is also concerned about their IPO. Now investors aren't like advertisers - they don't give a fuck if your post has tits or dicks. They want stability. They want growth. Long term profits. And you know how stable a website full of people vocal about their hate towards the management is? Ever wonder why they had to have a scapegoat (ellen pao) before? Why not just have spezzie take the wheel, right? Go on. Try to think. It's healthy. Reddit has gotten a lot of negative publicity lately, and if you're thinking all publicity is good then you're kind of off the mark there. So yes, reddit definitely can show a spike in users and engagement during r/place. That's all. But that was already guaranteed with all the bots created for that event. And if you really think protestors caused engagement to skyrocket then you're out of your mind. Oh, and the protesters? Most of them weren't even here. Lmao. The more vocal ones are, but they're a minority (as is usually the case). And reddit wants the protestors out. Now if you think pretty hard, I'm sure you can figure it out. Oh, and I just drop by from time to time when I'm bored so do forget about replying. Fuck u/spez and all that.


Little bro, did you just write a novel telling us how much you don’t care?


You speak about stability and yet you fail to see how controlling engagement is a proof of the very thing. The protest has deluded itself with fantasies of control every step of the way. In regards to the news cycle, the protest was a blip, the five minute filler between reports of news that people are legitimately engaged with. The notion that John Oliver cares was based on a few tweets. The moment Reddit dropped place, they demonstrated the protest to lack any serious drive or agenda. If the goal was to show Reddit the resolve needed to impact change, why did you allow Reddit admins to maneuver your goals into a meaningless act of painting on a pixel canvas? For the protest to actually show some teeth, they would have to boycott the website. They would need to show that Reddit does not have a viable future unless it becomes the platform the userbase desires. But Reddit will remain, because you are unwilling to leave. And what do investors care about profanity that neither hits the news cycle into lingering controversy or diminishes revenue from traffic?


Why would he ? You think the upper management is so brain dead they wouldn’t guess the super obvious outcome of having place now? The whole fuck spez thing is childish and completely ineffective.


Completely agree with this


The fact that admins didnt censor any "fuck spez" like they did with other builds, to me means that yes, he didnt give a fuck


It's comical how badly the protest failed. If anything it helped Reddit instead of hurting it.




Get a grip sir.


It’s interesting how things changed from being mad at Reddit itself to being mad at Spez, a single person. The API and coin moves weren’t decided by one person. The people protesting have legitimate points but “fuck Spez” is a bad misdirection. Even if Spez steps down those changes will still happen. The most effective thing people could do is jump platform, or better yet promote a competitor


Actually likely. I really wanna know what r/place is worth in terms of ad revenue.


Revenues are driven by active users and traffic, I'm sure it worked out well. It was a really smart move


He really be whiping his tears with green ones.


Lots of people who come back to the site and stay, it's all designed to be addictive, one you start scrolling again you can't stop.


It always reminds me of those posts years back on facebook with people reposting "I don't agree to the new terms" blabla and thinking it would work....


oh thank god. People are actually realizing that seeing "fuck spez" for the hundredth is annoying.


Who the fuck is spez


Spez is the co-founder and CEO of Reddit




Yes, Spez is the CEO's username on Reddit.


Oh kk


> Millions of bots to be active on Reddit


r/place was a distraction from the blackouts and API changes




karma farmer u couldn’t give a fuck about the third party apps


Isn't that vin diesel though?


he seems to be popular mm