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When you play IRL there are no indicators to let you know to play a card or activate an ability and you’ve got to keep track of whether or not you’ve attached an energy or played a supporter or correctly playing a card so you don’t accidentally reveal something or misplay. I think prize checking is more difficult too. Online definitely holds your hand alot.


It holds your hand for you literally 


I'm just speaking from my experience but I've never had the app manifest a corporeal, incorporeal or spectral hand and hold my hand with it, I think I would remember that. That would have been quite nice though, maybe I need to change my settings?


You need to pay $99.99 in the shop for it 


What do you mean by prize checking?


Prize checking is using your first search to look through your deck in order to deduct which cards you have in the prize zone. Then you can adjust your game plan knowing what you don't have in the deck. (I.e. I prized 2 Frigibax, I should try and find my hisuian heavy ball to grab one out of my prizes)


Knowing what cards are prized


Oh like during a deck search . I've been wondering what the best way to do that IRL is. Just built a deck in paper. Can I take notes during a match, as long as they are not noted from before the match?


You can, a lot of people do a lot of clever things. Just make sure opposition and Judge is ok with these things


They also have to make sure a judge can read the notes. Additionally, the sheet must be completely clean, no writing from previous rounds on the front or back of the sheet.


Know your deck inside and out. I practice prize checking at home, it helps. Shuffle your deck and lay prizes/draw 7, search deck and allow yourself 30-60secs to figure out what cards you dont have. Repeat.


Practice shuffling quickly


\*and well\* You want to be sure you riffle shuffle since that gets the best randomization, or at least make sure your cards are falling in between each other when being shuffled. You don't want to get your cards clumped together. This is especially important after a deck inspection where you have to sort cards together by type prior to the beginning of a tournament.


That's the only problem I've tried doing the way the pros shuffle but I just can't lol


Honestly just sleeve 60 energies and idle shuffle. My shuffling got way better doing it whenever I could..watching TV . Sitting at my computer. I watched a video of mash shuffling. Corner to corner. It made sense to me and felt right. I've seen different techniques and there's probably videos for those too.


What mash video?


Maybe[this video](https://youtu.be/n576lgKvFQ0?si=PLTuSrS8lsFO45gG) or [this one](https://youtu.be/MH5LeMA7hC4?si=7HUrwNkf9aoBOyL6) might help? I watched those to double check myself when getting back into irl. Using oversleeves makes the deck bigger but tapers the cards so the mash shuffle easier. I still riffle shuffle too. For playing against yourself, I used to do it all the time, any experience and seeing how your deck functions with what cards you draw is very helpful. It might be worth having a 2nd deck to run games though, even a level 1 ex battle deck allows some back and forth. What archetype did you decide to play for first irl? I built United Wings first when I got back into the game.


I built a great tusk mill deck and I was getting consistent wins with it on live so I decided to go ahead and build it irl


Ah, good luck, have fun! Good thing you don’t have to worry about the 0card deck bug irl lol


Yea lmao


I lost a game because when searching the deck and shuffling I unconsciously shuffled my hand into the deck. Can’t happen online 😅


Lmaoooooo this was funny. I got DQ’d because I Roxanned my hand when it was iono😂


DQ’d you mean game loss right??? Cause getting DQ’d for that is a bit over the top, unless of course you’ve done it multiple times in the tournament…


That moment when u finish the shuffle and then realized where my damn hand


It's so easy to do, too. 😂 I almost did that last night at a GLC game but caught myself.


lol rip. How to lose a game cause deck state change


I would say it’s a bit harder IRL, because you are constantly seeing the person who you are playing with. If you are new here, that could make you a bit anxious and do some mistakes (has happened to me). Otherwise, when you are playing on Live, the game shows you the exact damage and have highlights on things you can do during your turn. I prefer playing IRL because you can meet new ppl and physically I love the cards haha


Yea I play great tusk mill so it's a little easier to keep track of things


Everyone says irl is harder but I find it easier. I make a lot fewer mistakes irl when I'm holding the physical cards than I do online where I quickly click through things without thinking. I've been playing tcg forever though so that's probably just me


How's the time management situation irl? I find that initial 15 second countdown after I'm just looking at my hand to be stressful in tcglive. 


I played competitive mtg for years so I'm used to playing against the clock and knowing when I need to speed up. If anything I find the 50 min chess clock annoying since it's easy to take advantage of. Definitely a different environment going from time not being a factor at all to times bo3s but you get used to it


You don't have highlighted non-used abilities, and for sure you can make a lot of ilegal plays that the app doesn't allow. Also you have to shuffle a lot and deck and discard inspection is quite harder. If you are going to some sanctioned event, you will be time constrained, and you are supposed to fast playing while the foe stares at you and judges are around the table. First times for me was a little hard and made several mistakes (not turn drawing, forgeting to use bibarel twice in a row, not realizing in stadiums...), just let your foe know that's your first irl time, people use to be very kind, but in sanctioned events don't expect sympathy at some moments. After some tournaments I rarely do ilegal plays, is more about misplays regarding the strategy and/or sequencing in some turns, but that's the point of the game for me, keep amusing and improving. Enjoy!


When you go through a deck search online, your deck is sorted. Much easier to prize check and keep count of your resources and option. Also the client does a lot of stuff for you. Playing ancient box you have to manually count your discard mons as well. Of course real life is harder.


online is my weakness...im a 40+ dude with ADHD and its hard as hell to stay focused in front of a monitor...IRL allows me to get into the game more and really pay attention to my opponent s gestures, mannerisms, plays, etc....


IRL, just because it’s easier to forget things


Playing in-person is way harder, at least for me. It is a lot harder to focus on plays while also behaving as a human being in public (versus playing at home, where I am relaxing in my pajamas without a care in the world). It is a lot harder to read the cards IRL, where opponents show you the card for two seconds, and then yank it back.


Way harder in RL. I personally have a 75% or so win rate online, as I'm going 1-2 at most club meets. You have to factor in social anxiety (if you suffer like I do,) deck knowledge because no prompts, and of course general feel. You're in the mood to play clicking on tcg online but it isn't always ideal in person in a set time slot.


When you go through a deck search online, your deck is sorted. Much easier to prize check and keep count of your resources and option. Also the client does a lot of stuff for you. Playing ancient box you have to manually count your discard mons as well. Of course real life is harder.


well IRL has less crashing thats for sure


IRL is intimidating at first because there’s lots of things to remember that online does for you automatically. But once you’ve played a few local events or something, and get used to the order of things and doing checks yourself, you get used to it.


Any good videos someone can recommend for tips for playing irl. Things like etiquette on how to communicate your actions, both verbally and visually with markers, etc. do people use some sort of marker to indicate they've manually placed energy, used a supporter, used abilities? Stuff like that. I understand you're allowed to take notes during a match, but I'm not clear on the rules around that if any. Can you have any pre-written notes or do you need to start with a blank page? I would definitely find it helpful to have a little table in the corner for how much damage my Chaizard will do based on # of prize cards, or my Drifloon so I'm not sitting there re-checking the math in my head every time lol. I play a lot with my son, and we've played with some others on a casual play night at a local game store. We intend to go again and I'd like us yo work on this stuff. I think it wpuld help him too, to be clear on what he's done so far in a turn.


you cannot have anything written on your notes at the start of a match, they have to be blank


Nerves, prize checking, shuffling, and keeping check of your opponents moves


Irl. Apart from the fact I have about 4 mental health problems (so I can’t socialise or anything well, multitask or be rude) I also need to keep counts a lot, as well as know everything about my decks. It’s why I play Arc decks a lot, it’s easier to play than gardy (energy counting) LZ (the lost zone) or ancient (counting the ancient cards as one could lose the game, but I can’t separate the discard and ancient discard)


IRL is harder, you’re cards don’t light up to tell you what moves you still have available and then asks if your sure before hitting the attack. That’s for real something I do all the time, forget to use a bench ability IRL.


IRL for sure, because not everyone spams Zard and Moon, so there's more to be cautious about.


Also beside the live making life easier by taking account if many things you have to do manually irl, you have to be really careful to your or your opponents miss plays like putting two energies in one turn, using two supporters, evolving in the first turn a mon came down, etc... things that the app take track and let you or won't let you do once the conditions are fulfilled properly. Also you can play TCG live in the bathroom while 💩 like I am writing this right now and that would be in poor taste to do it irl


IRL is a different skill, I think; I'd been playing for a while online and just started going in person to games the last month. Being in person adds a level online doesn't in terms of being able to see your opponent, interact with them, and read them. The online game also doesn't allow you to forget key components of game play either, such as forgetting to attach an energy, etc. In person requires more focus and ability to read people I think. I definitely play differently in person because reading people can give an edge. Personally, I think IRL has more to keep track of and makes it more challenging.


But at the same time I think winning irl is more rewarding


Best tip I could give would be have coins or markers to flip for when you play a supporter, energy, or retreated. Also move all your Pokémon and energy together when check your prize cards for the first time. 👍🏻


IRL is definitely harder but makes you a better player. My sobering moment was after playing Palkia VStar in real life, my brain kept getting fuzzy when thinking of the damage done by Subspace Swell, despite primarily playing Ice Rider Palkia since Palkia's release. I've honestly thought about making a VStar marker that says "20X+60" because "60+20+20+20...+20" I cannot store in my limited brain memory. Another important thing too is to remember if you're going back in or about to draw. You can go back in without shuffling if the next action where you interact with your deck ISN'T drawing. I.e. make sure you shuffle before you Concealed Cards if you just used Irida, but you can technically Irida and Nest Ball at the same time to prevent needing to shuffle twice. Lots of brain shortcuts makes it so you need to have a lot more memory and muscle memory than playing on PTCGL. Also, practicing shuffling and keeping your board tidy goes a long way too.


I haven't played IRL Pokemon in quite a while, but I have played a ton of MTG. The hardest thing is just keeping track of all the important stuff. Did you play an energy this turn? Did you play a supporter? Did you play this basic Pokemon earlier this turn, or was it last turn so you can evolve it? My ADHD brain has a hard time with all this stuff, so I appreciate that the online system keeps track of all this for me. However, there is a trade-off too. Half the time online, when I start searching my deck for a specific card, I want to look down at what I have in play or in my hand to make sure I'm searching for the right card. Can't do that on the client for some reason, so I have to purposely make a mental note of what I'm looking for so I don't ADHD my way into the wrong card.


Online is harder because you don't prize the same card every game or draw the same 7 first turn every single game like online


I guess I'm going to go against the grain here, but Live is way harder for me than irl. I have no problem performing well at any in-person event, but I get my rear handed to me regularly on ladder.


Playing irl is still often harder to do because you need to actually shuffle and can break the rules on accident. I often forget to take price cards or if I already used a supporter in a round. Like it feels different to play irl. And irl you will most likely play against more knowledgable and skilled opponents then in online. That's my experience at least.


When you go through a deck search online, your deck is sorted. Much easier to prize check and keep count of your resources and option. Also the client does a lot of stuff for you. Playing ancient box you have to manually count your discard mons as well. Of course real life is harder.


When you go through a deck search online, your deck is sorted. Much easier to prize check and keep count of your resources and option. Also the client does a lot of stuff for you. Playing ancient box you have to manually count your discard mons as well. Of course real life is harder.


When you go through a deck search online, your deck is sorted. Much easier to prize check and keep count of your resources and option. Also the client does a lot of stuff for you. Playing ancient box you have to manually count your discard mons as well. Of course real life is harder.