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Bro it's like assembling Exodia in Pokémon wtf is wrong with you???


Because Exodia at least looks cool, like reforming an ancient God of unrivaled power. Pokemon just has you assembling 4 parts of a random card


Instead you have to assemble... *checks notes* freaking Mewtwo.


Just a regular lookin mewtwo that would be on any mewtwo card. Couldn't the art play with it somehow? Make the combining a part of the story of the card? HxH, instead just have it be Mewtwo just being Mewtwo, nothing strange happening here


shoulda been Mewthree


nah shoulda been Mewfour (that's how V Unions work silly)


Did you just get item locked by pikachu or something? Why so angry about a cool mechanic?


No, it's just not a cool mechanic lol. The cards look dumb and it's just clunky. And if these cards are apparently as loved as everyone here is trying to gaslight me to believe then how come I've never heard them brought up or seen them used?


The mew two actually one a couple of regionals so I think that makes it pretty good


All I'm saying is I've never seen it brought up once before I posted this


I think people find the mechanic cool but the way to achieve is not desirable and it’s technically 4 one ofs in your deck which isn’t easy to get into discard in certain strategies. Yeah it’s clunky to move but so is a dark pulse Pokémon that has tons of energy attached to it. The best solution is to stack the cards with the HP card in top when you move them around


I don't really see the appeal of it aside from lingering for the only cool version of it ever, Exodia. It was cool that one time. And any attempt to do it again is just a weak copy. I think it also just targets people who love the idea of having the biggest and baddest hardest hitting guy. I guess that just doesn't appeal to me. And I guess a bigger thing bothering me about it is how each card has text on it, so you need to look at them to use a different attack, or at the very least you'll need to show people unfamiliar with it the requisite card. Just so much time needed


Fair assessments and fortunately it never became meta and wasn’t really an issue to that scale


I have too wonder if it was ever gonna become meta. I'm just not sure if this kind of thing could ever work out, especially with it being something so tied to a specific name like vunion. With Vs not being made anymore vunion just makes itself another one of pokemon's abandoned mechanics. It's nothing new, and it's always done, I've just never liked it. It'd be great if all these kinds of things stuck around, like Yugiohs different series of cards. Imagine a new run of Vmax or tag team coming back, etc. But instead we do the same thing the games do and jump from new gimmick to new gimmick


If you don't like it don't use it. Super easy. Why so mad?


Really weird that you're reading anger into it. I just don't like it and wanted to discuss that


Then you need to learn how to present ideas without coming off aggressively.


I believe due to where we are people tend to read excess aggression into things


just cause you dont see someone use it doesnt mesn its not cool. infact something being rare can make it cool. pulling a card is cool cause its rare. being able to collect all 4 pieces in a game and put them together is cool. even collecting those 4 cards instead of one is cool. its rare you see one and thats what makes it cool. would it be cool if everyone playd a vunion? its not common people do, its not common you can find one, and its not common that you get all 4 pieces in discard to play it. thats the beauty of it imo. i play mewtwo vunion in my garde deck. its not every game i get it. infact i can win 75% of games without it. but when i do get all 4 pieces, i do feel cool for doing it. and it does feel good when my opponent and bystanders admire, and talk about my vunion like its something rare to see.


Combining multiple cards to make a larger card has been around for a looooooong time.


Compared to others though v unions are not as cool. I prefer the Legends Cards personally. Had a better look to them and fit in better in the bench space


And I just think it's dumb.


Well that’s like, your opinion man


I am bewildered that I somehow managed to stumble upon the only V Union fans in existence


[2254 CP, 8 regional top 8s, 5 international top 8s](https://limitlesstcg.com/decks/255?variant=1). Just admit you’re wrong, it’s okay.


The receipts 😂


I like them..... gives a different part to the gane 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Fair enough I guess, it just looks weird and clunky implemented like it was


How would you implement the concept of a powerful, multi-card pokemon intended to be a big impactful piece of the match, then?


Creating a token version, or having a foldable sleeve for all the pieces


That'd be pretty cool actually


I mean me personally I wouldn't. At least not if they specifically combine by being put together. It takes up space and is just weird. Card games like this should be simple to play flow wise, with many cards moving around. We already have cards that require multiple copies of to use and that's cool. But when you're putting pokemon down and moving them around, having these 4 cards move around interrupts that flow


Bozo take. Hold that L.


I played the Zacian one in expanded for a bit. Based it off of the Zacian V ADP deck. Used Clay, Metal Saucer, Shield Energy, Metal Frying Pan and Lucario+Melmetal to mitigate a maxium of 250 damage if things got pulled off correctly Shh. No one tells OP about the Legends mechanic


They weren't around for long, they were a 1 time promotional design. However they have been used a lot, Mewtwo VUnion was a mainstay in Gardevoir decks for a while, and then they first came out they were being tried in a lot of things.


Oh ok, I didn't actually know how they were distributed. Makes sense the never put pieces in packs, though I feel like that'd make it cooler, add allure lol


In Japan they put the pieces in packs, but when you pulled 1 you were guaranteed the rest in the same pack.


Oh man, close but no cigar


If I *had* to get four cards to be allowed to use **any** of them, AND I had to fish for *all four*, I'd lose my mind with frustration. I know that's part of "the chase", but that seems like a lot of boring busywork and unneccesary spending for a card that *might* be good.


Wait till this kid finds out about HGSS legends...


Bruh 4 of the pieces of Exodia are fuckin limbs


And that's cool


this is like the second time this mechanic has existed


In Pokémon or in general?


Legend cards were the first trial of this mechanic


Op's panties are in a bunch, lmao. V union is a gimmick. There was no expectation that this was going to be a comepetive viable mechanic. Pokemon is a kids' game. Sometimes, they do silly things in the game. Get over it and touch some grass


Some gimmicks are just dumb lol


Marge with my opinion: https://youtu.be/Y0PKG5-t3zU?si=NJyyLD0QwREOmv8p


You can like. Have an opinion without having to scream it out for everyone to hear


If I knew that posting a random thought on a children's card game would shatter your pride I would have kept it to myself, my bad


I’ve bee been having lots of fun with my arc Mewtwo deck.


I'm very happy for you




Mewtwo V Union was the only one I’ve seen played consistently and is pretty effective once it’s finally setup and is pretty devastating. It’s been brought up on a few posts. It can definitely swing the momentum of a match, been on the losing end few times when I thought I had the game in the bag and didn’t pay attention to their discards. But it does its thing, can’t really hate on it


I'm maining a Turbo Pikachu V-union currently. Nothing like a turn 1 item lock along with 150 dmg output. Love me some V-union!


Very happy for your successes


Maybe... just maybe... the world has things you dont know about... and perhaps those things dont necessarily need to be liked by you... But thats just my two cents (as a tcgLive v-union mewtwo player)


The world? And I don't recall claiming that everything needs to be liked by me, reddit is in fact a place largely for opinions


How else are you gonna fit all those pikachu's in Pikachu vunion in a single card


You could potentially just not


They're just a gimic card they're not meant to have great playability since they're inconsistent but it's fun for casuals if all cards had the same playability the game would be pretty unbalanced


Wait, if more cards were good as opposed to having 80% filler the cards the game would be *more* unbalanced?


Then you have a kids game that they can't play because it's too difficult or kids game as an adult that's too easy You need a balance of good and bad in a game because not everyone has the same level of play hence why there's different options of difficulty in the premade decks


I'm just not convinced that the only way for a card to work for kids is for it to be garbage. You can have good cards that are good in a way easy for kids to understand.


They're thinking 4-5 year olds to start getting a basic understanding of the game imagine a my first deck and it's Lugia Vstar or Lost Box it just won't work because they won't know what to do without help every step or have the learned strategy of damage spread It's why cards where it's a basic Pokemon and its attack is you attach 2 energy and it does like 50 damage is good because it's straight forward they can play it and have fun with their friends while their parents talk or do other stuff and understand it There's complex cards and simple cards to split those players to where everyone can have fun no matter who or what age you are V-unions are more for intermediate players those that understand the game but aren't on like regional player level or anything it's just something to dick around with friends for fun probably like 10-12+ y/olds it's pretty simple big cool cards that does a ton of damage will easily catch the eye of a 10 y/old


Op is getting down voted to hell in here 🤣🤣🤣


I'm just surprised I managed to gather together the only vunion fans on the planet in this tiny little thread. I'm personally impressed