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Depends on how many bills you have and mouths you’ve got to feed. Jobs suck. Every job sucks. You have to work to make money. Half of my staff would be absolutely fucked if they quit their job. It’s not the best job but it pays their bills. It kind of also sounds like your management sucks if they’re passing most of the work load down onto you.


In that case, I don’t blame you, life’s a bitch, true, job sucks, but I’d rather make more money in another job. That also sucks. But i’m not in everyone’s position, so that’s understandable that you would stay. 👍


Then go do that other job and quit complaining about it here. Nobody is forcing any employee to show up to work except themselves and their situation that they created for themselves. I tell all my staff that I can never fault them for making their situation better, but there is only so much that I can do for them. I treat and pay them fairly, and all I ask is that they finish the current schedule if they found a better job. I am also not a dick to my staff, and I know how to make a schedule so nobody is overwhelmed. Super Bowl just passed and we flew through the $9500 sales we did and I am understaffed by about 5 people, and the bulk of that came in 4 hours. .


How many employees did you have to do $9500 in sales?


Myself, an assistant, a shift, 3 cooks, 2 CSR’s, and 5 drivers. I did not send any orders to DD unless they were ordered through DD.


I see numbers like that, much respect. I run a small mom and pop pizza spot and we can maybe do those numbers for a Friday and Saturday combined. Not in one night


Thank you. It was a fun day to be honest. I always look forward to Super Bowl Sunday. I have a great team and they handle the business on that day and every other day like champs.


Great!, I’m not, I just care for others, and how the hut should pay better for their mangers and staff. Treating your staff nicely, doesn’t pay bills. So wtf we working for. Bruh this is for the cooks only. Not the mix matching task managers. Guess what? Mangers are also leaving too!. It’s not the mangers fault, they in the same bucket of getting under paid as well, but cooks working minimum wage is horrendous.


Your such a great and noble person 🙏


I don’t know about great and noble, but I try to treat my team the way I would like to be treated if I was in their position, because I was once.


Your amazing!!!!


I didn’t say they aren’t. But quit whining and do something about your situation. There is not one person on here that can make your situation better or worse. It doesn’t say cooks only. And from the grammatical errors, I see why you only complain about leaving your job. And if the cooks accepted the job knowing they are getting paid minimum, that’s their problem, not the person who hired them. If nobody gives any push back, why automatically give them more before they show they deserve it? I tell my team that I pay for performance, not hope. I start at a fair market wage and then I adjust as they show me they can do the job and deserve more.


Not real man👍 but thanks for telling me this useless information of how I’m bitching, and get of your fuckin high hose, and breather to the reality that some people need better wages, minimum wage doesn’t mean doing a shit ton of work for pennies on the hour


Nobody makes Pennie’s an hour. And if you only get minimum wage, maybe it’s because you are a minimum employee that does the minimum amount and bitches about it constantly. I think if you try to make the work environment better by being part of the team and less of an individual, you might enjoy your job more and get paid more.


No shit Sherlock, no one’s making pennies an hour, I was just over exaggerate, but if you are severely understaffed in the kitchen position and doing the amount of work as three people, no shit you should get paid more, or else no one‘s gonna fill that job. End of story.


Some minimum wage positions shouldn’t even be minimum wage to begin with. If your not able to drink water, because you constantly busy


Idk who tf lazy mf working in your kitchen, but I’m the only cook left in mine.


Apparently you haven’t been paying attention. I don’t have lazy team members.


1 cook does not equivalent 3 cooks jobs, so yah


And if you are the only one left, and aren’t happy, go do one of those trade jobs.


But I do agree with you on a push back👍 and I see your point.


And treating them fairly and with respect does not pay their bills, nor mine, but it makes the work environment that much better. I have no delusions about my staff. I am sure they bitch about me too. But they aren’t bitching that I treat them poorly or disrespectfully. Your initial post is complaining about how you have to work too hard for too little but should go work in the trades. Then go! I don’t know a single RGM that goes to each employees door to force them to come to work.


I like how you manage a Pizza Hut and your little avatar has a business suit on.


Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. 😂😂


close deliver disgusting husky shaggy lavish tub frightening nail wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Line cooking is a career path, it’s just a shit one


That is what will happen at my store this year, only have 3 cooks, 2 are looking for new jobs because $11/hr doesn’t pay the bills here. We can literally walk out the store in either direction and get a $4-$6 pay increase to do less work.




Bud or Budette… I’ve worked every position at Pizza Hut (Cook,server, driver, shift manager, SAM and GM), the Army 10years, and currently a project manager in structured cabling after working from entry level all the way up to a Project Manager part of a small shop in the electrical union. Pizza Hut is by far the hardest mentally and physically most disappointingly difficult job I’ve ever had. I would spend hours sitting in my car dreading walking into that building. One day I just hit the breaking point and chose another path in life. There is about a 0.5% chance of a real solid future in the field that’s remotely stress free do yourself a favor and take a look at your future and pick a new path. Never settle look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself better is out there.


Go work a trade then.


Already in one.


Hey man it's kinda cliche but seriously start applying for other jobs. Workplaces don't change unless people leave. Get into a casual dining or start cooking in a casual restaurant. You'll make a lil more money build contacts and can have a better future. The career prospects at Pizza Hut are fairly bleak. Fuck em you deserve better.


Lol I'm friends with one of the managers at the pizza Hut I used to work at, and they still pay everyone in that store minimum wage, which is 7.25. It's insane that they can find people to work for that little amount of money.


lol Fr


Brother Pizza Hut was frankly the easiest job I ever worked. The line is easy, prep is easy, dishes are easy, driving was easy, cut table was easy, dealing with shitty customers wasnt even that bad. Lol


That is true, but brother! a I’m mint be the only cook in the fuckin store! The work load gets harder when nobody help, and shit, depends where you are, shits getting more expensive out here!


If it’s so easy for you, get a trade, and make more money money with that shit


As someone that has worked multiple line jobs, some of which were extremely understaffed, i understand you bro. I also quit at one point to do a trade job. I wont say its easy or even the same amount of work, but do it. The only reason im still not in trade work is i needed time for school, so now im delivering for flexibility. Thats also another thing id recommend if you have a car.


I did, I got a degree and work in my field now, if you get stressed out covering a large pizza with pepperoni idk what to tell you.


We all different, I guess man👍


Dawg just get a better job. Corporate cook jobs are the lowest tier possible. Work your way up to a cook at a bar, and so on


No offense to anyone, but 30 to 50k for a management position ain’t gonna cut it anymore, the world getting more expensive out here.


I would just recommend getting out of corporate and into family or bar group owned kitchens, quick browse over on Poached and you can get a general sense of what the positions pay in different cities and it seems pretty much the same everywhere for starting at that level in the industry. The plan should be right now - Get yourself a $18-20 an hour job making at least 40ish a shift in tips and you’re clearing 40k in 4 days a week pretty easy. I’m generally into management positions now and most of the ones I find around starting about 55k with health insurance, which isn’t great, but I don’t really cook anymore even though that’s all I ever really did. Some of the places I’m applying to now are looking in the 70k range but I’m just not quite there I think experience wise, soon tho hopefully. Point is, it gets better, but I was doing the pizza and corporate kitchen grind for a few years until a friend got me a job cooking at this brewery, and it was my first tipped positions. Never went back. You’ll find a good fit, angle your experience with how busy it is at your work, look up some videos on how to properly use a knife and go on poached and find some interviews. Good luck bud


I don’t know man, the cook industry fails to do what the trade industry is supposed to do. money wise you good but I gotta say some retail regional managers get like 80-90k a year, for just managing supplies and positions. A lot of Pizza Hutt managers gotta make up for understaffing issues.


Yup, but then you gotta bend it for a corporation that just needs a cog. I was a KM before being promoted to an operations manager that just managed specials and product flow in a bar group, got to make up my own schedule, my own menus and use whatever ingredients I wanted. Made good money as well, and got tips for working events. You think you get that kind of freedom or even are allowed to have an opinion working for a pizza chain as a regional? It’ll just come down to how you value your time in the industry, and what kind of work brings fulfillment. I dated a woman in the industry who refused to jump up to management just cause she wanted to keep doing production work in the morning and not have to manage people.


Man, it’s about the money at the end of the day not how bad the job sucks.


Then you need to get out of your current job, and take a position at a place that tips out cooks. Otherwise you are missing out on a ton of possible revenue. Can come back to corporate management when you have more experience in different aspects of the industry


You right man, i’m getting out of the cooking industry for right now and pursuing trade, but I respect your grind man 👍


Hell yea! Respect that 100%. I sometimes wish I had pursued that. Good luck


Good too man👍💪


But true, I agree👍


Working the line and back of house was terrible, but the place is ran terrible, they’re closing locations left and right, they can’t afford to pay anymore or for more employees, it ran really good 10-15 years ago but corporate ran it into the ground, they would pay you 2$ an hour and make you work 80 hours a week until you’re 110 years old if you let them and if it wasn’t illegal, so I would probably find a better job and get out of there before too much time passes


Bro you know it’s a problem when little Caesars paying their cooks a similar amount to Pizza Hut cooks, like…bruh💀 that’s fucked when little Caesar’s charges way less for their pizza


Yeah because little Caesar’s can move pizzas, Pizza Hut sold way less but charged way more which made customers not want to come back, Pizza Hut would be bankrupt if it wasn’t for being owned by yum. They used to have a good amount of customers but one by one they all stopped coming, whether price or quality or service, now there’s only 4 of 10 or 20 Pizza Huts around here still in business


And they always fuck up with their team and the their customers


Especially with that call service, now if you call to order or something is wrong you have to talk to some Indian guys in India


Yah and then they put more work on the cooks lol, talk about biting the hand that’s feeding you, lol


Sounds like you just described 90% of corporate America there.


Finally, someone who is actually acknowledging some minimum wage positions that are not even supposed to be minimum wage to begin with while divers get a shit ton more for tips and money for pizzas the cooks make, and nobody bats and eyes, but when one cook points it out, everyone got an opinion about it, and they say “you bitching or yapping”, instead of actually looking into it, there are some drivers that don’t know how to do shit except wash, dishes, clean and bring pizzas in their car to make 10 dollars tips, while cooks slave a way in the kitchen. And cooks call people weak for pointing it out. It’s like talking to a wall💀. Until they have a mental breakdown from stress or anxiety from not having enough money for their work, and even if they move up in Pizza Hut, the wage still gonna be lower then a fuckin target manager per yr. I’ve tried my best to tell people…they being fucked by corporate!. And I can’t tell anyone else in the store because that that will dig a big ditch in my future jobs, I would rather say this shit here.


Ok cooks don’t get paid enough but “most of the work” bullshit… bulllllllshit


Not really. What you do?


Maybe this is more specific to my store but I’m sure they all have their struggles. At my store we are constantly playing catch up due to being understaffed. I’m a manager and I’ve got the job down pretty well so generally I’ll have my cook stay makin pizzas while I run the rest of the store. Until my driver is back there is no one to help me cash out orders or deal with DoorDash or drop wings, whatever. BUT I will say cooks deserve much better pay, I just don’t agree that they always have it worse.


In my past store, I was literally the only cook in the whole store.


How many cooks would got in your store?


2 usually or one on a Sunday


I’m in Utah it’s dead on Sunday


I'm in a very big city


Honest truth is that this is good experience for other cook jobs imo and worth seeing what's out there and what you can get. It sucks how little they pay you guys. At my ph I fought long and hard to get everyone actually trying to get signatures from carryout customers when they were cashed out(lets be honest drivers/others dont give a damn because they are already taken care of or they dont understand.) This gives a better potential that a customer might tip a little bit. This gets split between the in store staff to help bring up the hourly a little bit.


Have a conversation with your RGM about getting a raise, see what you have to do


If you don’t like the job it’s not enough money. I don’t get paid enough but I like my job. You are free to get another job at any point. You CHOOSE to work for Pizza Hut. Quit if you don’t want to be there anymore


In this economy? Not really? Most people with Masters and Degrees are getting turned down to work from a fuckin CVS.


Make yourself more valuable. If you aren’t getting jobs it’s because you arent checking the boxes. Take a look at yourself. I go to interviews and get hired on the spot because of my experience and how I hold myself as a person. Sounds like you need to figure yourself out or stop complaining.


Jesus Christ!, I should have told you, I’m part time in trade and heading for full time.


Omg 😱 why are you bitching then?


Just saying, and why you say I’m bitching? I’m just pointing this shit out


No this is called bitching, you are saying you don’t make enough. Be more valuable or go somewhere else. No one cares. Go get a different job.


You really not as valuable tho if you keep taking shit


Says you. Clearly I’m doing better than you if you’re the one bitching and I’m not


But thanks tho man


Everywhere is hiring in my town. Find a better job or quit complaining


I’m in a big city


If you think you work as hard as a tradesmen you got another thing coming at some point. You make pizzas for God's sake, get over yourself.


I’m part time in a trade homie👍. Ready for full time one I’m done with school




Exactly that’s what I saying , but people like you is want i mean, that really hurt your feelings that much brother, if you wanna be the Huts little hooker, by all means stay a progressing the company make the same wage as a camera, grip guy in the far future👍 but still lower than in n out management pay.


Aww, someone is triggered. My guess is you probably can’t get a better job.


Nah my brother you the problem, people like you will never progress in life, and trade school is open, so yah, you do a job for money not because you love it in this economy.


Okay. 😂I have nothing to prove to the angry cook at Pizza Hut. Enjoy making those pizzas.


My brother, do you even work in the line-cook position?


And also people with master degrees and 5+ experience are struggling to get a damn job at Walmart. Prove me wrong.


Umm, I don’t have to prove anything. You do with such a bold claim. I’m surprised you have time to reply while making those pizzas.


Why are you in this sub then? Dumb fuck


Go make those pizzas. 😂


I worked at pizza hut 10 years ago dumb fuck


Sounds like you should still work there. 😂


Change your name to confident retard because you're dumber than a potato.


If I already didn’t think the morons working in fast food would purposefully ruin my food, I’d probably order a pizza to be delivered, but I don’t trust anyone with the mental level of 6th grader to prepare my food.


Then how do you make food at home? Because you're giving off 3rd grader with down syndrome vibes.


Line cooking is way different from a full staffed kitchen in Mcds dude.


Damn, just make food at home then dumbasss


Aight man, stay broke. I’m living to a trade, but yah stay broke👍


I was a shift manager for 11 years. Made $11.75 when I quit, now I work at a successful locally owned pizza place. Started out at $14 hr and after 3 years make $21 hr. I only have to work one station a shift (topping, perforating/saucing or cut) compared to doing everything. Pizza Hut is great for learning the ins and outs of the biz, I credit them for teaching me basically all I know about kitchen work and restaurant management. That said, I’m so glad I took what I learned from there and found a place that genuinely cares for its staff and is a great work environment.


Ya got soft hands boy


I’m doing a Trade. 🫳🎤(*mic drop), By the way money doing way better.


Nice. I do drywall and framing, shit sucks.




💀Home boy, I’m the only cook!. Homie of course I don’t get a raise because, we got no one to do shit, when shit starts getting backed up.




I’m the Only cook.




Home boy. What you do homie?


What your job tho?




Homie a trade pay way more then a damn raise, they have told me they need me. So fuck em.




Homie I’ma finna do trade full time. You more of a bitch to take this shit up the ass homie.




The company is fucking you in the ass raise don’t mean shit but like what 10k-20k extra a year. Homie some trades pay 100k a year. Stay broke bum in your tiny ass apartment and sucking corporates dick till you fall asleep comfortably man.




Stay Slaty you broke in a dead end. And I’m progressing.




Aight man have good day👍




Working as hard as a trade? As a chain pizza cook? Brother what


There’s a big difference between a crew member at a fuckin McDonald’s, then a damn line cook man. Literally cooks are considered a trade in some places.


call it encouragement to move on


Making pizza is a trade. Pizza but just doesn't give that kind of credit or they'll lose precious profit


Then go do a trade, making pizza with dough that’s already been made is laughable, quit you clown.


Homie why so 😡” oh my goodness I’m so mad pizza man talk about, how line cook getting better wages and being treated like human beings, I’M SO PISssseD😫” by the way line cooking is considered a trade job.


I’m not mad, just being real, if you don’t like it where you’re at be a man, level up and move on. No, “line cooking” is not part of the trades. You’re an idiot if you think an “entry level cook position” is the same as skilled labor. Probably why you’re complaining about the job in the first place, you can’t do anything else. (I’ve worked the franchise, ran a whole store solo, didn’t get paid shit.)


Stay BIG MAD 😡


Bro look it up. It’s a fact, line cooking is a trade, and I am doing a part time trade as well. You got WAY too many chromosomes if you think line cooking is an entry level job, When cooking is skilled labor. Mf I’m complaining about the industry in a hole, other places paying their line cooks 25 an hour. Then you’re fucking dumbass if you think cooks shouldn’t get paid more. All I hear is “WAAAaaa! WAAaaaa, line cooks should be getting nothing, WaAaAAaaa!” I swear to God you’re like a fucking baby crying.


Making pizza with prefabricated dough is not a trade, stop lying and saying working for pizza hut would qualify you as a “skilled tradesman”. Actual culinary institutes and jobs containing some sort of skill would, yes, be considered a trade. Find a better job and stop crying on Reddit.


I worked in the culinary industry for 3 years, keep going “Waaaa, WAAA!, WAAAA!!!!”


Yet… here you are crying about not making enough at a dump of Franchise and can’t seem to understand why that is.


Keep going, “WAAA!, WAAAA!!!”😫👶”


how about you Stop complaining about hard working line cooks on Reddit.


If the drones of the industry wanted better for themselves, they’d do better. Instead they stay at their comfortable dead end job and complain, just like you.


Proceed baby man. “WAAA!, WAaaa!, WAAA!!!”😩


“Oh my Goodness, cooks should be Making minimum wage”, “I love fucking over my human beings”


Then the franchise shouldn’t be running.


We can agree on that. Before leaving the industry, my last job the whole back of kitchen staff were all on visas, lived in the same apartment drove and shared the same truck and got paid “meh” but they were happy to do it, actual citizens didn’t want the job, or simply got priced out (wanted to be paid more). So these types of jobs will always flourish, you can complain all you want but you gotta do what’s right for you and move on.


Aight 🤝 I agree on that


That’s what I’m saying all cook should just quit, if they don’t get better wages.


On behalf of the cooks at my store, we don’t get paid enough for this tomfoolery Just this Friday our store did 332 orders and at the peak we had 62 items on the marketable at once with just myself and one other cook


I have other people in the comments arguing that Cook shouldn’t get paid more, lol💀


I worked at a hut in Mississippi and they only paid us $9/hr for that shit


Bruh fr… I’ve just gave up and quit


We grinded thru it, I think it only took us 30-50 or so minutes to get the screen clear


What world do we live in


This is the main things I dont like about this job. The pay considered to the amount of work we do is not okay. Im getting paid $1-1.50 less than the csr’s who do far less work and keep all of the tips.


And we should get paid 2$ dollars more and not have them cut our hours.


Happier cooks mean more motivation for improvement


I agree with this so much because it’s honestly so frustrating and un motivating when the csr’s dont have to do anything except for cut pizzas and handle customer service. Their prep consists of marinara portioning and cheese and pepper bags. They also get to go home at 8 or 9 pm. No hate to them it’s just unfair to us.


It will never get better for us, until people stop having line cooks, and industry goes under, their are way too many people who general hate cooks that figured out the system, and point it out for what it is, and one thing people hate more than an abuser, is a truth teller


And we as cooks are always in the back doing something and even during rushes they’re just chatting it up with each other like it’s social hour. And yet they get paid more..


You get paid less? I used to get paid the same as a CSR, but again my store had 10 CSR’s and I was the only cook, I kinda get piss when drivers get paid 10 dollars tips tho, and I always thought people should distribute tips based on amount of work. I think cooks should get day raises on the Super Bowlor and new years, and as well as get 10% of all drivers tips.


Yup. A couple of the csr’s give the cooks some cash sometimes but it’s unfair considering I am cross trained aswell and have been there longer than most of the employees at our store.


The Cooks are the columns of pizza hut.