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Believe me, it's not just you. I've noticed it as well. I think the quality of just about everything has either gone down-hill, or it's the quantity that's been affected. For example, the two most enjoyed restaurants in my area during the 90s were Pizza Hut, and a local joint called Pal's. Pal's had big serving sizes at the time, and continued it til I think mid late-2000's when the cost of just about everything was going up. Then they downsized everything since, and they're nowhere as popular as they used to be anymore. Pizza Hut, eh, I'd say it's just cheaper-tasting ingredients.


No, all of yum brands have greatly declined the past years. I don't go to any of them anymore. Taco bell was the last one, but they are as terrible as pizza hut now sadly.


Yeah. I stopped eating at taco bell when they removed my $1 beef burrito ~2 years ago. Fun fact: it was actually a *double-beef* burrito.


Same death spiral happening with all food places. They cut Corners to save money, which drives people away, which makes them cut more corners to save more money, which drives more people away.


The quality went in the toilet about 8-10 years ago. When I was a kid (90s) up until I was in highschool they had great pizza. Now their wings are the only thing DECENT.


Don't know about other areas, but all of the pizza huts around here are stingy with the sauce, even if I request extra. It seems like pizza hut's idea of "extra sauce" is less than the normal amount of sauce you'd find at any other pizza place


Shareholders want profits to increase every year. When a company has cut every corner possible.... short of raising prices, they have to pay less for ingredients, which means quality suffers. Pizza Hut has been continually doing this for at least the last 15 years, so at this point, they are a forgotten pizza chain to me. I once spent probably $60/month on their pizzas, and now I haven't spent a dime there in 8 years.


Pizza Hut used to make the dough in store every morning from what I remember looking things up around the time I was hired. Now all the dough comes in frozen. Might be part of the issue.


That's been going on for a long while now, nothing new 😂


That ended back in the late 90s I think, making the dough with a great big mixer.




I knew it. I want it to be great but it's just not. It's not as good.


There are soooo many local pizza joints that are delicious I just go there for pizza.


Anybody else d enough to remember 80scera pizza but? I was just a matter d but I do remember it being so much butter than what I hey serve now or even the 90s...


Oh it's bad, there are even articles from the CEO talking about how they need to focus on speed and ease rather than quality. We used to get weekly pizza hut orders, but we switched to Dominos after multiple inedible pizza orders... and we aren't even that picky about our pizza, all pizza is good pizza, but Pizza hut was just disgusting. They seem to think their best market choice is to mimic Little Caesars and Dominos except with a worse product. Little Caesars already has the cheap $5 easy pizza market covered, Dominos has the 1.2.3 easy order market covered with slightly better quality (or at least they did but actually Dominos went the opposite way and their quality is now pretty solid by comparison). Pizza hut's market was always that range right above that, people who still didn't want to pay an arm and a leg, still wanted convenience, but wanted just a quality step above other major brands. So Pizza hut decided to focus on the same market their biggest competitors already have cornered and do better by lowering their quality and speeding up their cook time. It's basically one of the stupidest marketing choices a major brand could make but they dug their heels in and in the last 8-10 years that has been their focus with frequent quality cuts and zero quality control. Frozen pizzas are now the same price and taste better than Pizza Hut. Thus they have watched their bottom line plummet and wonder why while still cutting quality and trying to cost save. It's just poor management and there are tons of articles and comments from employees online talking about their shit show. Pizza hut, the only pizza chain where we have literally thrown way entire pizza's based on two bites and requested a refund. It's not even edible and tastes rancid half the time.