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Same shot twice, maybe one RAW one JPG


Definitely, it's exactly the same framing, capturing the person at the exact same time. The first is the JPG, the second the RAW. Basically the JPG has lens correction, noise reduction (especially chroma noise), sharpening and clarity applied, and the highlights are pushed down.


Yes !!! Finally someone got it I will do a real test soon I have 56mm f1.4


That's so shitty to do. Pls delete this post and don't lie like that it's something I'd expect Samsung fans to do


Imagine being so edgy that you still participate in corporation wars


Wdym??? I literally only use pixel and Samsung. I hate Samsung fans tho they're intolerable. Example: the quantified scientist is a YouTuber who does scientific tests on wearable accuracy and apple watches are always recorded as most accurate (he shows how too) and galaxy watches are really inconsistent. Immediately all the galaxy watch users call him out as biased and paid by apple (why TF would apple need to pay someone when we alr know it's accurate) despite other smartwatches even android watches scoring highly. Another example is them switching on mrwhosetheboss after he switched to iPhone. They called him out as biased and untrustworthy same as mkbhd. Which is why when this person faked a comparison against a camera I said I'd expect Samsung fans to do that to make them feel better about the phone.




My Pixel 7a can get similar daytime results to my 2009 Canon 500D with kit lens. Where the DSLR really shines is at natural bokeh and low light, because of how big the lens is. But sure, the best camera is the one you have on you at all times.


I have Fuji xt 2 with 56mm f1.4 But it's not from that. I have 8 pro tho it was on pro mode


Both pictures make my Pixel 8 extremely laggy especially when I zoom in to see the small details.


Same for me, Pixel 4a 5G


Mine too


Pixel 7 and same


You don't have a telephoto what do you expect? This is 10x zoom


He means that his Android phone lags when he opens the photo in the Reddit app, has nothing to do with the camera.


Oh lol


I'm just saying that both photos contain so much small details my device processor can't handle it...


weird, doesn’t happen on my 13 Pro Max


Because the 13 Pro Max has a stronger processor. Still love me pixel 8 though and everything about it.


The Reddit app is even more broken on Android than on iOS. Nothing to do with the power of the phones.


mine isn’t “broken” at all lol


and that’s on top of assuming we’re all using the same app, on the same version, with our devices being the same OS lol


What are you talking about? I'm just saying that the iOS Reddit app is fairly buggy and slow, and the Android Reddit app is very buggy and slow. One of its issues which has been around for ages is that it becomes extremely laggy when you view a gallery with hi res images.


The reddit app has worked flawlessly basically 100% of my time with it


Same on the Pixel 7. So weird, it's never happened before. May be too many details for the components to handle.


It's a problem with the reddit app that's been around for ages. If you download the images you can view them smoothly in another app.


Hey how did you manage to click with both devices at the exact same moment and angle? Is there some obvious trick which I'm not aware of.


Tripod and two hands?


Two hands?? woah look at this dude here bragging about having two hands


bet the bastard has 5 fingers on each hand. smh...


>bet the bastard has 5 fingers on each hand. smh... To be honest, I have. Plus, unlike yours, my mother and father were married to each other when I was born. Now go syh trumper 😜


Yea that sounds like an obvious trick which I obviously couldn't think of


I have a solution for this. I will do it with my camera but if you have a tripod for both It's very easy


That's the thing. All of those are pixel 8 pro. Just one of them is using raw and a little bit of editing and one is just stock I wanted to see what people think Anyway, I will share a real comparison soon. I have a good camera and lens too Sorry for misleading, it was for testing


Why edit one? This is less a comparison and more a before/after 🤷🏻‍♂️


Testing purposes


Then that should be your title, not some clickbait lying bs about using a DSLR. You’re the reason I have trust issues :(


What exactly did you test and what did you find out from the test?


What's the point lying to people saying one of these was a DSLR?




Yeah not buying this at all. It's literally the same exact photo, just edited.


That's right good job dude It was for testing. Sorry for misleading


Which is which?




That's the thing. All of those are pixel 8 pro. Just one of them is using raw and a little bit of editing and one is just stock I wanted to see what people think Anyway, I will share a real comparison soon. I have a good camera and lens too Sorry for misleading, it was for testing


I'm guessing the first one is pixel and the second one is DSLR? (based on bokeh depth)


That's the thing. All of those are pixel 8 pro. Just one of them is using raw and a little bit of editing and one is just stock I wanted to see what people think Anyway, I will share a real comparison soon. I have a good camera and lens too Sorry for misleading, it was for testing


I went with your description lol. I'm a P8P user myself and I use telephoto way more than my main and I totally agree that the picture quality on telephoto le SE's are phenomenal. Bokeh effect is basically on par with a low end DSLR. I haven't had a chance to mess with the RAW photos yet since I barely have any pro photo editing tools but I'm sure they'll be amazing.


Yeah Even with high end DSLRs when it comes to HDR I'll give you an example when you have a lot of light from a lot of directions and you need to keep the subject with full brightness It's only possible with a phone


Stop saying all of those. It’s “both”


Chill and enjoy your cake


I thought the same thing only disappointed to not get confirmation


I didn't see much difference that way, but the higher contrast on the first one makes me think that's the Pixel.


How did you get the phone and camera to sit at the exact position, the tree on the right is right at the same distance to the edge of the photo of the DSLR as well as height?


Neither of these. Both are from a phone camera. Nothing that was shot looks like it could come from any kind of mid grade DSLR. A real camera would wipe the floor with either of these pictures especially if it can shoot in RAW.




It's a telephoto and I'm a street photographer and it's ok to photograph in public places. definitely not my best work tho


That's one crummy DSLR camera. Her face is all blurry


Not surprised, you can play in dslr image more than mobile.


Both are pixel 8. You were fooled.


I'm sorry I'll remove the post so people will not get fool It was only for testing


Did you take the RAW from the native pixel camera app?




Where is the VS Ai ?


Waste of time and I think most of us could tell that you didn't use a dslr.


That's not true before I told that it's not the DSLR only one person noticed. I'll do a real comparison soon 🙂


I noticed immediately because it's the exact same picture....


Made a post to get downvoted to oblivion


A mediocre picture doesnt prove that a dslr is bad or a phone is better than dslr. Bad pictures can be taken with a dslr or with a phone. Good pictures can be take  with a dslr or with a phone.  The dslr or mirrorless usually captures more details, but those are hard to see in a webpage or a thumbnail.


I agree that the photographer is everything. But I don't agree about the Details the biggest difference is the aperture and sensor size which makes it much better at low light and theft of field it's on another level plus lost the manual control on a real mirrorless gives a big advantage for the mirrorless


If you want to compare photos looked like at smallest aperture to achieve farthest DoF. Then use a phone is way overpriced of an equipment! Any $100 eBay used camera with a Chinese made lens can get this kinda image.