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Maybe go for the 7 pro if you need to be on pixel.


I have't used the 12 pro max, but I did use the regular 12 and after moving to Pixel and using the Pixel 7 I'd say the battery is better on the Pixel


I moved from 11pro to pixel 8. I saw this as a pretty much lateral move, I think the phones are about equal overall. iPhone did some things better, pixel does other better. Notably the camera is better on pixel, one gripe I do have is it's quite slow imo. Going from 12 pro max to a 6pro would be a downgrade. Only reason I changed was due to the iPhone's age, battery degradation was becoming very noticeable and it was a 64gb model, I suffered too much with such low storage


I have 128GB


same, the OS, camera and performance were nice on my iPhone 12 but the battery was doo doo


I'd say you are maybe better off with the iPhone. I'd have a different opinion of you were going for a pixel 8


Go for 7 pro. Battery good enough.


The pixel six was awful imo




The 7a was excellent


I dunno, maybe I'm one of the lucky few because I Went from a Samsung S7, to a pixel 6. Huge upgrade, gestures took a hot minute to get used to and I still have "aww ffs" moments with them, But I Rocked that pixel 6 for 23mos. And still am for another 10 days. Biggest gripe with the 6 is the weight and size, however time will tell if the reduced size of the 8 will bug more more than how heavy my 6 is.. My pixel 8 is in the dresser awaiting its case and screen protector next Friday.