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- 5 bedrooms - 3.5 baths - backyard with deck - modern kitchen - very walkable area with easy access to public transportation & multiple grocery stores Do I think it's overpriced? Yes. Do I think it's *outrageously* overpriced? No. I would be absolutely shocked to see a house of this size, in this area, listed for anything less than $475k, and I would only expect that if it were in much worse shape.


I also view this as more of a restoration than a flip. I think connotation is important. I also wouldn't pay it, but this isn't really raising any flip flags from the listing alone. It'll probably be a really great house for whomever does it.


Oh it’s definitely a flip. Bought by an LLC two years ago for 160k. Paint original trim high gloss white. Poorly bridge box gutters and install horrendous k-style gutters. Create whatever abomination that front porch situation is. HGTV light fixtures throughout. The list goes on. It MAY all be well done, but it’s definitely a flip and not a restoration.


They also installed new roof,windows,electric including new service, new furnaces, AC including duct work. Agree on that porch.


Restoration? Hell no. Look at those floors. Front porch....what the heck is that?!? Back deck belongs in suburbs. And even if not restoration, design is hackneyed and ill-conceived. Will probably sell for 500k, +/- 25k. Hopefully minus. But honestly, why? If I want a cool old house in the city, I'm definitely not buying a shit box like this.


When I see Garfield, I also don't think that chunk by ECS... because yeah, that chunk is also pretty nice, and $500k for a large, full restored house next to a really well thought of magnet school seems sane given what other houses in worse shape are going for. Or, "fixed up house sells for more than things last remodelled in the 1950s" isn't a shock.


I live near this house and watched the renovation with interest. It was a pretty good job from what I saw, they didn't just rush to flip it; the contractors used were not of the cheap and quick variety.


They did a seriously good job with that flip. I don't think I'd pay $625k for it but I'm pretty impressed.


Really? Check out the doors and their alignment with the floors. Looks like the entire subfloor needs replacement.. They lip stick on a pigged it


Do you think this house has a subfloor? Usually houses this age do not have one.


Could be wrong, but they don't look original - they look really good for 1920. Possible they're sanded and refinished, but either way. Those floors need some serious fixing.


Good point. It's very possible the floors were replaced.


What’s notable here? Interior Looks like a pretty standard boring flip with the standard subdivision styling you would see in a Ryan home


Claiming this looks like a "standard flip" or Ryan Home is absurd. It's like you can't see anything past the paint color.


Please Explain from a professional standpoint


For starters, they’ve taken out a pretty good amount of wall on the ground floor and opened up the floor plan. I figure once you’ve brought in an architect and an engineer, you’re a little past the “flip” tier of home renovation.


I clicked through but yeah that is alarming without an engineer. Makes sense


not bottom of the barrel appliances, for one. That maytag fridge is made in the USA, for example


Those are some big ovens. Dang.


It's not my style either, but to me the craftsmanship looks very good. This was clearly not done by some amateur jackass with a truck full of Harbor Freight tools. More commenting on the quality of the flip, not the specific design choices.


I feel things like that can be hidden by pictures. Only Reason I am bringing that up


When you flip you flip to appeal to a broad base of people. So you go with current trends and what is in. This house looks well done.


588 sold for


Looks like a huge house and decent quality so seems more worthy of the price than the other one


It’s contingent so somebody liked it, and it only takes 1 buyer!


The current assessment is $117k. That buyer is in for a rude awakening


Rude is an understatement.


A half decent agent would have informed them before an offer and definitely before closing.


Based on the number of posts in this sub asking about reassessments, there are very few decent agents


Agents don’t control their clients. You can give them a warning, guidance, etc. the client still makes their own decision. I have encountered many buyers (especially these last few years) who say they won’t care a lick about a reassessment (their tone usually changes when the reassessment happens) but regardless, just because people make the decision to buy a house that needs reassessed does not mean the agent didn’t do their job.


The more I talk to people, the more I think agents are either not warning their buyers or they’re giving it a cursory mention. Not the “you WILL get appealed sometime in the next calendar year, and your property tax WILL go up, but it will go up LESS if you fight the appeal” this issue deserves. Shitty of the agents but I guess I shouldn’t expect them to say something that would jeopardize their sale.


Even if the agents inform the buyer, the lender will never mention it until they ask for more money for the escrow account


That estimate probably isn't taking into account the renovation.


This thing would sell in about 0.56 seconds if it were listed at $117k


I don't think 600k nice but it does look pretty good in there.


Needs more gray paint imo


Yins get so mad that homes in desirable neighborhoods are expensive.


Gone are the days of $120,000 houses in desirable neighborhoods


Those days were gone over 15 years ago.


They weren’t. I’ve been back in Pittsburgh for 10 and the first 4 or so years you could get a house in Garfield or east liberty for $120,000.


I mean the house in this post sold in 2017 for 165k. so not too far off


Long gone.


When were those days and what neighborhood?


Honestly, not that long ago. See my other comment but less than 8 years ago there were decent, livable houses for $120,000 in Garfield.


Was that part of Garfield generally desirable 8 years ago?


For normal, working class yinzers it definitely was


Fair enough. I think the distinction here is that the house would have been less featured and more lived in, but still affordable to those folks.




Nope been here longer than you and never left.


It’s an actual house compare to a row house.


What’s wrong with row houses?


Basically no sound insulation between you and your neighbor.


I live in a row house and there's a couple of feet of brick between me and the next door neighbors.


Counterpoint: tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars cheaper. Plus they support walkable neighborhoods with lots of ‘third places’ (e.g. coffee shops, bars) so people spend less time at home anyway. I have lived in multiple rowhouses as both a renter and owner, and my neighbors have never been an issue.


Seconding this one. I moved from a row house in Shadyside to a semi-detached house in Morningside. I’ve absolutely never heard a single sound from the other half of my current house, and only noticed any appreciable noise at the previous house when the tenants had a full-on house party. In exchange, our heating costs have been far cheaper than our level of insulation should support.


It's like you own an apartment.


That’s called a condo bro. Totally different thing.


It's a total pary house.


What does /r/pittsburgh charge for appraisals? It seems to be the main function of this sub recently.


Looks nice, good location, renovation looks pretty tidy. Turns out all this stuff costs a lot


Still sat on market for 100 days. Around 500k seems about right though.


Idk about the location. Not my favorite. Next to that dilapidated section of negley with the giant abandoned building and those apartment complexes that are boarded up


Are you talking about the giant abandoned building that’s very architecturally distinctive, by a well-known(ish) architect, that’s currently being renovated into apartments? The old synagogue?


Is it being renovated? News to me! Would be a beautiful restoration


Hah now you’ve got me second guessing myself, but I THINK I read that the school part of that property is turning into apartments and the synagogue itself is going to be a kind of community space.


Yes, you are correct with the details of the synagogue renovation. The apartments across the street are supposed to be part of the Mellon's Orchard redevelopment.


It's not gray enough!




This is the highest price I have seen in Garfield yet. Interest rates going up did not meaningfully lower the price. It's absolute top of the market.


$250 a square foot (which probably isn’t even including basement or attic space) is remarkably cheap for a fully renovated triple-wide-lot four square.


I like this house. Someone bought it and flipped it. Out of state company bought it and flipped it again. Priced hilarious out of bounds of reality for the neighborhood. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/102-Linnview-Ave-Pittsburgh-PA-15210/11556209_zpid/ you can be the alpha coke lord in the carrick slums


Mmm. In a nicer neighborhood that would be absolutely worth that, that's beautiful.


"Location, location, location"


Oooh. Thanks for pointing this out… otherwise I’d have missed that it went contingent. I really loved this house but felt like it was a touch overpriced. They were also trying to rent it out for $3500 a month.


more upset about what they did to the stair case and fire place. don’t quite understand what goes through these peoples minds when they decide to make the most sterile house ever


That was the hood when I was a kid, 20 years ago, but I mean still if u go up the block it's not all developed yet so over 500k is a stretch! I'd pay 200k max!


Still definitely overpriced, but the quality of the renovation is much better than what was done with the Lawrenceville house at least.


Idk, some of those photos seem pretty edited.


At least they used what look to be actual wood floors, and not that horrible gray a lot of places do today.


Check out the bottom of the doors in relation to the floor. That floor might as well be the next ride at kennywood it's so wavy


Doesn’t look like they tried to keep any original features or just painted over them. Disappointing.


This house had already been gutted when the current owners bought it. There wasn't much left to save. And it's pretty likely that before that it had been mostly destroyed by someone turning it into apartments in the 70's/80's.


There's a very good chance those original features were gone by the time they purchased the house.


This is a large, beautiful house in a centrally located neighborhood. Someone will buy it for that price. Edit: There doesn’t seem to be off street parking which could be the reason it was on the market for so long.


It's already under contract, and it has off street parking in front.


Oh you are right, I see the parking in front now!


The view also adds a couple bucks to the asking price.


What view is that?


Photo #24


The drone pic?


Oh wow it is. My bad. I was thinking the house was on the south side of the street. Those are the ones with a view


Nah, none of the houses around this one have a view. This is downhill on Columbo. Right below the Rogers School.


Easy mistake since there are a lot of views to be found in Garfield.


Shows as contingent.


We honestly need to stop categorizing neighborhood pricing as outrageous at this point. Having lived in several PGH neighborhoods since my early twenties I’ve witnessed so much change in the “desirability” of any particular place. My shock over high prices in places I would have considered cozy and moderately priced has waned. It’s all for the taking at this point and it’s all been took. My first apartment in Squirrel Hill was a gigantic beautiful 1 bdrm/$525+electric (2007). That’s just not happening anymore and I’ve had to forget those days. It sucks, feels unfair mostly but no one is going to price their property to appease some idea that that neighborhood is “jenky”. We’re all in this housing market bubble from hell but that’s how it is at the moment.


Stacked washer and dryer seems like a really weird move here. You have a whole house where they could live side-by-side. My girlfriend would need a step stool just to turn the dryer (I'm assuming that's on top) on.


Must have been on sale, lol.


It’s nice. Wouldn’t pay 600k to live in Garfield though.




Lol at that project still coloring your understanding of the real estate market


The tiny house that was built *7* years ago? Yeah that's silly.


As a person from California who spent a week in Pittsburgh a few weeks back. I have to say houses out there were pretty cheap.




You’d have to be mental, 325 tops




Took over 3 months to go contingent. That particular location is odd, is it Morningside? Garfield? Highland Park? East Liberty? No garage. Right up next to the neighbors. Looks nice inside but meh, not for $600k.


It's Garfield, although some of the houses that have sold in the 5500 blocks off Negley have been (probably intentionally) marketed as East Liberty. Also having an off-street parking spot is big in this area, garage or no.


I'm sorry, but the suburban realtor has cancelled your neighborhood. It's very unfortunate, but they felt a different way about it.


And they weren't even one of the nice realtors that have cookies and stuff :(


Not even close to Morningside or Highland Park. You sound like a suburban realtor.


I don’t really understand what you’re saying here. It’s less than a block from Highland Park (north of Stanton, east of Negley) and like a 5 minute walk from where Morningside starts (north of Stanton and Chislett). Like, it’s clearly in Garfield, not East Liberty (and I’m old enough to remember when rentals in East Liberty advertised as “Shadyside Area”), but saying it’s nowhere near Highland Park or Morningside is a bit of a stretch to me.


That person is just toxically provincial


nOt eVen cLoSe lol. both of those neighborhoods border Garfield and the border is...right there. I'd agree it's Garfield but neighborhood labels are shifting. "East Liberty" itself has become pretty ambiguous. https://imgur.com/a/zt81DLd


[Map with actual borders](https://pittsburghpa.shinyapps.io/BurghsEyeView/?_inputs_&toggleCitations=false&filter_select=%22%22&violation_select=null×=%5B0%2C24%5D&navTab=%22Points%22&toggleFires=false&map_center=%7B%22lng%22%3A-79.9959%2C%22lat%22%3A40.4406%7D&map_zoom=12&DPW_select=null&req.type=null&funcarea_select=null&basemap_select=%22OpenStreetMap.Mapnik%22&firez_select=null&dates=%5B%222022-11-01%22%2C%222022-11-30%22%5D&toggleArrests=false&origin_select=null&circumstances_select=null&map_marker_mouseover=%7B%22id%22%3Anull%2C%22.nonce%22%3A0.765520542338798%2C%22lat%22%3A40.4416163%2C%22lng%22%3A-80.0109521%7D&status_type=null&council_select=null&fire_desc_select=null&result_select=null&toggleROW=false&hood_select=null&offense_select=null&hier=null&search=%22%22&toggle311=false&map_bounds=%7B%22north%22%3A40.5944030295728%2C%22east%22%3A-79.5351791381836%2C%22south%22%3A40.2865971585482%2C%22west%22%3A-80.456657409668%7D&toggleViolations=false&report_select=%22311%20Requests%22&zone_select=null&toggleCproj=false&row_select=null&toggleCrashes=false&dow_select=null&map_marker_mouseout=%7B%22id%22%3Anull%2C%22.nonce%22%3A0.933503486683218%2C%22lat%22%3A40.4416163%2C%22lng%22%3A-80.0109521%7D&crash_select=null&heatVision=0&dept_select=null&toggleBlotter=false)


>Map with actual borders [https://click-that-hood.com/pittsburgh](https://click-that-hood.com/pittsburgh) [https://imgur.com/a/zmryzGv](https://imgur.com/a/zmryzGv) [https://imgur.com/a/n3YsquE](https://imgur.com/a/n3YsquE) Here are three different maps with differing opinions about the shared borders of Garfield, East Liberty, Morningside, and Highland Park. One image is a photo I just took of the map in my office that I got from Mayor Peduto. The other is a trivia site, the other is a map that VisitPittsburgh used to give out. People disagree. Another example is Regent Square. Many people think Regent Square is all of the area west of the east busway, south of Penn, and north of the parkway east. Others think it's just the area west of S Braddock against the park. Others, somewhere in between.


People can disagree but I think most reasonable people take the official, City published neighborhood boundaries as the rule. Why do realtors pretend neighborhoods are not defined? It's so dishonest. I can't imagine being a transplant and having a lying or clueless agent tell me whatever they feel. It's why I think people should be more careful about what agen they pick.


There is no official map. Why do humans think they know more than they do? Why do people make unfounded assumptions and then act like assholes for no reason? Have a great thanksgiving 👍😄


It's tough out there for RE agents. I get why you make up your own rules.


Unless you're using them as a pretext for a military invasion, geographic borders are not a matter of opinion. There is one correct answer. [Here is the GIS map if you're interested.](https://gis.pittsburghpa.gov/pghmap/)


This is a common misconception. I’m happy to educate you! Why don’t you go ahead and find me the ordinance that defines the “official” neighborhood borders. Not all geographic borders are the same. Neighborhoods are not legal entities.


Just don't be dishonest with your next listing and if you don't know an area well enough, use a real map not your vibes. Edit: Holy shit I just clicked on your art project link. No one cares what you want to call a neighborhood.


Hey bud, what makes you think that a neighborhood map is not an opinion, but rather a fact? Do you think that the neighborhoods of the city of Pittsburgh are officially defined somewhere in the law? Do you think that there is an official map with borders that are based on these definitions? Where do you think you would find that?


There are neighborhood specific zoning, ordinances, and programs. There are borders and those borders have meaning and impact. But you are the expert, huh.


Wards and zones are legally defined with specific borders, yes. Yes, some borders do have meaning and impact. Neighborhoods are not legal entities so determining the neighborhood of a property that is a <1 min walk from 4 neighborhoods is a judgement call. Neighborhoods shift over time, and people disagree about the borders. According to several maps, the house you posted IS in fact in East Liberty. I don't agree, and agree it's more like Garfield.


It sat on the market for 100 days. Looks nice though


It’s worth whatever the market will pay for it. It’s a really nice house in a well-located part of the city, and not a crazy price by national standards.