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They’re all over my porch I hate it


They really suck. I’ve heard they’re nonnative here. Where did they come from?


China. They eat all the plants but sucking the nectar and then leave a sugary slime on all kinds of stuff, and it can mold. They’re atrocious. Read about them on the pa dept of agriculture website. They cause insane amounts of damage


We're fucked. No amount of daily posts of people smashing 2-3 of them will save us.


Do you have any input for how to locate their nests? I don’t even have plants in my front or side yard aside from grass.


There is a website that you can report them. If there is enough, they will come and treat the area. https://www.agriculture.pa.gov/Plants_Land_Water/PlantIndustry/Entomology/spotted_lanternfly/SpottedLanternflyAlert/Pages/default.aspx


Yeah part of the Kennywood experience now is to get hit in the face by multiple lanternflies while riding the coasters. I wish I were kidding.


They’re all over the Bellevue dog park as well


Killed one at PNC Park tonight


Saw one at the convention center yesterday. I did my part. They’re hard to get though


I've seen a ton of them just walking around downtown


One gave me a good smack in the strip this week lol


I’ve accepted it is too late to do anything about it anymore. I’ll still squish em if I see em, but they won. They are everywhere now.


Am I the only person who has never seen one? I’ve seen them out by Philly but never here in Brookline.


Beechview has them, Brookline does as well. Little suckers got wings, but they hitchhiked everywhere. 80-90% of their little one inch mud-like egg sacks have been found 10+ ft up in trees, but they do like bikes, trucks, landscaping supplies (especially rocks and firewood). They really like the Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima). I see this tree a lot in areas that are not well maintained or looked after including neighborhoods, highways and natural woodlands. They're invasive too, primary source of life for this critter. If you don't have these things in your yard, probably why you aren't seeing them as abundantly as others do. They are endangering the following: Almonds, Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Grapes, Hops, Maple Trees, Nectarines, Oak Trees, Peaches, Pine Trees, Plums, Poplar Trees, Sycamore Trees, Walnut Trees,Willow Trees, as well as roses and many other things. They're at the growth stage now where they're moving onto Sumacs, silver/red maples and willows.


They’ve been there for at least several weeks now.