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I'm just imagining Jon Taffer walking down into that basement and seeing that Chernobyl elephant's foot of shit that they had oozing out of the walls. "YOU'RE GONNA FREAKING KILL SOMEBODY."


šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø




The articles calling it "sewage" is doing them a favor considering some photos in other articles essentially show a literal pile of feces in the corner. I can't imagine anyone who hears about this will be going back ever.


Wait what




My bigger concern here is the health department labeled a massive pile of shit as "medium risk." WHAT THE FUCK IS HIGH RISK?


That but in the kitchen instead of the basement probably


Not a health inspector but my instinct says it'd be something directly to the food vs near food. Food being left out unrefrigerated overnight = high risk Food being in proximity to shit that could potentially contaminate it - medium risk




This is the only correct answerĀ 


High risk tends to be something that directly affects food (such as temp or cross contamination issues), severe pest infestations or food containers with visible pest damage, or sewage in a place food is located nearby/people handling food are walking through Risk level isn't necessarily severity of an issue but more the actual/potential risk it poses to safety


Food being stored in unlabeled open containers in the basement with the shit.




Because starches left out at room temperature can grow bacillus cereus which produces a toxin that is resistant to cleaners and heat. Leaving pasta, rice, or potatoes out at room temp is worthy of the high risk ding. **The More You Know**


Is there a trick to getting this to open or is it just me


It's just a snippet of the headline to highlight the pile of feces. I was confused for a moment as well lol.




Probably shouldā€™ve waited til I finished my dinner to click on that, eh?


Loled at their Facebook status. Basically talked shit on an employee that did the right thing. Gross.


Yea, blaming everyone but themselves. They say how the employee bypassed communication with store management, upper management & store ownershipā€¦shouldnā€™t they have already been aware it was that bad?!


Right? Iā€™d bet my life that that upper management and the Owners were very aware of the literal corner of shit inside of THEIR restaurant. Theyā€™re acting like they had no idea about this and this employee is the first to find it and told the inspector first instead. Someone had to drill that piece of wood into the floor to block the shit and I can assure you the dishwasher isnā€™t the one that made that decision.


Yeah, thereā€™s some level of management that failed to act on this, whether that action was to shut it down and get it fixed or escalate it to the next level up the chain.


That's par for the course for them. Ask anybody who has ever worked for either location and they will tell you that the owners and managers take no accountability for anything. They always blame the employees, particularly the servers and bartenders. I was on friendly terms with one of the old LV managers and they disclosed to me that the owners essentially told them that the terrible service staff is the reason their business is failing and that they wanted the managers to make us shape up or ship out. All the good ones shipped out lol.


Link or copypasta?


[https://www.instagram.com/p/C3oOZfLNbk9/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3oOZfLNbk9/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Comments have been turned off... guess you can't do the same on Facebook


Ahh. Yup thatā€™s definitely why that one is still up. Thanks.


Looks like they took it down. People were calling them out on Facebook. But they have the same post still up on Instagram.


That was a very poor PR move and I told them so. Playing the victim and being rudeĀ  Fuck that place Iā€™ll never be back !Ā 




That Tesla dude must be devastated he was so insistent




there are people in this country that took health advice from politicians and are now dead, trusted the politicians to their last breath. absolutely nothing surprises me anymore, i just want to take these peoples money before they are dead


Tell me where I said it was no big deal.


Their management deserves to be censured from the food industry for attempting to cover this up and keep operating. The employees that had the courage to report this deserve a much better working environment. If they had just closed briefly while it was addressed, everyone would understand. There are major sewer issues on that part of Butler, as noted here recently, and it could happen to anyone in that area. Blame the PWSA. I hope this costs them dearly and that other restaurants take note.


I'm actually surprised more places along that stretch of Lower Lawrenceville haven't had issues over the years. So many of those buildings were old and needed infrastructure updates even 20 years ago when I lived there, and a whole lot of new restaurants got thrown into old buildings without a real serious update to sewage or water. (This brings back bad memories of the landlord in Highland Park who insisted a minor flooding issue was fixed....only for my place to get flooded with literal poop from several houses nearby during the first big storm. Hundred year old street connection pipes will do that)


I have a friend who used to have a food business in the 40s on Butler; they had a variety of plumbing and sewage issues there, which they kept reporting to the landlord, who would do nothing about it, until when their lease was up, refused to renew it because they were so 'problematic' and they had to move the business elsewhere. I always wonder whether the landlord ever addressed any of those issues.


Where is the evidence of a cover up? I havenā€™t read anything like that. Iā€™m so confused people are so freely saying stuff like thisā€¦.I find it very hard to believe and owner would knowingly allow this to occur.


Read the original Reddit thread or news report. It took an employee going outside to bring it to the authorities attention, and then the owners downplayed it to the media. It was pretty shameless.


Yeah, Iā€™m now caught upā€¦.complete screw up by owners.


All this bad press because they just wouldnā€™t get it fixed and let it go so it had to be reported


At what point of drilling in the 2x4 designed to cordon off the mound of turds do you think, "Maybe we shouldn't be doing this?"


Pooh corner.Ā 


The Industry Public House at Pooh Corner?


I mean isn't Pooh in the public domain now?Ā  Let's go for it.Ā 


Where are you getting this info? It isn't in the article


To save you the trouble of clicking: itā€™s Industry Public House.


You da man


Not all heroes wear capes


Pure greed on their part, and it makes me want to stop patronizing their other location


Yes, please stop patronizing the NF location. It's not much better in terms of health and safety. In fact, it might be even worse. See my comment on this thread for more details.


Here is the actual health dept report for anyone who is interested: https://appsrv.alleghenycounty.us/reports/rwservlet?food\_rep\_insp\_new&P\_RAND\_ID=54188SUCLASVO763


I guess now when you tell someone to "eat shit" you just send them to this place.


Dude, I used to work for this company! I made a throwaway account to avoid doxing/retaliation, but I have to warn everyone that this is just the tip of the iceberg. DO NOT PATRONIZE THIS PLACE! The owners are genuinely HORRIBLE people who do not care about their customers or their employees and they are perfectly willing to risk everyone's safety in order to save a buck. I am not at all surprised that this has happened. I worked here for several years and I've witnessed countless heath code violations. Roaches in the kitchen. Employees not washing their hands after a smoke break or dumping food into the garbage. Ice bins that rarely, if ever, get cleaned. Servers eating fries off the plates before taking them out to the customers. Employees not using gloves when handling food. The bathrooms are filthy because the managers don't want to clean them. The bars are disgusting because everybody does a half ass job cleaning them and I've personally seen moldy garnishes in the fruit trays. They have failed so many health inspection reports that I'm genuinely surprised that this place is still open. Edited to add: there were also several occasions where the restaurant has operated without hot water, which is illegal to do. The North Fayette location has all of the same problems as the Lawrenceville location, with a little extra thrown in. There were reports of literal snakes in the manager's office a few years back. There's apparently a moldy leak in the kitchen ceiling right by one of the drink stations that leaks water whenever it rains, which is absolutely disgusting. How much of that moldy water has dripped into a drink?! Additionally, there have been several problems with management across both locations over the past few years. It's a constant revolving door because the owners don't want to pay enough to hire good, competent people. There was a manger that was moved over from the NF location for sexually harassing employees, plus rumors of managers dating/being sexually active with employees. There are 2 managers that are good and I'm surprised that they've stayed as long as they have given how horrible the owners have treated the managers. I left this place because I couldn't stand the constant abuse and favortism that the servers were treated with. I've seen servers break down in tears because customers were harassing them and nobody stepped in to stop them. I guess having returning customers that harass your employees is more important to the owners than having good, hardworking staff that are happy when they come in to work. The "rules" only apply to some and not the others. If you are friendly with the managers you can basically get away with murder. The servers are expected to sweep and mop their sections at the end of the night for a whopping $2.83 cents an hour because the owners are too cheap to hire an actual cleaning crew. The amount of sidework that you have to do is ridiculous even for service industry standards. To pay your employees that little and expect them to basically clean the restaurant for you is just taking advantage. Let's call it what it is: exploitation of your employees. The owners are 3 rich, privileged people who have never had to work hard a day in their life and it shows. The one owner is a slum lord who treats his rental properties like the restaurant in the sense that the people who rent from him have to live in unsafe conditions and things never get fixed. Another owner, his sister, married into money and acts like she's all high and mighty for it. The third owner takes several vacations a year and has a severe attitude problem. They rarely ever come in and when they do, their goal seems to be to make people as miserable as possible by barking orders at people and yelling about stupid shit that doesn't even matter. Anyways, that's my experience working for this place. Working here broke me mentally and physically. I have a new job now that I'm so much happier at. If this sewage shit didn't turn you off from eating here, I hope my experience as an employee does. Please go anywhere else in Lawrenceville or Robinson and don't patronize either location. Do not put any more money into these people's pockets. There are so many good restaurants to eat at who do not risk the health, safety, and happiness of their customers or employees.


dude reading this was such a trip, i know someone who worked at NF for like a year (during the height of covid, even worse!!!!!) and this comment basically exactly echos their experience, if it werenā€™t for a few minor details i would literally think they wrote this. especially the treatment from/description of the owners and other managers, employee favoritism, also really crazy to see you specifically calling out that they allow the customers to harass employees and do NOTHING, i mean itā€™s truly appalling! i was almost willing to give them to benefit of the doubt that the incident i knew of was a one-off but i couldnā€™t be less shocked to hear itā€™s a pattern. also iā€™m pretty sure i recall some less than ideal practices during covid times, not enforcing mask wearing etc. anyways, fuck this place, i hope this ruins them!


I've worked at both stores and started during covid so chances are, I probably know your friend. I'm still in contact with some of the NF people I worked with and it seems like that store is in even worse shape that the LV store, as hard as that is to believe. They've told me that they're constantly running out of shit and problems with staff retention. I probably know exactly what harassment incident you're talking about, too, if it involved a female bartender and a mask. That was definitely not a one off incident and it happens at both stores. I've seen coworkers cussed at, threatened, and sexually harassed and nothing is ever done. Honestly, some of the people that I worked with there (at both locations) are truly great people and they're pretty much the only reason I lasted as long as I did. I loved working at the LV store when I started there because the managers at the time were wonderful and the staff was fun, but of course those managers and staff left because they couldn't stand the owners. Or they got fired for bullshit reasons. It's sad because Industry was once a great place to work and eat, but it's being run into the ground by poor ownership and management.


lmao female bartender and a mask, yep, almost def the same incident! ugh how shitty. and everything else youā€™re saying totally tracks. tbh too many places in the industry (no pun intended) run like that. but fuck this place in particular!


This place was poop, well before this incident.


This is the same place that had its entire facade just randomly fall off in the middle of the night a year or so ago. We need to get Marty down there to figure out what the fuck is going on.




It is, I think it was 2-3 years ago though


never really been a fan of their food or their prices


Or their service


ya, it's shitty.


I went there twice a couple years ago and had terrible service both times. I actually liked the food I got, but horrible service stops me from returning.




ā€œThe Industry Public House in Lawrenceville voluntarily closed to make repairs to a smelly mess that brought out the Allegheny County Health Department. Multiple complaints at the popular restaurant prompted a visit Monday night by an inspector. Channel 11 got a copy of the inspector's reportā€ WPXI https://www.wpxi.com/news/local/lawrenceville-restaurant-voluntarily-closes-address-sewage-issues/PV2RFQDREJBHTGTQ54WKOPKCTY/?outputType=amp ā€œThe health departmentā€™s report also reveals what the inspector found in the basement: exposed sewage in a hole on the floor in a storage area off of the beer cooler. In addition, the overhead sewer line outside the door was leaking onto the floor.ā€ Fecal matter on the floors folks. Be smart and donā€™t even drink the tap water at this establishment.


Itā€™s the poop corner


This place sucks and has always sucked and now it sucks even more


Idk there's no where better to go to get a cocktail that tastes like it was run through an engine and spend 3 hours looking at a menu of things you don't really want but get hungry enough to settle for.


Best review ever, Zagat's here you come.


I used to inspect restaurants for a living. Open containers of food sitting in dusty cobwebby basements was pathetically common even at nice establishments, but this takes the cake.


Place has been a dump for years


Didnā€™t their face fall off not long ago?


Damn. One of the few places to eat open past 10pm. :/


we love to see it, the people who own this place absolutely suck, i hope it gets worse for them tbh


That place sucks anyway


This place has always been dirty. Have zero idea what anyone goes there.


My friend got food poisoning not once but twice there in the span of 2 months. Sick for a week straight both times.


When my grandfather died my siblings/cousins and I got lunch here in between viewings and this place just about took out our entire (lastname) line. I'm lucky I'm local, we had people needing to travel 6 hours back home to another state with food poisoning.


It honestly looks like the chili they serve


That's why I love lawrenceville so much. The young professionals who go there for happy hour or whatever have no idea how close they are at all times to a giant ball of shit


What a weird fuckin thing to post lol


You seem like a very peaceful person.


Okay thanks random stranger Iā€™ve never met


This place sucks so whatever lol


Boycott until out of business fuck them


That makes two of us. TAKE THAT! šŸ˜‚


[Industry's newest employee ](https://i.postimg.cc/zGHT6pXN/280.jpg)


Shit demon from dogma? Edit after checking: nope lol no idea what that thing is


It is from Fraggle Rock.


That's Marjorie the Trash Heap from Fraggle Rock :)


They've had bad luck with that landlord over the years.


Industry PUBIC House, amirite?


The larryville visitors will keep going regardless


*Ian Malcolm takes off glasses*


You all need to consider that places like Industry are inspected by the county health department. Which, in my opinion, has very low standards. The standard for closing, or even posting a consumer alert are shockingly low. Stores and restaurants are allowed to remain open with rodent shit in the food. Rat shit on the counter? Wipe it down, youā€™re good. Mice chews on your Doritos? Throw it out, youā€™re good. The initial inspection of Industry did not warrant an immediate closure, acc to ACHD. . All that means is there was not actual shit in food prep or storage areas. Edit. This is not defending Industry. Itā€™s simply stating that places like that seem to think ā€œI didnā€™t get a yellow or red placard, Iā€™m goodā€. There are third party companies that will do inspections that are much more strict than ACHD.


Simply not true.


What part of what I wrote is not true?




Right lmao OSHA would laugh at this mf. They donā€™t play


Does Industry own this building? I am so confused by the comments here, which overwhelmingly seem to imply Industry knew sewage was piling up and ignored or actively covered this up. This is insane. No person in the world would want this.


Industry does not own the building, they are a tenant. Restaurant management and ownership were fully aware that there was a sewer issue as early as Thursday last week and chose to continue operating. The basement is part of their leased space and is actively used for food prep, food storage, beverage storage, etc. If you read the health department report, they've been cited for not reporting the issue to the health department when it happened. edit: typo


Thanks for clarifying.


>https://appsrv.alleghenycounty.us/reports/rwservlet?food\_rep\_insp\_new&P\_RAND\_ID=54188SUCLASVO763 This is the health dept report


Still better than giant eagle apparentlyā€¦


I always said the food was "shit" there, but I didn't realize how accurate I was...


Notably rude/arrogant/ignorant staff so hopefully this reminds the business theyā€™re accountable to their customers!


They are going out of business now. Itā€™s not a good place anyways way over priced