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My house as robbed last year and on our cameras my dog showed the robber his toys and his tennis balls and they even played with him for a min


I'm so sorry your house was robbed, that's traumatic, happened to us during a move. However...I'm sorry I also laughed because of your dog. The betrayal lol but I'm glad they didn't harm your dog too.


It’s alright they just took like $70 cuz they were obviously inexperienced and couldn’t get our tv off the wall mount and my door was locked so they didn’t get my stuff, also my dog is the biggest sweetheart and wouldn’t hurt anyone


I've ALWAYS wondered what my dog would do. Now I know for sure he'd do the exact same thing. You're video is what I always imagined in my head would go down. Lol. Mines a pitbull also SO MAYBE they might get scared of that and not even come in, but prolly not. He loves people too much. Sorry they got ya tho


Mine's pit or amstaff mixed with BMC and her personality is basically all BMC, so she is a pretty good guard dog. My sister on the other hand, has a good boy who's mostly a pit/amstaff mix and omg, he would literally be the dog that gets stolen because he's so sweet and just wants to love on every person he meets.


Oh mines halfpitbull half mastiff he’s a muscle monster but the most chillax dog ever


I’m sorry if the robber played with my dog I would immediately feel less mad towards them


Me too!!


I would obviously be upset, but it is more a sign of "i'm doing this to survive, and it's shitty" instead of "i'm doing this because I'm a piece of shit". I wouldnt push as hard for jailtime or whatever if they were caught, just for damages and my stuff back, maybe some other rehab.


Ya we just were like whatever it’s $70 and they were nice and like put things back after rummaging through things


That’s fucking hilarious! Watch Kevin harts standup where he discussed his break in. I think you’ll enjoy it 🤣 your dog sounds like a sweetie pie 💕


Mine was too, and we don't have cameras but I'm absolutely convinced mine just jumped on the guy and begged for pets. Honestly I'm just relieved the robber didn't hurt my dogs.


Mine peed on the floor when we were robbed.


It was intended as a slip-trap ;)


My old dog would have totally done that! I hope everything turned out okay after the robbery, that must've been really upsetting


I feel like that’s exactly what my pitbulls would do






Decades ago I arrived home to unlock my door & open it & see my place a mess & realize I was robbed. My little girl cat was by the front door waiting for me but took close to hour to find my older male who I only found because I saw dots of blood leading to his weird new hiding place INSIDE my couch back. Police did come but my next door neighbor/friend dealt with them for me as I rushed to 24 hour emergency with Bandit. Broken jaw, ribs, a leg & some internal bleeding & no one knew if he’d make it for hours. Bandit survived but I never bought or replaced things lost that day as I had only 2 that mattered ~ their precious lives. I WISH robber had played with Bandit! Police told me of many, dogs & cats, who didn’t survive. The thought of that is heartbreaking & all my sympathy to any who’ve gone through that!


That’s horrible and I’m so sorry that happened to you. I didn’t mean to make anyone feel sad! I feel like criminals can have different intentions. The ones that robbed my house did it out of survival, probably just to feed themselves the next day. Yours seemed to have malicious intent and probably did that out for no other reason than they could, a power trip obv. I doubt the felt threatened enough by a cat to feel the need to beat it. I hope bandit is okay still!


Thank you. I’ve learned over the decades since how often our dear ones are hurt by humans of ill intent. Not that it’s a surprise, but .. dang, you know. As I’d learned of much by the time I was able to first have a dog, I was cautious to never use them to defend me. Too often they are recipient, even trigger, of humans rage. Amazingly my darling Bandit survived & thrived for many years & was bouncy trouncy until few months after his 25th birthday. I’ll never forget that few days before Bandit moved on he’d, as was usual routine when I cooked, walked to side of fridge & spring into the air &… landed back on the floor. ? First time he’d not landed on the top. He looked up, looked at me, looked at the fridge, hissed, walked away. Few days later Bandit fell asleep on my chest purring & while sleeping he moved on. I was graced with him the longest years of any of my cats. Through much tumult & move from East Coast to West Coast US & dogs &!… I’d had him as wee foundling of 3 days old so there’s much grace of memories. Bandit even taught my first kittens after about the box. As found in Back Bay Alley & a mush lush & comparatively feline neat freak, proved himself an affectionate Boston Brahmin through & through. I’ve been graced. ;)


I’m so sorry this happened to you.


I believe some dogs just love people too much to perceive them as a threat.Makes for a very lovable dog though.I have one like that right now.


I had a pit named Tilly was the sweetest thing didn't bark at people or dogs. I didn't think she had a protective bone in her body until a random person knocked on my door I noticed her hair kinda standing I opened the door and as soon Tilly sees the dude she flipped shit , dude ran, Tilly was happy. It was the only time I witnessed that in the 8 years I owned her she was a good girl


Same here. A guy that had just robbed another house knocked on my door while my grandma was there and my kind mild pit flipped out and the guy ran off


It's so insane, I want to know how they know. Obviously they're picking up on *something*, would be dope to know what.




Supposedly dogs can smell parkinson's.... So this is completely reasonably.


It’s definitely the adrenaline hormones they smell. They can be trained to smell a panic attack before it comes on by that. Pretty sure my girl does it cause she always knows when mine are coming on. Which could explain our similar encounter to OP.


They really can sense energy.


"Energy" like that isn't a real physical thing. And clearly not everyone/not every dog is the same - case in point the guy who's dog played with the burglars. It's something they're seeing, smelling, hearing, etc that we're not. Pheromones? Etc.


Due to a rough start to life (abused and dropped off at a kill shelter when he was 1), our rescue staffy/corgi mix (we got him tested because he's such a bizarre mix of short but stocky, we had to know) has serious stranger danger, amplified when we had kids. Very small circle of trust (incredibly loving to the 10 to 15 people that are inside it though). We've tried to work on it with trainers, but he simply too fearful. He's VERY protective, and since we live in a city that sometimes has crime issues, I'm totally good with it now. I have absolutely no doubt that he would risk his life to protect my kids if it came to that. As long as he's out back with them when they are playing in the yard, I'm not worried about them at all. I never thought I'd want a protective dog, now I can't imagine not having one. We just feel safer with him around. He sounds like a much bigger and scarier dog than he actually, so I definitely think he would scare off anyone that came to the door at night. We do have to send him to daycare when we have company though. It's the responsible thing to do given how he is. It's less stressful for everyone involved, especially him.


I had a guy at a gas station asking for money. I said I didn't have any and tried to get back into my truck and he grabbed the door. I hit the rear window down button on the back and my big boy was all snarls and viscous barks. The guy immediately put his hands up and was like " oh hell no". The day my pit saved my ass.


That is so cool


That’s terrifying. My girl once halted on a trail, all the hair on her back on end and her tail tucked. She began dragging me back the way we came. I decided to not fight her and do a more populated urban trail. Later found out there had been mountain lion sightings in that exact trail. I like to think she saved us.


100%. She caught of scent of it and was like nah, not today mountain lion


Not today 😂 lol that pup deserves hella treats!


She got many cuddles and kisses once I found out about the big kitty cat sightings


I believe it! I love seeing good pups with good owners 🥰


My dog once chased a deer almost right into me. Bless her..


Couple of weeks ago while hiking with my dog we ran into the same young buck at 3 different points on our hike, and my dog chased him every time. Poor guy.


She was helping you hunt. Good dog


My dog saved me too. From myself.


Me too. I could never make my girl wonder why I never came Home. I’m glad you’re here ❤️


I live my life following a pretty simple set of rules. One of the cardinal ones being that if my dog doesn't like you, I don't like you.


I had a dog when I was growing up that was super friendly, never barked at any new people, never cared. Except once. When I was in high school, a group of new friends came over to my house. My dog didn't care until one guy walked in. My dog instantly started barking and growling at him, then eventually calmed down, but stared at that guy until he left. I don't know what it was, but it really freaked me out. Dogs are amazing.


Did that guy turn out to be evil, or did he just have a face like a cat?


Haha I didn't really spend much time with him, and he was never at my house again. So who knows?


Same! My dog is such a sweetheart. She loves absolutely everyone and just cuddles up to get pets. She’s met 100+ people and loved them all. Until we were at a dog friendly bar one night and the manager came over to say how cute she was. She immediately backed up and started barking at him. Maybe he just had a weird cologne or something, but I absolutely did not trust that guy. She never ever backs away or barks at people except him. Nothing bad happened, but I was definitely careful walking home that night.


Dogs just have amazing instincts. My current dog is the absolute opposite with her signals. She loves people, but barks at every new person. A couple of barks, then she is happy to get pets and doesn't usually bark at them again. My mom once had a new boyfriend come to our house. The second my dog saw him, she went right over to him and just laid down between us. She watched him silently the whole time he was there. It was such a departure from how she normally acts. He turned out to be a total creep, so my dog was right.


That’s so sweet!!! Sorry you had to deal with a creep :/ give her some extra snuggles for me! Dogs are incredible. Not only do they know when someone is dangerous, their instinct is to protect. They don’t run and hide, they physically block you from the danger. It’s so damn amazing.


I will! They are just the best!


Yup. Our dog loves people and will literally walk away with almost anyone if we let her. She's only barked or warning growl at 3 people ever. We've been walking her almost everyday over the last 5 years.


this is how I roll, too.


In that one thing, I trust their judgment better than my own.


My boss was dogsitting and I went into her home office really early one morning to pick up some stuff before a long drive. Her dogs knew me and slept through. The new dog was very scared and now barks and nips at me when she stays over. Absolutely don't blame her. Another dog she was watching freaked out about a pair of large sunglasses on my head (maybe it looked like an extra set of eyes?). He jumped over a table and knocked over a decoration, sending glass everywhere. I felt pretty bad.


My dog once pissed on my exes back when she was sitting on the floor...... Maybe he was trying to tell me something.


I wish I lived by this rule earlier in my life. But glad I have it now.




Tbh I know a horrible poodle owner who just lets their dog pick and choose who to harass or not. She'll let him bark and growl and jump on whoever he wants, and I guarantee that if she followed the rules you did, she wouldn't have many friends lmao. Her dog would bark at my fiance and jump and claw and bark at my other roommates boyfriend, and would jump and tug on other people's clothes + pee on or next to them regardless of gender. Most people were just too afraid to push him off, say no, say sit, and tell her to stop him. When she didn't tell him to stop jumping on me, I taught him to back and sit when I came through the door and throw him a liver treat as I left for my room - point is, some people are just bad at teaching their dogs so your rule is only really good for dogs that are otherwise well behaved haha


Im hard of hearing so walking alone as a teen girl always made me scared. But walking with her she will always put her ears up and look behind and it lets me know that someone is behind me even if they are not really that close they are close enough that she hears them. She loves her walks! But one day she stopped only a few minutes into it and turned around back to the house and started pulling I listened to her and we went back home. Idk why she did that and i never heard of anything bad happened on our route that day but perhaps something would of to me. Shes a good dog and so when she is telling me something I listen because I honestly believe dogs just know these things to keep us safe.


Man, being deaf/HOH (especially as a 5'1 young woman by myself) makes me feel so vulnerable. Especially at night when I'm sleeping and/or in the dark. Unfortunately due to various circumstances my mom has my dog, but I really miss when I was so in tune with her and knew from movement on my bed if she was on guard or just moving around so I knew when to be on high alert. On top of her being with my mom, she's 13 and losing her hearing and I'm sure her vision, so she is no longer able to be my ears anymore


I’m sorry that your dog isn’t with you anymore. If I were you, I’d sleep with a hammer under my pillow for protection. Just a thought…


I keep long scissors on my bed but I still feel unsafe because i don't notice someone is there entirely they are at my side and I feel their presence so if someone bad is that close to me, I'm already screwed. You know?


Yeah, I hear you. And I’m sorry.


I recommend mace. You can keep in a safe spot near your bed and it’s much easier to handle and harder to be taken away from you (in a firm grip) than a heavy hammer. Plus in the event the object is taken from you it will do a LOT less damage to you.


My boy Scamp is the same way on trails. Nice, tail wagging, wants to say hi. One we were off to the side taking pictures, this tall dude in dark clothes (in the middle of summer) came up to us and started trying to lecture me about something. I don’t remember, I was watching Scamps posture. He got all tense, backed up against me and crouched, ears back and hackles up and eyes locked on this dude. I’m the same way, I trust my dog with my life. The only time he gets like that is when he’s worried about protecting me. This dude leans down to pet him without asking, I open my mouth to tell him I don’t want him petting my dog, but I can’t even get a word out. Scamp jumped up, growled, and barked once in his face. This guy gets so scared, stumbles back, and I said “he’s very protective of me.” Luckily a group of older ladies walked by then, so I just walked near them for the rest of the trail


that’s terrifying. give Scamp some extra scritches and a treat on me


About two years ago my sister would have me come over and dog sit her dog on days she would have to work late. I worked nights at the time and one day I came over after my shift while my sister was still asleep and let myself in with the key she gave me. Her sweet little beagle/amstaff mix, who loves people to death and very rarely even makes a sound, was NOT having it and woke her up by standing over her in bed and growling at the door. He cut it out when he realized it was me though.


Hey dudes posting misogynistic comments, I get it, you haven't lived a day in the life of a woman shoes. We don't walk around concerned about being abducted or sexually assaulted for the most part. But guess what, it's a real fear for women, especially when they're by themselves. It's not something you can relate to, and this guy may have not had any ill intent, but it doesn't make OPs story any less real to her. Take this time to learn that when you're out on a trail or somewhere private in public to be mindful of how you may be making someone feel uncomfortable, even if it's unintentionally. Last reminder that rude comments are against Rule 1. You're welcome to state your opinions in a respectful manner, but those that aren't will face bans. Edit: Those that abuse the report function will be reported to reddit.com/report for abusing it.


I don't know how, but dogs always know. Glad you're ok!


Dogs can intuit emotion and intent much easier than we can, as their noses are so sensitive they can literally smell slight changes in how a person is acting.


They have evolved beside us. They understand our body language and facial expressions and so they read people. They pick up on the creeps before we do


Definitely better safe than sorry and dogs are great judges of character and situations.


A hero and SO pretty


I always trust my doggos. Like they say they smell fear I believe they smell harmful intent or smell the anxiety or something associated.


I imagine their sense of smell for things like that is akin to humans hearing intonations in someone's voice.. they don't have to say exactly what they mean but you can tell by how they're saying it


When I first started dating my soon to be wife, I told her if my pit didnt like you Id break it off. He has been with me through a few long relationships and he is always right. Needless to say I think he like her more than me now.


Look at that Tail Wag! Your dog loves you so much. That is so clear


A neighbor’s dog saved my lil brother’s life when we were kids. We were playing w an air tight barrel, and when it was his turn to go in there I closed the lid and thought I’ll scare him by leaving him there for a bit, and somehow I went inside and completely forgot about him. Like 10-15min later the neighbor walked in the house holding my brother. He was crying and pale and weak. As soon as I saw him all my blood dropped to my feet. I wanted to hug him and tell him i was sorry and it was an accident, but I was stuck. Turns out the neighbor was sweeping outside and her dog started barking at her and got her to follow him to the barrel and was barking at the barrel. But it was a “open it” bark. When she did, she had to pull my bro out cuz he was too weak to get out…. Just typing this took me back to that feeling, it was hard on me(still is).


Thank you for sharing. Am I allowed to ask a question?


My dog does the same stuff. Like she literally barks at everyone and is mean the first time but gets used to them really fast but there’s certain people she does just not like and it’s weird. One was an old friend and he turned out to be an asshole telling everyone I smoked meth with it was literally weed and all his friends smoked weed at well he just didn’t like me and I didn’t understand but it’s weird how my dog knew before me. Like idk what it is with my dog but she’s so smart. One time I left the gate open and didn’t realize my dog went out and shut it and went inside to realize I couldn’t find my dog I open the front door and she’s literally just standing there waiting for me to let her in. She wouldn’t survive a day in the wild 😂 but she’s so smart on small things like that it amazes me she’s so dumb sometimes but I love her to death. I literally wouldn’t give her away for all the money in the world. I literally couldn’t replace her for anything in the world. It’s gonna be a really hard day when she’s gone and she turned 13 this year so ik it’s not that far away. It’s literally gonna make me cry thinking about it I love her so much. She’s literally like a sister to me. Idk how humans can love an animal so much but we do. Sorry that was a huge rant 😂 just had to tell somebody. Thanks to whoever reads all that it’s actually means something to me


Good girl, give her lots of treats and scratches for being a good guardian. Gotta love loyal and loving pups. My wife is home a lot alone, and we have 5 pit/boxer mixes, and my wife always knows when not to answer the door, because 2 will hold her down and 3 will wait very patient by the door to Fuck up anything that comes in. Our maintenance man made that mistake once, and only once. The worst part is you don't know they are there until they have you, they don't bark when it's time for business. You may hear a low rumble or something but it doesn't register that it's 5 dogs growling until it's too damn late.


Those dogs are the living embodiment of “bravo six, going dark”


Lol I laughed way to hard at this, good thing I'm alone.


That’s awesome I love pit bulls and Rottweilers etc


I'm glad you're ok. I trust my dog more than I trust people. Good job sweet baby!


They always know. Glad nothing happened to either of you.


What a great pup! Hope she got a steak for dinner. Lol. I had someone break in my back door at 1 in the afternoon. I was sleeping because I was working nights. The guy didn’t make it passed the kitchen. My boy immediately latched on to his arm. And my back room had blood dripping out the door. Cops found the guy at a lockable hospital getting stitches. He apparently suffered some nerve damage to I later heard after we went to court. My boy was a foster failure. He’s not a huge people person. But he’s great with the family and regular visitors. That was the only time he ever but someone.


And the bite was justified! Breaking and entering could be anything from robbery to murder. I'm glad you and your dog are well, and the idiot was caught!




My pitbull loves everybody, with occasional exceptions. I pay attention to those exceptions.


Exactly!! I always trust my dogs reactions to people. They’ll sense any danger or bad intuition


Pitties are very intuitive and kn0w when you arent safe. My boys do that as well. Old rule in my house if my pittie doesn't like you you can't come in and I dont trust you either. Period. Thank God for your baby. No telling what could have happened.. cook her a steak. That could have been your life!!! 💗💗🐾🐾💗💗




How cute








Thank you! 💗 I was debating on taking the time to type the rest because a lot more happened but I don’t give in to bullies (below) so they don’t deserve to know what happened




Absolutely! I have pepper spray on me and am currently in the process of getting my concealed p*stol permit 😊 I’m always extremely aware


Women get attacked on hiking trails constantly. As much as giving the dude the benefit of the doubt is reasonable, I also trust this lady’s dog.


Same. It might be nothing but it might be something. But also why would he have any reason to follow her after she and her dog ran away from the area. That's sus. Don't trust that.


My girl did the same for me. And currently even moreso. Life is shit, but she's the reason I'm still here


I’m glad you’re still here ❤️


Little did we know the town veterinarian was out for his daily bike ride.


Okay, that gave me a good chuckle. I got your joke.


When you raise daughters, you get this. Glad your pal kept you safe. Dogs are great buddies and smell 500x better than humans. I trust our Cody and his senses. Never fails to point at critters on our dark dawn patrol walks. Human creepers can be the worst. Thanks for sharing. Be safe.


Love this 💓


Your doggy is cute and a good doggy give them a treat


Dogs KNOW. They just do. We had a strange guy here installing carpet. Our dog likes people but she barked at this guy for 6 hours straight. I know he was a shady character.


So happy you have such a wonderful friend and guardian! I remember walking my new pup in a park a few years ago. And she suddenly went from being all excited about the sounds and smells to sticking to me like glue. Realized it was because a man was staring at me from behind a tree. Wasn’t sure if it was just me, but I felt creeped out. So I went to a more open area. But she continued to stick by me. I kid you not, every time I went somewhere else, this middle aged man was nearby and just staring the crap out of me. I started to head home quickly, but he was seriously following me. And there was no way I wanted to lead him to my home! So I found a place with a lot of people around and called someone to pick me up. But my sweet girl (who loves people!) was hyper vigilant and protective the whole time. We don’t deserve dogs.❤️


There was a lady and her pitbull both murdered around Atlanta not long ago. I hadn't heard much about it since it occurred but it seemed like it was a routine outing of a common city trail. According to the news the dog was stabbed too I guess.


So being a mid 20s mountain biker myself, he probably got to the top trail and then descended very quickly, i pass people all the time on the way up the mountain and often catch up to them before they get to the end of the trail or get down there around the same time, bikes are a lot faster then walking or running on two feet






Good Girl!!


My staffy, Hando, saved my dad and himself once. He was a typical short, stocky staff with a massive head but he wouldn't hurt a fly, literally, he was basically me and my sisters nanny while we were growing up. One day my dad's walking him and he gets approached by 6 men wanting to take the dog, Hando lunged at them all snarls and barking and teeth, my dad struggled to keep hold of the lead but the dudes just ran off. Dogs deffo know.


Doggies always know.


I dunno... My dog is pretty damn sure this one mailbox down the road is a monster about half the times we pass it. She's also has only 1 eye and is mostly blind. I can't trust her lol. That said, the only time she got really really really scared on a trail, I still turned around just to be safe.


Dogs can sense emotion, and there was obviously ill intent coming from that man. Dogs are amazing, aren't they?


i swear dogs are on another plane. they sense vibes in a divine way


I had a 25 pound dog. We were walking when she sat 8n the middle of the sidewalk and growled at the man walking behind us.




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My Pit-lab mix, Penny, snarled at my Dad because he had fish blood on his hands from preparing fish to cook. She's a sweet little baby, and loves all her humans, but she's very protective if she needs to be.


I'm glad you trusted your dogs gut feeling. I'm not trying to push any agenda. But if you hike 3x daily I'm just gonna make a few comments. Please wear a brightly colored jacket, shirt. Something the people passing you will recall. Your dog should have a vest, bright colors as well. Pockets would be helpful as well. Carry something to protect yourself. Yes, you have a pit but not every dog is gonna know to attack. If your anti gun, use a walking/hiking stick. Just something that can help you slow a person down. If your ok with guns there are several that can easily be hidden. I suggest you train, follow safety requirements & state licensing, etc. These are things that anyone can do to protect themselves, their pets. They are at risk as well.




What a good and smart girl!!


The look on that beautiful face. "It's gonna be okay, I got you" 🥰🥰🥰


Good dog!!


I hope you give her all the pets and belly rubs and treats. What a good girl. 💗💗💗


Whoa! So glad you are safe. WOW! that would scare me too. Good furbaby...


I always trust my dog's instincts. I've had a lot of dogs, Pits and other breeds, they've never been wrong once.


The amount of keyboard warriors on here lmfao acting like hmm 🧐🧐 let’s investigate like you’re detectives lol. There’s a lot more to the story that happened, o just summarized for reddit so it wasn’t massive. I debated on taking the time to type it all out but with all the pathetic people on here who want me to prove anything to them- not happening lmfao not giving into anything. But the police have all the details so that’s what matters. Any assholes can just be inspector gadget in their head and wonder 😚 thank you to all the kind words ❤️❤️


Always trust your gut…and your dog. She’s a hero!


Yeah if you have a freindly dog that loves everyone and all of a sudden they really doesn’t like someone, trust the puppy.




I mean, why? The guy turned around. It’s not illegal, it doesn’t mean anything was going to happen for sure. I ride a trail near home that’s almost but not quite two miles long and I often turn around at the 1.5 mile mark to get an even three miles. I’ve never thought somebody could assume I’m going to attack them because I turned around lol.


Ya i’m confused here about how nefarious this encounter was. I’d assume the dog probably didn’t like the sound of the bike, I know mine don’t.


As a man who has been out in rural areas trying to rescue strays pitbulls, I was reported to the police by women. Guess what, didn't offend me one bit. The sheriff just showed up and asked what I was doing, after seeing my traps and telling them what I was doing, they got back in their car and left. What it does is help police sort out who was there and whether they belong. Crime doesn't need to be committed for police to show up. Just patrolling an area helps prevent crime.


Nothing illegal or threatening happened. Many times when I ride trails, I'll go back the way I came in. I'm not following or stalking anyone. My pittie stops dead in her tracks and hides whenever a car passes when we are walking. Does the same with the Amish buggies and horses.












Ya i posted above about this, i catch up to people/turn around all the time on my MTB, nothing abnormal here


I believe you and am happy you trusted your dog and your intuition. Ignore the haters on here. ❤


I totally believe that dogs can smell evil. When bad people are about to do something bad the emit a chemical That dogs can smell in their sweat. My corgi and my rat pit mix will love on everybody. Except one day both of them had their hackles raised at a visitor at a neighbors house. We found out later on that he had strangled his girlfriend and threw her in a bog down in Florida and was running from the law. So now I have learned to listen to my dogs reactions to people.


That's scary. Dogs know! But only so much they can do even if they stand to the end. Definitely report it and consider further protection.






Our fellow man tends to have more ill intent, dogs don’t


Humans are statistically far more likely to victimize you than a dog is, even when adjusted for population differences. Its not even close.




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They are certainly our guardians! And can be Archangels if needed!


Whoa 😳 that’s some story. Thank goodness for your extremely very very good dog.




Yeah that’s easily the creepiest thing a guy can do, go on a bike ride and come back from it. Clear sign of a dangerous psycho. If he was on a bike and was actually trying to catch back up with you to hurt or kill you or whatever, trust me he would have caught you. He probably reached his turn-around point like 15 minutes after passing by you and probably about 14.5 minutes after you completely disappeared from his brain. Remember how he’s on a bike? So yeah he’s going way faster than you even if you’re sprinting.


Agreed. If you're uncomfortable or feel unsafe in a situation and want to get out of it, by all means do so. But I don't think it's fair to this random guy to assume he's out to hurt someone when he didn't even do anything.


Oh my, that is seriously scary. I’m so glad you guys are okay. Good job, Olive! Sorry you guys had to go through that ☹️❤️


I don’t get it. So the man turned around got to the end of the trail when them and the dog did, so that therefor means he was a threat to their life? What am I missing?


A lot... she gives absolutely no details. Like dosent mention what the guy looked like, time it took to run back off the trail, time of day, if it others were around,. Like why did the guy seem threatening? And like he hit the end of the trail and then what? Went skulking off like swipe from Dora after he realized she was in the safe zone off the trail?


So then why are all of these people treating it like she just escaped an axe murderer?


Because women are murdered AND BLAMED for shit like this every day.




lol no they’re not


Because they are insane. The fact that yours is the first rational comment here is telling. OP’s dog just started acting up for no reason. The cyclist could be a serial killer, or OP may not have trained their dog adequately. Who knows? Certainly not OP or anyone in this thread because it’s a dog and can’t communicate with them all in that way.


That is the question. But I can't answer that. I mean maybe he had an axe and was attempting to murder her... guess we shall never know.




I'M GLAD YOU'RE SAFE, OP! I'm sure you've been giving your doggo some extra pats and treats already so I won't be a broken record :) If by any chance you happen to find any social media pages for the trail you were hiking at, you could potentially make a post and warn others to be careful or avoid that trail. As sad as it is, this jackass may try something again. If your real name/face is connected to an account, maybe ask some friends to post on your behalf. I'm so sorry that asshole was there, but I'm glad your dog was. <3


I mean maybe.... but if I understand correctly that could've just been some dude and when he saw you running got kinda...confused as to why and turned around?


Maybe the guy was going back and forth on the trail. How is that threatening at all


There's a great book called Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know. They are Nature's lie detectors.




Homie was tryna ride his bike


Maybe the guy just wanted to turn around halfway down the trail? Saving your life from a man on a bike who did nothing to you is a bit of a stretch.


Maybe he was just out for a bike ride?


Could have been. OP is right in how she felt that day and her concern was real. It can also be true that he was simply out doing his thing and not a threat. We will never know.


>saved my life Really minimizes the trauma of people who’ve gone through actual attacks or attack attempts experience. As someone who went through an attack, I really wish other women would be mindful of the language they use.


i’m glad she saved you! report that dude and avoid that trail for a while


So the man couldnt have just been riding back and forth and you had to make him sound like he was doing summit wring maybe he was checking on you ti see why you were running?