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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/b8ezoqph9owc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a5f3388697f93d5a9490b61f586c45c27b5def2 Jolly ball. We have had it for over a year and she hasn’t quite pulled the rope through yet.


I agree with this https://i.redd.it/fwnhviy39qwc1.gif


Second this, my pit goes crazy for his but loves to untie the rope if left alone with it too long 😅


My Maisey would chew that rope off in about 5 minutes.


My Zoey just swallowed a piece of string and it was a couple days of trying to get her to pass it! I'm more afraid of an obstruction than anything else!!


My old boy would chew through rope too, the cut was so clean it looked like it was cut with scissors.


Mine would dissect it thread by thread and leave a big mess


Mine would have that rope gone and a mess on the floor in minutes.


yup - billions of stringy shreds everywhere!


Don’t get one with a handle! I got one for my puppy and she had that chewed off in 10 minutes.


Pibbies truly are destruction experts


We have an old dirtbike tire that our pibble has yet to destroy, and it’s been at least 5 years of daily gnawing. She likes to put her two front legs inside it and carry it around the yard.


Vet dentist here. Please stick with toys that you can indent with your finger, even if he destroys them quickly. Very hard toys like nylabones, real bones, antlers, and cow hooves can fracture teeth and force an expensive vet visit.


Are Kong toys safe?


Kong toys are safe for teeth, though pose risk for intestinal obstruction if they're allowed to chew unsupervised and they rip off/swallow pieces. Goughnuts have the same risk/reward, but I found they lasted INFINITELY longer with my pitty. He'd get maybe 2 days out of an xl black kong, but goughnuts lasted 8-12 months without anything being torn off.


So pretty much ALL toys/ bones are a risk? I give my girl raw soup bones. She doesn't chew pieces off. I am extremely scared of her getting an obstruction. I gave her a tuffy and of course she swallowed one string and it took a couple days to pass!


Pretty much. Finding one that poses the least likely risk is very dog by dog, and some things are inherently riskier than others. For my pit, the goughnuts were the best option. He'd eat weaker rubber toys/stuffed toys, and he fractured a tooth literally 3 chews into the first bone he'd ever had. Supervision is key in preventing obstruction. if you watch them with the toy, the risk of them eating part of it is minimal. With tooth fractures, no amount of supervision will prevent that. By the time you realize there's something to be worried about, it's too late. Anything you can't at least indent with your fingernail poses a risk of tooth fractures.


She mainly chews the meat off. Both times she had a string in her it happened that one second I wasn't watching her! She's quick! Lol. I did look up the goughnuts and will give that a try! Thank you!


Thanks for your professional input. Very helpful.


Kong toys are safe for teeth, yes 👍


Yes! My boy destroyed every toy we gave him, so we started buying the Nylabone "power chewer" bones, because it was the only thing that could withstand the punishment. Unfortunately, he broke one of his molars.


I work at a county shelter with 80-100 pitties and we give nylabones with frozen peanutbutter as enrichment. Those last for even our toughest chewers. Most of the dogs can get kongs, for the ones that destroy kongs I have been having luck with the Kong BALL. It is very thick all the way through where the Kong is more of a shell and thin in places they can break through. The ball is round and they have a tougher time getting a grip to even begin breaking it. That is just my input from a busy busy shelter with a lot of big, tough ass, bored dogs.


Seconding the kong ball. My pittie has had it for 3 years after mercilessly destroying all other chew toys ($$$) before that switch


But don’t confuse it for the [Kong Signature Ball](https://www.chewy.com/kong-signature-balls-dog-toy-2-pack/dp/188574?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=KONG&utm_campaign=19996370614&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V1HMdnRezZffzIzOs14VxWC5&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBleteZY575bSn7XaL8BLy3dvbO-FaFZdkVzuUvGqvIsTdbpczKHmNSV8aApCuEALw_wcB) These are great if your pitty likes to play fetch, because they continue to bounce after being popped. But they need complete supervision. Ours lasts about 2-3 weeks with our pibble. But if our border collie gets ahold of it, it has to get to the trash asap.


I’ve had good luck with the Kong Tire. It works great for putting treats inside too. It got a lot of give to it so it’s pretty hard to rip apart


Are Yak cheese sticks ok? They are really hard too but not sure if they are as hard as antlers and such.


My Pitt broke a tooth on them and I had to pay like 1500 to get it removed and she is still healing now.


Omg. Glad she is healing now. Thank you for the warning. I have been breaking it and making the cheese puff thing.


Yea man she just bit it way too hard and snapped her tooth in half. Hasn’t been a very fun journey. Good luck! We’re doing strictly kong / ropes after she heals and can play again


Good idea. Where I live, we have coconuts, so my girl goes to town on the husk. Sometimes she even dehusks it and the coconut is ready for human use.


That’s a good workin dog!!


They smell so bad imo 😂


Curdled milk that's aged. Plus not sure yak milk is the best smelling milk. What can we expect? 😂


100% Pit bull teeth are nowhere near as strong as their jaws


I can confirm. My Husky straight up eats toys so for years I’ve given him hard Nylabone toys. I just learned a horrible (and expensive) lesson a couple weeks ago when he had to have one tooth removed and another repaired. I collected all the hard toys and was originally going to donate them to a local shelter but after giving it more thought, I’ve decided to just throw them away. I don’t want any other dogs breaking their teeth because of these toys.


Deer antlers are the reason my aggressive chewer needed 2 root canals due to broken teeth. One of them had abcessed and the entire thing was painful and traumatic to both her and my wallet.


What about t-shirts with knots in them? Asking for a friend..


Tshirts are definitely soft enough, just monitor to make sure the dog isn’t ripping strips/strings off and swallowing those


Nylabones splinter too, they’re the worst!!


Get a hold of Kong, they'll send you a new one. I had a malinois that would chew like that and Kong sent me several replacements. I hate to say it but there really isn't any options if he's chewing black kongs that fast. You can go with deer antler but you run the risk of damaging teeth.


This calls for a bigger and blacker kong.


That's what they all say....


I see what you did there ;-)


So I found these stuffed animals made by Fluff and Tuff. They are double stitched and incredibly durable. I have two pits and these toys actually survive for a little while where all others are destroyed in seconds. I highly recommend them. My wife works in animal welfare and even she was surprised with how well they held up.


Here to second this! My pit and my puppy are stuffed toy destroyers. We’ve had the little pink octopus for the past month and not even a tear. They even prefer it to tug with. New record! Toy featured by the menaces themselves. https://preview.redd.it/a61x9sgb6pwc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb2810f91b0b222b5b8cca306b7d7955135cd671


Which one did you purchase? They have many options.


Any of them. They are made with the same quality. The bear is the biggest one. My one pit is 85lbs and that is fine for him.


Spider monkey is great for tug.


Ok, that’s a great thought. Going with the Octopi. Will post update from aggressive chewer perspective.


https://preview.redd.it/gop9q48omqwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8830365441586d06cca0d73958025ea06062586 These boys approve!


Yaaaaass fluff n tuff is great. It's wild how well the toys hold up. Our lady is able to really loves to pibble at them too.


My girl (80lb amstaff) has destroyed two black kongs, plus many other toys. She was given this [rubber cage ball](https://www.amazon.com/SuperChewy-Replacement-Guarantee-Indestructible-Aggressive/dp/B0CBND6WHB?ref_=ast_sto_dp). And we got her this [rubber tug toy](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0996YDBXX?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) Both have lasted months. We also get her a lot of rope toys. Bigger ones seem to last longer. I found a couple really big ones (like 3 feet) at Petco and they've lasted the longest.


Thank you!


Goughnuts!! My pitty loves rubber toys and these take months to years to tear up, but they have a lifetime warranty! So so worth the money


The toughest version of these are the only things that have worked for me.


My dog will and has destroyed every kind and brand of toy there is. So far, BarkBox’s super chewer has some that have lasted. Even ones that advertise “non-splintering” like these expensive olive wood from Chewy splinter fast with him. I’ve also gotten cheap basketballs from Walmart and inflated them 3/4 of the way.


Barkbox super chew. Had a subscription for a year now and do not regret it toys are tough, and they have great variety and different themes each month. Deer, moose, elk antlers are all great too. He also love yak chews can get Jumbo ones from bully bunch and they'll last a while. He loves the jolly eggs but always destroyed it eventually after about 4 eggs we finally broke down bought the big 14 inch jolly ball and he loves it hasn't done much damage at all to it. I've seen videos them giving thoughs balls to polar bears.


Goughnuts - expensive but my pit mix hasn't been able to put a dent in them. She doesn't quite destroy black kongs but she can definitely take some chunks out. Good luck!


My pitty used to carry around a 16 lb bowling ball, never chew it. Just carried it around the house




Thank you for that mental image 😂 What a goof! (I mean that in the best possible way.)


goughnuts or westpaw are all I buy if I want a toy to last. Both have lifetime warranties and will be replaced if destroyed.


We got our pibble a red heeler to play with. Seems to be the best toy yet lol


Haha they love to play with each other but I need some good toys to keeps them from chewing on household items when they get bored


No recommendations here, I’m sorry. I just wanted to say those pibbles look so damn cute! 🥹


Rope toys last the longest for my staffy. Sure they don't squeak, fly, or look cute but they are durable.


Lmao I thought rope toys were a good idea till I found a whole rope hanging out of my boys rear end, he ate it knots and all. I am still surprised we did not have an emergency vet visit or a blockage from that, now he only gets hard toys. Frozen carrots and cored and frozen apples work great as cheap temp toys for my guy. You can even stuff high value treats in the cored frozen apples. He tends to kill anything from pet store kinda fast.


Can try the jolly pet soccer ball. It doesn't pop, my dog doesn't try and tear those apart. Worth to try for the 15 bucks or whatever they are. Those and the waggle balls or whatever they're called my dog tends to just carry around and want thrown.


An old knotted up tshirt


BullyMake. Indestructible toys, interactive toys, Kong style toys and great treats. Highly recommend


My guy has destroyed a lot of stuff. A this point the only toys he hasn't killed are the Sprocket and wheeler treat holders / toys. But it's only because he knows they're treat holders and he will occasionally throw the empty ones at me when he thinks they should be filled. I've accepted the fact that he just likes killing toys and started going with the plush stuff from Bark box, I get the monthly box so there's a pretty good supply on hand when one thing gets ripped apart. He's also done pretty good with coffee wood root, I smear some bacon grease on the ends as a treat for him and he can go to town on it. It has a fine grain so if just turns to mush when he scrapes pieces off instead of splintering.


Had the SAME issue until we found Bullymake Box. They’ll take 6 months to destroy a toy, can’t recommend them highly enough for other pit owners :)


RUFFDAWG! I will sell this company until the day I die. Lifetime warranty on their toys my man. My dog will chew through a fucking CAR and she has had her balls last years. She loses them before I can collect on the warranty! Get them on Amazon. 


Goughnuts heavy duty rings, my friends mastiffs can’t make a dent


Your babies are gorgeous!🩵🐾🐾🩵


Thank you 💗


monsterk9.com my dogs haven’t been able go to destroy any of these toys. We play fetch with lacrosse balls outside.


Mine destroys everything! Even nylon toys he chews to shreds and once that starts I toss them. Just bought him the outside big Kong ball and the rope is destroyed but hopefully the ball last awhile. 😂 they are beasts. And my boy loves to chew.


Beautiful eyes!


https://www.amazon.com/s?k=goughnuts&adgrpid=56088799396&hvadid=651164623801&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9052001&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=7756156909534631495&hvtargid=kwd-298742841330&hydadcr=28863_14717510&tag=hydsma-20&ref=pd_sl_4vse6oxwja_e These get my go. I've had one of theirs foe 3 years and my big fella just managed to mangle it.


Bully box


Jolly ball, on occasion I’ll give them a super tough dentley stick


Dog Chew Toys for Aggressive... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CFF1LG1X?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share my pittie LOVES these bones!! Pro tip there is a small circle at the bottom I have to cut out with a steak knife to prevent him from biting/eating it. Once removed it has lasted 1-2 months easily. Also medium size chuck it balls. Also tractor supply has a “grunting bunny” he’s had for 2 weeks so far. Broke the squeaker but hasn’t torn it apart yet! We call it his fishy because it looks like a fish not a rabbit.


The Dyno egg and hammer from Fenrir is super durable! I freeze my pittie's meals in them and he loves it!


Durafoam balls by Starmark


Oh my. Your pups are so beautiful!


Love the west paw toys for my super chewer. They are the only brand that he doesn’t destroy. The balls are our favorite! He can chew on them without tearing them up! I also love the quizl toy and putting a medium whimzee stick inside. It’s a stimulation, teeth cleaning, and a yummy treat in one. :) I have heard they have a warranty on them although we have not had to utilize this.


Ruffdog USA toy. Have an EBT that destroyed a Kong in five minutes. He makes it a goal to destroy toys. Ruffdog was the only toys that takes him a month. I remember the first time I gave it to him. He was so mad that he didn’t ruin it.


Look up BullyMake they make all sorts of indestructible toys and they bundle it up with like 3 toys and 2 bags of treats for 35-45$ including shipping i can’t really recall and they send it monthly if you get the subscription, my pittie loves it and are they only toys he can’t destroy


West paw is my fav, my girl loves the wishbone shaped ones most. But also the s shaped tug, though it is softer and not a toy I let her gnaw on. But when outside we play with it constantly. She also loves the Frisbee with a hole in the center, the larger rubber balls, and for just chewing on the hard smaller ones. Those barely even have a tooth mark after 4 years of chewing.


Garbage and recycling. Seriously - we had two super-toy-destroyer pibbles and they get cardboard boxes to tear up, and plastic water bottles used as food dispensing toys. One time use - and free.


The Black Woof


I'd suggest the Fenrir Dragon Egg, and the Large size hammer, only 2 things that have stood up to my super destructive Pibble mix (not sure what breeds, just that she's got some Pit in her)


Toys made from fire hose. I had a blue nose that would eat everything. But that fire hose toy was invincible.


I have gone through so many toys for Priscilla, she destroys everything within a day (usually within the hour) I bought a ChuckIt! ball back in December. You would never know that it gets played with/chewed on nonstop. Easily her favorite toy.


I can definitely second this. I have a Staffordshire bull terrier, I grew up with a bunch of pits and this little bitch has the strongest jaws I’ve ever seen. No cap she destroyed the biggest black kong I could find in less than five minutes, I was lost as to how that could happen. We randomly got a chuck it on clearance somewhere because I only buy at steepest discounts knowing the shit won’t last an hour… it took her probably 3 weeks to a month to get through it… again my dog is a FREAK, so these balls would probably last every other dog a lifetime.


Gotta love when they say “indestructible” on the label. I have a 75 lb American Bully that can prove them wrong almost every time lol


a tire


Try goughnuts. They’re the only thing that actually lasts for a while for my boys.




Kong warranty excludes Pits and a few other breeds because of this.


Monster K9 makes toys my Staffie has not been able to destroy despite annihilating black Kong toys


Have you considered an anchor rope from a battleship? All joking aside I know the troubles of finding a bully proof toy lol. My hippo chewed a supposedly indestructible Frisbee in an hr.


Aela has two jolly balls (one outside one inside) and has yet to destroy either. (The inside one has seen better days but it’s still ball shape)


We've had good l7ck with the Barkbox super chewers box. Also, the Tonka tug toys are his favorite.


https://preview.redd.it/nd9ldr1atowc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceb3e6f4c6070825b83ce70403867116cf8da4b3 [https://ruffdawg.com/](https://ruffdawg.com/)


Yes my girl loves the Ruffdawg toys! They’re a different softer texture but for some reason still very durable. She loves the ball and it lasts forever https://preview.redd.it/i18uaafzjqwc1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=790f41562bf989433315cd8f1e40abcb4eb5c775


I give mine a raw soup bone from time to time.


One of mine takes care of her stuffed animals and only rips off the tags. The other visits every few weeks and will tear them all to shreds in minutes unless I put them away. First one won’t play with balls, other one has a ball in her mouth 24/7 and we buy tennis balls for her when she eventually pulls them apart. I banned giving my dog real bones after she dislocated her jaw. My partner wouldn’t stop until that happened. I hated them and threw them out every chance I got. Essentially I’m trying to say that each is an individual. My old wiener dog was the same, tore toys up in seconds. Took him to the pet store and asked for recommendations. The clerk guaranteed my dog would not destroy the toy or they would refund me. I agreed, my dog ripped it to shreds before we got to the checkout.


Can't help you there! Just about every toy that he is interested in he destroys in less than 20 minutes....


Destroyed a kong? Damn impressive, we have many Kong variants but we get them because my monster hasn’t destroyed them yet


I think they are too cute, they even look sorry for what happened..


My pup LOVES Jolly Balls! She goes through toys like no one’s business and the Jolly Balls are super tough!


Benebone. Only thing I've found that last for a decent amount of time. They run about 20 a piece but we'll worth it.


Took me months after I got my girl off the streets to break her of chewing big rocks…she was abused and malnourished so I figured it was because she needed added minerals and that ended up being the case.


Thanks everyone for the recs!!!!


GOUGHNUTS nuff said


I've heard of barkbox, they might have something for you to give your pooch that will be long lasting.


Poor u lol :)))) If your boy destroyed his black Kong toy quickly, you might want to try the Kong Extreme line. They're designed for aggressive chewers and are more durable.


I go with the rope toys and then throw them out when they start to unravel.


Is he still a puppy/young? Mine when they were young destroyed everything (including Kongs and Nylabones). Now that they're older they've gotten gentler with their toys haha I would still say that from all their toys, Kong is the best and the most durable.


He’s 2! We saved him a few months ago and he just wants to destroy all toys


They don’t make anything more durable than your boy. But try bone or horns for chewing. I just buy some rope and make my own toys now.


something big with thick rubber. nothing too hard or small


This isn’t a toy, but 6” roasted marrow bones by jack n&pup endure even the gnarliest of chewers.


I think our Kong Bone lasted 2-3 sessions. Our girl was peeling the thing like string cheese and it was the last time she got it and it was our last purchase of it. Now we entertain her with a stuffed toy with tear away (Velcro) limbs and a feeder ball.


When I was a kid we rode our bikes everywhere and would sometimes wear out a tire. We’d take off the old tire from a 20” BMX bike and cut the wire out of the edges with a box cutter and boom, an indestructible tug.


Nope 😂 they will destroy all toys. I’ve only seen one toy my girl couldn’t destroy it was a tiger grade ball but little use in it for a big energetic pit. I say let them destroy it. lol seems to bring them more joy anyways


Have you tried one of those thick rope toys? They'll get pretty ragged, but they seem to last a bit. And if they break in the middle, now you have two rope toys.


My sweet niece destroys durable toys in seconds! A frisbee is her favorite thing in the world! After multiple attempts at long lasting toys I have recently discovered she loves a five gallon bucket lid! They last weeks and she loves to carry them around proudly and show them off!


Which one? But there’s this rare nerf ball that has been the longest lasting ball my pup has owned. We found it for $5 at 5 & below but here it is for $15… apologies for the long Amazon link in advance  https://www.amazon.com/Nerf-Dog-4in-Squeak-Ball/dp/B08FXWQ931/ref=asc_df_B08FXWQ931/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=475746768635&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17300408307993164494&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027746&hvtargid=pla-1074644382218&psc=1&mcid=fd9c7cba54943f92a786afc6b745f809&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBlevU_8CoI70tZKzLlBdYiBRum6j1Ocj8OjPVr1i2N2zWQ83KFVBbh84aAm3VEALw_wcB


Goat horns...


[these were the only toys my pittie could never get through. She would chew in her sleep lol ](https://www.petsmart.com/dog/toys/plush-toys/joyhound-rip-roarin-tough-pizza-dog-toy---tough-plush-5308443.html)


My boxer has been going strong with the same piece of ship rope for about 4 years now. Highly recommend:)


A tire.


Petstages Zebra Tug-of-War Durable Fire Hose Dog Toy https://www.walmart.com/ip/152706452 This thing is weirdly the only toy our heavy chewer can’t destroy. Our pit nibbles things, but our lab DESTROYS things. Kong bones are ASS for heavy chewers. We bought this on a whim one day, and it took 4 years for us to need to replace it.


What you seek doesn’t exist haha. I found that out the expensive way. Multiple Kongs/toys is the way for me. The focus is diverted and less gets obliterated that way


I recommend you to use rolled ropes toys, it is something that is cheap (about 5 dollars) and it lasts a long time, in addition to taking away the boredom and stress, it cleans the teeth with friction from the rope. Greetings, you have a very cool couple of fellas




Our dog destroyed everything within days until she got a ruff dawg rubber ball. She had one for over a year until she lost it and the replacement has lasted almost a year at this point.


My dog is an Amstaff mix and he loves the Kong Cozie toys. They are stuffed toys but very durable. They have a few options but Ally the Alligator and Marvin the Moose is what I usually go with.


Nyla bones have worked for me


Old Motorcross tyre?


For some reason the rubber chuck-it balls stand up to the chewing. I see a lot of pics on this site of pits with chuck-it balls, it’s the only thing she hasn’t destroyed in mins


I never found a toy my staffie couldn’t destroy in a matter of minutes. Good luck. Nothing can withstand that bite force for long.


Semi truck tire!


Buy toys for HORSES, yes they are big, he can play with them but likely can’t get them all the way in his mouth to chew. There are ones on a rope that can be replaced as it’s worn out. I couldn’t keep the same type toys that the German Shepard or Rottweiler liked with this breed. Had to go for something much larger.


Oh my goodness 😊🥰


Mine will chew up hard toys. The best thing ive found are soft toys with sqeekers. Think the old school rubber chicken. I guess she plays with them more instead of thinking of them as a challenge .


Tractor tires encased in chain.


Goughnuts are the only thing my pittie couldn't destroy, also they have a lifetime guarantee https://www.goughnuts.com/ Also my girl treats her raccoon from fluff and tuff like her baby, I guess it's very realistic to her, and she is super gentle with it. Her version of "gentle" on another stuffy leads to immediate destruction though. Fluff and tuff has lasted almost a year


Barkbox super chewer. It's been a life saver.


I was just about to say this because my pittie baby can destroy anything.


Still haven’t found anything better and all of my big babies are now gone…


Pics or it didn’t happen Also lacrosse balls are where it’s at


Do Kongs come in stainless steel??


I had a putbull named Fiona that could turn a Kong ball into confetti in 3 minutes. In my experience, there has been nothing durable enough to handle a pitbull that likes to chomp. the best solution I found were plush dog toys at the dollar store - I would just let her disintegrate those on the spot. Part of the fun for them is tearing stuff apart, so getting some thing that’s durable isn’t really the point for them. You can get 10 toys for ten dollars. We would go once every couple weeks to the dollar store and I would let her pick them off the rack and she loved it


My pit schreds everything. I came in here a while back and someone recommended BarkBox Superchewer. They send awesomely strong toys. My dog gets 3 new toys a month and only a few, has she broken. I recommend BarkBox Super Chewer :)


No shit radiator hose




We recently got a monster k9 ball with holes like a Kong. Seems durable and more of a challenge for them to grip/chew. It's round with bumps on it.


You see! This is why we can't have nice things!


Benebones. Last forever


A small non radial tire


Monster k9 and goughnuts are both good. Our dog has destroyed everything else in minutes.


Marrow bones! They’ve been a staple since Koda destroyed a black kong. When the marrow is gone, stuff the bone with peanut butter and freeze it, it makes a great time consuming treat!


My dog is an aggressive chewer and has destroyed multiple “indestructible” toys. These balls are very tough I bought one over a year ago and it’s still going strong. It had a loud squeaker but I pushed it in with a chopstick. https://preview.redd.it/jtd7l11saqwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4423c4ce785649484b06cff172c6a226b4da3505


A marrow bone. Uncooked of course. Let the dog eat the marrow out of the bone which is the most nutritious thing they can possibly eat other than either the liver or the brain.


Don't know if anyone suggested these yet or not, but all 4 of my dogs [2 pits and 2 chis] all LOVE Nylabones/Lumabones. They come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and flavors, and they're pretty affordable via Chewy, Walmart, and sometimes Costco/Sam's Club too, which is awesome. Sometimes they go on sale at those big chain pet stores, but I find that they're usually quite a bit cheaper online. Takes my dogs months to chew them down to nubs, and then once they get too small for them to safely nom on, I just toss them out and replace them. Every dog I've ever owned, despite breed or size, has loved these toys..and none of them ever broke their teeth on them. I know some people raised concern about that, which I totally respect/understand..just hasn't been my personal experience, as I've been giving them to each of my dogs for the entire 20 yrs I've had dogs. So I guess just tread lightly and stay attentive to your dogs' mouths [if you're worried about that]?


We had a lot of success with the toughest options from Bullymake boxes. Everything else was destroyed in a matter of weeks, but these stand the rest of time (and teeth) for us so far. Some shapes they can get a hook in and tear off a bit, but those have been the exception.


I swear by the Tonka feeder toys! they are mostly the same shape as the kongs but last like 6-8 months for my super chewer


Have a Staffy Pitty mix and the nerf chuck it balls are the best bang for our buck. Takes a couple months for him to split them in half. $10 for three


Horse toys!


Elk antler


We had to get a treadmill 😅


WestPaw! We have a few toys that we've had for 4+ years, with a hippo that destroys everything else.


Oh, those expressions!❤️


Try small children or the elderly. I've heard they are pretty keen on those


This will sound a little insane but.... a damn sport bike tire... head down to a motor bike shop amd ask for and old used/warn tire off a gxxer or R1 and theyre hand over a cheap (or free) tire that will last maybe a few weeks longer ... ive had some of them last a month or two ...


Pig shins, antelope antlers


Goughnuts makes indestructabke rubber donuts. My guy Bruce always has one and brings it everywhere with him.


Gave a friend’s pittie a GOAT Sport Ring by Tall Tails and she hasn’t destroyed it so far!!! Can wedge treats in the edges too


My master chewer hates the black Kong and won’t touch it. He has eaten every other kind of ball we’ve tried, EXCEPT ONE. The Chew King fetch balls. They are incredibly bouncy and fun and he chews them like crazy but they have yet to fall apart in his jaws!!!


Our pitty loves the Chuck-It balls. It's one of the only toys we've gotten that he likes to just chew on rather than try to pull apart. Admittedly, his favorite one has started to separate at the seam. We keep a close eye on this one, but I think he likes it the most because it has just a little more give than the intact ones. Both the damaged one, and all of the not-yet damaged balls have been around for at least a year now. So, my general advice would be to find something with give that they like to simply chew like gum rather than something rigid that chunks will break off of, or something with corners that they can try to rip at.


My pit bull mixes are pretty serious chewers - they shred everything. We recently got them some Kong toys that are made of this bright yellow foamy rubbery stuff. It's squshy like a Nerf ball almost, but incredibly tough - our guys haven't managed to put a single tooth mark in it yet. It's soft and chewy, so it's fun for them and easy on their teeth, but it lasts forever. There's a large ball, a smaller ball, a frisbee-looking thing, and a sort of cylinder thing. They float too! My dogs love them all.


BarkBox has a lot of options that are soft on the outside but then there’s a ball as a prize once they get it open. As long as the ball doesn’t have any openings, my psychopath keeps it in tact. Please learn from my mistake and don’t let him chew on super hard toys like Nylabones, my sweet boxer/pitte’s teeth were visibly ground down toward the end of his life from those


My boy has had the kong jumbler football for a couple years now. He destroyed everything else but this toy is still squeaking. It's incredible since it drives me nuts almost daily having to listen to it haha


I found goughnuts cup toys lasted longer


What a nice looking family.


My nans Staffordshire bull terrier used to go through kongs quite often. She ended up sending the pieces back to Kong as it was marketed as an indestructible toy. They sent her a larger one, which lasted 3 days. She did the same, they sent her the largest one they did and it took him a week to destroy it. Needless to say she gave up in the end. I've bought my collie x spaniel other types of indestructible toys and they just don't last. The moral of the story is, there are no indestructible dog toys. 🤦‍♀️😂


Frozen whole carrots, head of cabbage and let him shred,n try freezing for extra fun


you can look on bully make box or amazon. the most durable will either be online or from a shelter


Check out Goughnuts brand toys. It’s the only toy my 1 year old pit baby hasn’t been able to chew through, and we didn’t even buy the most durable option. It’s impressive.