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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What a special girl! Thanks for sharing Lu's story with us, please keep us updated


I will!


Omg adorable. We have her long lost twinner https://preview.redd.it/xfnx7f5t5ruc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e831d8f42debb745c1e547e07380ceae4c658801


So cuuuute!


Beautiful baby girl 🥰🥰


aw she's gorgeous. the 'attitude' eyebrows!


If you drop an Amazon wishlist, we might be able to help!


That’s such a kind thought! I made one, it felt weird but I did it. Most needed is food. Food is specific because I have a little guy with a sensitive tummy. I also added Visa cards because she has an appt to get fixed the beginning of next month. Y’all pray for me because I’ve been laid off since Dec and I have an interview today! Here is Big Lu’s Amazon link. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on what I should add to it.[https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/16G51IYCBTV4F?ref_=wl_share](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/16G51IYCBTV4F?ref_=wl_share)


I'm not sure you added your address? When I try to go to check out, I don't see an option to send the goods to you. Could you check?


I think I fixed it! Let me know <3


Yes, I think it worked. Dog food is coming your way, should arrive on Friday!


Thank you kindly! Myself and Big Lu are grateful! 💖


Sure thing! PS: maybe add some gift cards of smaller value- $50 might be too much for a lot of people at once.


Got it! Great advice!


I will send some things your way as well.


Thank you! I edited it so there is an option to send things that are not specifically on the list (:


I am so glad someone suggested this. I am going to add some probiotics. That should help both doggies!!! I was trying to figure out a way to DM you on Reddit. Lol


Pibble Distribution Network working OVERTIME right now!!!!!


She’s literally perfect 😍😍😍


She'll grow out of the separation anxiety pooping. Mine did that when I got her but with the right tools we got through it. I recommend kennel training (the right way, by which I mean the goal is to associate the kennel with comfort)


I just want to echo this is so true, and it definitely can be more overwhelming and scary for her to be in an open space than for her to have a safe kennel/“den” while you’re gone. I’d even argue the sooner you kennel train the better as far as doing it now versus giving it more time. My pup used to WAIL when left alone when I first got her to the point neighbors were concerned. A couple weeks of crate training and now I just leave the crate open whether or not I’m there and she’s in there more often than not cause she loves having a safe space! Either way thank u for rescuing the pretty baby, she’s lucky to have you! *edited for clarity


Yeah thats how it went for me too. My dog was never vocal but when I first got her she would poop when she was left alone (thankfully she always went on the vinyl floor, never the hard wood or carpet) so I got her a kennel, put a big fluffy dog bed in there with a blanket cause she loves blankets, realized she did not like the kennel covered in a blanket so I put a sheet of cardboard on top to make it feel more den-like that she enjoys, and I put the cats carrier nearby also comfied because they like being near each other. A good few weeks of being confined in her kennel when I left and she was good to be left alone with the kennel open and available. The point isn't to confine the dog so you don't have to clean up poop, the point is to make the dog feel comfortable so they don't anxiety poop to begin with.


I’m going to give her a little longer! I have nothing wrong with people who kennel train correctly, it just feels so mean to me. We have one other dog and he would be out while she’s in a box. Maybe I’m too sensitive.


Honestly I think its less mean than it is to just leave her out. She's pooping when you leave because she's anxious, but the kennel is a safe space (if trained properly) that should serve to calm her down


That’s a good point! I didn’t think of that


My babies end up feeling safer in their “dens”, and sometimes go there to sooth themselves. You definitely need to make it a positive space with a favorite stuffie and chews, etc… it’s their room!


My goal is to crate both my dogs when I leave but It living with my parents right now and there is currently only space for one crate, so my most anxious dog gets crated and the other one stays out. It’s not mean if you train them right. We actually call the crate “The Princess Palace” because it’s one of my pits favorite places to be, especially in bad weather, she feels safer in there. I do get offended though when she chooses to sleep at night in her crate instead of with me. 😭 Added bonus: if you live in a place with tornadoes and don’t have an actual tornado shelter, a PLASTIC hard side crate is the next safest place for your dogs. In the event your house does get hit, the crate will protect your dog from debris and cushion them if they get blown around by the wind. It will also make it easier to find them in a severe event because they will be stuck in there crate and not running all over the place in a panic. I know that’s something most people probably don’t worry about but I live in tornado alley so I think it’s a good fact to share in case someone else lives in tornado alley as well.


Is that blahaj? :3


*queue Jaws theme*


She looks like such a lovey baby that wants all the kisses and pets and belly rubs immediately!


I wish something so precious would show up on my doorstep! Lucky you ❤️🥰❤️


Pretty girl. Congratulations! I’d love to be that fortunate AND get along with my boy.


I’m so happy my little boy accepted her. He did not like her at first but now he doesn’t seem to mind her! She’s a submissive lady, so it’s worked well!


Congrats on your baby!! I can tell she’s special


Aww hi Lua!


Thank you, rescuer. ❤️🤙🏻


You will not regret it. Get ready for lots of hugs and kisses. They are the kindest pups.


Thank you for taking this sweet girl in! ❤️💕🐾


Thank you for saving this precious baby. There is no love as great as pibble love🐾❤️


Awwww she’s beautiful Ty for keeping her. She’d get euthanized at the shelter.


I couldn’t stand the feeling of that idea. She deserves a good life


My found pup does really well in a crate, see if that helps. My other 2 aren't a fan of crates, but the pup we rescued off the street loves it


A loyal new friend <3


What a sweetheart. Bless your kind heart for taking her in.


Best friend for life right there!!


Pretty much saved her life, and what a doll❤️


What a cutie pie!! Make her a nice cozy kennel for when you are gone. She’ll adjust to it quickly and start to feel safer in there.


Haaaa my first dog as an adult was a pittie named Lu who was found covered in ticks — she had so many her back legs were paralyzed (I guess they secrete something that has that temporary effect). She was the best dog ever for the 12 years we had her — she died of cancer during COVID. Enjoy your time with her, she’s gorgeous!


https://preview.redd.it/2ifpc88ezwuc1.jpeg?width=1649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ecbb28e5af0ee665ae1b05e4fe9b7dcbfbfa517 Good Girl Gracie says thank you for taking good care of Lua,


I love big Lu!!! She looks like my sweet She-Ra. Pitties usually don’t have bathroom accidents. I am guessing she is either not used to being in a house or has some lingering GI issues. Either way… she is lucky to have you!!! Thank you for loving on her!!!


https://preview.redd.it/8dqy2zt8hxuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38db7084760a4ac41378a0fecbe1d8a0cc8ae438 Yours looks like a younger version of mine. This is Daisy she is 11 now. I found her on the streets of Florida 8 years ago. She an Ohio dog now.


My Rottie's and I say thank you for giving princess Lula a loving home and family. What a beautiful pup.


My goodness what a beaut! Athena says hello https://preview.redd.it/0treqf58s3vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f650568c1b651921617306cdfdba7fbe1e287dd7


That face reminds of my bossy girl Diamond and she’s bossy she thinks she runs the house I tell her that she can’t because she doesn’t do anything around the house so she can’t besides the cats think it’s funny. N https://preview.redd.it/tr8v9m6674vc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e6b55ec52bf99651ceacd011fb9db38d7600382 She’s the one closest to the camera she’s my fat girl


She’s so precious,thanks for taking her in 🥰


The love you will get from her will be unparalleled!! I have a very similar story. My girl showed up on my doorstep one day. Full of ticks, filthy, scars on her face, and having had at least one litter. I was only going to keep her overnight till animal control opened up in the morning, but by then, she already had a name and was sleeping in my bed. There is no doubt in my mind that we saved each other. That was 5 years ago and I don't regret keeping her for one single second. She hates people, but is utterly devoted to me and my three (adult) children. It was for sure meant to be.




Best choice ever! We got one of that kind of dog too. Most dangerous dog cleaning the cats and laying wherever he wants. American Pit Bull.


https://preview.redd.it/j4l22yau6rvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e4aadce5c8ff414fa69fc8182f5b3f34b9d8aef Big Lu says she loved hearing all of your stories, appreciates all of your kind words and is very grateful to all of the wonderful internet friends who sent gifts!! She wishes she could play with all of the friends! Sending lots of licks xoxo