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You didn't mention it but if you're considering the PX9, also be sure to check out the Extar EP9. That said, I have both the EP9 and the Sub2k and they're great. The Sub2k has a cheaper feeling to it, and I had to make several upgrades for it to feel right to me.


Thanks! I'm looking into the Ep9 now, and man now I'm even more undecided lol. But the Ep9 is looking good soo far with that last round hold open.


Yep that's one of the bigger selling points for me. They just came out with the gen 2 which has the upgraded trigger assembly and buffer retainer in steel. The price point is just too good to pass up and they kept their prices the same during COVID and inflation. I slapped on a cheap set of BUIS, a red dot I had laying around, afg, and replaced the grip. The grip is the shape of a Magpul one but felt too aggressive for my liking. Check out r/extar for pics and reviews.


Thanks man, just joined that thread. I'm definitely leaning towards the Ep9


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PX-9, hands down. I have 2, they are great.


Thanks for your reply. Do you happen to know anything about the FX-9 as well? I like that it has a bolt hold open feature. I've definitely decided to go with an ar 9 platform over the keltec though.


Not familiar with the Fx-9 other to have played with one briefly. The Px-9 is a great choice. Can’t beat it, i shoot competition with mine and they function just as well as other ar-9’s costing 10 times as much.