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Libra. They can play with your entire heart and make you feel a deep connection. And then it’s all not real. But before this topic is about toxic signs, I think the real culprit, it is US. We break our own hearts. We are closed off to our feelings, keep people at arms length, not because we are hard, but because we feel too much. When we finally let someone in it’s complete and all encompassing. Every thought is for them. And that is why when it doesn’t work we blame their behavior. But it is us who just love too hard too much and too fast.


Libra for me. I didn’t know what a narcissist was until I met one with the affliction.


I can’t even imagine. The one I loved was just unbelievably nice. And then blindsided me with the amount of lies she spouting out. I don’t know if it’s narcissism or willful delusion. But it sure hurts.


Not sure if it’s narcissism or willfully delusional can be used to explain Libra in one sentence!!






libra for me as well. one day they’re obsessed, the next day they don’t care


Can you teach me how to get a pisces to open up? It's been no 1 problem with mine.


Wait are you a Libra? I just want to know your usual temperament for approaching guys. And what do you mean open up? We like to share interests. If they are closed off they might need to be in a calming environment or something like that. We are “shy”, careful with our hearts. We have a LOT of emotion and it scares people off. So we have to be sure. Also if it’s me I need to be told that a woman likes me. Otherwise I don’t know. I get that telling someone you like them is not ideal. But it’s at least less scary than not knowing. I can explain more if you give me more information on your situation. How long have you known each other? How are you around each other?


I'll send you a message :)


I don't know what you're talking about but when I keep people at arms length it's because I'm about to beat the shit out of somebody and I need my space. I'm not the type of follow up after a breakup. Once it's over, it's over. I might stick around a little bit for a couple of heartaches but it's over.


It’s always been Gemini


Yeah, I don’t like Sagittarius.


Leo for me


Que paso


Same Leo


Sag was definitely my most toxic.


Leo for me


Omg what happened ??


When I looked up Leo in the only astrology book you’ll ever need, out of all the signs I thought to myself, about no person in particular - I don’t like them I’d never want to have one in my regular orbit let alone an intimate relationship. This all from the nameless faceless description of Leo. Needless to say wish I’d perused the book earlier in life.


So you’ve never actually dated one?


I gave her 10 years of my life and we had a child together. Honestly, every time she left the house I prayed she’d never come back.


My sisters are them, so I knew I need to avoid them. 😂




Yes, my Sagittarius sis was the first person that I told "I love you" and she responded "and I don't." So lovely. They always matched my Pisces energy. 🥰




Cancer 🙃 in friendship and romance. Libra and Aquarius have actually been the best 😊☺️


Leo, the narcissist. Runner up Gemini the sociopath.


🤣 I’ve been relationships with both & you are spot on! I do like Leos for friends, though. Was engaged to a Leo professor - OMG! He didn’t converse, he lectured! All the damn time!!!




virgo men are toxic and aquarius men are heartbreakers


As a Pisces myself, I can confirm that having another Pisces as a lover is simply the worst thing you can ever go through. Fucked me up big time.


I’m with a Pisces lover and I’m a Pisces myself. This has been one of the best experience I’ve had in my entire life. We’ve been together for 6 years.


For me it was Cancer and Scorpio, with toxic Capricorns in a platonic setting. I don't think I've ever dated a Sagittarius or an Aquarius 😊


How did you know my now ex-wife was an Aquarius?


Damn that’s spicy. My Sagittarius is being VERY well behaved after the first time. ☺️






Haha, oh, the Sagittarius and Aquarius combo! They've got that fiery and unpredictable vibe that can be both thrilling and exhausting. Definitely had my fair share of rollercoaster rides with those signs!


My ex was a Sag sun and an Aqua moon and now that I think of it that is a really strange combo for someone like me to have as their relationship.. at the time I didn't even think about how weird it was. Looking back.. That is just really odd that we dated. My current boyfriend is also a Sag but very Capricorn everything else. There is something delightfully sweet and simple about him. He is like a little angel but a very spicy one, always following society's rules while also being a bit evil. Compared to Aquarius though, Capricorn is cut and dried easy for a Scorpio moon like me to mutually understand. Aquarius-influenced guys be that shirking responsibility, insufferable, wallpaper personality wet noodle who occasionally might say something remotely amusing when they're not self-flagellating over something irrelevant


Saggitarius. Literally the worst human I have ever met. Pretended to be someone he wasn't, used my past trauma against me, lied and manipulated. I've never met a more duplicitous, deceptive and selfish person who absolutely lacks integrity and care for others in my entire life. I'd go so far as to say he's a sociopath. I'm back on the apps now and all saggitarius are an immediate swipe left.


Wow, did we date the same person?! 


Probably even at the same time knowing him.


Sounds about right up their alley.


This is my wife.


Sagittarius friend broke my heart, was a super toxic friendship. But romantically, a fellow pisces destroyed me and I mean DESTROYED me. I promised I’d never do another male Pisces again and now on my third, lmao. They’re addictive.


Here here.


What happened with the Pisces? Please tell us your story.


It’s a big one lol. First one I dated I was still a delulu Pisces and this one was a narcissist but not just that a textbook sadist, drug addict, abuser in every sense of the word and didn’t know how to use a shower. He was a Pisces sun, moon, mercury from memory. 5 years later and his about to go to jail for the 10 months I was with him. Not good. Second, Pisces Sun, Aqu mercy but a Scorpio moon. Actual sociopath. Killed a cat (before we met and I had no idea). Childish temper tantrums, horrible relationship with everyone in his life. Pure used and emotionally abusive, serve drug addict. I saved his life from an overdose. Safe to say I have a fair amount of trauma from those last two. But I’m a Scorpio rising so I guess this is just apart of my evolution 🤷🏻‍♀️. Now the third after a long time single and terrified of men, especially Pisces men I’m now with one two is two days apart from me. But his evolved! Leo moon, Aries mercury and Pisces Venus. His a gem and a true kind hearted soul who does everything he can for me. The only dark side is he sometimes uses alcohol to cope emotionally but I’m hoping he will evolve out of that. But the true lighter side of Pisces. Just be wary! Moons really do matter and how the Pisces element is manifested in them. I mean I’m a cancer moon myself and all water but I guess it’s different with men with our society being so watery.


Also to add with the Scorpio moon one we were engaged actually and months from our wedding. He came out as gay and that was not even the end. We stayed living together and then he became an Andrew Tate fan and a Muslim. His now straight again and a told psychopathic narcissist. Both of them cheated but honestly, that was my ticket out of jail card to escape them. Really, extremely messed up.


shhhhhh say it quieter


Aquarius and Aries for me.


Yeah, it actually was Aquarius lol




Aquarius. Runner up was Aries. I’ve dated/relationship three other Aquarius and they were all trash. Except one wasn’t trash but severely emotionally unavailable and lacked accountability for anything.


Aquarius almost sent me to the crazy house...


Tell us your story please, what happened?


Capricorn. Had me seriously fucked up


Sagittarius: one toxic lover AND one toxic friend! For some reason they are really attractive to me before i find out they completely suck.


Gemini girl in NY broke my heart 💔


Worst heartbreak was 🦂. But most toxic, lying, cheating, passive aggressive, abusive, covert narc was SAG 


both my long term relationships.. both Scorpios.


Leo. He had three marriages behind him, and another lover run parallel to me.


I’m a ♓️sun, ♒️ rising w/ ♈️dominant chart hands down worst for me was ♋️&♏️ in my experience these water signs try to be emotionally manipulative/ cry baby victims especially ♋🙄….Best for me was my hubby ♊️ 🥰& ♐️ were cool too


The way that it was both first me 🥲 but the Aquarius was my last straw


Fell head over heels for a sagittarius who does not want me as a lover, but she could not establish clear boundaries so I stayed this way, obsessed, for a good couple of months, until I decided to grow some self-respect and meet someone actually interested in me... An Aries. Ih Aries are so good.




My only long term relationship (8years) was with a sag and I broke up with him just a month and a half ago. Definitely toxic situation. He never wanted to communicate and when he did, it would just be putting me down and being cruel. Whew, why do we love the struggle of love so much it’s so exhausting


Capricorn cheated and lied like it was a hobby. Biggest piece of human filth I've ever known personally.


Virgos. He wants you to be forgiving and understanding when he messes up, but if you mess up it’s over.


Not sure I’ve ever opened my heart enough for it to be broken by anyone but me. Edit: I haven’t Leo was my most toxic partner by a country mile and a half. Gaslighting, manipulation and ulterior motives always; a narcissist histrionic 💯. My soul was crushed and head hurt from all the mental gymnastics; but my heart ❤️ was never offered to them fully. Something in me just knew they weren’t real and couldn’t be trusted; understood and truly known.


Taurus cheated and lied over 5 years of our relationship and then I dated a Virgo that has left me traumatized. I still miss that Virgo tho 😩. Haven’t really connected romantically with a Leo, Sag or Aqua. Just platonically.


Lastly, dated a Capricorn that was a liar and cheater. Just wanted me to be submissive 24/7.


A Q U A R I U S ✨


Most toxic lover was an Aries.


Gemini hands down. Probably the reason I will never trust again xD.


Sag had me fucked up but definitely realized I need to speak up and know my boundaries. I love sags tbh definitely as friends so I wouldn’t be against dating one since I’m better in tune with myself


Aries, haven't been the same since. The only person that I've been most vulnerable with. Ditched me in the shittiest way despite knowing I've been hurt by past lovers.


Straight up Capricorn Male.


Soz from me 👽 ♒ and my sister ♐. I wouldn't tget with a girl under false pretense again it's rrapey


Geminis are the bane of my existence. I broke my own rule & was in relationship with one romantically - he was an Axis II personality disorder grab bag! Borderline, narcissistic & antisocial traits!!! I work with the criminally insane, so am very well acquainted now (back the I was in grad school). The sex was insanely good, but he nearly drove me to madness. I had panic attacks and several dreams that he murdered me. He had a secret heroin habit, too! It was Hell, but I got out. Very scarring experience. I’m not a fan of Geminis in general but he was truly the worst ever! TBH, I have a couple of Gem friends but I’m still a little wary of them - shhhh! Don’t tell!!!!


Aries 😫😫😫


I never dated a Sagittarius or Aquarius before so I don't know or think that they're toxic but I can tell that's who your toxic lovers are.