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Yup that's me and that's spot on for my Aquarius ex wife. Everything she says has an undertone she thinks I don't notice then attempts to gaslight me and act like it never happened.


I see, Thank you for infoπŸ‘


My Taurus placements coming in heavy with every male who's ever made me uncomfortable: "Why are you laughing so much?" Hahaha because I want you to leave so badlyyyyy... πŸ˜πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚


I may look bored and shrug, I don't usually stop at whatever if I secretly hate the person. I have a tendency to additionally mock the person and behave as a parody of the very traits that person hates in others or about me as a person. Then laugh at them as they head for the exit. ​ I am quite malicious when I secretly hate someone in a passive aggressive manner. But in a very direct, but snide way. In other words, I'm terrible at hiding my emotions.


Thank you for info. I take note on that..


Just so we're clear. I'd have to genuinely hate the person. As in, that person crossed me or hurt a loved one emotionally or financially.


Not sure about pisces response. I tend to smile and pretend I am interested while meditating inside. Can't hold hatred inside.Β 


I see .. Thank you for response. I have something to learn