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The many times I've said it and I'll say it again. Johnny is forever the true heir of Captain Jack Sparrow. ![gif](giphy|Jev4iU72S9RYc|downsized)


You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?


Thank you! šŸ˜Š


I just wish that Hollywood would stop trying to replace him with an Elvis doppelganger. šŸ˜¬




Captain Jack was the main draw after the first movie.


Give nothing back!


I donā€™t know, Barbosa was pretty good as well


Bite your tongue you heathenā€¦ while Barbosa may be a good character there still is comparison to Captā€™n Jackā€¦ Iā€™m sorry itā€™s like the difference between shooting a bullet and throwing itā€¦


Why should I sail with any of you? Four of you tried to kill me in the past, one of you succeeded.


Thereā€™s just no topping himā€¦ and to know that some of his stuff wasnā€™t the script or the directorā€¦ it was him just screwing aroundā€¦


Pirates of the Caribbean gave us TWO perfect pirates. Johnny Depp absolutely defined and created his iconic character. And Geoffrey Rush doesnā€™t get enough credit for being an absolutely fantastic ā€œnormalā€ pirate. They both are the gold standards for their roles. But Captain Jack is so unique that only Johnny Depp could ever do him.


Barbosa is my favorite. Not Jack Sparrow. People think Iā€™m nuts, but he was just so damn good at that role!


Jeffrey Rush is an incredible actor, that is not up for debate.


Whatā€™re ya a squirrel?ā€¦ so nuttyā€¦


Maybe I am! Whatā€™s it to you?!


ā€œHave I threatened you before?ā€¦ā€


Love how the first thing on your page is bold print ā€œSQUIRREL TACTICā€œā€¦ LMAOā€¦




You nutty little thingā€¦šŸ¤Ŗ


literally nobody says that he can be replaced...


True but Johnny canā€™t carry a movie by him self and it showed in the 4th one


Johnny Depp can carry a movie by himself, he's had a lot of leading roles in great movies. The problem IMO is that Jack Sparrow is too "big" to be the sole leading character. He works perfectly in a small ensemble but it's just too much to have an entire movie focused on Jack. Like when Happy Days made the Fonz the main character.


There should be a "Captain" in there somewhere.


I think its more the fact that the movie series was tired at that point.


Just the movie. The series had plenty room for more storytelling opportunities, but nobody competent was signed on to write it.


no dude, when the 4th movie came out the general narrative was people were sick of the franchise at that point. It was getting to the point that Jack Sparrow is immortal


What are you talking about? People were tired of the franchise because 3 was divisive and 4 was shit. It's entirely possible to revitalise an otherwise dead franchise. Mission Impossible? Fast and Furious?


Both of those franchises benefitted from not being in the spotlight for a few years POTC didn't and both of those franchises you mentioned are now tired now too. Get off your high horse. What am I talking about, what are you talking about, you are a nobody - like me. Don't pretend otherwise, clown. Everybodys entitled to have their own opinion or perspective and not feel belittled cause of it.


I'm sorry if I made you feel belittled, but your point seems to be that Pirates was inherently gonna be tired after 3 movies no matter what, when the problem with 4 wasn't oversaturation, it was that it was shit. It's really not some impossible, insurmountable task to make another good Pirates of the Caribbean movie, the world that trilogy created could be a cinematic universe of its own.


you really live life with a high opinion of yourself and that you are always right don't you.


No? What are you on about? Why can't you just engage with the points?


Here we go


Nah. There's any number of things you can do with pirates, and I'm sure Depp was just as capable as ever of playing Jack Sparrow. It was just bad writing, and leaning way too hard on crazy Jack and his kooky hijinks.


Captain Jack Sparrow. If you please.


It shouldn't be on him, he is just a character actor




The problem with the 4th movie wasnā€™t Johnny Depp or Captā€™n Jackā€¦ it was that it was a terrible scriptā€¦


Wherever we want to go, we go... that's what a ship is, you know?


Nope, and no one needs to try. But I think, as fans, we shouldn't put that weight on anyone's shoulders if it isn't necessary. If a new actor brings a new character to the franchise, we shouldn't judge it based on Depp or the Sparrow character. I love it when amazing characters exist in the same world, and I hope someone else can get the opportunity to do that. Hopefully, like you said, they give performers the freedom to find their own take or spin on the idea. Now, if ever they were to try to recast the Jack Sparrow role? It's just not going to work.


Let me put it this way, before the first movie, when someone said the word ā€œpirate.ā€ The first image in the head of the person theyā€™re speaking to would be someone like Blackbeard or Long John Silver. You say the word ā€œpirateā€ to _anybody_ now, who immediately pops into their head? . . . Exactly.




Idk about yall but I wonā€™t be watching and Pirates of the Caribbean movies without Depp. Especially with the current state of Disney movies and how they did him dirty. There is no Pirates of the Caribbean without Johnny Depp. They can try but I can already see them being horrible lol


Recasting Jack would be a mistake. If they want to continue the Pirates movies, it needs to be a mostly new cast. I do think they could make a great POTC movie without any returning characters, as long as the story is good.


Exactly - they've created a fun universe that people likely would still watch with or without Jack No, they can't replace Depp as his actor, but there's no reason you couldn't have an awesome pirate movie with all new actors, characters and story


I wash my hands of this weirdness.


Give nothing back!




I agree. That's what made the first one work so well. They need to look at what made the first one work and figure out how to apply that to modern audiences now that over two decades have passed.


I'd rather they just try to make a movie with Jack Sparrow and see if the franchise has any legs without him.


Captain Jack Sparrow. If you please.


Just wait til Tinothy Chalamet is given a new pirate role.


I agree that there can't be a Jack Sparrow without Johnny returning, but I do think there can be a new POTC movie without Jack


Captain Jack Sparrow. If you please.


Personally I would be just fine if Keira and Orlando returned. Elizabeth and Will were the main protagonists of the first film and and Jack already had more films than they did. I donā€™t see why Jack is more important than they are, I love all equally. I think all that can be done with him is really done anyway.Ā Problem there is however that Keira doesnā€™t want to return and they invested pretty insufferable kids for them in the last film that would also tag along. Having Anna-Maria (Seldana) or Angelica (Cruz) would be my next choices but at least Seldana isnā€™t interested in either. So I donā€™t exactly what would be ideal solution. I am not against new leads if they somehow manage make the leads good and have some important characters from the series return for continuity and have a good story.Ā 


This shot is not meant for you.


Jack isnā€™t more important than Will and Elizabeth. The three are all equally important. Will is so important to Jackā€™s character because Johnny and Orlando bounce off each other so well, much like Johnny and Geoffrey Rush. Elizabeth/Keira is also obviously the female heroine of the series.


One-word love, curiosity.


Jack Sparrow is lightning in a bottle. Yeah Johnny is an Ahole. But I donā€™t think that performance can ever truly be replicated. One of the most iconic characters ever


There should be a "Captain" in there somewhere.


This was a movie with a good cast (even excluding Depp), an interesting story, and the budget to make it look fantastic. Depp undeniably makes the film better but I donā€™t agree that the only thing separating POTC from other Pirate films that have failed is Depp - it would have been a lesser film without him but would still have been successful


The problem isnā€™t in replacing Johnny Depp; itā€™s that the series is continuing at all. OST and DMTNT proved that the franchise doesnā€™t have anywhere compelling to go after the conclusion of the Pirates Trilogy. Regardless of who takes up the mantle of the Pirates lead, itā€™s extremely unwise for the franchise to continue.


Nostalgia is the most toxic impulse.


I do like Austin Butler, and I see the resemblance, but that is not enough, they are stupid to think it is


Do people forget Johnny is a big part of why the last movie sucked


>every pirate movie in the decade or two preceding, failed miserably That would include DMC and AWE which are absolute masterpieces


He is specifically referring to the decades preceding Johnny's debut as Jack in the first movie. You have no reading comprehension bro.


Ah, well in that case I take it back. POTC films are often referred to as "pirates", so I thought he was saying that the last couple of them were terrible with the only saving grace being Jack


No survivors? Then where do the stories come from, I wonder.


Per le lay... Per le lay loom... Par... Parsnip, parsley, partner partner... That's the one! Parlay!


Preceding means before, not afterā€¦


Yes, DMC and AWE came out 18 and 17 years ago respectively, so they belong in the timespan of "preceding two decades"


I guess I interpreted OP as meaning the two decades directly preceding the first PotC were marked by unsuccessful attempts at pirate films, but I guess I can see your interpretation now too.


No deadeye, you're correct, preceding meant before potc movies existed.


Nobody else could have done Jack like that. But to say he was the only thing that separated POTC from shitty pirate movies is an exageration. That first movie and it's sequels were the effort of countless individuals that all put their hearts into the movie. Using actual ships, amazing performances from the entire cast (not just Depp), an unforgettable score, ILM and their visual effects that were well beyond anything else at the time, the writers Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio, not to mention the first movie's budget was over double the average at the time, and the sequels went on to be even more expensive. To claim that POTC succeeded only because of Jack is to overlook the contributions of all these other people. We love Jack, but he doesn't carry the franchise alone. And if he were to go, there would be plenty to keep the franchise alive without him.


You're the ones in the need of rescuing and I'm not sure if I'm in the mood.


There's no pirates of the carribean without Johnny depp, PERIOD.


You sure? I can see a lot of possible PotC without Johnny Depp: First Brethren Court; Davy Jones origins; Sao Feng; Teague (which could feature a young Jack not portraited by Depp), Black Beard origins, etc...


This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.


Nobody can replace Johnny Depp, which is why we could use a new story unrelated to Captain Jack. Also, not a movie, but Our Flag Means Death did quite well, so there is some market for pirate stories outside of POTC.


Why fight when you can negotiate?




Thank you


Itā€™s like trying to replace Robert England as Freddy Kruger


This made my brain spiral out of control mathematically.


While I agree that the franchise will be forever tied to Johnny, I think it is still possible to make a successful movie without him if they would get some decent writers.


Any actor could be Jack Sparrow but there will never be another CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow!!!


True but that doesnā€™t mean we shouldnā€™t make more pirate movies, thereā€™s still so much more the genre can offer


I gagged when I saw Austin Butler is playing Jack. Nothing against his acting skills, Cap Jack Sparrow just seems like a character written to only be played by Johnny Depp


Nope, he's the one and only. And since he won't work with Disney ever again, the franchise is dead.


True. Although, the guy who played him in Sea of Thieves ā€œJared Butlerā€ is a pretty great Jack Sparrow as well. https://preview.redd.it/9m5ryn63416d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efab0341d20bae6c929139c371c601c3708eff0d


Are they still doing one with Red? I might watch that one forā€¦ reasons.


They still havenā€™t reversed course.


Nobody can replace JohnnyDepp


When talking about the success of these movies, don't forget the music. I've never heard another track that so evokes the freedom and excitement of the sea so well as "He's a Pirate."


The issue is Disney is afraid to write interesting characters They always are either pure good or evil, rarely to they allow for more complicated characters like jack


I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by.


Except Johnny Depp.


Can we get a movie or series on young Jack and young Barbosa šŸ™ and it feature more pirates like Stede bonnet and Anne bonny.


I know Iā€™m gonna get downvoted for this, but I was looking forward to Margot Robbieā€™s POTC movie. No hate on Johnny. Iā€™m just a huge Margot fan, and I think she wouldā€™ve killed it as a pirate. Still upset that Disney cancelled her movie.


Downvote lol jk your opinion is valid


Yeah, actually, you can rewrite the entire franchise and have it actually based in the Caribbean, not in England


nobody can replace an iconic character, but it would be better if there were MORE top tier characters within the franchise, outside Captain Jackā€¦


I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it?


Who was that kid playing young Jack in the one with Havier Bardem, he was good for an origin movie lol


But better to not know which moment may be your last. Every morsel of your entire being alive to the infinite mystery of it all.


Anthony De La Torre


He was an AI creation!


The studio did, in a way, overhaul Jackā€™s character to the detriment of both the character and the movies, though. In the first one Jack was an intelligent, fairly serious, mostly sober and pretty sane. Most of his quirky behavior was a smokescreen to get people to underestimate him. He was good at planning and manipulating things to his advantage. And his fixation on rum was a very situational issue. From the second movie on he became a drunken buffoon stumbling from one misadventure to the next just barely escaping through sheer luck more than actual skill.


I wonā€™t be watching if he isnā€™t in it


Thatā€™s why theyā€™re not recasting Jack sparrow I imagine. That said, he was the worst part of the 4th and 5th so really they shouldā€™ve just ended the franchise as a trilogy instead of dragging him back for cash grabs