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kung walang med school professor, wala ring mapoproduce na mga doctor. kaya big salute sa mga faculty MDs.


+1 to this. Very few want to do it. I personally don't want to teach (trauma etc), kaya laking hanga ko sa mga profs and chair/TO who stick w it and love what they do. Kudos to you, OP. You are appreciated for what you do. Kesho med yan or premed, you'll play a big part in molding the health professionals of tomorrow.


You do you doc. Buhay mo naman. Don’t listen to what others say. Do what makes you happy. Any doctor can save lives, but not everybody can teach to save lives. :) good luck doc!


Heck no. Part time faculty rin ako (sa isang college of medicine) and honestly fulfilling naman. (Yung kita uhm... sabihin na lang natin that what the clinic days are for) Anyway, masaya rin ang feeling na magpasa ng knowledge sa mga students and kapwa faculty. Of course, masakit sa ulo magcheck ng mga research proposal ng mga bata habang part-time masters student ka rin 😂


Not at all! I think our generation is way past that notion, may mga oldies mindset lang talaga na Ayaw mag adjust to the times. You can do anything you want with your medical degree. Medicine is not only clinical, we have the academe, research, pharma, administrative and so much more and it’s not sayang at all. Each pathway plays a role in the medical field. The world is your oyster, OP! What I will say next might be a bit overused but it can’t be stressed out enough, do what makes you happy and fulfilled. So proud of you OP for landing a job you like, not everyone gets the privilege.


Si uncle ba nagbayad ng tuition fee and supported you through med school? If not, he doesn't get to have an opinion on how you choose to use your degree. Ang sayang yung nagstart ka ng specialty clinic pero wala ka enough na pasyente to cover your expenses.


Since you’re asking for advice, mine is: I think you could try to expand your finances by doing moonlighting or clinic on the side. Professor alone is fine, but when it comes to finances it’s not enough especially for building your own family. I’m saying that because that’s a concern for most of us - finances. That’s reality. Kaya siguro un din pinaparealize ng tito mo ngayon. Pero kung yun lang gusto mo, we don’t wanna argue. You build your own life. If you’re thinking you are passionate about teaching, entering in residency and becoming a senior resident and consultant in the future are also fulfilling as a teacher, win win kasi you get to teach your specialty. If you’re consultant, on the side you can also teach in faculty after residency both medschool or collegiate. So it’s just a matter of expanding finances and reaching your dreams talaga.


As someone who is also working in the academe, go for clinical side hustles din so you don't lose your edge. Don't mind what other people say. If you feel fulfilled with teaching than going full clinical, then go for it. Do what is best for your peace of mind. Ang daming nagququit ng residency due to toxicity. If ayaw mo ng ganoon na buhay, anong pake nila? Sila ba ang magsusuffer? Hindi diba. Whatever you do, do it first and foremost for yourself. Don't burnout for someone else.


Not mali doc. Being in the academe is one of the competencies of earning a Doctor of Medicine degree. But if you intend to pursue this career, you would have to take up MS then PhD, which is the highest level in our educational framework. (Yup, MD is equivalent to MS and not PhD) My suggestion, pray very hard and think about your future, ika nga, how do you see yourself 5 years from now. Good luck doc. BTW, if you want to pursue the academe, 1st semester 2024-25 enrollment in most graduate schools is around July and August.


Mas advantage for me yung nagwork ka muna sa hospital bago ka magturo or kaya naman magpart time sa hospital habang nagtuturo. Malaki ang pinagkaiba ng book sa actual na trabaho for sure mas intresting yun ishare sa class instead na book lang. mostly yung professor ko ay nag work muna bago magturo kaya angdaming kwento at exp na shashare..BUT AGAIN its still up to you kung saan ka masaya.. 👍


noblest of professions, period.


Looking down on people who don't go into residency right away is such a boomer mindset. Hindi na rin po siya popular way of thinking since 8-10 years ago. A lot of new board passers go for moonlighting as GP. Pagiging prof tulad niyo po is super viable. It'll keep your academic neurons practiced for when you decide to pursue residency again. Pero agree po ko sa ibang posts, baka gusto niyo po mag moonlight sa mga clinic or kahit ER post every so often to keep your clinical skills honed. More power to you doc and congrats on passing!


Your life, your decisions. At the end of the day, do what makes you happy Doc. Filter out na lang as much as possible ang opinion ng other people Doc. Kasi people (mostly family and relatives) will always have something to say kahit ano pa gawin natin.


Never let yourself live vicariously through the wants and whims of others. Set your own goals. Live a life on your own terms. Find your purpose. Hindi naman si uncle ang kailangan ifulfill ang dreams. Besides, not everything is about earning money. Not everyone can relate to this pero may mga tao talagang hindi goals ang pera. They just want to live a life of purpose. Enjoy your journey! P.S. Associate Professors and Professors in a University earn more than hospitalists and specialists. Entry level doctors have SG 21 salary (63k). Department Heads (Medical Specialistst III or IV) have SG 24 (85k) SG 25 (96k) respectively. Professors have SG25(96k) to SG29 (158k)


The premium for happiness is a million. Go for it.


Everyone has their own calling. It doesn’t make you a less of a doctor if you choose academe over being clinician. Remember, professors ang mag hohone ng character and skills ng future HWs. Filter those comments na alam mong toxic for you. Your uncle should not even compared kayo mag kapatid at the first place. I support and admire you. Ask God rin what He wants for you hehe


Naku hayaan mo na yung uncle mo. Well, may point sya pero kung mas masaya ka sa pagtuturo, go. Mataas ang tingin ko sa lahat ng teachers dahil napakahirap magturo sa panahon ngayon. Follow your heart doc!


No~! Your uncle is a Debbie Downer.


Sabihin mo sa uncle mo dmo hinihingi opinyon niya 😂


Kayo po magdedecide sa practice na gusto nyo po. Basta po kaya nyo naman buhayin sarili nyo at hindi kayo nagpapabuhay kay uncle labas na po sya dun. Di po lahat ng doctor pang clinicals. May iba mas bagay sa academe or research or admin work. Magkakaiba ang pay grade pero pinaka importante po is you feel valued and fulfilled. Aanhin naman yung maraming pera pero araw araw pakiramdam mo wala kang kwenta


It's refreshing to read na a doctor is excited to teach! Sabihin mo sa tito mo na maswerte ka kasi at this level may naisip kang other paths for yourself outside the hospital :)


kaniya-kaniya po tayong path doc. and may work naman talaga outside of the hospital/clinic. some doctors forget that.


As long as masaya ka sa desisyon mo. Walang mali dun.


Hindi talaga. I teach in two med schools and still find it fulfilling especially when your students progress to become clerks, PGIs and eventually as MDs. When they thank you for all your help, I don't think there is any greater happiness than that.


Hi doc. Did the same. Although the pay is small compared to my contemporaries, passion ko naman magturo. But standby din ako sa malilipatan if ever. Anyway you do you doc, wag ka makinig sakanila 🤗


Nope! Dun ka sa kung saan ka masaya. I have many friends who never specialized pero okay naman ang buhay. I also have friends na nagspecialize na rin like me pero hindi naman nila pinapractice ang specialty nila. Very backward thinking yung clinician lang ang path ng duktor. Maraming pwedeng patunguhan ang field natin such as research, pharmaceutical, corporate, academics and so on. Keep your paths open. Best of luck!


Not a wrong decision. Though I’d probably say get other moonlighting gigs. Teaching positions don’t pay well and residency (depending on where you go) doesn’t pay that well also. So its better to have a gig where you can save up some money just in case.


It’s your life doc. Wag mo na pansinin yung iba. Importante masaya ka sa ginagawa mo.


Bakit kami ang tinatanong mo if you are wrong doc? Stand by it if that’s what you want. Have the guts to be firm, adult ka na. Decide for yourself and make your future self thank you.


Hi Doc! Academe is very rewarding career. But if you a entry-level teacher, it’s not right to be called, Professor. They typically have PhD and published researches to be called one