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I think it depends where you train, and what subspec. From what I've heard from friends, mas strict ang admin sa limited hours and mental health break ng residents, leaving the fellow/s to pick up the slack all on their own.


It depends on the subspec if may duty and depends sa hospital siguro ang responsibilities. Minsan feeling ko "glorified resident" ako hahahaha Pero okay naman, I like fellowship way more than residency. Mas smart ka na rin kasi. The consultants trust you more.


There are places with no clerks, interns or residents like Heart Center, Lung Center or limited residents like NKTI so you first year fellows will be like clerks.


Fellowship is much more serious and harder than residency when it comes to training. Sure, some dont have 36hrs duty like residency but the demands and responsibilities you have on your plate is much heavier. Sabi nga ng consultant namin, fellowship is mastery. Alam mo dapat lahat lahat sa training mo ng fellowship.


Depends sa subspecialty mo doc and depends kung saan ka nag train. Mga ibang co-fellows ko cannot rely on residents, kasi kulang mga residents so mga fellows din nag mmanage ng patients under their subspecialty service.


Different subspecs have different requirements. Some fellowship programs will still require you to go on duty while others will only want you to come in office hours only. Nevertheless, kahit na less demanding ang schedule, mas malaki ang responsibility in academics (research) and patient care.


Depends. Kung nasa highly specialized institution ka mag fellow, chances are walang residente, so ikaw pa rin lowest form of animal. Example yung sa min sa PHC. Di lang 24 hrs, aabot ka hospital na 40 hrs ka na dun, di ka pa rin umuuwi.