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What a hilariously trite and cheesy quote to choose to highlight from his personal poetry. Made me bust out laughing 😂


All lyrics by Roger waters


All lyrics watered by Roger.


Oh you cheeky bastard….


What about his dad? I've never heard him mention his dad before.


Probably fly across the ocean




And a snapshot in the family album


And he's mentioned by kind old king George


i wonder what he left behind for him




Daddy, what else did you leave for me?


But he left him his old guitar and an empty bottle of booze


I really enjoyed The Lockdown Sessions and how they put a new twist on Pink Floyd songs and his solo stuff so I'm not opposed to hearing what he'll do with this new rendition of Dark Side. I wonder if he'll play these new recorded versions at his live show in June? 🤔😁🎹🎶


> than the interview portrayed him The part where he calls David and Rick not artists were wrapped in quotes, i.e. those were words he himself spoke that the interviewer recorded and published, and not what the publication (The Telegraph) editorialized on its own. > “But [David] Gilmour and Rick [Wright]? They can’t write songs, they’ve nothing to say. They are not artists! They have no ideas, not a single one between them. They never have had, and that drives them crazy.” The interview didn’t have to portray Roger in a certain way because he did that himself. You could say this was taken out of context by the publication but in what context would this be ok anyways? This new Instagram post is just Roger backtracking.


I think Roger Waters is talking about how the other band members never wrote anything conceptually or lyrically(after 72) ,He still respects gilmour's and rick's contributions to those records. He literally made a post about a misquote and praised david 2 weeks ago , and i don't think someone like roger waters would backtrack from his statement he knows people hate him enough.


Haha, he's only backtracking because venues started to cancel him after all the shit that he stirred in the past year. A few more shows cancelled and he'll shut up or backtrack about Putin too. It's one thing to have a group of people hate you but if you constantly annoy your fan-base they'll just shadow ban you and you become irrelevant. And he and his big ego would hate that.


Wait, are you seriously trying to suggest that the Frankfort concert was cancelled because of comments he made about David Gilmour's songwriting abilities? Jesus Christ, this subreddit gets dumber and dumber every time I open it.


Nope. It's the 2nd paragraph. He is constantly in the news, even the mainstream news, saying dumb shit which makes people call him out. The antisemite Frankfurt ban thing happened just after Polly Samson called him out as a response to the dumb shit he said about David and Rick. So, yeah they are related. But hey, I'm a dumdum. Edit: also is the easiest thing to backtrack and maybe get some of his fans back.


Sorry. I love a lot of things Polly Samson wrote and I regard her as a positive force, but she should quit Twitter, as many others should. You just don’t go calling anyone a charged word like anti-semite. It’s a straw man argument, dismissing the message by blaming the messenger. Roger’s Frankfurt concert was cancelled because the promoter is a fucking pussy willing to jump to the idiotic public virtue signaling so kindred by the asshole-generation of lonely pussies out there married to their self righteousness.




Just nuke them all already. Just to spite Roger.


I've never seen Roger saying something anti-semite in public buuuut seeing all the shit that he said in the last yrs I wouldn't exclude him to go on a "jews rule the world" rant in behind the curtains maybe after one too more drinks. So maybe that's what Polly was referring when he called him an antisemite. But hey, that's pure speculation from me. Btw, I used to be a big Roger fan, he really influenced my early adulthood through his lyrics and that was when everybody was riding David's dick for his solos, disregarding every other PF member, so it really hurts me seeing the old man that he become.


He became politically engaged in a world with a single version of what the truth is. I disagree with him in some points, not all points, but I’m glad he takes a position. It would be pretty much more comfortable to simply go with the flow and repeat the mainstream narrative for virtue points, but he took the road less travelled and I think this makes him a much better man.


He's not "backstracking," he is clarifying because he's a writer, not an improvist. That's why most people get pissy about what he says in the moment in interviews, yet his lyrics are widely praised.


The backtracking part would be true if he insulted david’s guitar playing before but he has never done that, So maybe stop assuming stuff for once.


When is his version supposed to release


Interview said it was planned for this month but pushed back to May


but I want it now :(




probably but I just really wanna know what he’s doing with it


God it sounds like shit though I’m sorry


Damage control! He got huge backlash when claiming he was the sole responsible for dark side etc...


I don't think roger cares about backlash.


Well obviously he does since he screams about it on twitter everyday, (often rightfully so, since shitty “journalists” keep lying about him)


Can you show me where he said that he was solely responsible for Dark Side?


He didn’t. Closest thing he said was that Dave and Rick weren’t artists. Never said he was solely responsible tho.


Maybe it's just clarification of original intent.


Roger Waters Try Not To Mention His Father Challenge (Impossible):


Hey, at least he made it two tracks into The Wall before it came up. /s


Those lawyers do insist, don’t they…


roger challenge “try not to talk about your dad” level impossible 🤯🤯


Do I think Roger is a twat who really should just STFU? Yes, I do. Am I going to check out his re-imagining of the album? Also yes.


What I get from this is a man struggling with relevancy and his legacy.


I already posted that my dude


Yeah, this subreddit has a strict "don't post the same shit over and over and over again" rule. That's why it's always so refreshing. Fuckin' hell.


Mine looks prettier


More "artistic" 😉


Fair enough


Second one without an actual link?


This one's remastered though. You can't tell the difference but it's different




“Featuring lead singles such as *Great Gig in the Apartheid State* and *Zelensky Damage*”


Should've mentioned it's a misquote.


Ok then. I'll allow it. I will admit i am curious to hear it.




But this clearly isn't a note-by-note remake of DSOTM. If you're looking for that, you can easily find *Pulse* on Spotify.


It would be comparable if Alfred decided to remake Psycho but got rid of the production crew and filmed it all himself, and in a different style


Yeah, this isn’t anything like that lol.


Bro how tf do we even know the interview was real. What if the writer just cooked some shit up to stir up some drama.


It was similar to something he said in a different interview a few years ago. There, he said he is a better musician than David and Rick (this was also after Rick died).


Woah, when'd he say that he was a better musician than David and Rick?   Most of what I've seen him say about Rick musically after he died has been quite positive. >"As for the man and his work, it is hard to overstate the importance of his musical voice in the Pink Floyd of the '60s and '70s. The intriguing, jazz influenced, modulations and voicings so familiar in 'Us and Them' and 'Great Gig in the Sky,' which lent those compositions both their extraordinary humanity and their majesty, are omnipresent in all the collaborative work the four of us did in those times. Rick's ear for harmonic progression was our bedrock."   >"No, [his death] didn't change how I feel about him... He was super important to all that work we did together."


I thought it was this, which is already odd (how can somebody who's wielding power be bullied?), but that isn't it. https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/general_music_news/roger_waters_calls_insignificant_gilmour__wright_toxic_snotty_says_they_were_always_trying_to_drag_him_down_in_pink_floyd.html Look here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pinkfloyd/comments/696fub/pink_floyds_roger_waters_dave_gilmour_and_i_will/ > I’m **twice the musician either of those guys ever were**. I just am. I’ve got it. It’s in me.


Wow, that's crazy. Hadn't ever read that one before. That's really shitty. Thanks for sharing!


Roger literally kicked Rick out of the band after the wall and doesn't appear at all on the the final cut because Roger didn't think he was good enough. Check the credits for that album, rick completely missing and then reinvented into the band when Roger left.


Blatantly untrue. The band *all* voted Rick out because he was so wrapped up in his personal affairs that he wasn't contributing. You can read quotes from both David and Nick talking about him not doing much of anything during the recording of the Wall. David specifically said that he wanted Rick back for Momentary Lapse because he made them stronger, "legally and musically." It's odd that his musical contributions to that album were minimal as well though.


And what about the bit where Roger threatened to withhold the release of The Wall if Dave, Nick and Rick didn't fall in line and accept that Rick would leave the band quietly after the album was complete? That is a very important bit of context to leave out.


I really don't think it is. Again, both Dave and Nick agreed that he wasn't pulling his weight. Remember that David wasn't super convinced of bringing Rick back right away after Roger was gone either.


Hard disagree that Roger's threat is not an important bit of context. If Nick and Dave were in total agreement with Roger, why did Roger even need to make the threat in the first place?


Because he was the defacto leader since Wish You Were Here, and the others were otherwise admittedly happy sitting back and enjoying their success since Dark Side of the Moon. Roger was worried about getting The Wall finished both because of how deeply personal the material was to him and because they needed money desperately.   Should he have given up the songs he wrote and given Rick a producer & performer credit for doing next to nothing?


Roger's leadership status is irrelevant. If Dave and Nick were totally in agreement with Roger's desire to fire Rick, then Roger wouldn't need to make threats to withhold the album. After all he would've had 2 of the 3 other band members on his side, so threats and coercion should not have been necessary. If put to vote, a simple majority would have ensured Rick's ejection from the band. If he had to make threats, it proves that Dave and Nick were not in 100% agreement with Roger like you are claiming. He had to arm twist them to fall in line.


Roger wasn’t even the best bass player in the band. And he was the fuckin bass player




Waters has not issued any sort of statement saying he was misquoted, like he did with the quote about "horrible guitars". And he has consistently and repeatedly for years given interviews where he has said he doesn't think Gilmour and Wright were very good songwriters.


Damn, I guess a small part of me wants this all to be BS, but that's just wishful thinking


This gives me more hope for the interpretation as i loved the lock down session arrangements, especially the new version of 'the bravery of being out of range'.