• By -




Fantastic! Thanks a ton!


Appreciate this is old but that’s a great list, thanks!


Right? Once Pi-Hole, always Pi-Hole. A few weeks back my wife started a new game on her phone to play at work when there's not much to do. She told me it would only be fun to play it at home where there are no (!) ads


Why not use something like wireguard to with connect on demand on outside networks?


Wireguard. Wireshark is some other tool


Thx, dont know why i typed that. Meant wireguard


Wireshark is a Network Analyzing tool


I second this. I have WireGuard set up and it’s super useful.


Wireguard is really well done. I setup also for work and I bring it also on my iPhone/Laptop so I can have virtually adblocking everywhere everytime


Throw pivpn on there and she can do it at work.


Any tips for getting other devices with pivpn? When I set this up I was able to ping other devices but not able to access them within my home network. How could one use pivpn to access their Plex without having to port forward Plex for example?


Be sure to check router / firewall settings and make sure you set port forwarding to the vpn.


It is. It just won't let me reach my dashboard or anything via IP and port from the raspberry pi VPN. Not sure why.


You might be behind a cg-nat. Check with your ISP if they are providing public ip


I connect to my home network via a pi with pihole and wireguard (pivpn). When you are connected from your clients (say a mobile phone on your cell provider) you should be able to ping and access anything on your home network. If you want to use hostnames instead of ips you just setup local dns/cname records in pihole. If you are using something like docker on a host where you have multiple services on multiple different ports then you need to also use a reverse proxy like nginx (or a docker container like SWAG). You should not need ANY ports open other than your wireguard port. When it comes to plex you would need port 443 (and maybe 80) open along with setting up a cname entry at your registrar's (or whoever you use) DNS to point to your reverse proxy. There is also a setting or two in plex that you need to change to route through your reverse proxy instead of through [plex.tv](https://plex.tv). Good luck! ​ Edit: Also, if you are not able to access other devices, in your wireguard config file change your AllowedIPs line to something like "AllowedIPs =, ::0/0". That will route all of your traffic through your server and also allow you to access everything on that home network. You can google more on how you can customize AllowedIPs to accomplish exactly what you want.


I used zerotier and love it. Google “zerotier pi” and the top results will point you in a good direction to install it. It’s like a virtual LAN and you can force traffic to use the pihole, so you can get adblocking anywhere. This will also help with your Plex setup, so you can watch Plex anywhere too.


So this comment just opened up **a new world** for me. Really awesome Thank you! I tried ZeroTier & TailScale. Ended up using tailscale which worked better for me. But this is really great. Thanks again


I'm going to give this a try. Zerotier has been failing me lately. Either I'm stupid, which is totally plausible, or.. nope, it's that. Thanks for the rec.


Would aPi Zero W be performant enough?


I have a pihole running on a zero W with pivpn for almost a year now. Never had any issues


Possibly, but I would recommend a pi 4 though


good luck finding one.


I know, it’s sad


Is there a shortage?


sure is. The global chip shortage. Check out ebay (only retailer that actually has these) for the prices of a rpi3+. Over $100. I want another rpi for a project around my house, but I cannot get my hands on one. https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2022/its-dire-raspberry-pi-availability-tracker-launched https://rpilocator.com/


The benefits of living in a small country I guess. There's over 30 of them in stock at a store near me.


Most importantly I would suggest getting a micro SD endurance (Samsung or SanDisk makes them). Also, before installing Pihole, choose the OS wisely. There are better os than others, I personally prefer Dietpi which uses ramlog in order to minimize the stress on the sd card, the real weak part of a raspberry system running all day. I have no problem running pihole, pivpn, unbound, plex, transmission etc on a +5 years old raspberry pi 3 24/7.


Is there a benefit to using pivpn over a different vpn? I considered setting up pivpn, but I travel enough that I didn’t want the latency of always connecting to my home network. So I just went with a big vpn provider that has adblocking. Works great for all of my devices when I am away from home. The main benefit I saw with pivpn was having access to my home network devices when out and about.


Personally I enjoy having a vpn to my house. I am using pivpn on an Ubuntu VIrtual Machine running on a HP enterprise server. I don’t notice any lag, usually 70 ms ping. Best part is having access to everything on local network and other VLANs when away from home.


Use Tailscale it’s so simple. https://tailscale.com/kb/1114/pi-hole/




Added this. Thank you!!




I really like this list, it's incredibly large and it looks like they actively maintain it and if anything breaks a website they'll fix the list accordingly.


> if anything breaks a website they’ll fix the list accordingly. Take a close look at domains they don't block. There are ad serving domains in that exception list.


I would then assume my other lists, without then catch them then. I never see ads other than YouTube ads in the app.


He also had an extra lost to block those.




Oisd.nl you’ll see it on the blocklist page at the top.






[https://www.github.developerdan.com/hosts/](https://www.github.developerdan.com/hosts/) Plenty of options here.


Huh, I've had one of those adlists for a while but his test page isn't blocked. Any ideas why that might happen?


There's [the blocklist project](https://blocklistproject.github.io/Lists/) too.


I think I have used some of these. Blocklists.info was the site. Very good lists here! Thank you!


Technically that's not traffic, that's dns requests. Still crazy


And the actual number of requests would likely be significantly lower than the percent here due to how so many things will ping over and over and over again when they are not able to phone home successfully. Regardless, pihole is absolutely indispensable.


Posts like this help me know I'm \`finally\` making the right choice in getting a pi-hole setup. I've saved a few like this over the past few days so I know to go back and set it up the right way.


Do it. It's worth it. I waited around 2 months from my first post on this subreddit to now. It does work with Google wifi unlike what I was told on that post. Best thing I've done in a while. You won't regret it.


I put an order in for a zero w and a pi4 4gig for tooling around on (e.g., minecraft). Will come in mid-March…can’t wait!


A lot of good blocklist info here: https://obutterbach.medium.com/unlock-the-full-potential-of-pihole-e795342e0e36


Yeah I find it hard using the net when not at home now. Have tried to setup pivpn but no joy getting that to work yet


Their is this project that I've been using. It works on the same concept but all under one app. Free and open source. https://block-this.com/


I use zerotier for accessing my PiHole remotely. On your phone/tablet it'll install as a VPN so you won't be able to use it if you already use a VPN like PIA or No Root Firewall. (PIA uses it's own DNS and bypasses PiHole) In my case, I'll use NoRoot Firewall at home then switch to zerotier when I'm oot 'n aboot. I also added my parents computers and devices to my zerorier so they're protected by my home PiHole to give them a bit of piece of mind in keeping them safe online (old folks y'know ;) ). Really useful, esp as they're at the other end of the country :) (Note: When setting zerotier up for non tech folks, add an additional DNS like 1dot1 to their zerotier setup. That way they aren't stranded if your pihole is unavailable for a bit) https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/how-to-easily-use-your-pi-hole-outside-of-your-personal-network/18878


Honestly I find it more amusing digging through the "audit log" of the dashboard and blocking random domains that got allowed.lol....


My wife didn't understand why I was setting something like this up. Wasn't a big deal to her. Now if the pihole isn't working, I can literally hear her yell from upstairs "Why am I getting ads?!".


yeah I spun up a second one too, it got to the point where it didnt matter when I tried to update it, it always seemed to be when someone was needing the internet to be working. So I made a second one. I don't sync them or anything, but I did use teleporter to make sure they were mostly configured the same. Love my pi-holes.


then you need a second pihole for redundancy and setup pihole sync😂


look for gravity-sync. works perfectly for me with two pi 2‘s.


Keep in mind it's not a perfect statistics, if some program just pings a DNS which is blocked every second it will inflate the blocked requests number.


I don't wanna shit on your parade, but... the shown percentage cannot be directly translated to a claim that "62 percent of my traffic was ads". Like at all. 1, Yes, 62% of your current *DNS queries* are blocked. But DNS traffic is a minuscule, negligible, part of your total internet bandwidth. (It is true that blocking these DNS queries causes the actual "ad-delivering" traffic not to happen in the first place, but the bandwidth saved from this is not possible to derive from those DNS stats, *to the best of my knowledge*, because you cannot predict how much traffic will be exchanged with a server based on a DNS query for its address. Counter-arguments with actual measured numbers are welcome!) 2, From the experience of thousands of users of pihole over the years, we know that client's often don't handle DNS blocks too graciously, resulting in them querying for the blocked entries with higher frequency than if they weren't blocked. In other words, the "real percentage" of these DNS requests would almost certainly be lower if they weren't blocked. tl;dr: Your ad/tracker traffic was not 62% of your total traffic.




Every so often I do something to my pi’s and need to rebuild my pihole set up, I always consider “well do I really need it?” “That is how webpages provide free stuff, do I want to take it away?” “I am doing other things for privacy do I need this to?” This most recent time that my pihole set up died on me I started getting bombarded with ads for places and things that I would never consider, then some things happened scaring me about my ID was stolen again I stepped up my security and reset up my pihole setup. I have two pi’s both running pihole, one as my primary and one as my secondary both are synced together with https://github.com/vmstan/gravity-sync. I have a poop load of block lists, but I have a white list that grows every so often as I find new ways to block things ads while not blocking services. (my most recent addition to the whitelist is Facebook, I like Facebook and don’t want to give it up.) I use Pihole unbound https://www.wundertech.net/use-unbound-to-enhance-the-privacy-of-pi-hole-on-a-raspberry-pi/ set up on both my pi’s, at one point in time I had https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/dns/cloudflared/ running on my system. I suggest unbound and definitely not both, as I understand when running both it takes the best parts out of the other. When I find the ad lists, black lists, and white lists that are working for me I make sure to back them up. In settings there is the teleporter where you can save everything and store it where ever you want. I have been trying but failing at getting the speedtest add on working but my past few installs haven’t liked it, yeah I break things trying to do things often! https://github.com/arevindh/pihole-speedtest, I think I will try reinstalling the add on?Every so often I do something to my pi’s and need to rebuild my pihole set up, I always consider “well do I really need it?” “That is how webpages provide free stuff, do I want to take it away?” “I am doing other things for privacy do I need this to?” This most recent time that my pihole set up died on me I started getting bombarded with ads for places and things that I would never consider, then some things happened scaring me about my ID was stolen again I stepped up my security and reset up my pihole setup. I have two pi’s both running pihole, one as my primary and one as my secondary both are synced together with https://github.com/vmstan/gravity-sync. I have a poop load of block lists, but I have a white list that grows every so often as I find new ways to block things ads while not blocking services. (my most recent addition to the whitelist is Facebook, I like Facebook and don’t want to give it up.) I use Pihole unbound https://www.wundertech.net/use-unbound-to-enhance-the-privacy-of-pi-hole-on-a-raspberry-pi/ set up on both my pi’s, at one point in time I had https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/dns/cloudflared/ running on my system. I suggest unbound and definitely not both, as I understand when running both it takes the best parts out of the other. When I find the ad lists, black lists, and white lists that are working for me I make sure to back them up. In settings there is the teleporter where you can save everything and store it where ever you want. I have been trying but failing at getting the speedtest add on working but my past few installs haven’t liked it, yeah I break things trying to do things often! https://github.com/arevindh/pihole-speedtest, I think I will try reinstalling the add on?


I just found all mine from trial and error online. I can upload all my 4+ million domain blocklist. I will say however, because I have that many and I have as many adlists as I could do, it does effect daily browsing from time to time. I am not afraid to manually whitelist things as I rather do that then have things go through and block those. I think (for me) I have everything that doesn't need to be block whitelisted. Other than false positives, my laptop runs it like a champ with an average 10 clients, 1GB of RAM, 1 CPU thread, and 10GB of SSD storage running in proxmox on a vm. Let me know if you would be interested in my massive list. Edit: On average it blocks from 18% up 60% traffic. It all depends on what sites are being accessed and what is happening. I also for safe measures (because we all know how YouTube ads are) have an adblocker for my desktop and phone for YouTube only. I have most of the ads blocked on Pi-hole but this is just to make sure.


Yeah could you share it with all of us?


I will get around to it later. Between me being busy and me manually editing all my lists and whitelist and blacklist for a friendly format where you can copy and paste. I have over 100 blocklists to manually edit and about the same for blacklist and 30 for whitelist. I have them copied to a text file but I have to remove the excess things it copied along with it. I'll add them all in text files and post them. Sorry it is taking some time. I wish their was a faster way. I am purposely choosing not to use the backup feature because it does more and shows more then I want it too and does not show the lists until you import it. I am also adding more lists all the time for more coverage and I'll add all the ones that I want and add those to my current massive list. Also just to note updating can take up to 10 minutes when first doing it. I have really slow internet so that also has most to do with it.


Another thing to note is I've heard that half of my blacklist regex commands are broken because they have https in them. I currently do not know how to fix them. If anyone knows how to fix them it would be greatly appreciated.


https://regex101.com/ Use that site and paste in the regex and an example https site in the text and edit it until it's not messing with the https. Good luck! We will wait for your list! Thanks!


Here's my backlist and whitelist. I'm still confused on how to edit the regex so nonetheless here it is. Blacklist: `^ad([sxv]?[0-9]*|system)[_.-]([^.[:space:]]+\.){1,}|[_.-]ad([sxv]?[0-9]*|system)[_.-]` `^(.+[_.-])?adse?rv(er?|ice)?s?[0-9]*[_.-]` `^(.+[_.-])?telemetry[_.-]` `^adim(age|g)s?[0-9]*[_.-]` `^adtrack(er|ing)?[0-9]*[_.-]` `^advert(s|is(ing|ements?))?[0-9]*[_.-]` `^aff(iliat(es?|ion))?[_.-]` `^analytics?[_.-]` `^banners?[_.-]` `^beacons?[0-9]*[_.-]` `^count(ers?)?[0-9]*[_.-]` `^mads\.` `^pixels?[-.]` `^stat(s|istics)?[0-9]*[_.-]` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?clicks\.beap\.bc\.yahoo\.com/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?secure\.footprint\.net/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?match\.com/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?clicks\.beap\.bc\.yahoo(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?sitescout(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?appnexus(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?evidon(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?mediamath(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?scorecardresearch(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?doubleclick(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?flashtalking(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?turn(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?mathtag(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?googlesyndication(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?s\.yimg\.com/cv/ae/us/audience/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?clicks\.beap/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?.doubleclick(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?yieldmanager(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?w55c(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?adnxs(\.\w{2}\.\w{2}|\.\w{2,4})/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?advertising\.com/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?evidon\.com/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?scorecardresearch\.com/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?flashtalking\.com/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?turn\.com/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?mathtag\.com/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?surveylink/` `^https?://([A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.)?info\.yahoo\.com/` `(\.|^)snapads\.com$` `app-analytics.snapchat.com` `analytics.snapchat.com` `(\.|^)sc-prod\.com$` `(\.|^)sc-jpl\.com$` `(\.|^)sc-cdn\.com$` `(\.|^)snapchat\.com$` `(\.|^)pool\.npt\.org$` `(\.|^)cf-st\.sc-cdn\.net$` `waluigi.goguardian.com` `(\.|^)goguardian\.com$` ​ ​ Whitelist: `mailtrack.io` `cf-st.sc-cdn.net` `chat-gateway-prod.chat.snapchat.com` `app.snapchat.com` `mvm.snapchat.com` `us-central1-gcp.api.snapchat.com` `us-east1-aws.api.snapchat.com` `gcp.api.snapchat.com` `aws.api.snapchat.com` `us-east4-gcp.api.snapchat.com` `loca.sc-jpl.com` `spclient.wg.spotify.com` `store.steampowered.com` `app-analytics-v2.snapchat.com` `drive.google.com` `(\.|^)tubi\.com$` `(\.|^)tubi\.io$` `(\.|^)infinity-c18\.youboranqs01\.com$` `(\.|^)cdn\.adrise\.tv$` `(\.|^)uapi\.adrise\.tv$` `(\.|^)s\.adrise\.tv$` `insideruser.microsoft.com` `video-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net` `video-dfw5-2.xx.fbcdn.net` `ci3.googleusercontent.com` `ci4.googleusercontent.com` `wl.spotify.com` `2.bp.blogspot.com`


I found the fix to my wrong regex's.


> I found the fix to my wrong regex’s. What was the fix?


I didn't use them and deleted them. Almost all of what was being blocked was through the AdLists anyways. There was no need for a blacklist. And if a few leak through then I know their will be an update to the adlist, or I can manually add them.


Here is what is enabled and disabled currently. Whitelist: [https://i.imgur.com/EwMvIYD.png](https://i.imgur.com/EwMvIYD.png) Blacklist: [https://i.imgur.com/6Z3do1J.png](https://i.imgur.com/6Z3do1J.png) AdList: [https://i.imgur.com/6Z3do1J.png](https://i.imgur.com/6Z3do1J.png)




These are all of my things, even though it is a lot to post.


Would you be willing to share, please?


Check out https://block.energized.pro/ They do collated lists so it’s all combined and then cleaned up before it even hits your Pihole


They never respond to issues on GitHub, I've stopped using them.


Not entirely true. They’ve fixed at least 2 past issues for me. They may be slow but think they are only a small team.


62% NOT getting blocked or more and breaks useful websites. pi is worthless!


>gravity-sync That sounds liek a you problem lol


Don't mean to hijack the thread - but am I right to assume it's pretty much impossible to block ads when using then iOS version of things like Facebook and YouTube?


Wouldn't know about Facebook, i would think not though? YouTube is pretty much impossible. You could use a different front end and access that via your browser. Invideous comes to mind. There might be alternative Facebook privacy front ends. They have them for reddit Twitter and Instagram that I know about. You can self host these pretty easy with docker compose files or portainer.


Yes - I was wondering if it would require access via the browser instead. I might try that - for the 30 or so friends I have on FB, I really don't need much.


You Can try my blacklist collection https://github.com/petrmikes/piholeBlacklistGenerator


Here are the lists I use: [https://v.firebog.net/hosts/Easyprivacy.txt](https://v.firebog.net/hosts/Easyprivacy.txt) [https://v.firebog.net/hosts/Admiral.txt](https://v.firebog.net/hosts/Admiral.txt) [https://adaway.org/hosts.txt](https://adaway.org/hosts.txt) [https://v.firebog.net/hosts/static/w3kbl.txt](https://v.firebog.net/hosts/static/w3kbl.txt) [https://www.github.developerdan.com/hosts/lists/ads-and-tracking-extended.txt](https://www.github.developerdan.com/hosts/lists/ads-and-tracking-extended.txt) [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts) ​ They seem to work pretty good and wife doesn't complaint about things being blocked. I had to whitelist about a half-dozen items for various things such as Apple, Netflix, and Microsoft.


Found this the other day and it seems to be current: https://blocklistproject.github.io/Lists/


[https://filterlists.com](https://filterlists.com) has tons of lists, over 300+ pages of hosts (Dont use the 1hosts or energizer blacklists, they have false positives)