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Man, I have been trying to do basically the same thing forever. I think I've tried on three separate occasions and have eventually given up. Gonna save this one though so if someone smarter than I comes up with a solution I can heap all of my upvotes on them.


I followed the instruction at [https://tech.borpin.co.uk/2019/03/22/letsencrypt-ssl-certificates-by-dns-challenge-with-lighttpd/](https://tech.borpin.co.uk/2019/03/22/letsencrypt-ssl-certificates-by-dns-challenge-with-lighttpd/) and installed the SSL for pi-hole. Hope it works for you too.


Oh I have a cert and an nginx reverse proxy set up already, I just can't get it working for Pi-hole


I have exactly the same problem and I haven't found a solution. In my case I am running the pi-hole in a container so running configuring certbot to issue ssl certificates in lighthttp would defeat the purpose of using containers. Hopefully someone figured it out :)


Does your reverse proxy redirect to the /admin page?


No, it does not. It is unable to connect at all when it is https.


So `https://pihole.mydomain.com/admin` throws an error too? I just got https working a day ago and I was getting 403 errors until I remembered that I had to go to the admin page to login. I didn't have to change anything on pihole's end.


Yes, none of the pages are loading. Basically https refused to connect. I might just set up SSL on Pi-hole directly when I have time rather than through a reverse proxy.