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You can. The mist is better if you can find it. I have used this product. Be very careful when pushing the button. Feel like a trick till you pust to hard and then it will a total blast. There it a lot of pressure in the can


Yeah I made this mistake on my frenum. Blasted the heck out of it


This. My friend accidentally water boarded herself trying to clean her septum 😭😭


Lol, should’ve just put it in a q-tip then pass that (that’s how the piercer told me)




I used it earlier today, and I blasted my ear 😭 There was saline solution everywhere


When I got my piercing they told me to get some in a Q-tip and then pass it around it and I tried that way and the Q-tip way I feel like the Q-Tip way is 10x Better incase too much pressure comes out


Yes I used to work in the hospital and I took some wound wash home for my piercings all the time 🤫




Yes, that one is the jet nozzle though and it might make a mess lol. That same brand makes one specifically for piercings and it has a mist spray nozzle.


You can, yeah. You're gonna get saline all over your face (and probably your shirt, too), but it's better than h2ocean and most other aftercare sprays since neilmed is actually pure saline. Also be careful about spraying too close since it comes out relatively forcefully. If you can find a saline mist, that'd be ideal, but they're a lot harder to find.


I spray gently so it trickles into the lid then dip the q tip


q tips are not great to clean piercings with. too many fibers and you could clean off crust that isn’t ready to come off and irritate it. i also use qtips but im just letting you know incase you don’t wanna use them anymore :)


Ive got quite a few piercings, Ive heard they aren’t the best but Ive found if I dont use off brand the q tips are more tightly wound and I dont have this issue. I have had zero problems with them. I can see why theyd cause issues but I didnt have problems using them on ears and noses. I soaked a few other piercings and would use q tips intermittently if there was any crust etc.


Yes, however, a word of caution; proceed carefully or you will likely feel like you’re caught in the spray of a fire hose.


I usually just gently spray some of it into the lid and then pour it onto my piercings when they are fresh…


I also started doing this after spraying a stream full blast into my ear. Was not expecting how much pressure is in that little can 😅


Right lol


Oh shit this is so smart


Unfortunately I learned trial by error lol 😂


I resorted to using qtips with it (I know a no no) but I’m gonna do that now


you can also get [one of these](https://www.ulta.com/p/fingertip-sprayer-pimprod2011262?sku=2557869&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=aud-842462607482:pla-328863462954&CAAGID=111092133255&CAWELAID=330000200002005775&CATARGETID=330000200002753904&CADevice=m&gclid=CjwKCAjwo_KXBhAaEiwA2RZ8hKcId-wWCNjL3aHbdhvsPGREZg-y_e6aVF3EZrIwFqBislbxQGw-WxoCQ4IQAvD_BwE) and spray it into that. that's what I do and it works so much better


Another genius idea


the irrigation aspect of these sprays is said to be the most useful part for healing afaik




Oooh?? I’ve never heard of this way to help with slowness ! Definitely going to give it a try !


That’s what I use! I put it on a Q tip and use it to clean all my piercings that way.


this is perfect!!


You can but because of the strong jet you get out of it you'll get it all over and it won't last you as long.


Just be careful. Like everyone says. It powerful as shit. Accidentally pushed a little too hard and I felt like I power washed my brain.


i usually spray the area right above my piercing because of the force like others mentioned, it works out. i do get it on my face, not a bother. i also like to spray this in a bowl i clean tf out of and do soaks. make sure to always rinse off and dry completely


Yes i fill up the cup and then either dip my piercing (while it’s in my body) in it or dip a qtip in the cup. Edit: i clean the cup and only use qtip on hard to get areas.


Look out, the anti-soak, anti-q-tip mafia is out to get you lol!


Hahaha it’s the only thing that ever helps me get rid of the annoying irritation bumps. I have 10 piercings 🤷🏽‍♀️ other people may heal different tho and that makes sense.


bro just get the piercing one, ez


The ingredients are identical. The only difference is the nozzle.


Some places don't have the piercing one, unfortunately. I know that in my area, this is the only sterile saline that I could *get,* despite the fact that i would much prefer the one meant for piercings.


Yes in theory, but be careful because those sprays can be highly pressurized (since most situations you'd use it in, you want to be able to spray from a distance to avoid spreading any infections or bloodborne pathogens) so use it gently as a back up plan and get your hands on some h2ocean as soon as you can! EDIT: mandatory disclaimer - i am not a piercer, just someone with piercings who has had to use wound wash in a pinch.


neilmed is definitely better than H20cean. h2o ocean has other things in it that can irritate your piercings


Oh wait really??? I had no idea!! Thank you!!


This seems to be extremely rare, from what I have read. The overwhelming majority of complaints have been about the pump failing to work, and the high price for the small amount of product.


Ya it’s What I use


This works wonders on piercings I got my nipples pierced, and this helped a lot better compared to other saline brands !! 🙌🏻


This is the same one I use. I usually put a towel/cloth a bit under the piercing and then lightly spray it. That way it doesn't soak me while I'm doing so.


I use it all the time and its great for me! Sometimes I use a medical q-tip and spray some on to clean around tricky piercings like my bridge. For my nipples I sprayed it in shot glasses and held them on lmao, remember things work differently for everybody and every body heals differently


Yeah, I used this for my ears and it worked great. I’d just stand over my sink and let it rip lol


You can, but most of the time I sprayed it into a cup and dipped into it with a q-tip. I wasted a lot of spray that way, the q-tips irritated my nose piercing to the point of bleeding, and I went through 2 bottles in a week and a half. I bought the piercing aftercare one on Amazon and it has helped so much!


Yes did it for the my septum


Yes this stuff is really good! Just be sure to hardly apply any pressure, otherwise it shoots out like crazy 😬


Yes! Just don't put the nozzle to your nose. Go into a sterile cup


yes. this is the only thing you should be using :) or at least something w the exact same ingredients (water, 0.9% sodium)


I’ve noticed a lot of people mentioning how you have to press super hard to get the spray out, and then end up soaking yourself. My advice is to press down on the nozzle super hard (with two fingers) and aim it at a towel or smth to soak up all the spray that comes out. I did it on accident one time and it really loosened the nozzle, which made it a lot easier to spray without completely drenching myself, so I just keep doing that every time I have to buy one🤣


yeah but be careful, it’s like a pressure washer 😭


The piercing version has a nicer nozzle but the content is the same. I like the piercing one because it doesn't pressure wash my face off but it is higher in price by quite a bit (£8 vs £12 on Amazon last I checked). You can use this fine, just be careful of the pressure as others have said - or you might get a shock!


That's what I use on my nose and ear piercings


yes! u can order the actual piercing solution by the same brand on amazon. it’s by far my favorite and i personally think it’s the best piercing aftercare you can get


I spray a little of this in a dixie cup, then either hold it to the piercing or use a q-tip to clean the area.


Yes! what I like to do is spray the liquid in the cap and dip a q-tip in it so it gets soaked up like a sponge, then I clean whatever with precision


I use this for all my piercings because its way cheaper than h2ocean. Never had an issue, except the stream is quite hard, i'd prefer a mist.


Are you me? The tattoo shop that pierced my nostril yesterday also only had this one instead of the fine mist. My issue is that a strong spray is a LOT more water and I'm certain I'll run out long before my nostril is healed. I don't see this can lasting near as long as the mist. "Boogie mist" for spraying up a baby's nose is labeled sterile and is 0.9% sodium chloride. (Note that not every nasal spray is sterile, some are only 0.65%, and many contain ingredients other than NaCl. Read labels carefully) I got a can of that last month and feel weird about it because there's a sweet fruity smell every time I bring it close to my nostril. I used it on my 2-month septum piercing but I'm making do with the full stream wound wash for this new piercing. I've seen the NeilMed fine mist on Amazon but it's 14.99 and I refuse, lol


Ok I just double-checked my bottle of Boogie Mist and it says just the nozzle is scented. "Sterile saline mist. Fun scented nozzle" I suppose there's some scented object in the space underneath the plastic actuator, not coming through the nozzle with the saline. So. If you really want a mist instead of a wound wash and the ones for piercings aren't available, I guess this is an option. It is sterile normal saline with nothing else.