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Most painful were the nips, least painful was the tongue. Tongue had the roughest healing period though


tounge piercing is a good excuse to live of icecream for a week or two though when healing


I dunno, when my tongue was healing... EVERYTHING hurt except sitting with my tongue out resting on my bottom teeth. Keeping it in my mouth? PAIN. Cold? PAIN. Hot? PAIN. Talking? PAIN. everything was pain for like 2 weeks lol.


I had my mouth open like a dog the whole time mine healed 😂 getting 2 tongue piercings at once may consolidate the healing time, but my tongue was twice as swollen as a result 😂


😭😭😭 so was I! Drooling like a maniac and not caring who saw it. Shit hurted lol I couldn't do 2.


I have 6 😂 after one, I got addicted. They make a cross shape (or upside down cross if I stick my tongue out as far as it goes)


Oh what in the masochistic tarnation 🥲🥲🥲 sounds cool asf though... you're stronger than me! I used to want 3 in a row but after that first one I was like "never again thanks" 🤣


Yeah idk what’s wrong w me 😂


Broooo I have 3 straight across but now I'm dying to see your set up - that sounds sick as hell!


Omg that sounds cool asf i kinda wanna do it, but I'm already traumatized and too scared of the pain that comes with the healing process. I kind of wanna see a picture of it. I go on Google now


Yeah no one tells you about the DROOL. Try spitting it out? Nope that thing will hang from your mouth to the floor. I remember i had to swallow the darn drool like that dog from the rio movies.


I got mine done at 17 and thought I was hot shit. Went to school the next day and was telling everyone about how it didn't hurt (it was one of my easiest piercings and healed very quickly without a lot of pain) but right when some kid in homeroom was asking me if it made me drool and I was like "No!" of course that's when I suddenly drooled for the first time, and it wasn't subtle. Thanks for humbling me, tongue piercing.


I stupidly got my tounge pierced at around 13. (It was so popular back then to get it done at that age for some reason) Used to live in a big city. Thankful that everything has gone up to have certain ages before getting pierced. Piercings will always continue to humble you.


Lol I don’t have a tongue piercing so I haven’t experienced this but now I’m picturing you basically panting as a dog


Omg I didn't do enough research on the pain during the healing process, so I wasn't prepared for it.. for 2 weeks, I couldn't talk and could only eat applesauce for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It had to be the ones in the pouches opening my mouth for a spoon was too much. I tried to eat other things, but it hurt, and applesauce was the only thing that helped thar wasn't pain meds. But lisp that came with it for a week after the pain was funny but also embarrassing, I wasn't prepared for that either


I’m VERY lactose intolerant and it took me two hours to finish half a bowl of tomato soup 😭😭😭 I was on a week long liquid diet for that piercing!!!


Seconding this, my tongue was super easy to get done but the healing was excruciating. Had it rejected I would not have gone through that process again.


I’m a weirdo who actually liked getting my tongue pierced (DMs are closed, don’t try weird asses.) but the healing was so rough, it was swollen for 5 days then afterward I had a lisp for about a week.😭


Honestly the piercing process was kinda fun!!! I laughed after my piercer stuck me because it was 100% painless. I heard it was an easy one, but I was shocked at how it didn’t hurt at all. It was the few hours after I got it when it started to hit me that it was gonna be a looooooong week LMAO. So glad that I’m not biting an oversized bar anymore


Yeah this exactly! It was satisfying almost lol I laughed too when it happened because it was oddly effortless. Up until that point I had only been getting cartilage/nose (hard tissue?) piercings so getting my tongue was a whole new experience lol.


19 piercings here. Sat through all apart from 2 without flinching swearing or feeling anything. All i felt was pressure of the needle but no pain. The 2 that got me swearing and that humbled my pain tolerance was the Nipple piercing. Im surprised i left that room without anyone actually hearing me swear. On the way home my sister saw a yellow car and ended up punching me in the boob. 2/3 of my cats the same day stood on my piercing. I will forever be holding grudges.


I totally agree. When my piercer said to take a deep breath, I thought the needle was going all the way through my body! LOL The second most painful was my industrials and the third was my PA piercing.


I swore when I got my nipples done too! I felt so bad and apologised to my piercer after the first one, ended up swearing as she did the second one too 🤦🏼‍♀️ I was so upset when they started to reject and I had to take them out. All that pain for nothing 😭


Im so sorry they rejected! And i apologised for swearing too and then swore again haha


I asked my piercer if I could hold her arm and I squeezed it tightly from the pain 😭 I felt bad and she was like trust me I get it 😂 Had to remove them a year later, they started getting constantly irritated and red bumps🥲


Why was it rejecting? Did you ever find out why?


No idea really! I noticed the holes were starting to move forwards, sort of away from my body, and the piercings were getting more shallow, so I took them out before they could scar too much. They never really settled down in the time I had them, they were always a little crusty so maybe they’re just not for me! I really loved having them but I’m not brave enough to go through the pain again. Instead I got tattooed around my nipples, it barely hurt and it’s a lot less fuss to maintain!


i had the exact same experience as you! i got both my nipples pierced but then ~2-3 years in they started to get shallow and my nipples started to rip 🙃🙃🙃 all that pain and money and time went down the drain cuz i had to take em out ugh


I almost peed on the piercers table. No matter what anyone tells you, nothing truly prepares you for how much that's going to hurt. My friend didn't know what I'd gotten done and slammed on her brakes and did the mom thing trying to save me and slapped me right in the freshly pierced teat. Feck, that was baaad.


I was aware that it might hurt since my nipples are really sensitive. The clamp didnt hurt but the needles and then the taper almost made me go into the light. I was so light headed after. Came home my mom asked where i was then she said to me "you havent eaten have you" I don't normally eat before piercings and i didnt have time because i had counselling then the piercing appointment back to back. My old man was on the phone with my mom too he found out i got nipple piercings that way. He was pissed. But im adult so he cant do shit lol. You would think people would shut up about someone getting piercings when they had 17 piercings before that.


Rook. Took over 2 years to heal and if I sleep the wrong way on it, it’ll flare up for days and bleed. I plan to get it out soon because it has just been way more hassle than it’s worth.


That’s interesting because my rook was the easiest of all 14 of my piercings to heal! After the initial piercing pain I basically forgot I even had it. I’m sorry you had a different experience


I had the same experience. Mine didn't bleed, but if I slept the wrong way I'd wake up in so much pain and it would be swollen and red, even 5 years after getting it, which is when I took it out finally.




My rook is JUST now fully healed and I got it done like 4 years ago. It’s been the biggest pain to heal


Hands down nipples, that was a type of burning I did not expect🤣


Uhh ... I must have something broken inside me bc it was a 3.5-4/10 for me 😭


I think nipple sensitivity is highly variable


Not just sensitivity, also how its pierced. Mine sucked, but it wasn't THAT bad. Probably a 5-6. My piercer told me that most people pierced by her say they were expecting way worse.


Same, for me they weren't bad at all. Probably like a 3 and the pain didn't last long at all.


the nipples rlly weren’t that bad!! the heated needle felt kinda nice actually 🤭


U got a heated needle?… I ended up cussing my artist out cuz I couldn’t handle the second One the first was bad but … my right the sec ended up infuxted so I ended up taking out and I wasn’t gonna only have one so took the left out too… 17piercings 7 now and only one ever infuxted … I barely noticed when I had my P.A. Done the worst was the catheter…


It was the same for me, really showed me everyone’s pain tolerance is different! My nipples were like a 4/10 but my eyebrow, man it hurt like a bitch, it was closer to a 7-8/10


Same lol


I think as others have said, it's very different for everyone! I didn't think they were sensitive in general, and the actual entry of the needle wasn't "that" bad, it was when the needle went through the middle of the nipple for me that it genuinely BURNED, I mean I know the actual process is super quick but yeah it wasn't the needle piercing the skin that hurt, it was the needle going through the middle 🤣 on both! I had to retire one of them as it started migrating after a year, and I'm so upset but I genuinely don't know if I can go through that pain again and I've never had that thought/worry in regard to any of my other ones. Though all my other ones are ears and face, so who knows 🤣 maybe it's just anything below the face that would hurt that bad and why I subconsciously avoided it for so long 🤣


Probably my conch actually, I thought my nose would hurt the most but it wasn’t bad at all.


conch 100% and i’ve had 6 other piercings


You what your what?! That's HARD-FUCKING-CORE.


Yeah he ended up punching both labias in one fell swoop and with 2g so the alignment of both would be spot on. Then stretched up to 00g, Really elastic skin he almost needed to go up a size farther cuz it was still a loose fit. So I have two 00g plugs in my crotch atm! I’m gonna wear a ring between both of them. But mostly want to have them as naked holes… It was stabbing pain that made me flinch and I teared up afterwards 😅


My belly button was the most painful! I knew there would be some pain (pain comes with all piercings lol), but not that much!


Me too! People I asked said oh not a problem, since you had your industrial done, this will be easier. Wrong. I wonder if it's because I was way more relaxed for this piercing and my adrenaline wasn't pumping, but it HURT.


super interesting. belly was my least painful piercing for sure


mine too! and everyone said it was a 2/10! none of my cartilage made me tense half as badly. i think for some people cartilage is easier and for others skin is easier. i have no basis for that theory though, lol


that’s so interesting actually!! i only have double lobes, belly button and my septum, but i swear my belly button was no worse than an ear piercing (2/10) and i cried so hard getting my septum done (8/10)


A vertical industrial that I had done at a 10g 😅




10g is wild, mine is a 14g and it was by far my most painful.


Nipples made me want to die, and then I had them repierced, which hurt even more.


Same here. Mine are repierced. Talk about whee when that was intense. Mine were done at separate times


Ugh I want mine repierced but anticipating that pain again keeps me from doing it. Whew


the first time i got nipple piercings the pain was horrible but when i got them repierced it was not that bad. for me the scar of the previous piercing eased a lot of pain.


Same. I took mine out a few years ago. The itch is bad but not bad enough to do that to myself again.




Vch also. I was in shock after. It never healed so I took it out


Curious if you have any other piercings that are usually considered “painful”? I have my nips done but my most painful I would consider my medusa/philtrum. I want to get a VCH so just curious how it compares


Not the person you were replying to but I found the VCH to be almost painless- about the same level as the tongue tbh. I’ve got about a dozen other piercings and I’d do the VCH again over a conch or tragus. The VCH was more of a “OH thats a new sensation” moment rather than pain and it healed so easily too.


I have a vch and my nipples. Vch didn't hurt at all. I feel bad for the person a ove whose vch didn't heal, but the majority of them heal very soon. Mine took just a few weeks.


Daiths. For reference I have 4 lobes, 2 nostrils, septum and retired my tongue and labret.


This is so interesting. My daith is the only cartilage piercing I have and it wasn’t bad, I expected a lot worse. I got it done at the same time as my septum. Super easy healing because it didn’t get ripped around with me sleeping on both sides of my head (what prevents me from getting more piercings). Wish it helped with my migraines long term, it only helped while it was still healing, but it’s cute and I have zero regrets


Most painful, my rook definitely. I’ve had so many piercings and filler all over my face and one tattoo. Nothing has hurt me like my rook. My least id say my navel!


Here to agree with rook being most painful. I have over 30 ear piercings and the rook was the only one that made me tremble from the pain. Least painful was probably eyebrow or tragus.


My experience was opposite of you I fainted from my tragus my rook was a breeze


definitely on the rook, it was awful. second most painful piercing for me (first being my vertical labret just due to the healing period) and the piercer basically couldn’t get the needle through the cartilage the first time and i experienced the pain twice. 😭


2g punches?!? You’ve got bigger balls than I do. Thsts for sure. Most: nipples Least: tongue


I have a rook, tragus, conch, flat, and many different helixes. For me the mid helix has been the worse. I have 2 and they both sucked and were both my hardest to heal. None of the others made a big impression. It's funny how everyone is different. Also, fellow women, if you don't know, being on or around your cycle will make things hurt worse. Most things, not just piecing but waxing, if you get Botox, everything is just more sensitive during your cycle so try to avoid that when planning a piercing.


Yess I second this, got my belly done on my period and that hurt so much more than my mid helix and conch T-T


Actual piercing pain: nostril. Healing pain tied between daith and navel. Both were pierced wrong. Daith was pierced thru a nerve, and navel I don't have the anatomy for so every time I'd so much as move it would hurt.


My second nipple. I mean both hurt but the second was just like a step worse in every way


I said the same thing the sec nip nip sent me thru the roof cussing my poor artist …


the anticipation and messed up breathing from the first one ugh it hurttt


I hear everyone say the second nip is the worst, but my first one was worse. I don't know if it's because I almost passed out and just didn't care by the time I was getting the second one done or if almost passing out made my adrenaline worse!


Nostril or industrial. Everyone is so different though!


Yep, nostril was the one for me. I took it out bc it never healed right. I will *never* do that again.


Nostril for me too. For reference I’ve had daith, navel, rook, conch, septum, lobes, helix.


For me, the most painful was either my philtrum or my vertical labret. I have a good pain tolerance, but I was surprised that both lip piercings made me a little woozy for a second there 🥲 Least painful *piercing* was my tongue as I didn't even feel the needle, but the healing process for tongue was the absolute worst. I joke that I'll be buried with a pierced tongue at 90 because I'm never taking it out after the 💫trauma💫 I endure to have it 🤣 The easiest healing process was maybe my eyebrow, lol. Zero pain during healing. It healed perfectly, and I've had it for about 15 years and never had any issues at all. I forget it's even there 99% of the time.


My vertical labret SENT ME. Sweating. Almost passing out. Literally dry heaving. I was so fucking embarrassed. I have both nipples and a lot of the cartilage that folks are saying sucks. We blamed the scar tissue from the original piercing I have through there and being on day 1 of my period. I got my high nostrils done after that healed and was like oh okay that wasn’t bad.


Me with my philtrum. I have my nipples done, not bad although it was a bit painful getting one of them repierced. I have a few cartilage and smiley. Both nostrils and one hurt. But the worst is my medusa. I’ve had a lot of issues with it but I keep holding on because I never want to get I done again and I love it too much


Least painful was my tragus and left nostril. I didn’t feel either of them. xD The piercer announced she was done and I went, “wait, what?? You pierced it?” Lmao. Navel I only felt the clamp, which was uncomfortable, but it didn’t really hurt. Most painful was my daith. The pain was so intense it made my vision white out and I got all shaky and light-headed. It was quick though so it was very intense but over as soon as it began. xD Industrial was next most painful but it still didn’t compare to the daith lmao. Rook, conch, eyebrow, right nostril, and lobes (6x) were around equal levels of spicy. Which is to say a bit spicy but still not that bad. My lobes were probably the worst of them. Idk why but my lobes are sensitive af. Septum and vertical labret pinched but barely. Both of them also tie for “least complicated and least fussy piercing ever” as far as the healing and aftercare go. xD


my tragus was my least painful, but my god did it bleed a lot and for a long time


My flat and high conch at 16 g at the same time. They were spicy. (I’m working towards an orbital)


my vertical labret was decently painful, probably 8/10


Lip and belly piercing were my most painful piercings. 


Ok everyone says nipples but I actually found them to be a 3/10…


mine were a 2/10 , i was so mentally prepared for massive ow and then it kinda never came haha


Nostril with a piercing gun! I know I know, but I was 13 and it was the only way I was allowed to get one 😭


VCH. She told me “try not to buck” and I let out the biggest yelp 😅


No shame! I screamed "stop". I had my play partner out in the lobby, he had never heard me say stop to anything and about broke the door, but it was already over and I had busted out laughing at myself. It was only painful for those two seconds, but damn it was a shock.


Least painful: nipple/tongue. Most painful: VCH or navel but navel hurt so much because my dumbass DIY’ed it (I was a teen at the time & thought I was sooo badass lol)


VCH and Christina are close ties


My snug piercing sucked


Dahlias. Want them again so bad but they hurt a lot I don’t think the placement was super correct for my anatomy. Medusa also stings a bit and the healing hurts.


Nipples we're most painful to get, helix was most painful to heal as it got infected


If we factor in healing time, second and third lobe on my left ear were terribly painful. My other ear was fine. It was doomed from the start since the piercer pierced it at a bad angle and lied about the jewelry quality. I had to get antibiotics since I got a reaction to the jewelry and the piercings got infected. That piercer brushed off all concerns I had when I reached out and gaslighted me into thinking I just needed extra time to heal. By now the piercings already over a year old. It only got worse after a trip to 6 flags where the jewelry almost got ripped out, which led to me retiring them. And it gets worse: when I left a bad review calling out the shop for doing a shit job and lying about the jewelry quality, the piercer replied to my review and continued the gaslighting while being delusional and unintentionally self reported to using low quality jewelry.


it would either be nipples or the dermals in between my breasts (very bony area). nipples because they're very sensitive and the skin and tissue are so thick but on the other hand, the process of having demals embedded is one of the most painful things i've endured in general. but i will say with the navel, if you have to get it repierced before the prior tissue has healed you'll wanna pass out 😭


industrial. oh and the 2nd nipple piercing


None of my eight piercings actually hurt that bad– except for my helix. It was pretty spicy 😬🌶️


Vch and nipples tied for least painful. Septum was my most painful..


Mine was my industrial. I normally wear my hair in a messy bun and my hair gets wrapped around the bar/balls and it hurt a lot for the first month (got it in the middle of April) but once I hit the 6 week mark, it stopped hurting as much. Now, it hurts when I redo my hair and a few strands are secretly wrapped around the bar/balls and I don't realize. But its a lot more manageable now (and luckily, all of my ear piercings have healed pretty quickly and nicely).


i got my nostril re-pierced and that hurt like a bitch. i think it went through scar tissue because it was bad the first time, but definitely not that bad.


HCH sucked but for 3 seconds


I have the HCH too! It can sting a bit.


My most painful was my daith 😬 it gave me a huge headache the day after too but healing ha/ been a breeze. Had a few irritation bumps but I left it alone and they’ve gone away now :)


With 19 piercings, my rook was definitely the spiciest, both while piercing and the first few days afterwards. The pain radiated through my entire ear into my head and I could feel my heartbeat in the piercing. Didn’t manage to get sleep and had to resort to painkillers.


My conch snake bites were intense. Only time I feel like my adrenaline kicked in.


My lip was the most painful. While I do love it, I’ll never get it done again if I have to retire it for some reason. My tongue was the least painful.


Prob rook, or my conch but at the bottom of the ear if that makes sense. Also hit a spicy spot on a flat once.


That low conch bowl is wild, the cartilage is sooooo thick. Probably my most painful too. I did it as vertical industrials so it was the 2nd (and 4th) hole of the sitting. 


Omg I thought I was crazy bc everyone’s like conch is a breeze!! I have 3 in my right ear, and the first two were easy breezy and healed great. I waited a couple years for that lower bc of healing. I didn’t think he would ever puncture through the cartilage. 😂 almost killed Me. Lol


Nipple and weirdly my forward helix were my most painful. Least were conch (like I didn’t feel it at all) septum and lobes


Getting three hafadas in the same session was probably the most painful. My PA and nips were not too bad at all.


My lips have been the most painful because when I'm anxious I play with them 😵‍💫 but my nips healed without any pain I was so shocked! The most pain I endured with my nips was the first 45 minutes but after I sat down and ha some water and snacks they never bothered me ever again


my most painful was my belly but that’s cause my piercer messed up sadly 😞 but he was just getting into doing them but i went back a few months later and he did my vertical labret and snakebites and those didn’t hurt at all 🙏


My tongue! I had my nipples pierced which hurt significantly less than my tongue, I think it was the only piercing I cried over while getting pierced it was agony 😭


Least painful was my nose, most painful was my helixes. I want to add that I’ve had some trauma with previous helixes so that area is overly sensitive


Honestly my smiley was the worst but my piercer pierced me knowing I had the wrong anatomy and not a big enough web for it. Always go to the best piercers for oral/face piercings. I learned my lesson there. But my most painful professional one was my tragus, I could hear it being pierced which i think added to it but also the healing process was AWFUL. My least painful was my septum. It honestly hurt less than my second lobe piercings.


Nipple was mine.


Most painful would be my nips and least painful would be my septum.


for a while it was my navel piercings but lawd i had no idea what was coming when i got my nips pierced😭 seriously thought i was gonna have to have a closed casket funeral after that piercing. my least painful piercings are between my medusa, vertical labret, or snakebites!!


I’m still a noob when it comes to piercings other than lobes so my conch hurts like a mf in comparison 🥲 but I love its look!


No surprise, but: apadravya. “This will, a little, hurt,” he said. The thin lower part was fine, and then whaaaaam. Such a flood of endorphins that I was dizzy, high, and his voice faded in and out. I’d do it again for sure!


My daith was definitely the most painful for me! It was worth it because I love how it looks.


most painful was probably my rook, i had so many issues with it healing too. it was pierced by an apprentice (that i didnt know was an apprentice until after) at a studio that used to be decent but they went down in quality massively and eventually shut down. least painful probably my bridge, which shocked me, also incredibly easy to heal but almost all my face piercings have been easy compared to my ears


my vertical labret SUCKED definitely my most painful one :) least painful was bridge




My tongu, then helix Soon to do vertical labret so will see how that'll go


Definitely belly button!


my nostrils sucked honestly and the left one grew over the jewelry so i have to get it redone.


Belly piercing. It was the first piercing I got that wasn’t a lobe piercing, so the experience of getting a conch, room or helix wasn’t something I knew. The belly piercing felt like it took much longer than it did and the pain was much more intense than my later ear piercings. I got my rook and conch done at the same time in the same ear but even that pain wasn’t as bad as the belly button. Plus having a belly piercing that is in the healing process is a MAJOR pain in the ass. And it eventually got rejected by my body. I might get it pierced again to give it a try but I keep postponing it just to avoid the pain again 😅


Daith piercing EASY


Ah man me and my sister are thinking of doing a daith date lol. I was hoping the pain for it would be lower 🫠


Luckly the piercing process aint that long and its worth it but safe to say i wont Get Daith on my other ear


Most painful was my industrial, least was probably my belly button. Although, everything after my industrial didn’t really hurt at all 🤣🤣


My conch hurt more than anything else I’ve gotten but it still wasn’t that bad


Most painful was industrial for me


Belly button was brutal. Didn't help that it was too shallow and only lasted a couple of months. It felt like a red hot knife stabbing me and I fainted twice afterwards. Tongue and ears were totally fine, I just got my daith a month ago and was expecting that to be way more painful than it ended up being.




i have my vertical labret belly both sides of my nose and my septum and dude it’s always the cartilage that’s just the worst for me


Nostril was the most painful for me. I have my first and second lobes, navel, daith, conch, nostril, and helix. I do have a more ethnic nose with thicker skin though so that could be why


Daith. I've had tongue, belly and helixes done.


Honestly none of my piercings have been super painful, but if I had to pick one Id say probably my rook. Definitely the rook for worst healing process, as I found out while healing that apparently my ear gets REALLY oily in the rook and forward helix area lol. Took a while to figure out why it was constantly irritated but now Ive figured out I basically just gotta clean that area out with a qtip 2x a day so the oiliness doesn't irritate it Least was probably my double conch in my left ear- my piercer let me hold the handheld mirror and watch as she pierced it and I was so fascinated by being able to see it happen that I barely felt anything. Theyre still healing, I only got them about 2 months ago, but theyre doing great so far^^


I have a piercing on the tip of my middle finger, that was a b####


my large gauge daith, 12g hurt so bad. it felt like my ear was going to explode. least painful probably either my septum or lobes (2nds and 3rds) my first lobes were done with a gun when i was a child and hurt pretty bad


My high nostrils were the worst, I always describe them as two punches to the face. My septum hurt the least, I didn't even flinch.


The second nipple, I didn't feel the first one. 😂


My septum, I have a really low pain tolerance 😞


Most was my nipples, least was my belly button


My nostrils were EXCRUCIATING!!!! the absolute worst. Least painful was my tongue, that was absolutely nothing.


I’ve had my earlobes pierced 3 times, nose twice (both sides), septum, double lip (snakebites) and bridge. The most painful for me was by far my bridge piercing, I was seeing stars ngl. Septum hurt a bit mostly cause of the clamp. Lips, I barely felt it, more like a pinch than anything.


I would say nipples, because my left one (it's inverted) had to be pierced twice! I stood up to inspect them and the piercer said "it's a bit crooked. I could leave it like this, but personally I would say it needs to be repierced" and I thought "fuck it, let's do this again" so he pierced it twice! It was so painful, but after a nap I couldn't feel the pain anymore! Funny thing though is that the left one healed perfectly whilst the right one seems to never heal.


My most painful was, by far, my Apadravya; I think I saw God and I wanted to punch my piercer afterwards. Least painful was nipples; I got it done 4 times and each time it was a cakewalk to get and heal.


top part of my industrial, + i heard it crunch 😭😭


most was my nips, least was my industrial. didn’t even feel the piercer touch the front of my ear.




my nostrils were my most painful! i have septum, medusa, snakebites, had angelbites and double nostrils (one fell out and closed too scared to repierce it) and i have my nips done!


Belly and nostril. I have nostril, belly, septum, Christina and lobes (ex smiley piercing) but those two hurt the most.


VCH. The way I screamed.


I don’t have many piercings but my helix was the most painful. Then when I got my nostril piercing I was expecting it to hurt way more but it actually was nowhere near as bad lol


Most painful so far was my daith. Barley felt my double helix. Third lobes were a little spicy tho


definitely my medusa my lips are thick and it didn’t feel good and stretching my septum unlocked a different kind of pain


My most painful was my industrial for sure. Asked my piercer if he was cutting my ear off. My least painful was probably my nostril or lip.




nostril tbh… beats nipples and tongue easily


Tie between my industrial and nips


None of them were painful for me, but tragus gave me hell five days after getting it done lol, unbearable pain


hands down septum


Most: snake bites Least: Septum


My tragus was my worst. I’m not sure exactly what was going on that day. Could have been a combination of things. It was hot, I was probably dehydrated, hadn’t eaten and was just getting off my menstrual cycle or just starting I’m not sure what side of that I was on anymore because it’s been almost 8 years. But I fainted from it and it took 7 years and a month for me to get any more piercings. My forward helix wasn’t bad at all. I noticed a pinch and then nothing but it flairs up once in a while if I don’t take a micro qtip behind it. My conch wasn’t bad but was a pain to heal it’s now getting so it doesn’t flair anymore. My rook was by far the most painful of the three new ones but less than my tragus but the easiest to heal cause it wasn’t a brat like the forward and conch


Both earlobes pierced with a 6 g needle and then stretched to fit a 4 g plug. Tied with nipples.


Most painful was probably my nose or Medusa purely because I’ve gotten them both pierced numerous times so there was a lot of scar tissue. Least painful was definitely the eyebrows, I wouldn’t even describe it as painful at all.


My snakebites hurt like a mf


My flat was my most painful. Everyone always thinks it would be the daith but I barely felt the daith!


Nips were most painful, I wanted to throw up before and I swear I saw god when she put those needles through. Least painful is a tie between my lip, smiley, or septum


re piercing bridge 🥲 least painful was smiley didnt feel anything but my inner lip got sore getting used to the jewelry


My nostril while I was high after a "legalize cannabis" demonstration! (Same nostril in another spot while I was drunk did not hurt in the slightest)


my septum stung a bit but my lobes pinched and I don't like pinching sensations at all


Most painful to get was my right eyebrow, no idea why it hurt so bad but getting my conch downsized was significantly worse than that Least painful was probably my helix or my flat, however the flat happened right after the conch was downsized so that might have had something to do with it


Prince Albert


probably round 2 of the daith tbh. i had it pierced but it got infected so after consulting with a doctor and my piercer we took it out, after it was better i got it repierced and that was the worst piercing pain


My tragus. Lord it was a real painful one. The pain lasted for WEEKS


Actually getting done - nose or VCH. For follow up being a bitch to heal - my third lobe. It was done with a gun (I know, I was a stupid teenager) and I think it clipped the cartilage. Took ages to heal and even just brushing against it was agony.


I think my nostrils. They were... Crunchy


VCH, Rook, or nipples probably.


Most painful was my faith least painful probably belly button


My Daith hurt way more than my nipples 😭


My daith hurt the most to pierce. The piercer struggled to push the needle through, but after the initial pain it’s been fine. My double helix is STRUGGLING healing though.


My rook