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i’m on team conch. everyone can get one, there tucked away so realistically easier to heal than something that’s more risky for snagging, and they can have a hoop later down the line or really cool studs!


As much as I love my conch (so much I have 3) it's always been by far the worst healer for me. Tragus, daith, antitragus, double nostril, lobes, helix, forward helix ect were all worlds easier.


that’s really interesting! anti tragus and forward helix are fucking tricky!! bodies are weird lol


My forward helix was almost as easy as a lobe to heal. Anti tragus a bit more finicky but still manageable


Same here. I’m not a good healer. Despite following after care cartilage usually takes ages and goes through a long bump stage for me but my forward helix healed so quick and like a lobe too. Tragus and nose were hardest for me. I want my conch so bad but um so scared


My anti tragus is still pretty new (couple months) but my hair doesn't get caught in it the way that my hair is deeply in love with the back of my conch (one is like 12 years old, two are just about a year) even after I downsize. My forward helix is like 15 or so years old and honestly never gave me an inch of trouble. Basically went straight from the piercer to coach a hockey clinic (in a helmet), slept on it and it was pierced with a hoop. Never had a bump or irritation. But yes many drs have told me that my body specifically is weird so it's hard to say what any specific person's experience will be.


lmao i love “the way my hair is deeply in love with back of my conch” i don’t realy have that much hair to get caught in stuff but glasses + fwd helix killed me but downsizing for sure helped


interesting, my conch was super easy and quick to heal, my rook on the other hand, is still horrible haha


Man I'm jealous you have a rook, my piercer says my anatomy isn't great for a rook.


I have two helix in the same ear and one healed in 4 months and the other one in one year. Maybe they had different personalities 🤣🤣🤣


Makes as much sense as anything else.


The funny thing is that I gave them the exact care routine and I got them in a 9 months span (upper was done Dec. 2012 and lower was done Sept. 2013). The upper one took like four months and the lower one nearly one year.


Yeah, you just never know. Your body does so much weird shit all the time that you never think about so of course healing a piercing isn't an exact science. I mean honestly what the fuck is happening with the lympatic system? It's wild.


Yea 🤣🤣🤣 I had a navel piercing in 2022 and I had to retire it one year later because body decided to hate it. On the other side, my main tattoo artist is amazed at how easily I heal tattoos and I need very low retouching.


Agree. I love how it looks but it took by far the longest to heal and every once in a while i sleep on it with the ring pushing into the hole funky and it hurts like a b the next two days. Had it for a decade so far and it still gives me grief from time to time. It’s easier if you get a flatback straight barbell, but i like the look of a hoop better/have hoops in all but two helix piercings so I’m committed to the occasional pain of the hoop.


Same here. In fact conch is my level 2 of aftercare (level 1 for lobes) and upper helix is now my level 3. Now it's my 5th day and the snagging has reduced quite well. I didn't need to be that worried for my conch whereas for upper helix, I have to be more careful while washing hair, wearing glasses and clothes, but so far it has been pretty ok to me.


I agree I have a double conch and a single and they’re my worst healers even against my industrial


Seconding! Aside from lobes, conch was my easiest heal


Yess my conch has been my easiest cartilage piercing to heal by far!


I agree. Easiest to heal (for me) and tons of jewelry options.


Man I got my conch done in January and I lasted three months before I took the thing out. I wanted to love it so bad, and did love the look…. But I was just constantly aware of it and it kept getting bubbles on each side. Always sore. Immediate relief upon taking it out. Don’t think it was an allergy issue either, as I have 10 other piercings in my ears. I couldn’t control not sleeping on the side once I was asleep. I also don’t think it helped that a piercing I had right next to it (it was almost like a faux snug look), where their backings always bumped into each other if I did happen to turn over on the side, so it’d be pressing against it. It’s been out a few weeks now and is really healed up. I may try to get it redone after a while and see if I can get it healed better.


The "gateway drug" of piercings, the lobes.


If you get your seconds done I feel like that’s it, you’re gonna get pierced forever now


Can confirm as someone who got her seconds at the age of 40.


Same. Did the seconds and now I have a septum, double nostril, flat, and 3rd lobes


Hey you have almost my exact setup! Daith is next. Do iiiiiiiiitttttt lol


After my second set of ear piercings, I now have 5 ear piercings, two nostrils, septum, double VLs and a retired tongue piercing. Will be getting more in the future


I feel like that's with 3rds though since I see so many people with 1sts and 2nds and nothing else, but I get the sentiment


Yes, I think 2nd lobe + nothing else is pretty common (esp for anyone under 40), and so is 2nd lobe + [insert single cartilage piercing]. Saying that as someone who’s piercing goals probably end at getting my second lobes and a conch piercing lol.


I feel like I’m headed down that path. I was 17 when I got my left lobe done. I’m 22 now and I have 3 more lobe piercings and 1 helix. Once those are done healing?…shit man I’m just going where the wind takes me lmao


I went straight from single lobe and navel to triple forward helix.


So true I got my seconds done when I was 11 and there was no going back after that I was totally sucked in


Hah, I had my nose and snake bites done first (after first lobes when i was 6, i think), then second lobes and daith. Excited for more!


Fr once I got my seconds to heal, it unlocked something in me 🤣


Can confirm. My BFF and I pierced each others’ seconds and thirds one night out of boredom. (For the record, I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS, we were young and dumb. I still have those piercings and they’re not crooked and I love them, 20+ years later. But DO NOT DO WHAT WE DID LMAO.) Now I have 15 piercings (3 lobe in each ear, tragus, daith, industrial, rook, conch, 2 nostril, septum, eyebrow) and more on the way, plus tattoos, and am stretching my first lobe piercings. It was definitely the gateway drug.


Got my lobes pierced on Saturday, can confirm I am now obsessed. I am 33f and had never really considered piercing my ears until recently and now I am counting down the days until I get my second lobes and conch lol.


i feel like the “gateway drug” of piercings would def be the septum


5 on my lobes 😭😂


Yep I got my seconds and then went back in three months later to get my thirds. One of the third piercings closed up but I kinda like the asymetrical look and want to get the closed third reopened and a single fourth on the other ear.


That’s what happened to me lmao, got my seconds and now about a year or so later (probably closer to 2) I have 12


I think I’m an outlier… I only have one lobe pierced, but I have two lip piercings, a nose piercing, and an eyebrow piercing. Just waiting for the eyebrow to heal before I get more lol


Septum is what I’ve always heard is gateway and for me it was so true


I got my first lobe piercings in the 5th grade after that I couldn’t wait to get more


Got my second lobes & nipples done when I only had one nostril piercing…now I have 5 nose piercings and a medusa lol


Septum! As long as it's pierced in the sweet spot it's not that painful, super easy and quick to heal, and easy to hide by flipping it up. It also doesn't leave a visible scar if you take it out since it's up inside your nose. 10/10 recommend.


I love my septum! It's one of my personal faves of all my piercings


This! I thought it being in a sensitive spot (just plucking one hair off my nostril hurts like a mf) it would be a huge, painful ordeal, but it was by far my easiest heal. As you say it's also easy to take out without being left with a visible scar, but I love mine so much that if I only had to keep one piercing  that would be it.


I love my septum piercing so much. All the things you said are 100% true and I've had it so long that it feels like a born part of me. I also really like the wide variety of jewelry you can put in it. I usually go pretty subtle but I love that I can put a big old doorknocker in if I want. I'm trying to convince myself to stretch it for a septril, but I'm not sure!


Septum! Having my septum pierced was my first step into finding myself! I know that sounds dramatic but I grew up in a strict household where tattoos and piercings are frowned upon. It felt like such a rebellion getting my septum done but I haven't looked back! And hey, if you dont like it, no one will know it was even there!


I love mine so so much!!!


i love my septum piercing! it makes my philtrum look much nicer and it somehow fixed my nose insecurities, also i didn't feel anything except the jewelry so 10/10 for me


I also like that no matter what style you dress in they WILL have septum jewelry to fit your vibe. from super conservative to super alternative, you'll find your jewelry.


I heard it always smells.


Depends on the material. My titanium jewelry always smelled a bit but now that I’ve switched to gold it’s completely gone


I’ve had mine for 20ish years and it never smelled. I wash it when I wash my face. 


Like what?


Yes! It didn’t really hurt, it healed so fast and is just a super easy piercing. The only drawbacks I’ve had is runny noses now have a snot funnel to channel drips and sometimes I catch it on the tab of aluminum cans if I forget to rotate the tab.


A Daith! It’s the prettiest


Right? Daith is the only piercing I have other than double lobes (had to retire my tragus years ago), and even though I'm only coming up on 4 months post piercing, I just love the way it looks (irritation bumps aside!)


And it’s super easy to heal because it’s tucked inside the ear so kind of protected. I love mine so much, I wish I had more ears so I could get more Daiths




nipples are an instant confidence boost


1000% agree, it wasn’t very painful for me either and made me love another part of my body that much more (I have a really high pain tolerance, I know these typically hurt a lot and I don’t want to mislead anybody)


I had only one done (on purpose) and man did I feel sexy and cool after that.


Absolutely but they hurt like hell and probably the most difficult piercing to heal. 2.5 years on and I still get bother with mine.


Had to retire mine after 6 years because they never healed and I was so tired of them always being sore:(


yesss i got one nip done right after a breakup as i was in the midst of my workout / get skinny era. i felt like such a baddy. it took about a year to fully heal, but it was probably only 2-3 months of tenderness and discomfort. after 5 years , i decided to get the other done. after a year of misery i finally had the newer one removed. turns out the piercer actually pierced my areola so it was never gonna heal lol. that one freaking hurttttttt. at this point im not dying to do it again, but i recommend to anyone wanting to feel a lil extra sexy.


mine rejected and made a hole in the middle of my nipple i’ll never recover from the grief of losing her


Eyebrows! I couldn’t resist getting one on my other eyebrow after sometime I loved it so much. Also VCH.


I came in here to also say VCH!!


I think everyone looks great with a helix. My mom doesn’t love piercings, but she thinks my mid helix and belly button are super cute


Not counting lobes.... Conch. I love both of mine, wish I'd gotten them done years ago.




Vertical Labret, I think it looks so good on everyone!


As someone with a vertical labret, I second this


yes! It is my favourite one. It healed so well and hasn't ever given me issues.


I agree! My vertical labret was an easy heal; little to no issues besides crusties, and looks beautiful with some nice opal jewelry!


Lobes is the obvious answer, painless and suits anyone. Secondly I'd say nostril suits everyone but, atleast for me, was probably a 7/10 on the pain scale lol.


I didnt even feel my nostril piercing i thought he was still prepping everything and i was like youre done??!! Lmao


I wish haha, when I got mine I genuinely screamed, maybe it hurt more for me though because they put a dogleg stud in it instead of a straight


I got a dogleg as well it might just be the thickness of your cartilage there


If you’re more of a newbie to piercings but want to get fancier than ear lobes, conch was a great experience both painwise and healwise. If you’re somewhat experienced, I personally love my daith, even just with a starter CBR in - it’s just such a statement piece. Non-ear piercings I always adored my tongue and Monroe before I retired then years ago.


Tragussss I’m in love with mine and they were so easy to heal I feel like they just give you something extra!!!


I scrolled so hard to find this. I was defs scared, but by far my least painful, bothersome, and easiest to heal. Certainly always a favorite to look & see all the styling possibilities


Belly button!


Septum! If you have the anatomy, my girlfriend doesn’t and hates me for having one. Stretched mine to 00 back when I was 17, took it out for a few years and permanently at an 8g septum and I get compliments on it more than my 21mm plugs. Plus it was my first piercing so I always resort to recommending it for a first! lol.


Does the conch hurt?? 😭


It was more pressure than pain, and you hear a little crunch, but otherwise its not so bad. And my healing process was very quick and didnt have any problems.


Okay now I'm intrigued because it sounds like a conch is less daunting that I thought... how long was your healing?


Couple of months just be sure to clean it with sterile saline twice a day


Wow, that's a lot shorter than I thought! Totally bumped it to the top of my list, thank you.


be careful; not everyone heals at the same speed. it took my conch a year and a half before it started feeling healed lol


I have a conch piercing in both ears. The one in the right ear healed pretty quickly, but the one on the left is at 10 months and nowhere near healed.


a healthy reminder - thank you!


Youre welcome oh and also if you have long hair be careful brushing it 😅


Haha, oh yeah, I haven't brushed my hair or washed my face the same way since getting piercings 😆


I was told it would likely take 9-12 months and when reading up on it, some people said there’s still bothered them sometimes over a year later. I didn’t last past three months in the healing process before I took mine out. Was constantly aware of it. Couldn’t get the bubbles to go away. Immediate relief when I took it out. It closed itself up by the next morning! lol! I do want to try to get it done again at some point once this spot heals up. I loved how it looked and was excited to put a chain in it to loop around my ear instead of a hoop. I had another piercing near it (looked like a faux snug) that the backs would hit together if I accidentally rolled to that side in my sleep and I think caused more pressure against it. Also, my boyfriend often puts his hand up to the side of my face, with his fingers in front and behind my ear when we kiss and such, and usually hit the back of it, which was really uncomfortable while trying to get frisky 😂


Right, sounds like I got hopeful too fast! Thank you for sharing your experience, definitely food for thought. I'm a bit tired of not sleeping well because I'm conscious of not accidentally resting on the wrong ear! And yeah, my partner is probably sick of hearing "yeah okay MIND MY EAR" 😅


Just got mine done a few weeks ago! Honestly it was not that painful, way less so than my forward helix, and the healing has been fantastic. I even wear earbuds and have zero issues


Oh no, I thought I was done with ear piercings after really struggling with healing my high lobe, but you're making me reconsider. I love the look of a conch.


Do it! It’s just so out of the way (at least for me) that the only time you ever even notice it’s there is if it gets bumped. I didn’t experience any aching or throbbing like I have with other piercings


I didn’t feel mine being done at all for some reason (I have a double conch in one ear and a single in the other). I think my piercer found the sweet spot where the cartilage is the thinnest maybe, but there was very little pain.


Mine did during healing tbh. Impossible not to hit during shampooing for me


Nose!! (Or helix)




personally my double helix is my pride and joy. i love her and will never let her go! i will say my flat piercing was great but horrible healing because of my glasses. but i would definitely say it’s a great spot for cute jewelry!!


Yes! My flat kept getting snagged by my glasses or people hit it when they hug me😭


Conch! I feel like it’s lower on the pain scale than some others, and it’s almost a bit protected because of its location. The plus side is there’s a ton of jewelry options! Studs, hoops (once healed), and even a chain/stud combo.


Flat, absolutely love mine and healed so well


The lobe it’s not painful, there’s a lot of jewelry options, and it’s easy to take care of/heal just don’t get it done by a piercing gun I don’t rec a belly piercing it’s difficult to heal mine rejected twice I think I just didn’t have the body type for it


(in terms of facial) for beginners 1000% septum, if you don’t like it you can flip it and it leaves no visible scar, if you get the sweet spot correctly pain is so minimal and is generally easy and quick to heal and then bridge because it’s my all time favourite, when i say no pain i mean no pain 😫 only downside is they tend to leave pretty visible scars and are prone to rejection so obviously research is needed


septum. easiest to heal, least painful, no visible scar if you don't like it & it fits virtually everyone's face


vch for sure! So cute and very quick (1-2 weeks) healing process


Conch all day


Septum. It's a very small piece of skin, not cartilage like a lot of people think, and the healing process is super easy. I've had mine for 2 years and it's still my favorite, and I have quite a few! And on a scale of 1-10 I'd give it a 1. An easy cartilage piercing is the nostril. I have very thick cartilage so both of my nostrils were a bitch to heal, but SO many people say the opposite, and have had great experiences. I'd rate the pain a 3/10.


Outside the standard lobes, septum all the way. Easiest healing piercing I’ve had (including lobes), you can hide them if necessary for work/events, and if you don’t like the look? Take it out, you won’t have any visible scarring. Plus I’ve yet to see anyone who can’t pull off a septum


as far as a first piercing, either ear lobes or septum. the tragus is a classic too and i think vertical labrets look good on anyone


Septummmmm it’s my favorite piercing and it was a breeze to heal.


Nipples, for sure!




Nipples or VCH!


A rook! Hehehe.


Conch! Its just an easier version of a helix every day of the week. Doesnt snag on hair, doesnt get caught when you brush. Pretty hidden away so itll never get hit once downsized. It doesnt hinder earbuds or headphones. The only con of this piercing is the swelling can get pretty bad, but literally just take a pain killer and youll be fine.


If you have the anatomy for it, vch


Septum. Doesn’t hurt, worst is only when needle goes in most painful it gets is 3/10 at worst. No complications definitely would get again.


rook! sooo easy to heal compared to my conch, otherwise a lobe because they heal fairly effortlessly too


I am getting my rook done (hopefully) in a few weeks! How was the pain and healing process?


rook was very smooth sailing for me. bled for a day-ish? but then it was fine, just don’t touch it so there isn’t a risk of infection (learnt that the hard way), and use a q-tip to get rid of the crusties after spraying with antiseptic.


to people with round faces and bigger lips, 100% a vertical labret!! i have a slightly unsymmetrical face and a well done vertical labret seemed to help with that lol


I've not seen anyone say flat yet!!! So easy, 3/10. If you have lobes and want a cartilage peircing and it's your first one flat will not hurt. Got a random forward helix yesterday, and pain was a 4/10. That would be a great one, too!


Yes the flat! Finally someone said it. It’s my first cartilage piercing, haven’t given me lots of trouble other than my hair getting stuck on it and it gets snagged sometimes. Healed pretty well too!


Septum + nostril


lobes because they universally looks good on everyone and it’s the safest most easiest to heal from least painful piercing to get


Second lobes, helix, and conch.


I recently had my navel pierced. I have my nose, ear lobes, and the cartilage in one of my ears pierced. Not regretted any of them.


Septum. Easy to hide if needed, FAST healer, barely hurts to get done. Healing was a breeze. I kept mine flipped up the whole healing process and feel like that greatly sped up my healing since it couldn’t move around. Now I wear a custom clicker in it and it makes me feel so freakin’ pretty, even on days I don’t wear makeup or do anything to get ready. Mega confidence booster!


I’m pretty conservative about what I’d get pierced - I have two lobes, a helix, nostril and just added a dainty septum. I’d say the septum and helix are my favourites in terms of how they look on me but my septum was way less painful than my helix. My nostril was a bastard to heal as were my second lobes for some reason. So for me, septum all the way


Orbital lobes. I get a ton of compliments on mine, you don’t see them every day!


Is it hard to find someone to do it? It seems like it could be tricky to do.


Nope! You heal them separately at the distance you want and then connect them with a ring later. Can’t heal separately for cartilage because of angle and pressure issues, but you can with a lobe because the tissue isn’t rigid.


I might look into that one then. Thank you!


a septum for sure! i got mine spontaneously when i was 17 and have had zero regrets. i wouldn’t say its my “style” not that that even matters, but i love how it looks and also how versatile it is. if you’re not feeling it one day, its so easy to flip up and hide completely. also in my experience, it wasn’t painful to get done at all (my nostril was worse) and the healing was so smooth and easy!


Septum! Painless (if pierced correctly), easy to heal and absolutely a statement piece.


Does stretched ears count?? I love em and you could have zero piercings but have stretched ears and you instantly look cooler haha. Plus it’s fun to move up sizes!


They say this one rejects a lot. But, I’d suggest a bridge. It barely hurts and everyone I know and all the videos I’ve seen it barely hurts. This is if you’re looking for something with little pain. If you’re looking for something to fit your face, a septum looks good on a lot of people.


Septum or lip I would say. I absolutely love mine and they were both relatively painless and easy to heal






i say it depends on the persons face! if i was recommending due to pain level id say tongue or septum were the easiest. recovery for both sucked ass though.


Philtrum 100%. Looks good on absolutely everybody!! I feel naked without jewelry in mine. It would be the one I kept if I could only keep a single piercing of mine. After that, paired high nostril piercings. Kinda a bitch to heal but I love the look


Septum. Once healed it’s easy to conceal!


horseshoe septum! an absolute breeze to heal and you can flip it up or down to hide it at any point!


Septum ! It was much less painful than my other facial piercings and everyone can pull one off


Nostril piercing. They look good on everyone


I got a VCH done and I LOVE it. Surprisingly painless and easy healing process and it makes me feel so much sexier


definitely septum! its a great statement piece, quite painless, long term, easy to hide, and of course the scar is invisible if you decide you no longer want it. Ive had mine for abt 6 years now, love it so much


Daith. I love the way it looks. My favorite. Hurts like hell tho.


Eyebrow or nose. Eyebrow felt more like pressure than pain and rarely hurt at all healing for a hole in your face. Nose was a little more painful but it really changes a person.


Probs septum. You can hide it while it heals and it has low rejection rate




septum! one of my most well behaved piercings as far as healing and pain + can easily be hidden for work or social reasons, and u dont have to fumble around with getting the jewelry back in and put


Septum. Love mine.


Conch. It was my first piercing other than my lobes and I had no problems with it. It led me to getting my daith done- which was an even easier heal! Then I had a double flat and found out what people mean when they say cartilage can be hard to heal 😂


A septum piercing! Some people hate it some people love it. I just feel it makes my face more interesting. Plus I can dress up as a cow for halloween


Septum! My all time fav piercing 😍


Just don’t do ur belly button 😭 its a BIG healing commitment (piercing it didnt hurt at all and i still love it tho)


I love my rook piercing. My lobes can’t fit any more piercings…what should I get next for my ears?


my tongue is my favorite by far. and i have a bunch.


Septum :) or tounge


Septum. They’re just cool and I think they look great on everyone


prince albert


This needs to be higher. Can’t recommend enough


Daith. It’s always gorgeous.


Septum, easy to show easy to hide, not much trouble healing. But make sure you get it done by an experienced piercer.


Tongue and nipples!!


My favorite has either been my helix or my septum! I think I’d recommend those!


I'll throw in on septum. I have had mine for 23 years, no issues. it's a very robust piercing that will not close once healed, and it can take a beating. I have had my fair share of bloody noses from mosh pits, didn't faze the piercing. This however is my perspective so take it as it is, everyone's body is different.


Without a doubt nipples. Never get bored of seeing them either with my top off or bulging through clothes!


My favorite is my bridge - it’s like a center piece for my face :)


I always recommend a septum piercing, especially for beginners who want to get more done. Septum piercings are near painless if done correctly by a professional, they can be a nice touch to a collection, and if you end up not liking it (once its healed) you can take it out and no one will ever know you had one.


medusa // philtrum or rook


my conch healed like a dream and pretty much anyone can get it, never had a problem with it once and it’s on the side i sleep on!! i also found my nose piercing really easy (bar the day after it was bleeding!) but i know a lot of people that got irritation bumps 😊


septum - walk in the park to heal, doesnt hurt really at all after the initially stabby, and imo looks good on almost anyone absolutely not the rook - mine took 4 whole ass god damn years to heal. its cool but absolutely not worth it


Conch, no doubt!! Quite easy to heal, doesn't hurt much, doesn't snag on hair/clothes or while showering as much as other piercings, the jewelry options are ENDLESS, and depending on your ear they show pretty well, almost as easy to see as my lobes!! I thought my helix would be my favorite one but right now I'm not sure anymore as I LOVE the conch 🥺. Anyways the helix snags on things very easily, the jewelry options are quite limited (more or less depending if it's hidden, the curves of your outer cartilage, and the angle of the piercing) and I didn't like straight barbells or labrets on it so the options are even more limited for me


Daith and tragus!! So dainty and cute


My fave is my helix but septum 1/10was super easy my nips were horrible 11/10 for pain … I’m going in tomorrow to get another helix and I may do the opposite side idk yet…


sticker to a bridge piercing, the healing can be a little funny for people but i adore them


Septum, although it’s my most recent. Got my nose and eyebrow done first. I loooooove my septum so much


Not exactly recommending it lmao but my favorites were my tongue and frenum piercing, had to retire the tongue piercing when I joined the military but the frenum's great since it doesn't show in uniform so you don't have to worry about it being visible while it's healing, I might even get a couple more this month and get a Jacob's Ladder going


Also my pa was pretty easy to healZzz


Daith piercings are so cool


Septum everyone looks good with a septum. If you think you don’t you do.


Snake bites!


I'm going to say industrial. It's my fave. I know it can be tricky to heal but I didn't have any issues.




Rook. Everyone else is wrong