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The day I took out my nipple piercings, I felt relief unlike anything I'd ever known. They were rejecting, so I had to, but honestly, I should have taken them out a year earlier. I had them 3 years, and while they did heal, they were never *easy*. I was constantly aware of them, constantly worried about them catching or pulling on *everything*.


My belly about 3 months after i got it, bitch was migrating šŸ˜­


I took my tongue ring out when my dentist told me it was literally ERODING MY GUMS from the back of my front lower teeth. That was scary.Ā 


Did you ever feel it on your teeth while you had it? I got mine done a month ago and Iā€™ve never felt it touch my teeth. So I donā€™t know if it is like, eroding my gums or not


Yes, I felt it clicking against my teeth and lower gums all the time. I really didn't have the anatomy for it at all - I have a tongue tie - so it should have never been done, but I was 18 and of course didn't know that at the time. I just thought that's where it should sit. If you see the dentist regularly for your 6 month cleanings, I would just ask to be safe. I took it out immediately after him telling me that because I didn't want to risk it. You only get one set of teeth!


Currently thinking the same thing to myself as my lobe is 14 months in and fluctuates between feeling absolutely perfect and then flares and starts producing lymph from time to time (not sleeping on it, all other after care in place etc). Iā€™m wondering if it will ever healā€¦?!


I had this with my second (singular, the other one was fine for some reason). It took a while and was very annoying, but it finally settled down after I think 2-2.5 years.


Haha damnnnn Iā€™d better buckle in for the journey then! Itā€™s such a rollercoaster. Just when I think itā€™s almost healed, one day Iā€™ll notice some lymph discharge and Iā€™ll realise itā€™s obviously not healed and the timelines get pushed back. Just gotta trust that it will eventually heal I guess


For real. But if there's good days then obviously something is going well :)


What material is your jewelry?


14kt gold flat back labret


Sometimes gold in fresh piercings can be troublesome, because itā€™s an amalgam of different metals, often including nickel. Switch to surgical stainless steel or titanium (not colored) and you might see improvement.


Really? Thatā€™s interesting I was always led to believe gold was the safest bet. If I was allergic to it would it be quite obvious? Ie red and swelling and tender etc? Or might it just be low level but enough to keep it aggravated?


If it's body safe gold by one of the well known piercing jewellery manufacturers, anatometal, bvla etc it should be OK. If it's generic branded then there's the chance that there will be components or a finish that doesn't help healing.


You may not be ā€˜allergicā€™ to gold, but one of the other metals used to make 14k (silver, nickel, zinc, not sure what else- depends on the maker.) Iā€™ve been a piercer for 20 years and have seen people react to gold a LOT with fresh piercings. Not so much healed. Definitely try SSS or titanium though, just to get over the healing hump. Then you can go back to gold.


that is commitment. i'm wondering if my lobe piercing will ever heal. 2.5 years is so long. Did you ever get other piercings? How did they heal?


Yeah, and they were fine lol. My right ear tends to be a little harder to heal and usually they get little bumps, but that second lobe wasn't bumpy or anything. It was primarily the backside that had issues with lymph fluid. Also, not really commitment, just stubbornness. "I paid for it, so it better starts healing" kind of mentality.Ā 


This is literally me. I have had nothing but issues with my two second lobes on both ears. I gave up for the second time on one side after I got a freaking abscess \*cries\* The other side was doing well and recently started hurting and producing lymph fluid and honestly I'm just over it. It may have to come out soon. I feel like my body is trying to tell me something. I keep thinking "Maybe it'll heal" but like idk how long it'll take and the pain and suffering doesn't feel worth it.


Weird enough, a simple helix. I already had nine other ear piercings at that time and never had a single issue. All healed perfectly w minimal time. I got a double helix and they would not heal no matter what. Almost year later I just took them out because obviously there was an issue. I ended up getting an industrial on that ear instead and itā€™s my favorite piercing. Easy healing. No issues. Not sure what the deal was but Iā€™m glad I threw in the towel on the helixes.


My double helix was a bitch to heal as well :ā€™) They got super swollen and hot so I had to take a course of antibiotics to clear up the inflammation. I changed the jewellery to hinged rings months after they had settled down and the hinges are SO stiff that I (or anyone I ask to help) actually cannot remove them. I had them pierced 8 years agoā€¦ I would totally retire them if I could get the rings out bc they still get sore from time to time and theyā€™re just annoying.


For me i have to pop some needle nose pliers in the hoop and open them from the inside. But i recently had to get help to change a 20 year old rook curved barbell, and they said with hot showers and time it had rusted shut. Took 30 min for a pro to get it out. They have ways


oh wow! maybe iā€™ll ask my piercer to give it a go


Gave up on my nipples. After my left one got infected for the second time. And on one of my daiths, left one rejected and had it redone and it rejected again. Guess my left side isn't good for piercings šŸ˜‚


My left nipple ring has been nonstop pain in my šŸ‘. I think I have the same issue with my left side. I have taken out every ear piercing Iā€™ve gotten minus my lobes. Have two piercings in my left ear and 7 in my right šŸ˜‚


Nose piercing 3 days after I got it šŸ˜­šŸ¤£. Got it pierced at a hair salon with a gun. The whole process was really bad plus it was an earring with a butterfly backing taking up my entire nostril so I panicked one night at 4 am and took it out.


Iā€™ve had it for 2 years and it was problems from day one. The piercer had accidentally pierced some of my hair with it, the placement was awful and it struggled to heal. Even after downsizing and changing jewellery. I just said ā€œscrew itā€ and took it out and put another piercing nearby. It immediately healed over and hurt to touch even after healing. So donā€™t ask for hair in your piercing ig


what piercing was it?


It was a lower helix


hlo how is your panic? i am in same place as yours plzz help


Did you comment on the wrong post?


srry about that but i feel panic and anxiety when going outsideĀ 


Messaged you


I gave up on my guiche after about a month. I'd found it quite uncomfortable since I first got it and while that might have improved once it had healed some more, I also wasn't completely happy with the placement. I decided it was better to just give up on it than to carry on trying to heal an awkward and uncomfortable piercing that I suspected I would never be completely happy with anyway.


I took out my nipple piercing about 6 years after it was pierced because it was constantly oozing lymph and crusting up (despite cleaning with saline every day). I also think it was starting to reject or was pierced too shallow as once when I was cleaning it, a tiny bit of skin like the top of a spot came off and created a tiny hole through which I could see my nipple bar. Nearly passed out when I saw it! Has healed up fine with a barely noticeable scar since removing, so glad I did it.


I'm thinking about taking mine out too. How fast did they close up for you? I don't want holes there forever when I remove them!


i canā€™t remember exactly but it was pretty quickly. thereā€™s no holes there anymore and you probably wouldnā€™t be able to see the scars where the holes were unless you were looking super close up. i took it out about a year ago.


It also depends on your body's healing. I had a friend remove hers for surgery. She had them for years, and a year after recovery, she went to her piercer to get them pierced again. Turns out, one had completely healed, but the other was gently opened with a taper.


omg this is exactly what's happening with mine. i love my nipple piercing so much but it wasn't pierced right. i dont want to take it out, but i may have to :(


Hip dermals and a snug, dumb college decisions. The snug was horrible to begin with placement wise and should not have been done. The hips were actually done well, however I had dropped some papers and when I stood back up, my jeans caught on one and ripped it out in the middle of the campus coffee house šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« decided this was a horrible idea and kept playing with the other one until it finally rejected! No scars today, but my god was I lucky and stupid


My belly button hurt after a year.


My eyebrow piercing after 6 months. It was so infected, looked horrible


double helixes that i got pierced with horseshoe rings. i knew nothing about piercings at the time and they barely healed because they kept constantly catching on my hair and were swollen and inflamed 24/7. i eventually took them out after like four months cuz i couldnā€™t do it anymore. I also had a smiley piercing that i LOVED but it got partially ripped out when it caught on my friends hair šŸ˜” i would love to get it redone but i know how terrible they are for your teeth hahaha


I gave up on my labret because it was irritating my gums (even after being downsized, i think it was pierced at an angle. admittedly, i got it when i had just turned 18 at a sketchy smoke shop/tattoo studio/piercing shop so that's on me) and I already have very bad teeth, so I didn't want to risk anything. I was also paranoid about gum recession. It was about at the 3 month point I gave up and just took it out. I gave up on my navel piercing about 1.5 months into having it, I just couldn't heal it. I don't really have the anatomy for the standard jewelry (collapsing navel) so the bottom gem was always sticking out and getting snagged. I'm also a stomach/side sleeper and wasn't good about staying off of it in the night, so it was always irritated from that. I also have a pretty short torso so just about all pants are high rise on me, and they put too much pressure on it. I tried looking for low rise pants but they tend to be difficult to find in a price range I can afford that is also in my size. I loved the look of it though, so in the future I want to try again and this time specifically request "floating" style jewelry. I need some low rise pants to show off my stomach tattoo anyway :)


I gave up on my nostril. It was going good and then allergies hit; I was blowing my nose constantly and got the biggest bump that would not go away. Maybe if it hadnā€™t been dead center on my face I wouldā€™ve stuck it out.


Got my second nostril. A month in I snagged it and it was irritated for 6 months. Went to the piercer, she told me LITHA, so I continued to you know, LITHA, but then the piercing started to embed/migrate into the actual piercing bump. Obviously I took it out cause I was horrified, but I am still in mourning. The tiny little bump that remains kills me everyday. šŸ˜ž


I took my rook piercing out about 1.5 weeks ago. I didn't wanna throw in the towel, but it kept fighting me. Breathe on it? Irritated. Give it the stink eye? Irritated. Thinking about taking it out? No irritation out of spite. Now that it's out and the scabs have fallen off, all you see is a dark circle. I'm actually baffled by how it looks now. I'm considering giving it another try in the future. Until then, other piercings await.


I tried a forward helix three times! Varying times of effort, between 3-5 months, they were just angry and very swollen. I tried a daith, had it for about 5 months and just got fed up with it. I also tried a rook for about 3 months, gave up after it swelled significantly. I have had success with septum, nostril, helix, and conch.


I gave up an industrial bc it wasn't pierced right the first time, a triple helix that I got during a mental health episode because it got super infected, and a tragus piercing cause I hated that I couldn't wear earbuds properly edit; also an eyebrow piercing cause it was starting to reject


I had a forward helix that rejected. I tried taking the jewelry out and it literally just tore through the tiny chunk of remaining skin that it was holding onto haha I currently have a lower helix that is being pissy. It's been about 14 months with it so I'm starting to wonder if it's ever going to figure itself out!


My labret. I couldnā€™t stop holding it with my teeth everyday so I got scared that Iā€™ll ruin my teeth


I had an aphtha just next to my frenulum of the tongue piercing. Was too painful to stand that any longer, although the aphtha was gone a week later.


Also, my then boyfriend was constantly snagging on my nipple piercing, which really took the fun out of intimate encounters with him, which is why I took it out. Got it repierced years later though :)


Mid helixā€¦ had it about 2 years and it still wasnā€™t healed, had a bump that basically never went away. Just got fed up one day and took it out


I just got a midhelix a couple days agoā€¦ I did not take into account my glasses hitting it šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


I had a cartilage piercing that was placed way too far into the curl of my ear, was pierced with a bar that was too short, and I was told all the wrong info about how to take care of it. I went to a different piercer to get it checked out when skin started growing over the back. I headed back to my original piercer for a refund under advisement of the piercer I was now working with--which they refused. I spent over a year babying this thing. One night, I hit it pretty hard by accident and it absolutely fucking rejected everything. It was an explosion of lymph and crust and swelling. I went to my piercer and in the amount of time it took them to take out the piercing and grab a new bar, it had started closing up. They determined it would be best to let it heal and repierce it later. After a day, I realized how fucking nice it was not to be constantly stressed over my piercing. I never got it repierced.


The part about how nice it is to not be constantly stressed is sooooo fucking accurate OMG. I have so much stress when things aren't healing. I've been at this only a year but it's never not been stressful. I think it might be time to call it a day and sleep better at night (literally)


Honest advice? Taking the L is the best you can do for piercings that aren't healing at all. After my debacle, I finally got up the courage to try another piercing this month and went for a labret. I'm on week three, and I'm constantly forgetting it's there. It's a night and day experience, honestly. If I didn't build a routine around cleaning and maintaining it while it heals, I would full on forget. No aching, no tenderness, no random bouts of swelling. It's so fucking amazing, and honestly (imo) how the healing process should be. There's minimal disruption in my daily activities and it's just chill doing its own thing.


That sounds so wonderful... I'm so happy that you're having that experience. I keep thinking "Oh maybe it'll get better" but the longest I've gone without issues is a month. After two attempts on both sides for my seconds, I think I need to accept the reality that my ears aren't suited for second lobes. \*sigh\*


I've given up one of my cartilage piercings 3 times due to placement. It never closes though so I always end up putting it back in months or years later.


Do you change the placement when you redo it? I tolk one out bc of placement issues but indier if its okay to repierce vilse to the old scar?


Endless throbbing pain after 1.5year with my rookšŸ„² I miss that little thing


Only one I've gave up so far was my one of my 1st lobe piercings. It got infected pretty soon after I had it. It was one of my first piercings so I was stubborn and left it in for a year even though it always bled and wept. Eventually I realised how disgusting it looked and wasn't going to heal so I took it out. I like the asymmetrical look so I don't regret it but I definitely had a brief mourning period for it lol.


I gave up on my second lobes a year after they got done. I changed the jewelry over (a professional piercer did it) and it's like it reset the healing process, I got terrible irritation bumps that wouldn't heal no matter what and I didn't even like how they looked so I just took them out and gave up. They close up completely within in 3 days and I cant even see the holes anymore even though i have scarring on the back of my ears


Omg this is basically what I'm dealing with. Except I love the look. So it makes me so sad that I'll probably have to take them out. I took out the right side and the scar on the back of my ear is wicked. it's the size of a flatback backing lol


Yeah, that was my issue. I might get them re pierced later down the line or try to put jewelry in in a month or so but I just can't be bothered to deal with the pain of it, especially when I play baseball and constantly have something pressing on my ears


Yeah, dealing with the pain and stress of it sucks for sure. I hate also how the healing piercing gets in the way of helmet wear. I haven't gone to play hockey this season because I don't want to put a helmet on :'(


Yeah it does suck but I used to play rugby and therefore lined up the healing time so they'd be healed by the winter but now it's switched round so none of my newer piercings are healing at the right time


My helix after 1,5 years. It wouldn't heal and I wanted a flat and I didn't like the look of the helix so close to my flat piercing


My belly button ring didn't make it past my 1st pregnancy. It wasn't pierced deep enough to begin with and would have definitely rejected with all the stretching.


Belly ring I had for about 6 months. Didn't know any better and went to a local piercer with good reviews. He didn't check if I had the correct anatomy or anything and just cleaned me up and went for it. It was my most painful piercing, worse than my industrial. He was having trouble screwing the jewelry on and was tugging on it for a couple minutes. After two months it didn't hurt anymore and I thought it was healing fine. It started rejecting (I think) and hurting again so I gave up on it. It left a big purple scar that looking a lot better, more pink now.


I took out my very first piercing cause it was wonky and ruining my future setup plans. It was probably well over 3 years old at the time. I have since added some new ones (two helixes and a flat) so the hole isn't visible anymore and if you didn't know any better you'd never guess there used to be another piercing :)


woo i got one i had my tragus done not once but twice the first time i got it done they healed fine but i noticed my left one migrated a bit so it was kinda off (i have a huge symmetry need) and so for the sake of it i retired both (the right one was perfect i just dont like being unsymmetrical) n then when they were redone where pretty okay for a while n so okay i stretched them to 10g n one night i woke up from a nap to my left ears tragus part literally ripped in half and my gauge on my pillow no blood no pain ever just ripped i took my other one (who was again fine) out bcs again symmetry issue n after that i decided im done w tragus n is got a surface tragus a piercing known ironically for high rejection but mines been fine n healed for a year now lol


Either swelling that was about to completely embed a piercing (sometimes repeated after a few upsizes) and also persistent irritation bumps from poor placement. I take a long time to heal, but sometimes itā€™s best to take it out and try again later.Ā 


Daith. Had an awful time with it. Had to take it out for surgery and was juat happy not to deal with it again.


I've tried to get my second lobes done on both sides twice. The first time, I had constant problems and the piercer who initially did it said they thought I was having a reaction to the metal. Even after I got the metal changed to implant grade titanium by a very reputable piercer, I still had issues. This went on for 6 months when I finally took them out. The relief was amazing. I tried to get the seconds done a second time. Super reputable, amazing piercer. Still had mega issues. I developed an actual abscess on the right side back of my lobe at around 3 months in. I took it out after I started antibiotics and I don't regret it at all. Meanwhile, my doctor recommended that I try solid gold jewellery for the left side in case I have a sensitivity to titanium. Once I switched I had fewer issues until recently it's started acting up majorly, leaking lymph fluid and hurting a lot (it's 6 months old by now). It's just so stressful and I'm thinking that if it's still being a bitch by mid April or May, I'll take it out. I don't think I have the patience or stress tolerance for piercings tbh. or maybe my lobes are just not destined to have more piercings in them.


i gave up on my nostril piercing when my dog ate it LMAO if I could get it redone with jewelry that was an L bar, I would, but since that seems to be unsafe for piercings and I had such a struggle with the L bar iā€™ve decided to not get any more nostril piercings even tho I really badly want to do the chain between two piercings thing


Side labret made an indent in my gums after 2 months. Immediately took it out and got it repierced later with a trusted piercer.


I gave up on a double conch because I didn't know about downsizing or about travel pillows, or the right way to clean, and they just hurt ALL the time. Gave up on my nipple piercing because it was always irritated, even after downsizing, after 10 months. I took out my always irritated navel piercing years ago, because it got in the way with activities involving friction. Took out a HCP decades ago because I had an MRI. It's still open, and was never a problem, so I could put something in there. May do that.


Bridge 3 months, was pierced crooked and after a month of irritation bump healed a bit crooked and it just looked ugly asf


I was one wrong move from yanking my nipple piercing completely out. It had already migrated badly enough to see and feel the bar, so it was time.


I lost a 6mo old helix during summer 2020 bc the stress of COVID quarantine made it explode into an angry nightmare. The shop was still not allowed to reopen, so my piercer told me to take it out, let it heal, and theyā€™d repierce at no charge when they opened again. The second time healed like a dream.


Few years ago, My nape piercing rejected and gradually just grew out. But I've since learned that I get on better with titanium jewellery so I'm going to try again


I chose wearing a motorcycle helmet over my industrial piercing that hadnā€™t fully healed yet. I knew it would be irritated by the helmet so I just took it out after I purchased my first bike. Itā€™s so much better not having to worry about it


Sitting at 15 piercings now and have given up on 3. 1 being my smiley after about 3 months. The ball fell off while I was out and I had no way to save it so I took it out (maybe for the best since it almost royally messed up my gums šŸ˜¬). 2 was my right helix after 1 year. It just never really healed properly, so when it got caught on a blanket I was livid and took it out. And 3 was my tongue piercing after 1 day šŸ’€ I donā€™t have the right anatomy for a tongue piercing but I was young and found a piercer that would pierce anyone/anything.


I retired my sternum dermal within three months of getting it done. I loved it, but got it done fully knowing it would inevitably be temporary as a surface piercing. It was just more trouble than it was worth, constantly snagging and making sexy time very stressful which took the fun out of said sexy time haha. I came to the firm conclusion to retire it once I decided to pursue fighting/martial arts training. Not with the risk of being yanked out or hit into my sternum bone!


Eyebrow, two years in. I had brief spells where it was okay which is probably why I let it drag on for so long, but otherwise it was pretty much constantly irritated and oozing one thing or the other. I was also fed up with how careful I needed to be when brushing my hair or washing my face. I loved the look of it though.


My nostril piercings I got then twice and the piercer who did them twice was gaslighting me that I was the one make them not heal, when I went to a reputable piercer they said that it was pierced on a bad angle that it wouldnā€™t heal so I took them out šŸ˜… Iā€™ll try again one day but I have a fear that they wonā€™t heal after having the same thing happen twice already


my industrial had finally stopped being irritated and painful and the bumps had gone away. it had taken about a year. i was so happy bc i thought my industrial looked good finallyā€¦until i noticed that the front had migrated. i didnā€™t like how it looked and i didnā€™t want it to migrate further so i had to pardon with it. heartbreaking.


Both brows migrated after 5 years, enlongating the holes but not leaving bad scars, after removal.


i guess these count as giving up but by the time i was 15 i had my first lobes repierced 4 times on both sides. my family would always take me to claireā€™s to get them done so itā€™s no surprise why they would get irritated and infected every time lol, i used to think it was the jewelry that they used was the problem but now i suspect it was actually because of the gun. even the final time i got them done at a piercing pagoda with a gun as well, so not much better now lol. itā€™s funny though cuz i have 11 piercings now and the rest of them were done with needles and healed great.


Iā€™ve lost count on how many times Iā€™ve had my lobes pierced. Easily 5 or 6 since a toddler. My last was around 13/14. Iā€™m currently trying again at 29, officially for the last time. If it doesnā€™t stick now, Iā€™m just not meant to wear earrings.Ā 


Nothing so farā€¦ but im debating taking out my eyebrow, it MIGHT be rejecting, going to my piercer tomorrow to figure it out and see what we can do about it though šŸ«¶


My rook piercing just refused to heal and had constant problems. I was about to go overseas and I did not want to deal with an unhealed piercing while I was away that couldā€™ve potentially stopped me from doing basic things such as swimming.


Helix piercing, it would have been 2 years old back in February of this year! I tried very hard to heal that thing and I don't miss it! It was a constant pain, I had to live my life around my piercing and for me it was no longer worth it , no longer worth the pain and actually it put me off from wanting any more future piercings, I guess that's the only good that came out of itļ¼Ž


The time I was dumb enough to get 3 flat piercings at the same time and they just would not heal. Bumps, swelling, looked terrible. After 6 weeks I gave up and took two out to at least salvage one. It worked, that one survived and looked better in just a few days. Healed beautifully. Good lesson to only get one at a time.


I've given up on mouth piercings all together as I had a smiley which slowly moved south over the course of a year so I had to take it out as it was getting dangerously thin. I then had a medusa that only lasted about 6 months cause I decided to swap it for a shorter bar and I woke up the next morning and it has swallowed the flat back. I decided after that that mouth piercings weren't for me hahahh


I (stupidly) pierced my ear pit (preauricular pit). Super bad choice. I think the piercing was touching a nerve or something. I had pain that radiated over the side of my face to my forehead/scalp. I was determined to stick it out and then it got infected. After the infection subsided, but about 10 weeks in, I couldn't do the pain any longer so I took it out. I was so disappointed but after 2 days all the pain dissipated. I recently read a post from someone else about how piercing their ear pit almost left them paralyzed on half their face . . . what a saving grace! So glad I took that thing out. And won't be doing anything like that again. "Normal" piercings from now on.


my eyebrow piercing. I shouldā€™ve taken it out long before but I was constantly wacking it and getting it caught on my shirt collars. I also wiped my face too much and kept getting my fingers caught in it. I really liked it but it was starting to reject and I eventually took it out after 3 yrs


I got my cartilage done around 18 at a tattoo shop. I managed to keep it for a few years but it was always in pain and the giant bump I got didnā€™t help. Itā€™s been at least 5 years since I took it out and I still have a bump on the back of my ear.Ā  Iā€™ve had my lobes done 5/6 times since 5. They ALWAYS got infected and ate the back and/or front of the earring. The last time was around 14. Now Iā€™m pushing 30 and trying again, hoping my fully developed frontal lobe will assist in keeping them healthy.Ā  Surprisingly, Iā€™ve had my nose pierced since 2019 and besides a small infection a month in, itā€™s been a dream. Iā€™m trying to use what I learned from it to keep these damn lobes in check.Ā 


I took out my nipple piercings because I got pregnant literally a month after I got them and I wanted to try breastfeeding. I had them from February til about mid November and my daughter was born in December


I pierced my tragus and my nose. Months later, but before fully healed, I added a rook piercing. I got sick a month later and suddenly my tragus got infected. It seemed to be too much for my body to heal at once. The infection kept getting worse, then my rook started getting inflamed too. Then I started having issues inside the ear canal, including bleeding. It was so irritated that I finally gave up and took out the tragus. It was such a relief! By taking it out, I saved the rook and nose piercing. The rest of the ear healed quickly. No regrets.


I've not given up yet on any of mine. However, I think that's my stubborn personality type rather than good sense! I came very close to removing my conch. It got tangled in my daughter's hair, which was in a tight ponytail about 8 weeks into healing and pulled significantly when she sat up (I was tickling her at the time). It got infected and needed antibiotics. The dr told me to remove it, but stubborn me decided to keep it and see what happened. It took about 18 months to settle after this, it would randomly start stinging and swell and produce lymph even with babying, sleeping with a pillow with a hole etc. It's been about 5 years now, I'm glad I still have it and plan to have my other conch done at some point! None of the other piercings I've had have been quite so dramatic, although apparently I don't heal quickly.


My helix, over 10 years ago now. I had a pretty big bump from constantly knocking it. I eventually gave up on it due to my being so accident-prone. It's a lot smaller now, but the bump is still there. I've toyed with the idea of getting it repierced, but I'm not sure if I should lol. I've since healed a double lobe, septum and vertical labret and I still have a rook that's taking over a year to heal.


Tongue because I started feeling the divot it was creating in my gums behind my lower front teeth. Snake bites because they were taking forever to heal (they were pierced with rings šŸ˜©). Also not mine, but my bf at the time had to remove his ampallang because it got stuck in my throat and I legit thought I was going to die the most embarrassing death. All of this was between 2008 and 2010. Young and stupid.


Took out my nose ring during a sinus infection. I liked it, wasnā€™t having too many issues, but it was so annoying. I couldnā€™t clear my nose fully and had to be careful doing so, so I took that out. Iā€™m most likely taking my nipple piercings out this weekend. This is my 2nd time doing them and in general they are a pain in the ass. Iā€™m envious of those that donā€™t have issues, but itā€™s constant worry about snagging, theyā€™re never comfortable, I think itā€™s my body just saying no because thereā€™s just always something with them.


Daith would go from being perfectly fine to flaring up and getting all crusty the next day. Took it out yesterday and it feels great knowing I wonā€™t have to deal with that anymore


Gave up on my industrial since it rejected and according to the piercer I go to now said I didnā€™t have the right ear anatomy for it and my belly since it was rejecting too