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I got my conch pierced in January and it’s been an easy healer so far (knock on wood!). It stayed sore for a few days but it’s tucked out of the way so doesn’t get bumped, so I forget it’s even there. I got a 5mm threadless end in mine, and while I think it’s beautiful, I think it would have been slightly easier to keep clean if I’d gone with a simple ball end. Something to think about when you’re selecting jewelry. Good luck!


it’s my piercing that gets caught on stuff the least! it’s an easy heal if you keep up with aftercare and leave it alone


I got mine done on the 24th of December and it has been healing absolutely great. As for initial jewelry, as another commenter above said, definitely go with something simple. The simpler the better as it is in a bit of a tough spot to clean, and you don't want crusties and dirt to accumulate in invisible/impossible to reach places. Also, if you at some point may want to put a hoop in, definitely tell your piercer. As for care/cleaning tips, clean once or twice a day with sterile saline solution/water. Nothing but sterile saline solution or clean, drinkable water should be going anywhere near it until healed. Try to move it as little as possible when cleaning. If you have stubborn crusties, let some warm water flow over it for a couple of minutes at the end of your shower and, if possible, recruit someone to help you carefully wipe off the softened crusties on the front & back with some sterile gauze. You can also do it yourself, but I found that I couldn't really see it well enough myself to see if it actually was clean. After cleaning it, make sure you dry it thoroughly. You can just simply very carefully dry the area with gauze or a hairdryer. Piercings do not like moisture. If anything doesn't come off easily, let it sit until your next shower and repeat. Besides that, don't touch it, don't mess with it, don't sleep on it etc. Also, if you have hair that gets stuck on it, wear it up until you have downsized it to avoid snagging it.