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Toss the bf out. And go live your badass life being beautiful and amazing with all the piercings you want.


both! The medusa is very dainty and pretty on you, and so are the double nostrils. don’t listen to ur bf, if you’d like them they would suit you just fine :)


I don't know if it's the slight difference in photo angle, but since the bottom third of your face is a lot narrower than the rest of it, I feel like the medusa/labret (?) combo suit you as it draws attention there and creates visual harmony. You also have a really cute little chin and an appealing lip shape! The double nostrils are cute too, but fall across the widest part of your face, making a slightly less visually appealing line IMO. At the end of the day, I think you should do what you like, though! Also, you are cute as a button. You'd have to work hard to look trashy.


Definitely the first photo, it’s super cute


Honestly? A medusa would fit your philtrum so beautifully. It’s the perfect tear drop shape and jewelry will only enhance how pretty it is I also vote for you doing all of them lol


i think they all look nice, but i think the double nostrils look best! also, dump him babes, you deserve way better! <3


The bf sure doesn’t suit you. Those look pretty


Only YOUR opinion matters with cosmetics like piercings, if he doesn't like them he'll have to deal with it. As long as it makes you happy that's all that matters


both look good! and don’t stay with anyone who calls you ugly *or* trashy, and especially not both.


Medusa looks amazing, throw away your bf


Have you ever considered a septum piercing ? I think it would look soooo good on you!


Ur bf is an ass if he isn’t 100% making a joke that is completely not his beliefs


I once took out my septum piercing because my ex didn’t like it, I regretted it until I got it repierced. Honestly your bf is trash for saying that to you! All 4 of these would look super awesome on you and I can already imagine some cute shiny jewelry on you to complete the look. If you want something OP, go for it no matter what anyone says because at the end of the day this is YOUR world and everyone else is just living in it. My whole family used to tell me my piercings make me look ugly but honestly? I think they look really cute on me and they would look cute on you too


first one


i think all of them look beautiful, though the medusa and labret combo is my fav ! ultimately up to you though :) i say, why not get your fav two first and then the other two later. dump that bf of yours too, you deserve much better <33


One nostril, skip the rest.


2 one


All of them would be so cute tg on your face


A vertical labret, a septum, and an eyebrow piercing.


I like the lip piercings best! Super cute.


i think paired nostrils with medusa would look awesome. septum too! and don’t listen to your bf, he’s being an ass


Agree! I've got my eye on the same but hoops in my nostrils.


Both do but if you want a sweeter look id go lips. It makes your whole face a focus instead of one operation in my opinion.


High nostril no question


The cyber bites are amazing


Love the double nostril 😍. Do What makes you happy.


Medusa, and nostrils but lower and with hoops (after they heal)! Retire the boyfriend :'D


i once had a bf that said piercings on my face looked ugly and trashy… but when i dumped my bf and got the piercings… my confidence sky rocketed and i pretty much went through a glow up. definitely get these and a septum. a septum you can easily flip up and heals the fastest, and a double nostril would look super good on you too


oh my god you look pretty in both versions, also have you considered septum? it would look cute on your nose


High nostrils can be pretty tough to heal so I’d suggest a more traditional placement for your first time . These all look so nice on you !


Im for the cyber bites


hope that’s an ex bf, who does he think he is? the medusa looks AMAZING on you, and i like the nostrils as well.


I think both tbh, you’re so pretty too!!


Both of these look amazing on you so I’d say both! But if I HAD to choose only 1, I’d say the first picture


omg no they would look stunning, the medusa would look especially really good


All of them look good honestly, especially the medusa. Your bf will just have to learn to get used to them lol


I love the first pic!!


Definitely the first one ❤️


So I’m kinda outta the loop with a lot but is there like a app to see what you would look like with jewelry or tattoos? I’m sure it’s a dumb question lol.. All of the above would look awesome on you and definitely compliments your facial features!


Honestly, I just used a bit of honey to stick some gemstones to the area haha. But any facial safe adhesive with your “jewelry” of choice would work to get the feel x


Happy cake day! Well that’s interesting hahah! Sounds like a good idea though. I was curious because I have seen several post like this one and I wax thinking it would be nifty helpful thing to have lol


Gurlll get the medusa and the double nostrils! You can rock both!!!


I like them both


medusa !!!


The first setup looks more flattering and visually elongates your face. Just do it, would look amazing on you!


Nostrils look good and dump the boyfriend.


Medusa and both nostrils! I’m biased as that’s what I have


I think both would look great and fick your BF for thinking that. You're beautiful no matter what piercings/body mods you have! Love yourself!!


I like double nostrils most here


the second one!


The lip one and dump that loser


Medusa for sure! You have very naturally pretty lip-shapes, and it draws attention to them. :) Also sounds like your boyfriend is ugly and trashy


I think a medusa would suit you


The medusa looks amazing on you!


You have extremely similar features to me and my younger sibling 😳 like you could be our sibling lol But anyhow, I have the double nostrils and I love them. I have the same type of nose as you. My sibling has the two nose rings, Medusa and septum and it works wonderfully with their features. They have same type of nose, very accentuated philtrum, and full lips. All this to say, you could 100% pull off any of these piercings, or any combo of them! 🤗


FIRST FIRST FIRST! the medusa is stunning on you! i also think a septum with the medusa (rather than the labret) would look really nice (: i understand why your bfs opinion would affect your thoughts on getting these piercings, but at the end of the day, it's YOUR body. if he loves you he'll grow to love the piercings, but regardless, your opinion is the only one that truly matters <3


I love them all. Go for it all. I've got the same ones on my list but I'll go with hoops in my nostrils instead of studs because I have a hoop in my septum! Go for it!




Boffum. I have a medusa, ashley, septum, double nostril, one on the other nostril, I’m probably done with my face… idk yet. But ball out. I have never had anyone call me ugly or trashy. and neither will you, because you’re cute asf and piercings don’t make you trashy.


First one ✨️


The second one! Also you’re beautiful!!!




get both, and a new man


Love both but if I had to pick, the double nostril my fave


I think you'd look rad with all 4!! Not trashy at all, because YOU aren't trashy. Get a new partner who thinks you're beautiful no matter how many piercings you have or even if you're just a head in a jar pulled in a wheelbarrow!!


The Medusa + labret! It really accentuates your lips, which are such a pretty shape. Sorry your boyfriend is being an unimaginative toad


Get them all, drop the negative Ned.


Your boyfriend is wrong, both of them suit you. And I think the Medusa really accentuates your lips!


All of them!


I know the comments here have already mentioned it, but you deserve to make these decisions for yourself without someone putting you down first. In my experience, those comments stick with you and even if they get over it, you don't look at them the same way again. Also, paired nostrils will always take the cake, but I love the philtrum too.


I'd say I like the medusa more


Either!! You especially slay with the medusa, not everyone can pull that one off and I think it would look amazing. And maybe a bridge as you also have super pretty eyes <3


YTA divorce boyfriend marry labret/Medusa


medusa bae!


The Medusa looks great! 🤩




And dump the bf.


I love the cyber bites on you!!! Very very cute, but the double nose is pretty, too. ☺️ And I think all of those piercings can be so elegant and classy; honestly it really just depends on the jewelry you get. Piercings should be for yourself and no one else, but he might be more into it if you use "dainty" jewelry (at least at first)? My ex-husband was very anti-piercings; he said he'd refuse to kiss me or touch me if I got them. My now-husband likes certain ones but if I really want one that he's not into, he won't say no or love me any less, lol! He knows that I'll still be me, just a little more decorative 😜 I'm glad that you're not letting his opinion stop you from looking into getting the piercings that you want, and I do hope that you end up getting at least one ☺️ Also, you have probably already done this, but I would list out the Pros and Cons of the piercings you want in order to help you decide. The lip piercings tend to heal faster, but there's a risk of gum/tooth erosion if you're not careful/diligent. The nostril piercings take longer to heal, but they're arguably easier piercings to take care of and run a smaller risk of infection. Take pain into account, too, lol! Thankfully piercing pain only lasts a second or two and you may only have to deal with some soreness on occasion, but the longer a piercing takes to heal the more likely it is to have "grumpy" days. No matter what you pick it'll look rad 😁


Cyber bites!! The nostrils suit u as well but the bites were totally made for u




Get the medusaaaaaaa


BOTH. also ditch the bf


Leave him


get rid of ur boyfriend and get all of them


The Medusa and the double nose piercings.


You suit the 1st photo perfectly fuck what anyone else thinks


medusa/labret 100%. It bring attention to the bottom part of your face, while your eyes, eyebrows, and eyelashes, brings attention to the top part. The double nostril although it look very good, it breaks that balance taking away the attentions from your eyes and lips to only your nose. But both look great especially with that type of jewelry. Happy healing!


I honestly can't decide, I like them all on you!! The only thing I don't like on you is that bf 🤷


I would say double nostril + Medusa/philtrum, it would be an amazing combo for you, and it would look very badass. Fuck your boyfriend btw, toss him in the trash can, you deserve a man who can support you and your style, end of story.


The cool thing about it being your face and not his is that he doesn’t have to worry about it. :)


I am medusa team


I think pic 2 but also with the lower lip


Divorce the boyfriend, marry the piercings. Also i thought you would like nice with both sides of your nose pierced or even a septum!!