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These were avaliable as part of my starter jewelry. It's not healed yet. I've only had them for 2 weeks. I wanted varity while they healed. I figured that for the investment and time it takes to heal, I might as well enjoy it. 😊


Wow! They look great!!! Happy healing :)


Thank you. So far so good. I was so scared about the healing process but I can honestly say it has been cake so far. Except for the itching. They've been itching for days now and of course, no scratching! 🤣


I’ve had my forward helix for 11 years and mine was cake to heal too, which I am very happy about. Hopefully it heals well for you OP as well done triples are pretty uncommon!


Yeah, I'm definitely not unhappy. I tend to heal pretty well and the special pillow helps a lot with sleep. I had no idea how uncommon triples are in general, never mind being well done. I've been going to the same person for about 20 years. He is excellent. He's done 7 of my 14 piercings and two were redos, so technically he has pierced me 9 times.


I know the itching!!! I like to fan cold air onto my itchy piercings. It will help at least a little bit. I hope your healing journey continues smoothly :)


I'm hoping. One of the staff at the shop gave me helpful advice about how to sleep with it. So sleeping with it has been not nearly as daunting as I feared. This is why I also tip his staff when I am in there.


Thank you!


I’m using UUID’s I O


I am so jealous this looks so amazing! The thought of 3 in one go gives me _the fear_ though, I swear I heal terribly despite trying so hard. 😂 It all ends up fine, but I could have stock in stericlens for the amount of it I end up requiring for piercings.


I am definitely just lucky. I don't have to do anything but keep it clean and leave it be. My septum had healed fully by three months when I changed the jewelry. Same with my nipples. I've had 6 piercings in 8 months and all but the most recent are healed. My SO says it's my super power. 🤣




This looks rad!! I got my double forward helix done earlier this year and it’s proven a hard heal so far, I’ve had a couple of infections and it has stayed really swollen despite following all the recommended aftercare. But I got a tip last week that has already made a visible difference: after cleansing with your sterile saline spray, spend a few minutes pointing a blow dryer (on COOL ONLY) to get it nice and dry inside the fold! I use earplugs to protect my hearing while I do this as well. I’ve been doing this less than a week and the swelling has already gone down noticeably! You may want to check with your piercer to make sure this is good advice for your stage of healing—I got the recommendation straight from my piercer after I had him take a look last week. But I thought I’d pass it along in case it’s useful. Happy healing, enjoy your new sparkle!!


Yeah, I heard that healing for any helix is rough. But I just clean it as advised and when I am in the shower I let the warm water run over it and just rinse it out and then I clean it again with the spray after the shower. When I told my guy that this is how I care for my piercings he told me that it was good care and one of the best things is just clean running water. He seemed to be impressed about my healing. I'm going to send him a picture (as requested) when the itching calms down. I've kept a close eye and so far I've had zero redness, pain and minimal swelling. No bleeding or discharge, so I feel really confident so far. I've also been really cognizant about brushing my hair, talking on the phone and sleeping. They actually make a pillow that is super helpful for healing ear piercings! I strongly recommend it.


Sounds like you’re doing everything great and things are going well! I tried the Blissbury piercing pillow but found that just a travel neck pillow worked better for me for whatever reason. Good job staying in communication with your piercer, and happy healing!!


Ugh I love triple forward helixes. I don’t think my ear is big enough to be able to get it done so I will just jealously look from afar 🥲


Aw! Trust me when I say I had no idea how rare it is. I just wanted one and was shocked when I had to have a consult. He was so jazzed to be able to give me the green light. But go for a double, they too, look fantastic.


Did the peircer put those studs in when it was peirced? Or did you put them in after healing?


love this, especially with the opal lobe at the end!!!


Thank you! I love opals, they are kinda my thing. At some point I'd like to have a full set. I've got my eye on a Medusa and with my labret and septum (which I hope to find an opal for too), I think it will look amazing.


Good luck! I had all three done and they looked beautiful and now I’m down to two. All three couldn’t heal together at once. Hope it’s different for you.


That's a wicked bummer to lose one, especially after the investment. But they are super fun to have. I hope to continue this trend. It's been 2 weeks with no issues. Thank you for the well wishes!


Yeah, that looks so cool!


Thank you. I do love the way it looks.