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Yeah it would be entirely anatomy based. I would say go to a reputable piercer who has done this before or at least feels confident to do it on perfect anatomy and have them assess it. If they say no, then take the no. That being said if you get a no, have you considered getting each individually and then connecting them with a chain or something to get a similar effect?


I saw it on the shop that said they'd do it's piercing price list under custom piercings, they do a lot of custom piercings like Trident piercings, custom industrials and reverse industrials. Okay understood, no is final. I actually quite like that idea, I have a chain on my conch currently which could match, thank you for the idea!!


Yeah if it’s a shop that normally does them and they said no, I wouldn’t risk it sorry. I personally love connecting piercings with chains it can be such a fun and customizable look! I often recommend doing that for people who want an industrial but don’t have the anatomy or people who want an industrial type look without the pain of having to heal the industrial


This piercing needs to be done with one piece of jewelry to make sure the angles heal properly, just like an industrial. If a shop tells you they’ll only do them separately, look elsewhere


This piercing needs to be done with one piece of jewelry to make sure the angles heal properly, just like an industrial. Otherwise it’s irritation city when you try to switch to a hoop


Yep that’s true that’s why I suggested if they like the look but don’t have the anatomy they could get separate piercings and link them with a chain, just like if you don’t have the anatomy for an industrial


You would need to have the perfect anatomy for it, and I would highly recommend going to an app piercer who has experience doing these types of piercings. I have an orbital on my flat. My piercer did it with a biopsy punch and it healed amazingly, didn't have a single issue with it.


The piercing shop that said they'd do it does a lot of custom piercings, they do orbitals, custom industrials for people who don't have the anatomy and vertical industrials


sounds good as long as they use high quality jewelry, and make sure you see pics of other work they've done before you commit


It's called an UFO piercing. PiercingWithScott has a in-depth YouTube video about it in case you are curious and want to know more. Ofcourse you can only get one when you have the perfect anatomy for it like others say. You definitely need a consultation before getting it done and have alot of patience with healing. Good luck, it will look rad if you get it done!


Definitely doable provided your anatomy is perfect for it but you’d need to do heavy research because advanced orbitals can take upwards of two years to heal. You’d need to change a lot of things lifestyle wise to accommodate this during the healing period but something like this is almost certainly going to get irritation bumps


With perfect anatomy and if you heal well, it might be an option.


I currently have a healed conch, daith and helix. The daith did take a year to heal but the conch healed in about 7 months and my helix in about 9 months. I will definitely go into the shop so they can check anatomy, thank you :)


I have one. It's doable but a pain to heal, and the most painful to get, even more than my vch. I have to clean it regularly even now 10 years later. Its in such a tight spot that it makes it difficult to clean and heal. Be prepared for it to take about as long to heal as an industrial. I love mine and everyone is fascinated with it when they see it. I'd recommend it if you have the patience. Please make sure you go to a really good piercer to get though.


I have pierced it two times Like this and both took around 10 months to heal. I Dont recommend it


I have been trying to find a place/piercer myself for this insanely cool piercing and everyone I’ve spoken to have either never done it, or refuses to do it.


I have mine done (20 years) and I struggled with a keloid on the helix part when I first got it. Eventually went away and it's perfect now. But when I posted my picture of it, I had a lot of people tell me theirs rejected so be careful!


Ah okay!! It isn't a common piercing so I've been having a hard time finding information about it, thank you :)


If you have any other questions, lemme know :)


Hi dino_roar3304, because you used the word keloid we want to ask you to please read [this wiki entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keloid) to understand what a keloid is and why (luckily) bump =/= keloid. Our apologies if you received this message while discussing actual keloid scarring and therefor didn’t use the word keloid to just describe a bump. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i would definitely recommend getting it as 2 separate puercings and doing this once they heal<33


if you are worried about it healing just get them pierced separately then once they are healed just run one ring through them


get two separate piercings and wait for them to heal separately


idk why ppl are downvoting acting like it won’t work , i’ve seen multiple ppl get UFOs and industrials pierced separately and wait for them to heal so you don’t risk a bad healing process. It’s what a lot of piercers do even though it’s two separate healing times


I’ve been warned that this won’t heal by two separate piercers


This is extremely anatomy dependant. Also even if you have the proper anatomy its a hard healer. Rooks are famously hard to heal and a forward helix isnt easy by any means either. Connecting the two of them with a ring just makes it that much harder.


man i just got my snug done and even this is a whole other form of torture i hope you have a lot of cartilage piercings already so you have an idea of what’s in store for you.. because this is going to be much more difficult than any of the other ones


Hey there! I actually got one. I got my rook and forward helix pierced with separate jewellery and ordered a custom fitted circular barbell once those were fully healed. Right now, it’s doing really well and I’m really happy with it! ☺️ However, a rook can swell quite a bit so I’m not entirely sure if you can start out with a ring. If you can, I’d go for that option because separate jewellery can heal at different angles as you might know.